Read Starlit Ruins Page 50

By many it was called the 'eternal dark.' The sun had not risen in days, and the population of Tokyo dwindled. By suicide, by the need of the vampiric ten story high crystal, or by the multitude of shadowlings which freely roamed the streets, and populated the skies like vultures. Buildings within ten blocks of the crystal had taken the appearance of being gutted, the residents within resembling somewhat the bug-splatters upon a windshield.

  Hundreds by the day.

  Even the Senshi Resistance struggled, being overwhelmed by the combination of number and mystic ability rivalling even the most powerful practitioner on their side. Much to Osaka's disheartening, the ratio of death from shadowling to human had altered again, with unfavorable results. Closing in was a near equal level of death between each race, and the knowledge that the shadowlings seemed numberless not promoting morale by any degree.

  Yet, shortly after the latest siege, Nasura turned over another leaf, pleading to the unaffected populous, and bidding them join. A call to which many responded, offering up another chance to the subjected occupants of the ruining Toyko. Unabated, the shadowlings would soon have taken the whole of Japan, and moved on to the rest of the unprepared world. For so closed off from that world was Japan that no one else seemed to be aware of their dire situation. It was conjectured by the Resistance that this was in part the design of Uraki-Ayo. Outside assistance would surely have ended the war some weeks ago.

  Naritha Walynn, the psychic soul of the Neo Senshi, who, in turn, who represented the central force of defense of the besieged Earth, stood on the edge. Emotionally, for being so physically shattered put her very life into question, even without the support of her newly found companion, Haisha, the unabashed verbal core of the recently instituted team.

  Her powerful psionic ability lent her a touch of this conflict where her bright, yet violence tarnished eyes failed to perceive the horrific conflict. She had seen so much of it, and was in the midst of a desire to flee the sight of further destruction, even while knowing that such an action would surely lead to yet more of it. Despite these conflicts, she knew it was not in her to succumb to weakness, when others had sacrificed themselves to allow her the chance to do what must be done!

  Not so much to assist her observation of the destruction as to attempt to perceive the source of her sensing, she stood on a psychological ledge. The explosion not even a day passed had destroyed the wooden fencing of the balcony. And yet, so much had occurred then, and since. The near complete obliteration of three of the Neo Senshi; Sailor Sol, Phoenix, and herself, Seraph. That failed to account for Xalia, who despite being recently rescued, still hung upon a fraying thread. Apparently she had been submitted to lengthy, inhuman torture.

  Hours of prayer had brought little comfort. Somehow, her mind was privy to Xalia's emotional turmoil. Naritha no more knew the certainty of her own life over the outcome of the ensuing war, nor, come to think of it, the strange senshi who had simultaneously murdered their friends, and saved their very lives. She only knew her part in it. She turned away from the darkness of the light-nulling Vortex Crystal miles distant, which seemed to leer at their inexperience, and weakness.

  'Yanei!' she gasped faintly, feeling the aura of the woman, hearing the smooth sliding of the patio door, and turning to face it. The bird-like woman gazed at her vacantly, clothed in a slightly ajar kimono of a strong yellow-orange. Her presence was overtly sexual, and though the silver-blue haired girl had not the strength, she wished herself flown away from it.

  'You know he killed Akari,' she stated blandly, as if having no regard for her own loss. 'And I, we had something.'

  Her sultry, wanton, child-like gaze made an uneasy dark matter form in the young virgin's stomach. 'Yanei, I see no need you share…'

  'We had passionate sex,' she uttered lustily. 'And you, the sweet virgin… hai, very much a virgin. Beauty like yours attracts women as much as men you know. But then, you did know that, didn't you? Being psychic would tell you such things.'

  Naritha retreated a step, immediately repulsed. This was wrong, she had not detected such feelings from this traitorous creature. She had been extremely thorough. 'Iye, Yanei. Stop.'

  'Denying yourself for the would-be husband?' she declared teasingly. 'A cubicle bound hermit with more time for hentai young sluts than you?'

  'Iye!' she snapped, transparent smoke playing from her defensively postured arms as she fell instinctively into a trained stance of defense.

  'I will have you, as I did Xalia,' she declared, advancing quickly. With an unpleasant snarl, the shaking, silver haired girl struck with a fore knuckle fist, which was easily parried. She uttered a high-pitched grunt as she was slammed against the wall with a thick, loud rattle of the separated wood. Pinned as she was, it was simple for Yanei to grab her chin and place an unwelcome kiss upon her lips. Abruptly, Yanei lurched back with an ear-piercing squeal, eyes wide with pain.

