Read Stars and Satellites Page 4

  “There’s no point in talking to him about it Mum, you know he’s not interested.” His thirteen year old sister Joanne scoffed. She sat at the breakfast table, idly raking her cornflakes backwards and forward with her spoon.

  John didn’t answer. He simply made his breakfast and sat down at the breakfast bar, intentionally putting his back to Joanne.

  “Come on now Joanne, be more supportive. You know John’s gift has not developed as far as yours has yet.” Her mother said kindly, glancing to her son.

  “Yeah, some of us haven’t lost it all yet...” John mumbled between mouthfuls of cornflakes.

  Joanne sneered at him resentfully. “Whatever. Geek!”

  John turned on his stool. “Who are you calling a geek? You’re the one who thinks that she can see ghosts.”

  “I can!” Joanne shouted proudly. “And it is one more thing than I can do that you can’t!”

  John’s bottom lip trembled as he tried to contain his laughter – but he failed.

  “If you and Mum love talking to the fairies so much maybe you should go live with the hippies.” He laughed as he hopped down from off the stool, taking his breakfast with him.

  “Whatever loser!”

  “Will you two please stop it!” implored their mother, finally raising her voice. “You should not be fighting like this! You’re both releasing a lot of bad vibes...”

  “Oh shut up!” John shouted over her, finally running out of patience. His mother stared at him in shock. He had never spoken to her in such a way before. “You’re not psychic and you can’t see ghosts. Stop being so fucking stupid!” Slamming the breakfast bowl down onto the counter, he stormed out of the kitchen.


  There was a sharp knock on the front door. Hayley answered it – only to be barged out of the way by Elaine, who came hurrying past her amidst a rant. “I’m sorry to drop in on you right now Hayley, but I have had a very bad morning!” Elaine began, walking off down the hall as if it were her own flat. “James has quit and I just don’t know...” she rambled, forcing her way through the door and into the living room. She suddenly fell very silent when she saw Alex sitting on the sofa watching TV. She was surprised to see someone else there. Alex gazed back at her indifferently.

  “Oh...hello.” Elaine said with a wide, friendly grin. She quickly turned to Hayley who now stood behind her in the doorway. “I didn’t know you had company, you should have said.”

  “I tried too.”

  “So...aren’t you going to introduce us?” she hinted, looking over Alex keenly.

  Hayley frowned in disbelief. “Elaine this is Alex. Alex, Elaine.” She said half-heartedly as she sat down beside her guardian angel.

  “Nice to meet you.” Alex smiled politely, standing up to greet her.

  Her eyes ran up and down him. “Yes, it’s nice to meet you too.” She hastily replied, furiously shaking his hand. Alex glanced at Hayley a little worriedly.

  “So where did you two meet? Hayley has never mentioned you.”

  Both of them exchanged repulsed looks at the suggestion.

  “We’re not going out.” Hayley quickly said. Elaine seemed surprised by this revelation.

  “I’m her new flatmate.” Alex added with a smile.

  Elaine shot Hayley an accusing glance. “I thought you didn’t like sharing your flat?”

  “Er...the rents gone up again. It’s the only way to pay the bills...” she said, rather unconvincingly.

  “Well who would like a cup of tea?” Alex asked, quickly changing the subject.

  “I will have one please! Thanks!” Elaine chirped like a budgie.

  Alex did not look surprised. “Hayley?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have one too, please.”

  Smiling politely to Elaine, Alex excused himself from the room. He gave Hayley a terrified look on the way out, something her friend missed.

  Elaine smirked at Hayley.

  “What?” asked Hayley, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in her own skin.

  “Go on; tell me all about him...” She said keenly.

  Hayley rolled her eyes. “Look Elaine, no. Why are you really here?”

  “Don’t think that you can get out of this so easily. I want to know where you found him. He’s quite hot if you know what I mean.” Elaine’s eyes were hazed as she spoke.

  “Elaine, he’s my flatmate and you’re not dating him.”

  Elaine felt insulted. “Why not? Are you interested in him?”

  “What? No! Elaine just leave it, alright? Now what did you want to talk to me about?” She replied, desperately trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah, like I was saying...”

  It was another three hours before Elaine finally left and having had to listen to her endless babbling for that length of time had taken its toll on Alex.

  Hayley returned from showing Elaine out to find the angel lying face down in the living room carpet. “What are you doing?” she asked. He did not reply.

  “Hey.” She tapped him with the side of her foot. Alex rolled over – his eyes glazed the colour of pewter.

  Hayley crouched down beside him. “Yeah, I get it, petrified, literally. Very funny.”

  Alex sat up, his eyes turning back to normal with a few blinks. “She doesn’t stop talking...ever.”

  Hayley smiled. “I know that’s Elaine for you. But she’s a nice person really.”

  “Do I have to listen to her every time she comes round to visit?”

  “Well it’s alright for you. You can disappear if you want too.”

  “Huh, only out of sight. I can make myself transparent but I’m still bound to your side. I still have to stand there and listen to it all.”

  Hayley glanced at him curiously. “I thought angels had great patience?”

