Read Stars and Satellites Page 6

  “Have you set a date?”

  Juliette’s cheeks flushed again at the question. She laughed. “No, not yet I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t worry you’ll get your invitation when the time comes.” Jacob insisted with a hearty, if patronising laugh.

  Hayley gained the courage to finally say something. “Er...sorry to ask, but can I please use your bathroom?”

  Jacob smiled. “Of course you can. Juliette can show you where it is if you’d like.”

  “Nah, it’s alright, I don’t want to be a pain. Where is it?”

  “Turn left when you leave the room. Continue down the hall until you reach the very end. It is up the flight of stairs, the second door on the left.” He shot Hayley a curious look. “Are you sure that you’ll manage alright by yourself?”

  Hayley nodded, smiling emphatically. “Yeah, I’ll be fine thanks.” Getting up with the widest grin she could manage, she hurried off.

  Jacob looked to Alex once the door closed behind her. “She’s a beautiful girl, so what’s so special about this one?”

  Alex grinned at the remark. “She’s special and that’s all I’m saying.”

  Jacob’s smile turned to a devious smirk. “You never used to keep secrets from me.”

  “Well you never used to be a vampire.”

  Hayley peered cautiously around the corner. The hallway was empty. She quickly glanced back the way she had come – there was no one there. Turning her attention back to the path ahead, she quietly hurried off. Turning the next corner, she jumped backwards as she came face to face with Alex who had appeared out of nowhere. He smirked cheekily.

  Hayley gave him a hard slap on the arm. “Don’t do that!” she hissed quietly.

  Alex’s smile grew even wider. “It’s better than appearing out of thin air in front of you, you would have screamed.”

  She slapped him hard on the arm once again. “Don’t get smart with me!” she warned, not taking too kindly to his humour. “Now where is this room you were talking about?” she asked, looking about to make sure no one had seen them.

  Alex glanced back over his shoulder. He looked back at Hayley. “It’s just down here.” He whispered, leading the way.

  Two ladies giggled as they descended the steps of a grand marble staircase. As they reached the bottom and turned down the hallway, Alex and Hayley quietly emerged from their hiding place and up the stairs. Alex confidently led Hayley down one more hall before they finally reached the room that he had been looking for. Turning to Hayley, he whispered, “Ok, we are looking for a journal. It’s covered in brown leather with a golden edge. Look everywhere, it probably won’t be in any draws.”

  Hayley nodded. Alex smiled and winked before turning to open the door. The room they stepped into was considerably small compared to the smoking room, but it was still relatively big for a study. Hayley glanced over the nineteenth century decor. “Isn’t that a little obvious though? Keeping his journal in a study?” she asked, beginning to finger through a pile of papers on the desk at the other end of the room. It sat below curtained, high arched windows.

  “Jacob’s a creature of habit. He used to always keep it in here.” Alex replied confidently. He began to sift through a tall pile of books and papers on a nearby table.

  “And why is this journal so important again?” Hayley enquired, moving her attention to the drawers in the desk, despite Alex’s reservations about it not being stashed somewhere so obvious. Still, she thought it best to check and be absolutely sure.

  “It’s a long story but let’s just say that it would be dangerous in the wrong hands.” He replied.

  “Are they getting suspicious about where I’ve got to yet?” Hayley asked, well aware that time was not on their side. If she was absent for much longer, her hosts would begin to get suspicious.

  “One of Jacob’s guests has just made a joke about it, but I can handle it. We’ve got a few more minutes.”

  Downstairs, Alex and the other guests were revelling hysterically at the comment which had just been passed about Hayley.

  “She’s only human, what do you expect?” Alex remarked, laughing along with the high-flying guests who encircled him. “She’ll find the bathroom eventually, even if it is next year.”A fresh burst of laughter erupted amongst the ranks of vampires at the witty remark.

  “Alex...” Jacob snickered. “You haven’t changed a bit.” He continued, grinning widely at Alex. Then, just like that, his smile suddenly vanished from his pale features. “How stupid do you think I am?” He asked, lowering his voice. Alex stared at him coolly, unthreatened by his host’s sudden shift in mood.

