Read Started From The Top Now I'm Here Page 8

  The next day while Tyler was at the gym Sonnet thought long and hard about the decision she was about to make. This man had made her $7,000 in less than a week. She didn’t know how he did it, but she knew was that this shit needed to be on repeat.

  As she stared at the check he had given her it didn’t take long for her to come to the conclusion that she was going to give everything to him to invest for her. Along with the money she had just made she was sitting on almost $20,000. This nigga was like a magician. If he could turn $3,000 into $10,000, surely he could turn $20,000 into $100,000 or something close to it, top that with the fact that now she was his lady so the perks were about to be endless.

  As far as she was concerned she could sit on the money he made her, especially considering she would most likely move in with him soon. She wouldn’t have to worry about bills from this day forward. Her only job would be to look good and cater to her man’s needs like the rest of the Hollywood housewives. This was the moment she had been dreaming of and she planned on giving it her all.

  Chapter 22 – Parting Ways

  “I can’t believe that this trick is really trying not to answer the phone. I know her ass ain’t still salty,” Sonnet frowned as she attempted to call Lexi for the third time. She hadn’t heard from her since the day of the funeral. Plus she wanted to tell her about Tyler making it official. Sonnet had checked Lexi hard about how everything went down and she didn’t feel the shade was warranted considering that she was helping her friend out.

  “I know her ass been getting my messages.”

  The phone rang five times before Lexi finally answered.


  “Damn is that how you answering the phone now a days?”

  “What you want Sonnet? I’m kinda busy.”

  “Seems like you been busy since the funeral. Personally I think you just avoiding me.”

  “So what if I am?” Lexi responded boldly.

  Sonnet wasn’t use to her friend talking to her this way and she didn’t like it one bit.

  “Damn, who lit the fuse on your tampon? Do you have something you want to say to me? I know you ain’t still mad about the other day.”

  Lexi’s voice shook when she spoke out of anger and pain.

  “My problem is I didn’t appreciate how you fronted on me after the shit hit the fan. Hell you know who I am, who I always been. And you know I ain’t taking shit off of nobody. I try to help you out and this is the thanks I get?”

  Lexi was heated. For the most part she never confronted Sonnet on any of her actions, but this time was different. For as long as they had known each other she always had Sonnet’s back. Not once could she say the same thing when the tables were turned.

  “Believe me I know who you are, that same immature chick that acts like we still in high school. You need to grow your ass up Lexi before you catch a case, or even worse a beat down. Acting like damn Madea waving a gun every time somebody pisses you off. That shit gets old girl; I’m trying to tell you. I mean come on you shot at one of my family members.”

  Lexi was Sonnet’s girl but she felt the need to tell her about herself. The hoodrat antics that she frequently engaged in had run their course. As far as Sonnet was concerned she was on the path of success and there was no room for messy little birds, friend or not. It was time Lexi stopped acting so damn ghetto or else she would have to cut her loose.

  “Yeah well this immature chick done saved yo’ black ass on more than one occasion. You know yo’ ass can’t fight Sonnet. Yo’ cousins was about to beat that ass if I hadn’t come along. It’s the same as it was when we were kids. You talk all that shit but ain’t gon’ back it up. You heard that bitch crack on my hair, calling me Ronald McDonald. Was I supposed to just take that shit? And you know the shit got real when that bitch bricked your window; it was either them or us.”

  Lexi felt that her outburst at the funeral was perfectly justified. She was never the one to start shit, but she would damn sure finish it if you brought it to her.

  “Well I can see this is going nowhere fast. Let’s just drop that subject,” Sonnet replied with disgust. It was clear that she was wasting her time trying to bring Lexi up to her level. If she wanted to stay in the gutter messing with wanna be trap house niggas so be it.

  “Another reason I called you was because I wanted to tell you about Tyler.”

  “That fine nigga you met at the club? Y’all still kickin’ it right?”

  “More than kickin’ it, he asked me to be his woman,” Sonnet replied with pure giddiness.

  Hmph… he probably somebody else’s man, Lexi thought.

  It was a time she wouldn’t have given Sonnet’s dirty deeds a second look but fucking Cheron’s man right under her nose was some low down shit, even for her. She never let on what she was really thinking; instead she decided to be happy for her friend. “Aww shit! I gotta give it to you. Yo’ ass stay winning.”

  “Girl you ain’t heard the half of it. Why did he flip my money and turn that shit into10 grand?”

  “Are you serious? Shit I need to give his as a piece of change.”

  “For sure! Just gimme a minute to get up in the house then I will really work my magic.

  “So he’s moving you into his spot?”

  “Well he hasn’t said it yet, but I know it’s coming I can feel it. I’m ‘bout to build my life with this man Lexi.”

  “Well congratulations to you! I’m happy for you girl. I got a little bit of news myself” Lexi answered coyly.

  “What is it girl?” Sonnet asked.

  “Remember I told you that Quantez’s daddy was back in town on a job? Well he’s been coming through spending time with us. I have to admit that shit felt pretty good. It was like we were a little family again.”

