Read Steady Rain Page 14

  Oooh, yeah. One big-ass wet spot.

  “Was that a yes?” Tristan managed.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next Tuesday night, they met at Venture again for another photo shoot. But when they finished with that, Jess worked up the courage to ask.

  “Would you mind doing a quick rope scene with me tonight?”

  The men exchanged a hungry look and nodded with nearly identical, evilly playful smiles.

  “Let’s do it,” Kyle asked.

  “Any special requests?” Tristan added.

  “Suspension, please.” She’d worn a sports bra tonight and instead of panties had chosen lyrca boyshorts. After a quick negotiation, she stripped and waited while Tristan hung their ring from the A-frame.

  It’d been so long since she’d been suspended. Watching these men, she could tell they knew their rope.

  Even better, she trusted them.

  Touching was allowed, but no groping. Kyle stood behind her, softly stroking her arms and shoulders as Tristan took the lead in tying a hip harness first, then a chest harness. Nothing artsy or fancy tonight, strictly function and fast, designed to safely hang her as comfortably as possible.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to remember when she’d ever felt such a confused blend of relaxation and anticipation, and realized that’d be…never.

  She trusted them. Above all else, that pulsed through her brain.

  She trusted them in a way she’d damn sure never trusted Brad before.

  How sad is that?

  It was almost too fast, though. It didn’t take Tristan long at all to finish the harness and run the belaying ropes. Then, with Kyle supporting her, she was off the ground and flying.

  Ooooohhhh, yeah…

  There was always something freeing about being in rope. While she loved other forms of play, rope was her favorite, the first thing she’d gravitated toward, and the thing that could always excite her the most.

  She relaxed into her bonds, feeling the wonderful, sweet ache of the turns pressing into her flesh, already imaging what the ligature marks would look like when she had a chance to see them.

  Gently swaying in the air, she was aware of Kyle chuckling and she finally opened her eyes to look at him. She found him smiling, watching her from where he stood next to Tristan.

  “Fun?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah. Thank you.”

  “You look happy,” Tris said.

  “I am.” She closed her eyes again and tried not to think ahead, tried not to put pre-conceived hopes and wishes onto whatever this was that might develop between the three of them. “I haven’t felt this happy in…years.”

  By the time they untied her, she knew she would sleep good tonight, especially after using her vibrator. But first, the men insisted on walking her home and carrying all her stuff for her. Kyle even walked Stanley for her, so she wouldn’t have to.

  And when she finally fell asleep that night, she hoped there wasn’t some big red flag she was missing, because it might just break her heart.

  * * * *

  Over the next three weeks, Jess had dinner with the men several times, both at their place and hers, and did two more photo shoots with them in the evenings on her days off.

  And they had several more rope scenes, including an escape challenge, and a predicament bondage scene.

  They also got brownie points for liking Stanley and telling her he was always welcome at their house.

  They earned even more brownie points for their playful ways, and how they took turns being demo bottoms for each other for the tutorial shoots. Whoever was being tied wore the lycra hood and bike shorts, and she was careful not to catch the Top’s face in the shots.


  A few times she shot their faces and then stashed the photos in her private collection in a password-protected folder before deleting them from her camera.

  No way in hell Brad would have ever bottomed for someone else, not even for a demo.


  It was refreshing that two men, both admitted Doms and not switches, could have such a smooth relationship doing that with each other.

  It was sexy as hell capturing the passion and intensity on the face of whoever was Top at that time. She wouldn’t deny masturbating while looking at their pictures, either.

  Despite her longing to let them make their sexual fantasies regarding her come true, they played over at the club. Even though they were alone, she knew the men wouldn’t violate the rules.

  It was more for her than them, because she was reeeeally close to jumping them, and she knew she needed to make sure this was right first.

  Their rope scenes were…

  Hell, they were the hottest of her life. Including turning down the lights and turning up the music and letting them both suspend her. The feel of their hands on her, the ropes holding her, sent her deeper into subspace than any beating Brad had given her.

  And that was without any impact play, just sexy, sensual contact and kissing.

  Made even sexier by the men both being fully clothed and her naked. Even when giving her aftercare, the three of them sprawled across the mats with blankets and pillows, they were always careful not to violate her limits.

