Read Started with a Gravedigger Page 4

Chapter 4


  A girl with an Australian hat walked over his dead body, one soldier held his gun at the girl, shaking. "Girl!, put down your weapons, NOW!!", the girl laughed, "But what if I don’t want to", she got closer to the soldier who was shaking "Don’t come any closer", "I don’t have too" she raised her golden pistol and before he can react, he fell down dead with a bullet in his head. A gun was held against Amia’s father’s head ,"Dad!", "Honey don’t worry about me.." one soldier who had the pistol of his head didn’t have his head covered, he had grey air and had evil looking eyes and his finger on the trigger, "Yes Amia, worry about your father" Amia looked at her dad and then looked at the bald man, "What do you want from me" the  man laughed, "My name is Gray Mann, I am the commander and I will be taking you to an army base, this man had dug up people’s graves for money in the past and we he finally found him”, “Is this true?” the man can only look down in disgrace “You will be given a new home, away from this thief” the girl closed her eyes and thought for a moment,” I will go with you”. ”Amia what are you doing?!” commander threw the man on to the concrete “I am going with these people” the girl walked to the helicopter “Please Amia No!”

  I looked out of the helicopter, the body of Emily lay there, I wanted to cry but I just couldn’t bring myself to it, I chose this so I get to choose my future. "What are you going to do when we get there?” Gray looked at me, “We will give you a place and food when we get to the base” I heard the pilot shout something but the helicopter’s blades were overpowering him, Coming up to the army base, sorry about this but we will have to blindfold you for the it is secret” a black cloth went around my head but before I can detest. A needle went into my arm.

  They took off the blindfold, Amia’s eyes flicked and took some time to get used to the light, her hands were cold and her back was killing her, the room was dull and grey, to her side, knives and swords were on a tray, but then she realised that she was on an operation table, she tried to escape, but the bonds tying her to the table were stopping her. A man in a white cloak towered over her, "What are you going to do to me!?!", the girl panicked when he got a needle out, "This is the last one, but knowing this girl, she will survive this" Gray was next to the scientist “I hope so”, the needle went into the arm and Amia screamed with pain, not from the needle but something was growing through her veins, she cried out with pain, while the two men stood there, watching her.

  The pain. The pain. If I wasn’t forced to stay awake, then I would have probably died. The pain rushed through me, I could feel the stuff going into my heart, bigger than any chest pain, and it could have even been bigger than a heart attack. My eyes started to burn with pain and blackness started to cover them like a shadow, my fingers felt like something hard was pulling them together and my back felt like something was coming out of it. Then suddenly the pain stopped. It took me a minute to recover and saw my golden pistol, knives and my hat on the table close to me, what a stupid place to put them.

  "She survived!" the scientist was holding Alexander's shoulders, "I did it, now please let me go" the soldier shot the scientist in the chest, "Sorry doc but we ain’t going to need you anymore". He turned to the table, Amia was holding her head, "What the fuck was that!", Alexander looked into the eyes of the girl, they were like a jaguar's eyes. "You have become stronger than anyone, you will be one of the soldiers working for the Gray team", the soldier turned to the window a pain was implanted into his back, he tried to get the thing out of his back but failed and turned to the girl who had her hat on her head and knives in their case, the man launched on top of her and punched her in the chest, Amia recovered quickly and kicked him in the private parts. Gray cried out in pain and fell to the ground. The girl picked up her pistol and ran as fast as she can.

  I ran down endless corridors, lights on the ceiling flicked. A green sign read Exit and I ran down the steps, I heard the voice of Gray cry out, I burst open the door and felt the rain pour down on me, and I ran out into the shadows. I stopped and I pain started running through my veins, I screamed and knelt down onto the wet grass, “What’s happening to me!?!” my fingers joined together like glue, my back ached as black wings grew and my eyes stung.The pain stopped. I tried to say something but it came out with yep, I looked at my hands and saw that they were paws, I looked at my back and saw the wings. I pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming but I wasn’t. Tears crept out of my eyes and I roared.


  Amia was in a tree looking at all the children playing football and skipping on the playground. She wished she could play with them but she knew they would be scared off. A gun shot was heard, children screamed, covered their heads and across into the building, Amia watched the soldiers coming towards them, they came here for me, she got out her golden pistol.

  I know every single entrance to the base area, there was always a secret tunnel to the base. I opened up a bush and went into a hole. I dropped down the hole and ran to the closet, it held a sniper rifle, and I remember the thief that raised me showing me about these rifle, I love the skill of shooting. I came out behind the Oak tree and into the forest, I laid next to Emily's grave and looked through the scope of the rifle, ”Just like the old days eh Emily” I heard some cooing next to me, I turned to find a black dove? "Hey err I didn’t know there was such thing", the bird cooed again and looked at the grave stone of Emily, I looked out to the soldier on the playground, "Come out!!!Come out!!!” he was calling out for someone, I aimed and fires. The soldier’s head exploded into blood and the other guys around him looked in fear to try to find what killed him, then a familiar face came out of nowhere, Gray Mann was looking closely at the body of his comrade "Shit, I thought I killed him", the bird pecked at my arm, "Man, please I need to..." the bird looked at me with its eyes, as if he or she was trying to tell me something, I looked at the ground it was pecking at, a word was drawn on it ,'Jaguar' the bird cooed, "Clever bird, but I don’t know how to, and it’s not like I turn without pain", the bird stared at the school, I heard a shot, I looked and dreaded at the look, a small child was dead, I filled with anger, the bird backed away, I started to turn.

  "Come out Amia, I haven’t finished with yet", Gray was walking around the place. Soldier closely following him. Darkness soon over took them, and all that Gray heard was the cries of his comrades behind him and the roars of a creature, he tried to looked through the fog but the only thing he saw was a flash of wings, for the first time ever, he was scared. When the blackness gave away. He found the creature standing in front of him.