Read Stay with Me Page 4

  “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. Determined to distract him once more, she picked up her pace. Her fingers dug into his sides. He slid his hands down to cover hers. His fingers threaded through hers in a tender gesture, one that brought tears to her eyes.

  Then he squeezed and his body bucked upward. “God, Cat, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  She wasn’t as close to her own orgasm yet, but that was okay. Logan would soon take care of that. A wicked smile worked at her mouth.

  She rode. Hard and unrelenting. She writhed and twisted, coaxing him higher until his back bowed off the bed as he sought to get deeper inside her.

  His cry split the room. His cock pulsed within her, and she clutched him to her, cradling him with her body, surrounding him as she milked his release.

  Her breath caught when he placed his palm against her belly, almost as if he knew what secret she harbored. Emotion swelled, sharp and aching. How she’d always dreamed of giving them a child. Of having their loving devotion throughout her pregnancy. Of creating a perfect family.

  His hand moved, sliding around to her back, and then he pulled her forward, enfolding her in his arms. He tucked her head underneath his chin and stroked her hair lovingly as he sought to catch his breath.

  “I love you,” he whispered, and for a moment she could forget past hurts. Focus on the present. Remembering would only ruin the moment, and it might be the last.

  And yet she couldn’t utter the words, no matter that she did love him. More than anything. Deeply, passionately, with every piece of her soul. Saying them hurt because it forced her to acknowledge that no matter how much she might love him—and Logan—in the end it wasn’t enough.

  Strong hands gripped her shoulders and flipped her over, rolling her off of Rhys. Logan stared down at her, his eyes glittering with desire.

  A flutter started low in her abdomen and raced upward until tension coalesced in her chest and expanded into her throat. Her mouth went dry. She was about to be fucked and fucked hard.

  Chapter Five

  Catherine felt a brief moment of fear for her pregnancy. Logan was rough, animalistic almost. Their lovemaking was rarely gentle. Her doctor had assured her that she didn’t need to exercise restraint in her sex life, but she wasn’t so sure.

  Logan’s eyes flickered in confusion. “Catherine?” His voice came out questioning, but the tone wavered. For the first time, he sounded uncertain, and Logan was nothing if not self-assured.

  He reached down and brushed gentle fingers across her rib cage, touching her, light and coaxing. It was a strange side to Logan. One she wasn’t used to, and it battered her already ravaged senses.

  Her nose drew up and stung, and she blinked furiously, determined not to give in. She’d spent far too long being weak and biddable. It had gained her nothing with her husbands but the idea that she’d take whatever they dished out, however they wanted to serve it up.

  Logan leaned down and spread her legs, pulling her to the edge of the bed. Then he leaned over her, pressing his hard, muscled body to her chest.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him even closer, clinging and holding him tight. Emotion left her shaky and feeling needy. But then she needed this more than anything. More than breathing.

  He framed her face with his elbows and stared down at her, his dark eyes fierce, smoldering with unsated lust and desire.

  “Do you need me, Logan?” she whispered. “Do you need me like I need you? Do you think about me when you’re not with me? When you’re on all those trips, do you miss me?”

  “God, baby,” he said with a groan. “I’ve never not needed you, and I’m so goddamn sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t.”

  “Take me, Logan,” she said. “Like you used to. Don’t treat me differently. I couldn’t bear it. Tonight I want it to be like it’s always been between us, when things were good. It’s been so long since I was between you and Rhy. I want you both so much. I need you both.”

  His pupils flared, and for a moment he looked primal, all male, and she shivered as need exploded over her.

  Without a word, he stalked toward the bathroom. A few seconds later, he returned, a tube in his hand.

  “On your hands and knees,” he said silkily. “I want to watch you suck Rhys’ dick. Then I’m going to ride you hard, baby.”

  Rhys was there to help her roll over, and thank goodness, because she’d gone completely weak. Her hands shook as she rose to her knees. She stared at Rhys as he reached down to curl his fingers around his cock.

  He stared back at her as be began rolling the length between his fingers, pausing at the head then pinching slightly.

  Logan administered a sharp smack to her ass. She smiled. He was getting impatient.

  She glanced at him over her shoulder, sending him a sultry stare. Slowly she ran her tongue over her top lip, watching as his jaw tightened in response. Then she turned back to Rhys, arching her ass invitingly in the air.

  Rhys guided her down with his free hand, his fingers wrapping in her hair. The tip of his cock rubbed along her lips before she opened and allowed him to slide in.

  “That’s it, baby,” Logan said in a passion-strained voice.

  “You feel so good,” Rhys breathed.

  She took him all, sliding her lips down his cock until he came to rest at the back of her throat. She paused and swallowed, and he shuddered beneath her.