  In the study, Alex quickly abandoned what he was doing. “Hayley, come here...” His expression turned to horror as his eyes fell upon Jacob. He was standing behind Hayley – the edge of a blade resting against her throat.

  “You’re not the only one who can split in two. I use to be an angel as well once, remember?” Jacob boasted through his gritted teeth and sneering grin.

  Alex’s focus shifted to Hayley, who was plainly terrified. Her eyes stared into his, filled with tears.

  “You’ll be alright Hayley he’s too much of a coward.”

  Jacob pressed the tip of the blade even closer against her soft flesh. “Oh I don’t think so Alexander. I didn’t send you those invitations just so that we could catch up.”

  Alex looked at him like he was an idiot. “Yes, I hadn’t realised that.”

  “I knew you’d come back for it at some point. It seemed very convenient that of all the times you could have returned to this realm, you decided to come back now.”

  “Are you going to let her go or are we going to do this the hard way?” Alex asked, ignoring Jacob’s vain attempts to antagonise him. The vampire stood his ground, the raw malice gleaming in his eyes as he held the wincing Hayley at his mercy.

  “Fine...” Alex muttered, shutting his eyes. He opened them again, revealing two deadly blue orbs which had replaced his eyes. They were clouded with a nightmarish haze, churning wildly in their orbits.

  Jacob was baffled by what he saw. Then it happened. The knife was ripped from his grasp by an unseen force. By the time he realised that it was gone, he found himself being flung by an overwhelming force into the back wall – his spine snapping like a matchstick as he struck it.

  Hayley peered over her shoulder at where Jacob now lay and then back in the direction where the blade had vanished. It happened so fast, that she was not quite sure if it actually did. She didn’t see Alex approach her. “Are you alright?” He asked, putting his hands on her cheeks and staring desperately into her eyes.

  She stared at him distantly for a few moments through teary eyes. Finally she blinked, seeing him for the first time. “Yeah...yeah, I think so...” she muttered, throwing her arms around him.

  “I’m sorry.” Alex said softly, holding her close.

  Hayley pulled her head back and looked at him bemusedly. “Why?” Her tears were gone.

  “For what just happened.” He glanced at Jacob’s still and lifeless form. “We should go. It was too dangerous bringing you here.”

  “No, we’ve came this far. We have to find that journal.” she insisted, struggling to conceal her fear behind wide eyes and a shaky composure.

  Alex looked at her warily. “Are you sure?” He asked.


  “Stay close to me.” He said, glancing over to where Jacob lay. “It won’t be long before his back heals. We don’t have much time.” That said they got to work searching for the journal once more.

  Hayley couldn’t help but look back at Jacob’s limp body herself for a moment. “How did he become a vampire anyway?” she asked, changing the subject as she turned her attention to fumbling through an undisturbed set of bookshelves.

  With an impatient flick of his hand, Alex knocked the contents of the entire bookshelf down onto the floor without even laying a finger on them. Stepping over the flowing pile of books and yellowed documents, he be
gan rummaging carelessly through it all. “Some years ago Jacob began to neglect his duties. He was sent away as punishment for what he did. The years he spent here did something to him, and eventually he became that hollow, warped and twisted creature over there.” He couldn’t help but gaze over at Jacob for a moment, almost ruefully. Quickly refocusing on the task at hand, he returned to his search for the elusive journal.

  “Is that what happens to angels?” Hayley asked, trying hard not to be tempted to look upon Jacob’s meek, gravely pale face once more.

  “No, he let them do that to him. He willingly let the vampire’s bite him. He later told me that he did it to feel alive again...” He shook his head, “Which is something I still find absolutely ridiculous and stupid to this day.”

  “What did his relatives think?” Hayley caught herself by surprise asking such a question. To the best of her knowledge, there was no evidence to suggest that angels had families. Did Alex have one? She wondered. “That’s if, if he had anyway...” she corrected herself, shrugging.

