Read Starlit Ruins Page 7

She was naked with him again. This time, however, she did not really mind. It was not that he was naked as well, it was that she had gained some amount of certainty - and control, having made love with him like this. She looked up at the hard features of his face. He looked so, calm, almost peaceful. She ran a hand over his cheek, and then kissed it softly. Carefully, she stood, trying her best not to wake him. She almost regretted what she knew must be done. The emotions she felt for him were more certain now, and felt all the more like love. She felt a pang.

  I know you wouldn't want me to do this, she thought. But I'm going anyway. My friends are still out there. I can't give up. Not yet. She slipped on the blouse, and other clothes he had given to her earlier. For a bruiser, he was rather sweet. I know you won't understand.

  The leather jacket slipped easily around her shoulders, fitting perfectly. He groaned, shifting in his slumber. She froze, watching his eyelids carefully. They did not open. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he relaxed, snoring quietly. She noted that his home was not much, but it was more than she had now. It was more than she ever had since arriving here.

  Makoto had almost discarded the desire to settle down, having joined the Cyber-Knights. She let herself be consumed by the war against the D-bees, the demons, the evil. There was so much of it. There was more every day. Not all of it came from the Rifts, she knew. There was one man who was a great source of it. Prosek, and his son. To think a man of such corrupt power had procreated sent shivers through her. Rumours told her that Prosek had Rei. Or at least, a girl who sounded a great deal like her. Then there were the rumours of Ami's capture, of the violence she endured, that perhaps she was dead.

  Makoto walked into the kitchen, or that which passed for it. She gazed at the section of wall, and thought about how much she had missed cooking. Hanlan had wolfed down the stir fry with male politeness. It was nice to have that aspect of her life appreciated again after so long. Well, she thought, what'm I supposed to choose? Give up? Fight? How can Han hope't help? I—

  “Hungry? I s'ppose you where just runnin’ out for a snack, eh Mako?”

  She turned on one foot, tense as a drawn bowstring. There was a sour expression on his face. Her tension drifted to the floor as her eyes did, and she found herself wanting for words.

  “What y' s’ppose you were gonna do? Save me some trouble by takin' off?” He was angry, and rightfully so. Still Makoto could say nothing. She gazed at him as he stood there, and strangely, despite the fact he was angry at her, she felt drawn to him again.

  “My friends are out there, Han,” she started. “I can't let them go.”

  The anger drained from his face, and in the place of it was understanding. A boyishly quiet look came to his face. “I ain’ had a lot o’ friends in my life,” he admitted softly. He stopped for a moment, clearly thinking on his next words. “I guess I ain’ so mad at you for wanting t’ help ‘em. Death ain’ scary, bein’ lonely is.”

  Makoto felt herself near tears again, and hated herself for it. She cursed under her breath. Han walked up to her, and took her in his arms. She let her head rest on his barrel of a chest as tears flowed.

  “I think I love you,” he said. “I guess tha's why I don't want you t’ take off. I think maybe I can help. I think maybe I want ta … help ya.”

  They were silent for a time. He continued talking. Makoto was not sure of most of what he said, but found it comforting. She wondered why it was her crying, and not Usagi. She did not know. Maybe Usagi was crying a lot still. She… no, they - Han kept on stressing that - would find her friends. Then what? Makoto thought for sure they were not the same as they used to be, or that they would not be. But what would happen after they found them?

  “Mako? Are you okay?” she heard his voice ask. She nodded against his chest. He pushed her away slightly so he could look into her eyes. “Are you sure? I mean, you seem to be doin' a lot of cryin'.”

  “I think so,” but her face did not share the conviction of her words. She looked away, bringing a concerned look to his face.

  “What, babe…? What?” His voice was soft, gentle. She wanted to say it, but found the words locked in her throat. He was silent. In his eyes she could read he wanted to help her, but did not know what to say, nor how to say it.

  “I'm scared…” she said, and leaned against him, the spoken emotion welling inside of her. “I've never really been scared before like this. Even when I died for Usagi… I wasn't scared.”