  'Which part didn't you get, the "N" or the "O"?' a throaty female voice confidently snapped. A deft motion rendered the woman unconscious. The slender girl slumped into a heap, sobbing in great heaves. Nasura, clothed in a tan nightgown, rushed through the patio door and took the tearful girl into her arms. Upon dropping the orange locked flaccid woman, she paled, taking on the appearance of someone who has seen no less than the holiest of holies.

  'Naritha-sama!!' she cried, shocked, and nearly stammering her continuing words. 'What are you doing here? I thought…'

  Nasura shot her a suspicious, and menacing glance. Instantly she clasped her hands to her mouth.

  This is… she knelt beside Nasura, gazing mutely at the weeping young woman. Her younger self?

  'Zia, don't… whatever in blue blazes it is,' she uttered tensely under her breath. 'Just keep it to yourself! Got it?!'

  She nodded simply, bowing her head to hide her frown of sorrow. A moment later, she stood, eyeing Naritha's attacker warily.

  'Zia, what happened?' Narusa asked urgently.

  'That girl,' she indicated Yanei's lax form. 'Tried to rape Naritha.'

  'Curses! I wasn't sure if I could trust her,' she cursed, absently stroking Naritha's silk soft, while unattended, hair.

  'No,' Naritha gasped, taking Nasura's hand and squeezing it, 'not Yanei fault!'

  Nasura uttered a surprised gasp. She knelt back, regarding the red-faced girl at no more than arms length, closing her hand around the younger girl's with a desperate sense of confusion. Zia opened her mouth to speak, but Nasura raised a hand. Her mouth fell shut. 'If anyone would know, it would be you. Tell me.'

  'Kei-san, Uraki-Ayo, he take Yanei mind, and use it to strike my weakness. He suppose strike darkest fear, and most bold truth.' Naritha's bowed her shamed face. 'Yanei not want more than dead mate. I not want more than distant love! To hide that wrong! But know must fight! No time to for self! Must be only strong senshi! Must want… Seek… gnuuh!' she fell angrily into Chinese, cursing her inability to express herself in Japanese, cursing the language, until Nasura gripped her shoulders. Naritha's emotion squinted eyes latched onto her mentor's.

  'What is it Naritha? Why did he go after you?'

  'I know why.'

  The voice sparked anger within all but the spiky, and leggy red haired woman who had halted her. As she reached down to restrain her, Nasura shook her head. She glanced tentatively at the three from her cross-legged position.

  'She would have teleported away if she didn't want to be here,' Nasura observed.

  Zia blinked. 'Huh… gotcha.'

  'So Yanei,' Naritha began in only slightly less than trembling tones. 'Tell why.'

  'You have the most potential. Out of all your teammates, you have the greatest power, or least, you could.'

  Naritha blinked slowly, not understanding in the shallowest sense.

  'You're like her!' she continued, pointing at Zia. 'Your power won't stop -'

  'That's enough, Yanei,' Nasura interrupted, deathly serious. 'Haven't you done enough already?'

  'I never wanted you,' she continued tartly,
either ignoring or not hearing Nasura's protesting command. 'Not that you aren't cute. You are. Enviously gorgeous, actually. It's just… I'm not that way.'

  Naritha could say nothing. Yanei frowned sincerely as she rose, allowing herself to favor the points of deserved pain. 'I'm sorry Naritha. I really am,' she began uselessly, her hand holding her in place at the patio door before her final statement brought her departure. 'I let my defenses down. I hope you find it in you to forgive me.'

  Naritha's pleading, frightened gaze struck Nasura deeply.

  'What mean, "power won't stop"?'

  'There's a little something your mother hasn't told you about your father…'


  'Oh Thanus… ugh! D-damn you Uraki!'

  'How are you feeling?' Ayla asked tentatively, regarding the savaged young woman with mixed concern and anger.

  'Why d-did she choose me? I c-couldn't handle him, n-nuh-nuh-no way!' Her voice shook as she had, even though her body had eased the distressed expressive reaction. She glanced nervously about, reacting to the slightest shadow, while she sat legs stretched out underneath several cotton layers of blanket while her stitched and sewn torso rested upon three thick down pillows. Her movements were stiff and restrained, as most of the damage was internal, and anything so simple as a cough brought mind nulling agony.