  Alex did not reply, he continued to sift through the mountain of old books and torn folders. Finally, he lifted something which looked terribly familiar...

  Opening the dusty old pocket book, his eyes skimmed over the crumpled pages and faded handwriting. “I’ve found it.” He declared exuberantly. “Let’s go.” He said, sliding it into his top pocket and grabbing Hayley by the hand. They hurried for the door.

  As he stepped out into the hall, Alex was ambushed from the right by a heavy, low-flying body. Knocked to the floor, he found himself being pinned down by Juliette. Digging her nails into his wrists and using her weight against him, she lurched over him – her dark, soulless eyes glaring into his own whilst she snarled furiously behind ivory fangs. Alex could of more than easily taken care of the situation himself and was about too – but Hayley got in there first.

  With a sharp kick of her silver studded heel to Juliette’s face, Hayley knocked the vampire to the floor – blood streaming and nose broken. Juliette lay on her back for a few moments, coughing and spluttering through missing teeth and the hot blood that pooled into the back of her mouth.

  Staggering back a little way in horror at her own strength, Hayley did not notice Jacob appear in the doorway behind her.

  “Hayley, I think it’s time you learnt how to fly.” Alex said, spotting the imminent danger. Hayley gave him a quizzical look, but before she could open her mouth to ask him what he was talking about, he had flicked his hand and sent her hurtling upwards towards the ceiling.

  Paying no interest in the gravity defying girl, Jacob lunged for Alex. The angel threw a bolt of blue lightning at him – which sent Jacob crashing into a nearby wall. Large pieces of plaster and debris reigned down after him as he hit the floor. Alex jumped back onto his feet while Jacob lunged heavily onto his.

  “I knew you’d come back for the journal given the opportunity.” Jacob hissed, straightening himself up and brushing the dust from his shirt and jacket.

  Alex glanced to his side as he saw Juliette lifting herself from the floor. She then backed away to her fiancé’s side. “This was all your own doing. I have to do what’s right, even if it means killing you. Such knowledge is not safe in your hands, especially with Gabriel’s return.” Alex said.

  “I think you need to carefully reconsider whose side you should really be on.” Jacob warned.

  “No Jacob, you should be. Gabriel will kill you if he gets his hands on the journal.”

  Jacob smiled in amusement, savouring Alex’s rebellion against his offer. “I tell you what. I will let you keep the journal if I can keep the girl? I think that’s fair.”

  “I know that’s the only reason why you invited us here, to get to me through her.”

  Jacob’s expression grew even darker. “You were the one stupid enough to bring her still.” His eyes flitted to his fiancé. “Juliette, please be a dear and fetch the girl.” His dark, hollow eyes lifted to the ceiling – where Hayley now stood precariously staring back down at them.

  “That’s not good.” She muttered, making a run for it – forgetting that she was running upside down across the ceiling.

  With a hideous snarl and a flash of the fangs, Juliette leapt for the ceiling. Hayley skidded to a stop as Juliette landed before her. The vampire was also standing perfectly upright, on Hayley’s level, unaffected by gravity.

  “Holy shit.” Hayley gapped in disbelief.

  Juliette’s fangs gleamed menacingly. “Didn’t your angel teach you not to swear?”

  “Listen, between you and me I’m not the soulless freak with the skin condition. So I think I can get away with swearing a little.”

  Juliette lunged at her without warning, fangs first. Hayley was off like a shot.

  Watching the drama unfold up above, Jacob enquired, “Aren’t you going to help her?”

  “She can take care of herself.” Alex said, just as he twisted his wrist and threw another bolt of blue lightning in the vampire’s direction. Jacob vanished before it reached him and the burst of energy seared a large hole in the wall behind where he had stood.

  Alex turned. Jacob was standing further down the hall leaning against the wall with his arms folded and wearing a smug grin across his face. “If we’re going to fight, let’s do it properly.” he said.