  Sonnet could hear the tone in Lexi’s voice change. She could tell that she was really happy about catching up with Darius. Truth be told she knew that she was still in love with him despite how he treated her like shit when they were together.

  Sonnet sighed.

  “I know what you thinking but Darius is getting his shit together. His probation is almost over and he done held down a steady job for the past year. He was just telling me last night how he regrets not treating me right. He wants us to get back together and I told him I was down with it. I mean fuck it; I might as well try to make it work with my child’s father over some other nigga.”

  “Lexi you know that nigga ain’t shit. Do you really think he’s changed? Why do you think they call that shit the past? Cause that’s where it needs to stay. I remember how he use to talk down to you, had your self-esteem all fucked up. It’s only gon’ be a matter of time before his true colors show.”

  Lexi laughed at Sonnet’s predictable response.

  “Yea I remember how he had my self-esteem fucked up, talking down to me, kinda like you…”

  Sonnet was appalled at Lexi’s remark. Where the hell did she get off trying to read her? If anything she should have been glad somebody was trying to teach her little low budget ass some class.

  “Oh really? So, is that how you feel? You know any criticism I’ve ever given you over the years was outta love and because I wanted you to come up right along with me. But what was that line you said earlier? That’s what I get for helping out a friend.”

  “Whatever Sonnet…. listen I gotta run.” Lexi really didn’t have anywhere to go but she was tired of the bullshit she was being fed. Sonnet was right about one thing, she needed to step her game up, come up to the next level, and part of that might have to be cutting some people loose starting with her.

  Sonnet was totally caught off guard by Lexi’s new change in attitude.

  “I can’t b
elieve she hung up on me. Since when did her ass start getting a damn back bone? Oh well, while I’m calling folks lemme call Aintee Maven and see what they up to. Hell I’m surprised they mooching asses ain’t called me.

  After a few rings Aintee Maven picked up.


  “Hey Aintee, what’s good?”

  “So you finally decided to call us. Ain’t a damn thing good. Your brother lost his grandmother and I lost my mother. And the worst part is the poor woman couldn’t even be laid to rest in peace. You had to turn it into a damn circus just so yo’ ass could be seen.”

  “Now hold up! I will admit Lexi was wrong for shooting at Towanda but they had that shit coming. Did you see how they was fronting on me? Did you hear how Uncle Joe was talking to me? Oh, but I guess that don’t mean nothing.”

  “Fronting on you? Chile you been looking down your nose at us for as long as I can remember. If Joe said anything out of line it was because he was hurt, we all were. Listening to yo’ ass stand there telling all them damn lies talking ‘bout you being there…”

  Maven wanted to go on but she was too choked up.

  “So I was lying about me being the only one in this family with some class? Please, we all know the answer to that. Answer me this Aintee, you still shopping at the swap meet? Huh, I don’t hear anything. Talking about me looking down my nose. I don’t have a choice, all y’all do is beg. I try and better myself and everybody thinks I’m the snooty one. I do everything in my power not to get on the damn welfare and rise above life in the sewer. Forgive me if I don’t wanna chauffer y’all broke asses to the church for handouts.”

  If it were one thing that Sonnet could count on, it was Aintee Maven to bring her down off her high. She hadn’t heard from her or Aviare since the funeral and decided to check on them, but low and behold misery loves company.

  Maven blew her nose before responding. She knew that this would be the last time she talked to her niece until she changed her ways. She had taken her and Aviare in when they didn’t have anyone and loved them as her own. They may not have lived in the lap of luxury, but they made due. It was bad enough that Sonnet was so disconnected that she didn’t remember what the struggle felt like. Now she was actually looking down on people who had less than her. To make fun of where someone shopped for their clothes when they couldn’t do any better was downright low.

  “Honey if you don’t come down off that high horse of yours you gon’ have a rough life, mark my words. You always so quick to stick your nose in the air when it comes to government assistance, but you don't seem to realize that nothing in life is guaranteed. The same people you judge today are the same people you might be standing next to in line at the welfare office the next day. Just remember that.”

  Sonnet yawned and rolled her eyes as Aintee Maven preached. She had heard it all before. She figured that she would let her get her little rant in before hanging up.

  “You done?”

  “Not yet, I got one more thing to say. You don’t have to be bothered with our “broke asses” ever again. It has been a shame and a disgrace how you treated us. We ain’t did nothing to you but loved you, and you don’t want nothing to do with us ‘cause you shamed of where you come from. You need to take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself can you live with the ugly ways you got, if you can so be it, but until then you are not welcome to step foot in this house. I’m sorry to have to do this to my sister’s child but I’m cutting you off.”

  “Ha! Cutting me off? From what? Living like damn savages? Fine have it any way you want it but y’all will be calling me before it’s over. And if you think I wasn’t answering before…”

  Before she could finish Aintee Maven interrupted her. “Goodbye Sonny,” with that she hung up the phone.

  Chapter 23 – Catfished

  It had been an exhausting but exhilarating weekend. Not only did Tyler make Sonnet the happiest woman on earth by asking her to be his woman; but project make a million had taken hold and wasn’t letting go. Despite plans to end their getaway on Sunday night, the pair couldn’t pry themselves from one another ‘till Monday morning.