  'I d-don't… I r-re-remember their deaths, even though I wasn't in c-cuh-control.' She gazed thoughtfully through the window to her left, as she had wept, and could not move to wipe the dried tears, and those that visited her again. She bowed her head. 'Oh Asa I'm so s-s-suh-orry…'

  Ayla shook her head. It was hard to hate her. She felt nervous around her, as if despite her firm medical bindings she might rise up and plunge a mystically summoned blade into her chest. It was confusing in the extreme.

  'Xalia-chan, I know you weren't. We all saw your message. You did what you could. You did more than anyone could have asked.' Oh, fantastic choice of words Miss Debate Winner. She added hastily, 'In your duties, I mean.'

  The girl glared at her, her largely feather-stripped wings twitching with myriad emotions. It wasn't anger so much as frustration, and it certainly was not directed at Ayla. 'What am I s-suh-upposed to say? I've done what I c-c-can, and I'm not g-guh-going be able to regain my honour b-by fighting. I mean, how d-d-duh-did you do it? You were almost dead t-tuh-two days ag-g-go,' she retorted, wincing as she tensed instinctively. 'Why's it any d-different for me?'

  'Usagi has a lot to do with it,' the crimson haired girl replied sympathetically. 'And being Sailor Sol has much more.'

  'M-more what?'

  Ayla blinked, caught off-guard. 'To do… to…' she swallowed. "It was the extra healing of being Sailor Sol that allowed me to recover so quickly, aided by Yanei's magic."

  'Yanei!' she started, paling when it seemed impossible she could appear any more wan. A shard of doubt leapt into Ayla's heart. Had she made a mistake trusting the traitor?

  'She saved my life,' Ayla bleated.

  'She d-did?'

  Ayla sighed relief, but then caught it. 'She didn't do anything to…'

  Xalia shook her head minimally. 'No. She d-deserted before I t-tuh-turned on Uraki. It was only th-the four, and…' she fell silent, gaze averted.

  'I understand,' she breathed, wringing her hands in her lap. 'When did Nasura give you the crystal?'

  'Ages ago. I d-don't have it n-nuh-now, or I wouldn't be in such rough sh-shuh-shape,' she coughed.

  'I'm not familiar with magic in the manner you are. Was it different?'

  'Was wh-what different?' she began, dumbfounded, before clicking in an instant later, slipping to a reverie apart from the emotional turmoil which stuttered her tongue. 'Oh, well y-yeah. I don't have the strength for it now, b-but Nasura just basically had me reciting spells as at-t-tacks. Only, she had them on constant w-weave, so all I had to do was invoke them. I can d-d-do it without the crystal, but it t-takes longer.'

  Ayla was desperately seeking a topic with which to stay her impending nervousness. Gratefully, she stumbled upon another: 'Why did she Knight you? Wasn't Mamoru strong enough?' The answer to this she knew, but was interested in both hearing Xalia's perspective as well as keeping the verbal ball rolling.

  'He w-w-was. I've talked to him.' She acquired a dreamy look, which faded as Ayla whistled, drawing her attention. 'Anyway, I guess it was 'c-cause he never really fought on the forefr-fr-front. He used to just come to Usagi's rescue a lot. Not that he didn't do okay against Z-zuh-zuh-zoisite. Anyway, Akari and Yanei tricked Mamoru into coming out of hiding. They summoned a bunch of demons to get his attention, and because they went overb-buh-board, Nasura set me up with my crystal to help out where Tuxedo Mask couldn't be to f-f-fuhight them. I was d-d-doing fine t-too. Problem is…' her voice lapsed as her face tensed in what looked to be painful concentration. A green shimmering brought several shards of jade into existence, to rest on the bed at Xalia's feet. 'Uraki made pretty sh-shuh-shuh-short work of me, and kinda truh-tricked me into joining his s-suh-side. Then I m-m--muh-managed to get out th-thuh… the message. After Uraki d-duh-dropped the mind-sp-spell he had on me, when the monster r-r-ruh-ruh-ruh… um,' she hesitated a half instant, almost in sync with the tightening of Ayla's throat, '…it shattered my transformation crystal. I c-can't turn into Sailor Eth-th-th-thuh… Ether.'