  “Died?” he grunted. “Uh?”

  “Later,” she muttered faintly. “Please…”

  “Yeah, you got it babe,” he replied warmly.

  In his mind he wondered what there was she had to be afraid of. His eyes narrowed and he felt himself grow angry at the thought of her being fearful. He paused, and wondered at this feeling. Sure he had protected women before, but not because he cared about them. Rather, because it was his job. This was different. He actually cared about Makoto, and wanted to see her happy. That was all that mattered to him now. If fighting made her happy, then she could fight. If being with him made her happy… he did not mind that at all. He smiled gently.

  “Makoto,” he said, breaking Astin's rule. She was silent. He pushed her away slightly again, kissing her softly, to reassure her. “We're gonna see a friend of mine. I think he can help us.”

  “What? Who?” she asked, sounding startled. “You mean Laray?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. Laray's just a techie. He's a good guy, but just a techie.” He let go of her, and headed towards the other room. Makoto looked tired and afraid.

  “What's his name?” she asked, voice hushed.

  Han stopped just before the leaving the room. He smiled and said, “Conroy.”


  They had been on the road for a while. Nothing much had happened. Makoto had tripped up a couple of black market thugs looking for a quick credit-hit.

  “So you never really told me much about being a Cyber-Knight,” Han said, smiling at Makoto. “All those monsters you fought.”

  She shrugged. “I just defended a couple towns from some demons.”

  “No wonder you took out those guys like that,” he smirked, thumbing behind him.

  “Humans are easy to fight, most of the time. Unless they have magic, or power armour. I like fighting Juicers,” she smiled darkly, “they're a little tougher, but they're all human.”

  Han blanched. “You mean you fight Juicers for fun?”

  “No, but I could,” she eyed him. “What?”

  The bruiser looked amazed. “You ain’t nuts. Least, you don't look like a Crazy. You don't have those freaky knobs stickin' outta yer head.”

  “I guess that makes me a little more than human, eh?” she grinned, enjoying his reaction.

  Han scratched the back of his head, still unbelieving. “Okay, so maybe I don't wanna know.”

  Makoto shrugged, “Whatever, hon.”

  Han gazed at her. “Hon?”

  She smiled and nodded. Han still could not quite believe he was falling in love with the tough girl he had never dreamed existed. Yet, here she was, accepting him with argument aplenty. Such is love.

  “Uh, okay, so maybe I do.”

  She shrugged, saying nothing. Han waited.

  “Are you going to say anything?” he asked, incredulous.

  “Are you sure you want to hear it? Fighting Juicers is the least of it, if that give you any idea of what I've faced.” She did not look at him, seeming to concentrate on where they were. “How much farther is it anyway?”

  “New Quebec's pretty frickin' big, and alleys ain't the best way to get around. We still got awhile.” He paused. “Yeah. Sure. I can handle it.”

  She smirked, then her face assumed a more serious expression. “I became a Cyber-Knight one year ago because I didn't know what else to do. I did it to repay a favor, and for my friends.”

  “What kinda favour?”

  Makoto hesitated.


  “A Cyb
er-Knight saved my life. I thought becoming a Cyber-Knight might help me to find a direction. Besides,” she giggled lightly, “he was so cute! It was worth it just to train under him.”

  “Cute? Okay, sure. Wasn't easy, was it?” Han was watching something ahead of them. It appeared as though a fire had broken out in a small industrial building. People were scrambling about like headless chickens.

  “Oh flak, Coalition. I won't have a problem wit'em. But I don't think we wanna get you mixed up with 'em.”

  Makoto nodded. “I want to avoid any ISS Kooks, if I can.”

  “Damn straight babe. We're jus' gona have t' take the long way 'round then.” He indicated the adjoining alley to his right. “This'll take us there, but not fast.”

  She nodded, then proceeded with her explanation. “You want to know why I like fighting Juicers? 'Cause one almost killed me.”

  “Yeh, sure,” Han shrugged. “Do'ya think y'd mind tellin' me how?”