  Pushing away from the wall, he cracked his neck loudly as something from within began to bulge and press heavily against his flesh. His back cracked as a surge of energy ran through him. Flinging back his head he screamed hysterically as his eyes clouded over with a veil of darkness. Alex stood and watched, unfazed as the monstrous transformation took a hold of Jacob.

  Clueless of where she was running to, Hayley bolted as fast as she could in her heels across the ceiling of the winding hallway. She knew that Juliette was catching up and would be on her at any moment, but she continued to run regardless. What else was there to do? There was no sign of Alex – he seemed to have just left her. Some Guardian angel he is, she thought cynically as she ran on. Then it dawned on her and she stopped. She felt incredibly stupid and embarrassed having not realised it sooner. Turning around, she came face to face with Juliette as she launched fangs first for her throat. Instinctively Hayley shielded herself with her arm. But nothing happened. Compelled by curiosity, she bravely peered over her elbow to find out why she had not been struck down or killed. Juliette lay on her backside several feet away, snarling and flailing wildly like a fish out of water. Hayley couldn’t help bursting into a fit of laughter. She was surprised by how ridiculous the viscous and gravely creature of the night now appeared.

  Juliette sprung to her feet and lunged at Hayley once more in desperation. The air rippled like the surface of water as she collided with an invisible barrier and was ricocheted back to the floor again. This time though Hayley did not duck and laughed even more loudly at the vampire’s continued futile efforts to reach her.

  Boldly approaching the dazed vampire, Hayley crouched down in her dress and asked, “Are you going to stop doing that?”

  Her fangs gapping, Juliette lunged forward, only to find herself this time becoming restrained by an invisible force. Her eyes darted frantically about their dark orbits, whilst the rest of her remained paralysed. It was like looking at a mannequin.

  Hayley drew closer, gazing into Juliette’s black pit of a mouth. Her canines were small, but horrifically sharp. Hayley was well aware that they would be more than capable of killing her if given the opportunity to clamp down in the right place. Juliette’s eyes glowered at her behind her glazed exterior.

  Hayley retreated several paces to see what would happen. Juliette suddenly came back to life, moving freely like she had done before. Squaring her focus on Hayley, she rushed towards her – hands outreached ready to throttle her. Hayley remained perfectly still, welcoming the attempt. As predicted, Juliette’s hands were restrained from getting to close. Struggling against the forces that conspired against her, she felt a strong, chilling force begin to
crawl slowly up her hands. It felt like she was pushing against quicksand.

  A rumble rattled through the building, grabbing their attention. Hayley turned just in time to see Alex grappling with a large, grey winged beast as they came crashing through the ceiling. The pair had fallen several floors and reduced more than half the mansion to rubble during their brief but brutal fight.

  Hayley ran to the edge of the hole in the ceiling. She glanced down and then up, watching as Alex and the beast crashed to the floor below.

  With a powerful upward thrust of his right arm, Alex effortlessly flung the winged monster through the wall. Straightening himself up, his pearl white wings outstretched behind him – ready for battle. Lifting his head, he gazed straight up at Hayley. “Are you alright up there?” He called.

  “Er...I don’t know...” she replied dubiously, all too aware that she was upside down and so to was the contents of her stomach. She quickly realised that the ceiling was moving away from her. Screaming, she clawed at the air frantically to prevent herself from falling – but her fears were ill founded. Holding out his arms Alex caught her without so much as bending from the force accompanying her weight. He looked at her endearingly and smiled. Hayley slapped his smirk right off his face.

  “What was that for?” he demanded to know, glowering at her furiously.

  “What have I said about showing off?”

  “Any excuse to hold her Alex?” Jacob asked mockingly as his large, pewter nailed hands appeared from the dust cloud that circled the hole in the wall. Clamping onto the ragged edges of both walls, Jacob pulled himself free from the narrow crevice.

  Hayley could see him clearly now for the first time. His face was similar to what it had been before, only his skin had become a thin grey flesh that barely fitted his remoulded body and bulged with thick black veins across all angles of him. His eye sockets had widened and were black from corner to corner. Standing no less than nine feet in height and boasting an engulfing set of wings, his lean build was not to be underestimated.