  “God, I love it when you do that,” Rhys choked out.

  Logan reached around to cup her breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers as she sucked up and down Rhys’ erection. He played with the soft mounds for a few moments before moving his hands over her hips and to her ass.

  She moaned softly when Logan positioned his cock at her entrance. She shifted back, trying to sheathe him, but he held her off with one hand.

  Slowly, achingly slow, he slipped inside, stretching her, lighting fire to her pussy.

  Rhys gripped her jaw, holding her as he fucked in and out of her mouth. Logan sank deep, his taut abdomen coming to rest against her ass.

  Palms down, Logan ran his hands up her back and into her hair, gathering the strands then cupping the back of her head, pushing her down to meet Rhys’ thrusts.

  This…this was coming home. This is where she felt safe. Loved and cherished. Between the men she loved. She needed them. She needed their love. Her need was a jagged, double-edged knife, cutting both ways, deep and unrelenting.

  She was only whole when she was with them.

  Logan stroked deep, taking her hard. She lost herself in the taste of Rhys and the feel of Logan, of giving herself completely to their care.

  Then Logan withdrew, and he eased his hands from her hair. Rhys pulled her away from his cock then took her arms and hoisted her up his body.

  “Ride me, Cat,” he instructed.

  Her entire body clenched and tightened as he positioned her over his cock. Logan was still behind her, silent and waiting. She wanted to look but found the anticipation heightened by not knowing just when he’d step in and possess her.

  Rhys eased her down, taking care as he came to rest deep inside her.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She leaned forward to kiss him, her hair falling over his chest. “More than okay,” she whispered.

  Rhys’ hands moved over her back and down to her buttocks. He held them in his firm grip as he thrust slowly into her. Then he spread her cheeks, baring her fully to Logan.

  Cool liquid spilled over the seam of her ass, and she closed her eyes as Logan slid one finger inside.

  Too long. It had been too long since they’d taken her, possessed her together. She missed it, craved it with a need that terrified her.

  In and out, Logan carefully worked his finger, stretching her and preparing her.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asked.

  “Please,” she begged.

  Rhys’ hands spread her further open as Logan replaced his finger
with his rigid cock. He probed delicately at her entrance, pushing inward with infinite patience.

  For a long moment, her body denied him, but he persisted until finally she gave way, and he sank inside.

  She went rigid in their arms as she fought the bombardment of physical sensations. She was stretched tight around both their cocks. Her ass burned as Logan started moving, but soon the pain seeped away, replaced by a coil of pleasure, one that bloomed and grew larger as he became more demanding in his movements.

  Rhys moved his hands to her hips as Logan grasped her ass. In practiced rhythm, they moved, one forward, one back, filling her, thrusting, harder, deep.

  Her breath caught in her throat when Logan withdrew with agonizing slowness. He paused at the rim, the head of his penis just inside her opening. Then he surged forward, burying himself to the hilt.

  No work up, no long, slow build to orgasm. She came apart in their arms as the world exploded around her. They didn’t stop, though, and instead of fading, her release continued, almost painful as it was prolonged.

  On the fringed of her first, a second loomed, taking off where the first one ended.

  “Rhys! Logan!”

  “We’ve got you, baby,” Logan said from above. “Never doubt that. We’ve got you.”

  She leaned into Rhys, panting for breath as her orgasm screamed through her body. His mouth latched onto her nipple, sucking avidly as a lightning storm blew through her veins.

  Rhys trembled and then shouted hoarsely. He surged upward, and then she felt a rush of warmth.

  Still, Logan pumped against her, his hips slapping against her ass.

  He reached down, threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled upward, forcing her head back as he continued to thrust forcefully into her.

  Rhys slipped from her pussy, and instead of moving, he reached down and slid his fingers across her clit. She jumped in reaction, his touch magnified by her orgasm.

  “Come for us again, Cat,” Rhys instructed as he stared up at her.

  Logan tugged harder at her hair as Rhys pinched her clit between his fingers.

  “I can’t,” she gasped. “Hurts.”

  Rhys put his other hand up to her jaw then moved his fingers to trace her lips. “It’s the sweetest of hurts,” he murmured.

  “Give it to us,” Logan growled. “I won’t stop until you come for us again.”

  Rhys’ hand moved from her face, down to her breasts. He twisted her nipples just enough to give the slightest hint of pain. Already ultrasensitive from her pregnancy, the added stimulation was gasoline on the fire. She shuddered violently, shaking and trembling like a tree in a windstorm.

  The dual sensation of Rhys’ fingers plucking her nipples and her clit and Logan thrusting furiously into her ass was more than she could take. She gave an inarticulate cry as her release flashed upon her with the speed and intensity of a freight train.

