Read Starlit Ruins Page 48

"Consider it an honour to serve with these angels! It is because of them our place in a free world is assured! Think of it! To live without fear of the Coalition, without fear of the rifts! We can live as we are. Mutants, and proud of it!" In the cool, damp recesses of a great stone niche, eighty-seven men and women gathered, leaning upon a solitary voice. Among them were several murmurs of assent. "The war we fight will be for our new home and new lives! Take that into battle with you. We will triumph!"

  The cheers drowned out the most fervent of fears and doubts. Carl, watching from a distance, smiled, even himself heartened by the emotional energy the young warriors produced. "Report, squad leaders!"

  As the vocal culminations of bravado, pride, and positive morale waned, the clicks and locks of armaments became an energetic background noise.

  "Lieutenant Smitty of Gold Aces troop. Class One SC-Warrior Power Armored soldiers are ready!"

  Jake nodded curtly. "Good to see you were up to the task, Trent. You will take the front line."

  "Thank you sir. We will do our best!"

  "Silver Leader?"

  A black suited woman with a confidant, assured grin deftly saluted. "Lieutenant Grenewald of Strong Arm troop stand prepared and eager to kick ass, sir!"

  He smiled knowingly. "You'll take up defensive positions for close combat, in the event the enemy decides to get intimate."

  "If they get fresh, they'll get one helluva fat lip!"

  "That's what I want to hear, Dakota!"

  A stout fellow saluted rigidly, his face almost stone. "Copper Leader of Red Slash troop awaiting your orders. Sir!" the statue-like young man snapped off like the rapid report of an automatic rifle.

  Jake assumed a deadly serious expression and tone. "Good man, Jason. I expect you to take the perimeter. See that nothing so large as a fusion bomb penetrates your line. It won't be easy. According to Carl, we'll be outnumbered fifty-to-one."

  The stocky, urgent looking young man paled slightly, but maintained his rock-like composure. Jake paused, regarding steadily the fellow who was easily the youngest of the troops. He smiled faintly. So much dependable strength! It made his job that much easier.

  "Yes sir. You can depend on us sir!"

  "That's good to know, because we're all counting on your effectiveness! Now, Red Leader…"

  By my leathery hide, Carl mused. There's little humans cannot accomplish, when united.

  Love, that's why the Inner Senshi still survive, Minako observed as she took to his side, wrapping her arms about him and resting her head on his chest.

  Aye. I can see that. Rarely in my centuries have I seen such dedication. Yours I especially treasure, he chuckled. Her nod was slight, her unease and conflicting internal holy calm both great in presence. Minako… What is the matter?

  She pulled away and turned to face a trickling underground spring. It was young yet, some two hundred years of age, she gauged by the strength of its flow, and presence of natural manna. She flinched, blinking at the crystal water. "Mercy…!' she sighed. 'I couldn't do that before."

  "Do what?"

  "Sense manna. It's very weak here, but this spring draws some in… It's very nice. Almost calming."

  "Really? Good. Magic can be a wonderful thing."

  "Funny how we haven't just talked since I became an angel," she half-smiled with a sidelong glance. Carl offered nothing. Minako knelt to the spring, dipped her hands in the water and sipped from them gingerly. "Do you remember how the CSM reacted when I was changed?"

  "Forget? You're kidding… it was just yesterday! I doubt I will ever forget, even if we weren't engaged to be married."

  "Hmm. They almost worshipped me. If it hadn't been for that woman… Dakota, and you…" she frowned. "I don't know if it's even that. They either adore me or fear me… and I'm having a difficult time dealing with any of it. I've been in the black market for so long… you know what some of the local lords did to me."

  Carl was sympathetically silent. Washes of shame, turmoil, and unflinching sexual abasement flitted across her mind, and he twinged at his sense of it. Despite her holy nature, she hurt inside. He knew nothing could alter her experience, not even Phate. He also knew love - his love - could heal her, and desired intensely to disperse her emotional scars.