  Feeling safe was something she hadn’t been used to for so long she’d had a hard time identifying it at first.

  Replacing the batteries in her vibrator was getting pretty damn expensive. To the point she knew she’d need to consider giving in soon, to let them help her out with that.

  If anything, the heat between them had intensified the more she got to know them, and she’d decided she did want to take that step with them.

  The next Wednesday afternoon she was scheduled to head over to their place, to make them dinner and to play there, when Kyle called her.

  “Hey, I have a slight change of plans today.”

  Her heart sank. She’d really been looking forward to spending time with the men tonight, including crossing that final line with them. She was once again back on birth control pills, thanks to a low-cost clinic in Sarasota, and had been for two weeks.

  “What happened?”

  “I told you about Dillon.”

  “Your ex’s son?”

  “Yeah. She just called me. She’s got a snag at work and needs to stay late and asked if Tristan and I could watch him for a couple of hours tonight. I need to go pick him up from her at her office.”

  “Oh.” She hoped she didn’t sound too disappointed. “I understand.” She hadn’t met Kyle’s ex yet, either. Sure, it was great that Kyle had a good relationship with her for Dillon’s sake, but Jess couldn’t help but feel a little…


  “I mean, you can still come over tonight, if you want,” he said. “We just need to be…vanilla while he’s here. In fact, I need to have Tris make sure he puts away the rope bags and stuff in our bedroom closet before I get there with him so Dillon doesn’t stumble over them. We can feed him dinner, help him with his homework, and watch a movie or something.”


  “Yeah. I bet he’d love Stanley. I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to make you think we didn’t want you to come over. We still want you to come over. We just might not have time to tie tonight like we’d planned. I mean, if you still want to come over.”

  She was supposed to make them dinner at their place tonight. Last night, they’d come over to her place. They had started switching off like that. “Does he have any food allergies or anything?”

  “Naw, he’ll eat pretty much anything. He’s a good kid. Whatever you were going to cook.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Then…we’re still on?” She couldn’t miss how relieved Kyle sounded.

  It was adorable how quickly the situation had flipped.

  “If you want to be.”

  “I do. We do. I mean—” He sighed. “Look, I know you have to be up early tomorrow. Bring an overnight bag. You c
an sleep in my old room.”

  She decided to go there. “What if I don’t want to sleep alone tonight?”

  A strangled sounding groan escaped him. “If you still mean it at bedtime, I’m sure we can squeeze you in with us. Just don’t expect to get much sleep if we do. Totally your call. No expectations.”

  She knew he meant it, too. Their actions always matched their words, and they’d gone out of their way to not pressure her beyond the playful teasing, which she’d dished back to them in bucketfuls.

  They also made her feel not some impossibly hot and unsustainable emotions—they made her feel like they were genuinely happy to be her friends first, and if anything more developed, fine, but they weren’t assuming that’s what would happen despite clearly telling her it was definitely something they wouldn’t mind happening.

  Fuck it.

  She’d used up more batteries for her damn vibrators over the past couple of weeks than she had in the past couple of years.

  “Okay, then I’ll see you at the same time,” she said.


  She’d already gone grocery shopping, but out of her personal groceries she added a tube of cookie dough to what she was taking with her to the men’s house. Maybe Dillon would like to bake cookies with her.

  When she finally arrived, she made sure to hold Stanley on a firm leash when she let him out of the truck. Fortunately, Tristan walked out and helped her carry the groceries and her bag.

  The smile on his face helped chase away her nerves. “Hi, sweetheart.” He leaned in for a kiss, which was now their usual greeting.


  “He’s looking forward to playing with Stanley.”

  “I’m sure Stanley will enjoy it, too.”

  The little boy who ran up when she followed Tristan through the door looked a little small for nine, but he had brown eyes and brown hair and wore a huge smile.

  “Hi! Are you Jess? Is this Stanley?”

  “Yes, and yes.” She was struggling to keep Stanley in check because he wanted to play. “You must be Dillon.”

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He held out his hand to shake, and she did.

  “Nice to meet you, too.” Kyle appeared in the living room doorway and wore a smile. “Hey, you.”

  He walked over and kissed her. “Hey back.”

  “Are you dating Kyle?” Dillon asked.