  She lost all sense of time and place. She hovered on the verge of consciousness, Rhys’ face swimming below her. Sharp, vivid colors burst in her vision. And then she was falling. Faster and harder.

  She slumped forward. She was vaguely aware of Rhys catching her, of Logan’s hands surrounding her. Her cheek met the warm skin of Rhys’ chest, and her eyes fluttered closed.

  Chapter Six

  Catherine awoke in the still of the morning, when all was quiet and faint light shone around the curtains. She listened hard and could hear the roar of the ocean in the distance.

  Hard arms lay over her body, and muscular legs twined with hers. And for a moment, she lay there, simply absorbing the warm contentment of waking in their arms. Their touch was possessive, determined, even in sleep. She gazed at Logan, his jaw dark with stubble. His hair was mussed, and he didn’t so much as twitch in his sleep. He looked exhausted.

  Carefully, she turned her head to look over her shoulder at Rhys, sprawled out beside her, his hand over her hip, her buttocks drawn into his groin.

  When was the last time she’d awakened like this? An ache began in her chest, fierce and piercing. They stumbled into bed long after she went to sleep and got up with barely more than a brush of their lips across her forehead. There was no intimacy to their relationship anymore. They coexisted. There was no other word for it.

  The longer she stared at them, the heavier her chest became. Quietly, so as not to awaken them, she extricated herself from their embrace and crawled from the bed. Not pausing to shower, she pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, not wanting to be bothered by it.

  She left the room, no clear path in mind other than she wanted to find a quiet place to be alone with her thoughts. There were many alcoves set amongst dense, strategically planted foliage. Single tables to allow for privacy were in the little niches, and each afforded a view of the beach.

  She chose one as far away from the actual hotel as possible and settled into the chair facing the water. A waiter appeared promptly, and she ordered fruit juice, mourning the fact that she’d given up coffee since learning of her pregnancy.

  She felt less anxious here. Calm settled over her as she enjoyed the quietness of the morning and the salty breeze off the ocean. Her life might be a wreck, but for the space of a few moments, she could pretend that she was on her dream vacation having the time of her life.

  And it should be the time of her life. She should be celebrating her pregnancy, the five years of her marriage to the men she loved more than anything.

  She glanced down at her wedding ring and idly twisted the band in circles around her finger. It wasn’t a traditional ring. No simple band with a flashy engagement ring on top. They’d chosen a design with three twisting ropes intertwined. One continuous circle, no beginning or ending.

  Two years ago, Logan and Rhys had tried to talk her into one of those ostentatious rocks. They felt she deserved something big and expensive now that their financial situation had improved so drastically, but she’d said no. She liked her ring. She didn’t want or need bigger and better, not when her first ring held such a wealth of meaning.

  So much had changed since their days of barebones existence living hand-to-mouth. But they’d been happy. God, those were the best days of her life. No, they didn’t have much money, but it hadn’t mattered to her. It never had. What she did have was their love and complete devotion.

  The three of them had been together since their early days in college. Logan had come from a dirt-poor family and was only able to attend university via a scholarship. He’d always been the most determined to make something of himself.

  Rhys’ mother had worked two jobs to make sure he could go to college. When she died during his sophomore year, he’d vowed to see her dream of him graduating and becoming successful come true. Catherine and Logan had gone with him to her funeral, and Rhys had stood there at her grave, head bowed. Catherine had held his hand as he whispered his goodbye to his mother—and his vow to make her proud.

  Catherine took another sip of her juice and stared over the water, lost in her memories. Looking back, she couldn’t really pinpoint when things had changed from friendship between the three of them to something more. She’d been deeply conflicted about her feelings for both men and desperate not to lose either of them, even if it meant suppressing anything beyond friendship.

  Logan, being Logan, had simply brought things to a head one night in their tiny apartment. He’d asked Rhys very bluntly if he loved Catherine. Rhys looked stunned—and guilty—as though he knew Logan loved her as well and that his admission would be a betrayal. But neither could he tell her to her face that he didn’t love her.

  Logan very matter-of-factly informed Rhys and Catherine that he also loved her. Then he calmly asked her how she felt about them. It had taken several moments for her to gather her courage and lay it on the line. She loved them both.

  They hadn’t immediately had all the answers. They already lived together, so embarking on a much deeper relationship had been easy. Logan and Rhys were ex
tremely protective of her, not wanting the true nature of their relationship to become public. So outside the privacy of their apartment, they remained three best friends.

  As they grew more secure in their relationship, they shed caution. Logan began to talk about a permanent arrangement. Marriage. More and more, he and Rhys didn’t care that others knew they loved the same woman. And Catherine? As long as she had their