  Ayla remained visibly impressed at the young woman's strength. Though she could not move, she kept her anxiousness to return to the battlefield and… exact revenge? Perhaps that was her motivator, and perhaps the only one. At that point, however, she could see no problem with it, as she saw the matter through similar eyes. Though obviously, less intimately. Somehow, Ayla felt that Xalia's stutter was a deadly indicator of the psychological damage that had distinctively been done along with the physical. Nasura had indicated Xalia to be a motormouth, rather than of the mealy sort. It spoke to her of the truth of the event. Silence traversed for several languishing moments amongst them, before Xalia's will seemed to reasserted strongly enough to emote thusly:

  'I just w-wuh-want to get back out there and k-k-kuh-kick their asses!'

  Yet as she did, the wash of tears across her cheeks and her shaking voice indicated the true nature of her words: Wards against Uraki-Ayo's unrelenting battering at the walls of her sanity. Ayla could only gaze crestfallen at the young woman who hung so visibly on a silver thread of survival.


  Both young women glanced up at their weary looking mentor. Even beyond the brief gasp of agony, Xalia wondered along with her friend what had kept the enigmatic woman up so as to give her the appearance of facing… no well, the fact was that they faced the end of the world, if they lost, Ayla realized wearily.

  'Xalia, I must speak with your leader,' she began, nearing the bed, palming the crystal shards, then placing an undamaged counterpart in her left hand. 'Until then, use this. It will increase your healing further. Its power is more than twice that of your former crystal.'

  As Xalia winced at her own exclamation of outright amazement, Nasura swiftly guided the mystified crimson haired young woman outside of the room, the door to which she closed.

  'You just gave her another crystal? Like that? No questions?' Ayla demanded, surprised by her mentor's action.

  'You just spent the last few hours with her. What do you think? Do you think she's going to betray us again? Do you think she has the strength?'

  Ayla's face darkened. 'No, she can barely talk straight, much less fight. Which is what she wants to do,' she remarked incredulously. 'This just blows me away. She's so weak! I've had seven month old cousins stronger than she is now. If I was her, I'd just want to roll into a ball and forget everything! As for trust? She makes me nervous, but I think I can trust her as long as she's not mobile.'

  Nasura nodded. It would take time. Naught could be done to alter that. 'Xalia has a good heart. Naritha agrees with that. You believe her, hai?'

  'Of course, but there's an American saying: "The road to hell is p
aved with good intentions." She's right in one thing; she has to earn our trust, and find a way to banish the dishonour she has foisted upon herself. It will be a good healthy while before I ask her to do anything.'

  'She actually said that? I'm impressed. It's good to know you're considering her a potential member of the Neo Senshi.'

  '"Considering" and "potential" are a good ways off, Nasura-san,' Ayla retorted calmly, crossing her arms firmly across her armored chest. As soon as she had been able to muster the strength, she had become Sailor Sol again, sheltering herself in the strength the transformation provided.

  'I get the point. I suggest you keep talking to her. You'll gain a better understanding of how her mind works. Hai?'

  Ayla nodded dismally. There was a distended moment, after which Nasura spoke, her voice deepened by a ladening inner tension.

  'I must entrust you with something. It is important that you ask no questions. You must trust me. Absolutely.'

  Nasura's words, while calm, sparked a deeply rooted edge of darkness within Ayla's being. 'When haven't I?'

  'We have so little time,' she continued, clearly not observing Ayla's words, 'and I cannot explain. Take this. You will know what to do, when the time comes.'

  Simply, and without expression, she handed the perplexed girl a sealed envelope. She bowed at the waist deeply, giving a great show of respect for her trust before returning to Xalia. Ayla remained stunned for a sundry shifting of time.

  'Sensei, what are we up against…?' she muttered, wrapping her arms defensively about her torso, bowing her head, then turned to walk away.


  What was worse? The death of her soulmate, no nor death. Murder. Yet anger came so slowly beyond the ingrained servitude, the training of Uraki-Ayo, her long term sensei and even father figure. Yet there was another, more intimate, and foreboding matter to confront. As if she had a choice.

  'What do you want?' she whispered fiercely, high tones cracking under the stress of fear, pain, and anger, kneeling upon her bed, a rather ordinarily clothed woman behind her, stroking her unclad shoulders slowly. Against her will, she had been mystically recalled to her own home, to the presense of her captor in emotional bondage.