  There was just enough time to swing by the bank so that Sonnet could make a withdrawal before Tyler had to be at work. This was it. She was taking the ultimate leap of faith and pulled out every dime. Sonnet’s mother use to tell her that you had to strike while the irons were hot and that’s just what she was doing.

  Tyler was like Hoodini when it came to turning a little money into a lot of money, and in a short amount of time. At the rate she was going she figured they would be at Jay and Bey’s level in no time. When it was all said and done she handed over $19,979, her entire life savings and didn’t give it a second thought.

  And just as she guessed, they discussed plans for her to move into his 6,000sq foot raised ranch. He promised to take her by to see it once it was done being fumigated. Sonnet couldn’t care less. There was no rush. She still had to pack and give the leasing office at her condo a thirty-day notice. It was amazing how things had worked out. One minute she was dreaming about living like the other half, the next an educated, wealthy man practically fell in her lap. And just as luck would have it her family and friends were too busy worrying about petty shit to be truly happy for her.

  True enough she hadn’t told Aintee Maven about her relationship with Tyler, but what was the point? All she would do is find some way to shoot it down, especially since she didn’t have anyone. Crabs in a barrel ran deep in her family. That was evident by the fact that Aintee Maven no longer wanted anything to do with her.

  Family just can’t stand to see somebody getting ahead when they ain’t got shit going on, Sonnet thought as she gathered her dirty laundry. And I know she done poisoned Aviare against me with that bullshit but it’s all good. Me and my baby ‘bout to keep to ourselves anyway. We don’t need all these sorry ass muthafuckas all up in our business.

  Six hours had passed since Tyler had dropped Sonnet off at home. By now he would have sent her a text saying how much he missed her even though they had only been apart a few hours. No matter how busy his day was going he always took the time out to touch base several times.

  “They must really be working my baby like a slave. Imma send him a message.”

  “Thinking about you, call me when you get off.”

  Once Sonnet was done texting Tyler she gathered up some snacks, a glass of wine, and the remote and prepared to lounge on the sofa for the night. After she found a movie on demand, she snuggled under her faux mink throw with Gucci curled up at her feet. She got about a half hour into the movie before dozing off. When she woke up she checked her phone to see if Tyler had called.

  That’s weird, Sonnet thought. It was 8pm and not only had he not called her, he didn’t return her text. When she tried to call him she got a busy signal. His phone must be tripping, no wonder he hasn’t called me.

  Sonnet rolled over and went back to sleep. When she woke up the next time it was almost 11pm.

  “Damn he still ain’t called, what’s up with that?” It wasn’t like her to be sweating a man but this was out of character for Tyler. Usually she would be the one ignoring one of the many texts he sent throughout the day. When she tried to call him again she once again got a busy signal.

  “To hell with it, He’ll call me tomorrow.”

  Sonnet didn’t attempt to call Tyler the next day until almost 4p.m. She figured by now he had to know his phone wasn’t working not only that, she had given him plenty of time to have it fixed.

  By now she was agitated. “Hell you would think a nigga ballin’ like that would have more than one phone. Or at least call me from work. Imma let his ass know when I talk to him.” As far as she was concerned she had to nip this shit in the bud from the jump. “Nigg
a think that just ‘cause I’m his woman he can start getting comfortable, he gon’ learn today. The way he got me is the way he gon’ have to keep me.”

  Sonnet dialed Tyler’s number expecting to hear a busy signal. Instead she heard a woman’s voice.

  “The number you have reached is no longer in service.”

  “What the hell?” A look of confusion painted her face as she scrolled through her phone looking for the other numbers he had given her. Finally she landed on his work number that he told her to only use if absolutely necessary.

  “You have reached a nonworking number.”

  Sonnet’s mouth fell open when she realized that she didn’t have any other way to contact Tyler. In her haste to snatch him up she didn’t even get an email address. At this point she couldn’t even go by his house to harass him because she didn’t know where he lived. As a matter of fact the more she thought about it she realized how much she didn’t know about him. By the time she put two and two together her heart was in the pit of her stomach. She sank on the bed to keep from passing out. She hit herself in the head as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “My money! I done gave this nigga all my money!”

  She raced over to her computer to do something that she should have done the day after she met him, she Googled him. I know this nigga gotta come up somewhere with all the money he got. She typed in his full name Tyler Donald Thompson.

  “Got yo’ ass now!” She snapped as she clicked on the first link that came up. It was for Linkedin and matched his description perfectly right down to the name of his firm Morgan, Lewis and Thompson. Once she was in she quickly scanned the profile only to realize that it wasn’t him. Even though all the information matched him perfectly there was a photo of a Caucasian man.

  “What the hell?” That can’t be right.”

  One by one she clicked on every link that had his name. All of them, including the Google Plus and Twitter accounts pulled up the same white man with all of Tyler’s credentials, including his age and where he went to college.

  “It’s gotta be some kind of mistake. I mean of course it is. This guy is white. But why does he have the exact same company name and logo as my Tyler?”