  Alex frowned at the suggestion. “I wish.”

  “Come on, I was thinking that we could go out today.” Hayley said, standing.

  His frown turned to a look of sudden interest.

  “Where to?” He asked, also getting up.

  Hayley shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wanted to go out.”

  That familiar warm smile lit up across Alex’s face. “Alright, I’ll go get a sweatband and then we can go.”

  Hayley gave him a peculiar look. “What’s wrong with the three that you’re already wearing?”

  Alex glanced at his wrists and then back at Hayley. He did seem very emo in his appearance. Alex was in the habit of wearing dark colours, but all his gear was stylish. He wore Converse style red pumps, complimented by his jet black cargo trousers. His attire of dark blues and black matched his dark spiky haircut and sharp blue eyes.

  Alex messed with his spiky hair as he smiled at Hayley. “I have to keep up my appearance.”

  Hayley’s expression grew even more curious. “What has that got to do with wearing one more sweatband?”

  “I’m going for the ‘emo’ look if you haven’t noticed. I have to try and fit in after all.” He laughed, as he continued to mess with his hair.

  “That doesn’t answer my question...”

  Alex looked at her and smiled brightly. “This wrist is a little bare.” He declared, showing her the slither of pale flesh between the top of his sweatband and the bottom of his wrist.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Hayley said tiredly, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him out the door.

  The two of them ended up spending most of the afternoon wondering about the shops in Glasgow city centre. Despite window shopping and visiting so many different stores – they did not buy a single thing. Having lost interest in what the stores had to offer, curiosity compelled them to take a look at the shops down the backstreets.

  “You are so tight fisted it is unbelievable.” Alex laughed, as they trailed down the cold, narrow street.

  “At least I have money.”

  Alex’s brow rose confidently, accompanied by a smug grin. “I don’t need money, because if you need reminding, I don’t need anything.” He b

  “Is that why you keep drinking all my tea and eating all my bread?”

  “Hey, tea is delicious.” He said, pointing a gloved finger at her. “And it’s the least you can thank me with considering it my duty to protect you night and day.”

  “No one said you had too.”

  “Yes they did, the big man upstairs...” He hiked a finger upward, his eyes following.

  Hayley stopped and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She was not sure if she heard him right. “What did you just say?”

  Alex smiled coyly. “You heard me.” And with that he walked on.

  “Yeah right, now I know you’re just winding me up.”

  Alex did not reply, he simply smiled as they continued on down the narrow street.

  “You were, weren’t you?” she asked, thinking twice.

  Alex continued to grin as he sauntered on his merry way.

  “Alex I asked you a question...”

  “Do you want to look in here?” Alex asked looking to her briefly before disappearing into the nearest shop. Reluctantly, she followed him inside.

  Both of them were pleasantly surprised by the little shop’s interior. The small dwelling was like a gypsy’s hideaway – packed with all sorts of mysterious objects and ornaments. There was a wide and varied range of models and trinkets; models, wind chimes, books, even dream catchers. Alex squinted curiously at an angel ornament in the display case below the counter. The figure was crouched down humbly, draped in long white flowing robes, playing a golden harp.

  “Why are these things always so unrealistic?” he asked.

  Hayley wandered across to have a look. “I thought that was all you lot did, sit on clouds and play harps.”

  Alex frowned at her. “So naive...”

  A woman suddenly appeared from the back of the shop, seemingly from nowhere. “Can I help you with anything?”

  Hayley straightened up. “No thanks, we were just looking.”

  “Yeah, we were only browsing, thanks.”

  The woman’s eyes nearly popped out from their sockets when they feel upon his face. “You...” she muttered, so shocked that she seemed to freeze to the spot.

  “Are you ok?” Alex asked, looking at her worriedly.

  The shop keeper suddenly snapped out of her trance. Looking at her two customers a little distantly, she found her voice once more. “I’m sorry I did not mean to be rude.” She apologised, looking a little embarrassed.

  Neither Hayley nor Alex held any inclination as to what she was talking about. Exchanging bemused looks, Alex found himself repeating his unanswered question, “Are you alright? You seemed a little distant for a second there.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you...” she muttered, peering at him apprehensively. “Please do not get upset if I ask you this but do you possess any extra sensory abilities?” She bravely inquired, despite the nagging knot of fear within the pit of her stomach.

  Alex gave her a funny look. “Extra sensory abilities?” He mimicked sceptically.

  “Extra sensory, yes. Like telekinesis or the gift to perceive the future? I only ask because I have never met someone with an aura as intense as your own.”

  This explanation made Alex frown at her again. “I’m sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “We better go. Elaine will be wondering where we are.” Hayley said, making an excuse.

  But as they headed for the door, the shop keeper suddenly dropped a bombshell. “Command him to answer me!” She blurted.

  “What?” Hayley asked, turning back to the shopkeeper and giving her a funny look.

  “Your guardian angel, command him to answer my question.”

  Hayley was so surprised by this revelation that she didn’t know what to say.

  Alex turned his back to the shopkeeper and leant in close to Hayley so only she could hear him. “I’ll take care of this.” He whispered.