  "Even if I heard Phate right, and I'm not sure I did, I've always been an angel. Or… was it I always had the potential to? Or… I really don't understand that part." She rose, hands clasped to her heart. "I don't feel worthy of this form. I don't feel sanctified."

  Carl approached her, perceiving the matter as one only can at a distance. "That you have - or at the very least had the potential - should tell you something. Both are significant. Even if it was buried deep somewhere in there. It's like coming to age and expecting to feel like an adult. It doesn't happen. It's not self-perpetuating."

  Minako's eyes darted swiftly between Carl's lucid eyes, as they do when intimacy blurs reality. "But I know things… about me, about you… about the world, that no mortal can know…" she smiled briefly. "I can't believe I just said that! But it's true. I understand the world in ways no one can." Carl merely gazed at her. She shrugged faintly. "Everything about me has changed, except the way I think. Or, parts of it. Usagi seems fine. Clearly she was ready for this. I don't know if I am."

  His smile was welcome, for the sheer confidence and starlit adoration behind it. "You have heart, and strength to come through this, Minako love. Whether you are 'ready' or not is a moot point; you are what you are."

  "But I wasn't! What I'm saying is that I feel like some of me still isn't."

  There was a moment of clarity for the young dragon, and he grasped it firmly: "What are you clinging to?"

  Minako bowed her lovely head, her wings flicking with uncomfortable concentration. "Angels can't feel pain… of rape… can they?"

  Her voice was dry, and the threatening ebb of tears caused it to crack as she spoke.

  "You were never…" he started, approaching her. She stepped back.

  "No. Almost, so many times. I broke hands, arms, noses, and I killed two… two d-bees that tried to molest me. I've never wanted to be ugly before, Carl!"

  This time, she did not refuse him. "You are blessed with strength and beauty. My dear, have you not considered that I also understand it? The challenge? You are not alone.”

  She averted her eyes. Carl took her shoulders in his hands, comfortingly, gently caressing them. She said, "I never told you, when I worked for Valance, one of his men put out a contract on my virginity. He hired twenty bounty hunters, Carl! I…" her voice locked in her throat. "My body… that act, with me, was a bounty. That's worse than if I was to have sold myself."

  "I heard you know," he supplied. "You knocked him on his ass when you found out. Shortly thereafter his organization crumbled to pieces."

  "It wasn't like that," she negated. "I didn't knock anyone on their asses. I killed the man who murdered my target… then came back and drew the line for Val. Even though he wanted me so badly he burned a hole in my butt with his eyes."

  Carl chuckled faintly. Her eyes flicked back into his, and settled there, stars shining faintly within. "You know this pity party isn't get us anywhere?"

  "Pity party…?" she mumbled. "What do you…" a sigh. "I guess not."

  "Mina, my gorgeous angel, what's past is past, though it might yet pain you. I love you. Your God loves you. You are strong enough now not to have to fear those things. It's very easy to focus on the negative, even to the point that you are an angel, the very embodiment of holiness, escapes us."

  "Us… I like hearing that. Would you say it again?"


  "Mmm…" There was a pleasant emotional meeting then, brightening the lost young angel's face. "I don't - not anymore - but it would be a lie to say I don't feel hurt, and angry."

  "There's nothing wrong with that. I've killed for less."

  She blinked at him, wide eyed. "Don't believe you're the first, my love."

  She frowned slightly.
"No, I guess not. And you," she grinned suddenly, poking him and laughing.

  "Excuse me, Dr. Silver," prodded a voice. He gazed at the young man, then beckoned him enter. Without a word, he gestured for him to continue. "We are prepared to depart at your earliest command. The troops are eager, quite excited by the idea of freedom."

  Carl smiled. "They ought to be. It's a rare opportunity. Not one they won't earn, however."

  "That's what worries me. Will we really be so badly outmatched?"