  She echoed the motion of his shoulders. “I guess he was just a rouge. Probably at the end of his term, too. It was just after I'd arrived here…” she closed her eyes. “Um, no, nevermind. Anyway, I was lost in the woods, wandering, and wounded. I was hoping to find a city - or something. Instead I ran into the Juicer and his pals.

  “One of them just looked at me and said, 'Squishy.' He laughed. I don't know if he saw me bleeding, but he must have figured me for a normal human. Maybe he was looking for credits. Or fun. I don't know.

  “ 'C'mere pretty thing,' he sneered. I did. I didn't know what he was then, but I figured I'd wise him up for badmouthing me. I just swung at him. He seemed to know it was coming. He side-stepped the punch and laughed again. I never saw anyone move so fast before! He didn't swing back or anything, he just stood there and laughed.

  “I was getting really pissed off. So I tried again. I was weak, and was bleeding pretty badly. I guess I wasn't thinking straight either, trying to fight him like that. I tried a few times, and just kept missing. He made a joke of it, dodging before I threw my punches, and commenting on my swings.

  “ 'You fight like a girl,' he said. He was looking at his pals and laughing loudly. I don't know what happened after that. I guess I just lost it, or snapped, or something like that.

  “I didn't know if he was careless, drunk, or what, but I tagged him. I can't have hit him that hard. I was practically dying, but I ripped his shoulder open… damn nearly took his arm off.” Makoto closed her eyes, remembering, a look of pain, and distaste passing over her face. “He didn't even scream. His pals just looked scared, and then ran off. One of them muttered something about him being 'juiced.' I saw a crazed look in his eyes, and knew, no matter how fast I ran, he was going to kill me. He nearly did too.”

  Han looked slightly upset, but lost for words. “I'm sorry Makoto.”

  She set him a glance portraying a trace of gratitude, and she then shook her head. After a moment, she continued. “I was barely conscious when the Cyber-Knight came. All I heard was a scuffle. I felt his presence, and heard his voice. That's when I fell in love with him. More of a crush, really. He saved my life. Took me back to his house, healed me, and eventually taught me the ways of the Cyber-Knight.” Han looked chagrined.

  “Is that it? You just learned it all?”

  “Well no, of course not. It took me weeks to accept the lifestyle. As for the training, do you really want me to get into philosophy?”

  “Philosaucafie?” Han started, confused. “Damn. Uh, I guess not.”

  They walked for a while in silence. Makoto watched the area around her. Somehow they were managing to avoid a lot of Coalition troopers. She watched Han, too. He seemed to be very aware of what was going around him, and he seemed to want to stay out of the way of the Coalition as well. Makoto slowly worked up the nerve to speak.

  “So what do you do?” she ventured.

  “Do? Uh, I'm a Bodyguard.”

  “Protecting who?”

  “Depends who's still alive,” he stated flatly. “See, I'm real good… I keep my clients alive. The others guys ain't so good, or jus' don' care. Scruff it, dunno which. Tho some of 'em work for the black market, too. So if a client dies accidental-like, no one really notices. Dig?”

  Makoto looked a little shocked. “You don't care?”

  He inclined his shoulders upwards indifferently. “Me? Damn yeah. I guess I do care, but I'm not gonna get the black market on my case, right? I'm just one guy. I like my life just fine.”

  “Before, or after?” Makoto asked with a smirk.

  “What? Oh,” he smiled. “After, of course. And I'm thinkin' maybe I'll just quit the bodyguard biz. I mean, I think we'll find plenty of action lookin' for your friends.” He looked at her. “Speak'n a which, who are they? And what’s this frack about you dyin'? You immortal 'r something?”

  “You heard of the girls caught at Lone Star?”

  “No, but you tol’ me lots. Remember? Gots damn they’s a mess. You sayin’ those ‘re your friends?” Han had an expression of distaste written on his face.

  “I'm pretty sure that those two are Rei and Ami. Ami was, well, still human when we, um, parted company… So I don't think that's changed. I think it's a lie.”