  Approaching the counter, Alex folded his arms and glowered at the woman in a cold, hostile manner. “I don’t know who you think you are but you’re playing a very dangerous game.”

  “So you are a guardian angel.” The woman concluded, peering at him vaguely. Her eyes looked over him as if there was something else there, emanating from him. Hayley could see nothing.

  Alex continued to stare at her silently. His gaze sent shivers through her very being.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude. I have never met a spirit like you before...I did not even know that ones like you existed.”

  “What do you want?” Alex asked coolly.

  The woman looked at him as if she did not understand. She fidgeted a little as she contemplated to ask by what he meant. Then it came to her. Peering at him desperately, she asked, “Can you help my son?”


  “He is like me...he is gifted. But he refuses to accept it...”

  “No.” Alex said bluntly, turning away.

  She was both aghast and appalled by such a heartless answer. “But, please...” she pleaded.

  “I’m a protector, not a councillor to some child. And I will not be used as leverage.”

  The shopkeeper shook her head at him, baffled and bewildered. “But you said...”

  “I asked you what you wanted. People always want something. You would not have started this conversation if you did not want something out of me.” He explained, gesturing to Hayley to head for the door.

  “No, I did not mean...”

  “The answer is no. Besides if your son wants to be like you, that is up to him and that is assuming that he has any gifts anyway.” Alex replied harshly, holding the door open for his charge.

  “I’ll tell the world about you!” The woman found herself saying, surprising herself and wincing back instantly in horror of her own desperation.

  Alex paused and looked back at her. “You do that. No one will ever believe you.” He replied, unfazed by her threats and like that, they were gone.

  The shopkeeper found herself alone with only her trinkets and nervous disposition to tend too. She sniffled, overwhelmed by the whole experience. Taking a tissue from her long, purple sleeve she wiped the tears away from her eyes.


  Alex remained in a sour mood for the rest of the day. On returning to the flat he sat down in front of the TV in a pout and did not utter a word for several hours.

  “Are you ok?” Hayley asked, finally breaking the silence as she took a seat at the far end of the couch.

  Alex looked a little surprised by the question. “Of course, why do you ask?”

  She shrugged. “You haven’t said anything since we got back.”

  On contemplation, he realised what she was saying was true. “Sorry, I guess I’m just a little wound up by what happened earlier.”

  “Yeah I was quite surprised by what she said. How did she know that?”

  “Well you know you’ve heard of telekinesis and similar things, well there is some truth to it.”

  “So all the people who say that they can cast spells and see fairies aren’t all crazy then?”

  “No, they are crazy. There’s no such thing as fairies, goblins or even bigfoot for that matter. But some things do exist, like spirits.” He explained.

  “What about aliens?”

  Alex rolled his eyes. “May I please finish?” He asked.


  “That lady in the shop, she’s a clairvoyant. She can talk to spirits.”

  “Oh come on...” Hayley said sceptically, almost laughing at the very suggestion.

  Alex looked at her coolly.

  The smile quickly faded from her face. Feeling awkward, she changed the subject, “So what has that got to do with her knowing that you are an angel?”

  Alex shook his head. “I’m not sure, that’s why I have been preoccupied all afternoon. She may be able to see into a person’s psyche, but there is no way she could have seen into mine. I would have known it.”

  “So how did she know t
hen?” Hayley asked again, still as confused as before.

  Alex shook his head again. “I really don’t know...which is concerning.” There was an uneasy silence for a few minutes as the two of them contemplated the events of the day.

  Finally Hayley broke it by saying, “Maybe you’re looking into this too much.”

  Alex looked across to her, his expression etched with concern. Then he suddenly smiled. “I guess you’re right.” He said cheerfully. “Do you want a cup of tea?”

  “No thanks, I’ve still not finished this one yet.” She said, looking into the half empty cup.

  Alex leant over and took the cup off her for a second. He also gazed into it. A moment later he handed it back, full, saying, “You can’t say no to a top-up.”

  Hayley glanced curiously at the full cup of tea. “We should start a magic act.”

  Alex laughed. “I would have my wings pulled off if I did that.”

  This led Hayley onto another subject she was curious about. “Do your wings hurt when they are folded away?” she asked.

  “You asked me that once when you were five.”

  “I can’t remember what you said.”

  Alex smiled. “The short answer would be no, they don’t.”

  “Oh ok.” She replied, turning her attention back to the TV. Alex was surprised that she had no further questions about the matter. Without further comment his attention returned to what they had been watching.


  It was just after 2am and Alex sat alone in the living room with only the TV to keep him company. Hayley had retired to bed a couple two hours before hand.

  Losing interest in what he was watching, Alex picked up the remote and began the tedious task of channel hopping in pursuit of finding something decent to watch at such a late hour. He did not notice Hayley standing in the doorway. She stood there motionlessly; her head tipped forward slightly, her breathing shallow.

  Alex’s head twitched ever so slightly as he felt something out of the ordinary emanating close by. In the millionth split second of a single moment, he had vanished from where he had been sitting and reappeared across the room and in front of where Hayley stood in the doorway – but it wasn’t her...