  His expression became sober. "By a much larger degree than I have previously understood. I expect at the very minimum five thousand shadowlings to arrive during Uraki-Ayo's final assault."

  Jake quirked an eyebrow. "Final? As in 'last ditch effort'? Sounds like the enemy is running out of steam."

  "Cornered, the rat-shadelin strikes most viciously. Part of your job will be to defend the strike team due to attack their source of power."

  "Right. Uh… those are some pretty freakin' nasty odds," Jake stated seriously. "I mean, we're just backup, right?"

  Minako shared Carl's somewhat shamed gaze.

  "More or less. The main forces will consist of the Neo Senshi…" he read Jake's befuddled mask. "They are five warrior defenders of the alternate Earth you will be going to. Ayla Apollo, also known as Sailor Sol, will be the ranking officer. Anything she says goes."

  "If you say so, Dr. Silver," he shrugged. "If you say 'jump' I'll ask how high, if you say 'bark like a dog' I'll ask you what breed. We owe you."

  "I appreciate that Major," Carl laughed mildly at the knowledge that the young man could actually fulfil the latter, thanks to his mutant abilities. "Your sister would be proud."

  His brown eyes widened. "My sister? You know Aaran Yyone?"

  "That's correct. I spoke to her recently…" he winked at Minako, and then closed his eyes. Clothed in ancient style black toned armor, she appeared, her helmet pressed to her hip by a somewhat limp gauntleted hand. She smiled at him, looking bruised and mentally scattered.

  "Sis'!" he gasped, taken aback by her formidable armor, like a human formed dragon might wear. Reluctantly he neared her, then forgave the armor and delivered a powerful hug.

  "Watch it Jake," she grunted. "I've got more broken ribs than you do teeth."

  He laughed faintly. "No joke?"

  "No joke."

  He drew back and regarded her seriously. "We gotta talk. It's been so long!" he faced Carl. "You mind?"

  "Of course not. I wouldn't have asked her to teleport here if there hadn't been time for it. We'll leave as soon as Makoto gives the word."

  "Oh," he held his sister's hand feeling the strength of the gauntlets, plainly impressed. "What? Who's that? Teleport here? You?! I thought you got Mega-Juiced!"

  "Uh, yeah, I did, way back… that's were it gets weird. I hope you got some time."

  "Me too," he replied, gazing at Carl uncertainly.

  "As for my friend, you can't miss her: Dark brown hair done up in a pony tail… hm… maybe not. She's been wearing it down ever since…" Minako blinked. "Nevermind. She's an angel. Like me, only bustier."

  "No joke," Aaran chuckled.


  They gathered over a nigh dozen drinks. Adolphus, a centuries' old mage of much experience and old English regard, drew sedately from a nearly full mug of ale. Hanlan, a man's man, the adept of muscle, sipped idly at a pint of odd tasting elven beer. Mamoru, long standing senshi of the earth bearing much forlorn regard, attacked his fifth cup of traditional sake with apparent indifference. Natole, by magic alone reduced to seven feet from his natural twelve, a warrior much feared for his ability to destroy as to heal, drank heavily from his eighth flask of prune juice.

  'We're suppose to fight alongsuh-side the Neo Sensuh-shi,' Mamoru muttered in blurred tones. Adolphus blinked, realizing just how shoddy his Japanese was.

  "I would ask ye to repeat that indeterminable statement, but it hits mine ear like a stone. It seems my Japanese bites the bitter tail of a serpent."

  Natole nodded agreement. Mamoru could not restrain his guttural, uneven chuckle. He shook his head loosely.

  "Oh yeah? Looks like yuh-you need to fix up yer Japanese…" he grinned foolishly. "Listen harder and you might even…"

  Adolphus gazed at him disdainfully, certain the remainder of his sentence made as much sense as the beginning of it. He made several obscure gestures, and murmured something under his breath.