  “Uh huh. What do I know from lies?”

  Makoto frowned again. “You know me.”

  “No. I know you’re the sexiest woman alive, but that’s jus’ physical.”

  She eyed him doubtfully. “You gonna listen or flirt with me?”

  “I like flirtin’ with ya, babe,” Han grinned, reaching for her. She stayed out of reach. He mock sulked. “Okay, I’m listenin’.”

  She took a breath. “We were heroes, like Erin Tarn. Saving the world, fighting against a force - the Negaforce - that wanted to spread darkness all over. Those friends of mine are warriors, like me.”

  Hanlan perked. “They dress like you, too?”

  “They…” she blushed. “Did yeah, but I don’t know if… can we not do that now? They could be dead, you lunkhead.”

  He shrugged. “Jus’ wonderin’. Keep goin’. I gotta guess you saved the whole planet? I mean, from the darkness.”

  “Well, there weren't very many of them, and they only tried to take over Tokyo. I'm not really human, if that helps to explain it. I'm from the Moon. I'm a Princess of Jupiter. Well, I was, anyway.”

  “Kick ass princess. I like it,” he remarked with a grin. “And what, you still got killed? By what?”

  “We protected Tsukino Usagi, the heir of the Moon Kingdom. We were all senshi. Her scared champion protectors. It was our job, our destiny. We died fulfilling that destiny, and defeating the crowned Queen of the NegaVerse.”

  “Pretty cool job if ya ask me,” he said, still grinning. “So who brought ya back?”

  She stopped altogether, and so did he. Hanlan studied the stoic look on her face. He said, “What?”

  “You’re taking this all in stride. Is it so easy to believe?”

  He lifted a brow and waved his hands as he said, “C’mon, you saw this place right? Th’ portals, aliens which don’ look so pretty as you. C’mon, Mako! I gotta chose what I believe, an’ I like believin’ in you. You’re my kinda gal.”

  She blushed modestly and began walking again. They turned a corner into a covered alleyway.

  “You gonna say somethin’ after greasin’ me like that?”

  She gasped and thought, How inconsiderate! She spun and bowed, ‘Domo arigato!’

  “Uh… domo arigatoni?”

  Makoto slapped a hand to her mouth, aghast. “I’m sorry, twice now. I’m Japanese. That … just slipped out.”

  “Nah babe, it was kinda sexy. We’ll talk it over later. We’s about there, so you better tie it up. Or down, or whatever you wanna do.”

  “All right,” she nodded. “Queen Serenity. She's… um, related,” she coughed, “to Usagi. Sort of. Anyway, we beat Queen Beryl, then Allan and Ail and the Doom Tree, but then we were brought here.”

  “Huh,” Han mused, “You didn’t
have a choice then.”

  “Well, no! Do you think I would've wanted to be here?”

  Han's face suddenly darkened. “No, I guess not.”

  “Um, that is… I'm okay now…” her voice and tone dropped. “Well sorta… But…”

  “You ain’t gotta say more if you don’t want. I scan ya.”

  She grabbed his arm and stopped him, looking worried and upset. “Han, don't think you haven't made me happy. You have… but I miss my friends. I don't think I can be totally happy until I know what's happened to them.” Han frowned, still unsatisfied. “I don't think I really want to go back now anyway. I mean, I guess the NegaForce took over by now without us there to stop it.”

  Han turned to her and took her shoulders in his hands. “I'm sorry. I guess I was bein' selfish. They're your friends… I know I miss mine.”

  Makoto's anger faded as she looked up at him slightly. “What happened to them?”

  Han sighed. “Like I said, I ain’t had a lot of friends. Mostly just one’r two ‘long the way. Most of 'em’re dead. Others, well… gotta stay on yer toes, right?”

  Makoto looked to the ground for a moment, then to his eyes. “I just like to crush 'em.”

  Han smiled, “I love that about you.” He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her gently. “It's gonna be okay. Really.”

  Makoto leaned her head on his shoulder. “Oh I hope so.”

  Chapter 6

  Verbal Conveyance