  'You cannot know the last time I was with a woman of your beauty,' she uttered, her voice dark, sultry, and lustful as she placed the lips which issued those souring words upon her neck in light, subtle kisses. 'Your mate's threats mean nothing to me now, for indeed, he is only mortal.'

  Easily, Yanei broke her hard grasp, and took to the floor in several hurried steps.

  'Do not think me kind, nor affectionate, nor equal to you. There is nothing you have done of my whim. I do not desire your sex, fledging. I seek your retaliation, for it feeds me most potently.'

  Confused, Yanei whirled about and gazed upon the creature, knowing very well she had been sustaining her, and hating her for every minute. It was not that her anger was slow. Rather, there was hatred in its place.

  'You allow me to feed upon you. You do know that?'

  'Iye…' she started, her tiny hands pulling up the shoulders of her nightgown self consciously.

  'Go ahead,' she sneered, strutting about so that eventually she was behind her again. 'Lie to yourself. It is from you I have learned the most about human fallacy. How much more would you do? You only saved those girls to abate your own self-loathing. It is also why you let me have you, isn't it? You hate yourself more than you do me. Isn't that right? Humans are such silly things. You even lied to Naritha to preserve what little self-respect you have.

  'And you will not ask, but because it interests me, I will tell you,' she grinned, running her hands along the curve of Yanei's hips. 'I assist Shyanne because she is one of my own. Her mother, because even though she is not wholly natural, she is beautiful. She has no aversion to liaisons with her own sex, I sensed, and though nothing came of it… it was enough.'

  'Stop…!' she muttered, turning about with a flare and shoving her back.

  'Do it. Good!'

  'Nani?' suddenly small and lost.

  'Stop me,' she sneered. 'You don't have the will, fledging. You want this.'

  Do I? she asked herself. Why am I punishing myself?

  (she can't be right)

  Yes, Tamara interjected. This is. You are.

  Get out of my head!

  Lady Tamara flinched back, startled by the abrupt psychic wall erected before her.

  It was not my fault! I never put Xalia in danger!

  (Mama-san! Please…! no)

  Then why have I let her command me?

  (Akari loved me)

  No! That wasn't my fault either! Uraki betrayed me!

  (he saved me - s/he loved me -right?)

  Because I served his purpose! Only Akari was truly unselfish.

  (Akari wouldn't like us like this - he would not be afraid to hate Mama/Tamara)

  "Go away," piped Yanei's wind tossed voice, courage enhancing its intensity.

  (forgive me Mama)

  "What was that?" she blinked in astonishment at the power in her tones.

  (but I hate you)

  "Oh, I think you heard me," she snarled, a white energy coalescing about her slender figure as she shoved at her again with greater force. A feral growled parked itself upon her face, her body shifting and altering with a strange metamorphosis.

  "Go ahead, change if you think it will do you any good."

  (I love you, Mama… but)

  Her red, pupil-less eyes widened at the insubordination. "You dare…!"

  "Uh-huh. You were right," she declared soberly. "I did let you control me… and make me weak…" her golden eyes fell, then rose again. "But I'm done being silly. Oh, and what you said about me being human? That's only half-true. So, you can just go away now."

  (you let Papa hurt me)

  Lady Tamara, looking more the part of a thick skinned, excessively muscled demon, let a brief cry of frustration and rage pour forth to mingle with the darkness about her.

  "Oh get over it," Yanei snorted derisively. "You're just pissed 'cause you know you couldn't ever win against me. It just doesn't happen, especially now that I am pushing back."

  With all of an insulted gaping mask, her body ceased its modifying tremor, and with a frown, reverted to her human form while hands took to hips.

  (you didn't Stop him)

  "Fine," she huffed.

  "Oh," she noted as an after thought. "If you ever bother any my new friends… you know I'll know… I'll send you to your native abyss so fast you'll think you were in a time warp!"

  (he was the Human - you had the Power)

  "Ooooh!" she steamed, eyes literally burning as she shot figurative daggers with them.

  "Now you can go away," she pronounced disinterestedly, arms clasped on each opposing elbow defiantly. "I'm done."

  (bye Mama)

  She wisped away in sour flash of heat and light after which Yanei stepped over to her bed, upon which she flopped, and began weeping wholeheartedly.

  Chapter 48

  A Friend was Dead