  "That may raise thy spirit," he offered as Mamoru felt his head clear of the thick, noxious cloud culled from his consciousness. "And bar thy tongue."

  "Oh geez!" Mamoru gasped, mortified by his attitude while intoxicated. "Sorry."

  "Forgive ye I can, as thy words have caused no offense. Best ye be wary of indulgences ye may embark upon, as they may cause between us an unbridgeable rift."

  "Unbridgeable is a word? Oh, nevermind," he replied with an embarrassed expression. "Don't you never get drunk?"

  "Nay. Such powerful drinks as that be not kind to mine magic, so I rarely partake of them. Now, do tell us more of the expectation that we should abandon our dearly beloved to a villain who may certainly reduce them to slivers of unsightly flesh?"

  Hanlan gave a deep grunt, setting his bottle down firmly. "Geez, nice'n poetic, but a little much for my stomach." He absently summoned a triple bladed dagger and began in repetition an ad-libbed kata between both hands. "I'll tell ya I don't like the idea of my babe being sliced to ribbons, or vaped, or whatever. But she said she'd summon me if she figured she was outclassed."

  Mamoru shared a 'do you believe this guy?' glance with Adolphus. Hanlan looked perturbed. "What? I trust her."

  "Hanlan, it's not a matter of trust," Mamoru explained with some unease. "I know Makoto, I know all of them. It's not their habit to plan a battle. Most of the time they don't get the chance. They won't think to summon us until it's too late. Even now, Usagi's not that thoughtful," he observed with all due tact. "She trusts Ami's idea that we won't work well until we've been together longer. Which is garbage."

  "Clarify, please," the half giant requested politely.

  "She thinks we have to attune to each other or something. I don’t get it and doesn't matter, because I've got other ideas. I figure the Neo Senshi and the CSM will manage just fine without us."

  "Mamoru, please, what be a 'CSM'?" Adolphus requested gently.

  "'Coalition Society 'o Mutants'," Hanlan interjected. "Basically they're humans wit' powers who hadda hide from the military they lived in. The Coalition don't like D-bees - huh, Dimensional Beings, I mean - too much, an' don't like humans with strange powers neither." He took a lively gulp of his drink. "Oh, an' D-Bees 'er anything that comes outta the rifts. Like Makoto. Only, most times they ain't so damned stunnin' - if ya dig."

  Apparently elven wine turned the normally silent powerhouse in a running spring of words.

  "I see," he drawled shortly with an arched eyebrow, divining of his own wit what Hanlan was attempting to relay to him. "Be they appointed to the main force? How many number they?"

  "Eighty-seven at last count," offered a slightly unfamiliar voice. Mamoru leaned back and craned his head towards the brown haired human metamorphosed from silver tail dragon.

  "The real powerhouse joins us," he grinned, shifting himself over as Carl pulled up another seat, which he perched in reversed.

  "I see only one of you I do not recognize. You would be?"

  "Natole Shard."

  "Husband to Ami Mizuno Shard. I see. I am Carl Silver. It is good to make your acquaintance."

  Natole's thick forehead creased briefly in thought. "Aye. I know you also."

  Carl handed him a curious glance.

  "You are Silver Tail, no? Perhaps also Dr. Carl Silver?"

  Carl smiled simply. "I am. Your wit does you more credit than do all social accounts."

  "Thank you, Silver One."

  Carl nodded curtly. "So where are we?"

  Mamoru blinked himself from distant thoughts. "Discussin
g how best to protect the women we love behind their backs. Any suggestions?"

  "Bondage," Hanlan grinned.

  "Besides that," he sighed. "There's got to be…"

  "Reason will serve us not," Natole urged. "They are not flexible."

  "You’re right," Carl interjected. "I really don't know what Ami's thinking."

  "They died once y'know. Did Mina tell ya that?"

  "No, she hasn't. She's been very quiet about her past with me."

  Hanlan shrugged. "I jus' really think she jus' don't wanna have us get snuffed too. Scares the living crap outta me thinkin' they could get nailed. I flippin' can't blame 'er for worryin'!"

  "All the more reason to work together," he affirmed.

  "Ah, but I know they be not all inflexible to our well intentioned concerns," Adolphus deterred. "None of ye know, but my raven was pregnant before Usagi sought to approach Uraki-Ayo. T'was our concern she would yet suffer the death of our unborn child. Yet, God acts in ways beyond our conception. Rei gained powers to cancel magic, and repel all damage. It was all I could do to reach her mind by intent of heart and the greatest spell of my knowledge and power."

  Pausing at the unbelief and gaping jaws at his revelation, Adolphus took a moment to consider his next words. The urgent silence rampaged hungrily for several moments more.

  "A gift of broach links me to her by means of spell," he concluded. "No other spell I have woven matches it. None may ever. So, my friends, by adversity's dire touch, we stand on stone, not clay."

  "So basically you can ask her to teleport us to them," Mamoru chimed.

  "Mayhap. Though she shined a wit of doubt upon that reasoning," Adolphus replied. "She promised that only I could be summoned, as her significant other. So difficult is it that only the binding of thy hearts allows it."

  "I think you've hit something," Carl pointed out. "Most of us here are telepathically linked pretty tightly to our wives. If we can use that, perhaps by enhancing that link with a spell. Adolphus, you and I are the only mages here. We'll have to…"

  "Silver One," Natole spoke, his bassoon tones rumbling through each man. "I know your skill, yet you know not mine. I am far from a master, but my skill is enough…" he raised his thick hand, in which a small plume of flame appeared. It danced there for several moments, while the remaining four gazed on entranced, as if never having seen such a thing before. With a bow of head, the flame died, washing out as if attacked by a solitary - and very accurate - burst of wind. "Aye?"

  "Hai," Carl's face selected a - "damn, I goofed" smile - and wore it. "Allow me to apologize, my gifted friend. Any efforts you can put forward will be greatly appreciated. So, just who of us is linked to their girl telepathically?"

  "Holy hell," Hanlan laughed. "Me. Can't admire another girl without her knowin'. Not that I've done it really since marryin' Mako. Never thought I'd hear m'self say that one." Adolphus, Carl, Mamoru, and Natole all nodded. "Used t'be I had a different girl every month. Clients, y'know. Now… man, she's all I need. All I frickin' want. It's weird, but man, I think I'm winnin' pretty frickin' big…" he grinned, his muscular frame warming with reflection upon the unending passion of her all-consuming love, the physical and the emotional.

  "I didn't used to be psychic, but ever since becoming an Earth Child… I just, um, have been," Mamoru shrugged. "All I get right now is a black wall, and it's really unsettling. I'm so used to just feeling her psychic presence I nearly forgot about it. Until now."

  The other men nodded soberly. "Mind powers are not part of me," Natole literally elaborated. "But since my dawn's transformation into an angel, her thoughts are an open book to me. So is her heart. My soul aches without her."

  "But you can't talk to her with your mind?" Carl asked, sipping an oddly discoloured drink. Natole shook his block-like head.

  "Well, you know me, and what I am. So for us it's a two way psionic street," Carl began. "But you know what I don't get? I was never interested in human women. Not for more than the occasional fling, right? Now Minako comes along, and somehow she's more attractive to me than my own kind? That I just don't understand."

  Silence permeated the room, the outright awkwardness restraining all comment. Hanlan's grin rampaged unfaded as he failed to register Carl's words, his mind still dwelling upon his angelic mate.

  "Natole, you won't have any more a problem reaching Ami than any of us will. I'll teach you a spell that will compensate for your lack of psionic ability."

  "Thank you, Silver One."

  "Carl. Call me Carl," he sighed. "We're on equal terms here. Understand?"


  "Okay…" Mamoru started after several moments. "So we're settled then?"





  Chapter 46

  Saving Xalia