  Before she could even find her voice, Kyle responded. “Tristan and I are both dating her.”

  His eyes widened. “Really? I thought you were dating Tristan?”

  Okay, now she was in totally alien territory. Apparently, it was news to Tristan, too, because he’d stopped and was also watching Kyle to see how he handled it.

  Kyle knelt. “You know how when you tried to tell me all about Louis and your mom, I asked you not to, because it’s private? Remember the conversation we had about good secrets, bad secrets, and private business stuff? That was private business.”

  The boy nodded. “Not a secret, but nobody’s business, because you don’t pay their bills.”

  “Right. This is the same thing. Some people date more than one person at the same time. As long as everyone knows about it, agrees to it, and is okay with it, it’s nobody else’s business.”

  “Mom’s opinion doesn’t pay your bills.” He nodded. “Got it.”

  “Thanks, buddy.” He held out his fist for a bump, and Dillon returned it.

  She let Stanley loose, and he immediately headed for the small basket in the living room where the men had started keeping toys for him, like Kongs, balls, and other chewy toys. Dillon raced after him.

  Kyle stood and turned to them. “How’d I do?”

  Tristan leaned in for a kiss. “That was damn good, buddy. Quick thinking.” He headed for the kitchen with the groceries.

  Kyle took Stanley’s leash from her and hung it on one of the coat hooks in the entry. “Well?”

  She smiled and received another kiss from him. “You’re good.”

  * * * *

  After a few minutes, Dillon wanted to help her in the kitchen. When she asked the boy about making cookies, he nearly came unglued in the adorable way only nine-year-old boys could apparently master.

  “I! Love! Cookies!” He jumped up and down. “Please, can I help you, Jess? Pllleeeeease?”

  “Of course you can, sweetie. When Kyle told me you’d be joining us for dinner tonight, I brought them for you. I was hoping you’d help me.”

  She didn’t have much experience with young kids. Brenda’s kids had been grown teenagers when she first met the couple.

  But Dillon was a charmer. They had fun making the cookies, and she let him do most of the work. He also loved the casserole she made them for dinner, and when he found out she was a photographer, he started asking all sorts of questions about cameras and taking pictures.

  Unfortunately, when she let Stanley out in the backyard to go potty off-leash, he found a dead squirrel that looked like it’d lost a battle with a neighborhood cat and started rolling on it.

  “Ew! Stanley, no!”

  Tristan came running outside. “What?”

  She had managed to snag Stanley’s collar and drag him away from his prize. “That! Ick!”

  “Ew! Go take him into the master bath and bathe him there. There’s a removable shower head in there. I’ll bring you some towels after I get a shovel and bury that.”

  “What do I use to bathe him? Shampoo?”

  “There’s bodywash in there. That should work.” He leaned in and kissed her, dropping his voice. “Feel free to get naked and I’ll come in and help you.” He winked.

  She didn’t know how he could shift her from grossed out to heated up that fast, but she wouldn’t question it. “You mean it?”

  “Yeah. If you want.” He grinned. “Unless you think it’ll traumatize Stanley. Marilyn’s on her way to get Dillon. She just called—she’ll be here in about five minutes.”

  She dragged Stanley inside despite him wanting to go back and roll some more. On the way through, Dillon ran up to hug her good-bye while Kyle was getting the boy’s things together, but she warded him off.

  “Stanley’s gross, honey. I need to bathe him. He rolled on a dead squirrel.”

  “Ew!” He held out his hand for a fist bump. “It was nice meeting you, Jess. I hope you come over again. Thank you for making cookies with me. Dinner was good.”

  She didn’t expect the tears that prickled her eyes as she fist-bumped with him. “It was very nice meeting you, too, sweetheart. Thanks for making cookies with me.”

  “And I won’t tell your business.” He nodded, making her laugh.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. We appreciate it.”

  Stanley didn’t want a bath and apparently sensed what was going to happen, but she finally got him closed in the bathroom with her despite his protests and attempts to break free.

  It only took her a moment to decide. She stripped and pulled him into the shower with her and started bathing him. No easy task since the Lab, who’d since reached a proper weight for himself and who wasn’t half-dead from exhaustion, didn’t want to be bathed.

  Tristan joined her a couple of minutes later, and when he stepped into the shower, he was naked and hard. “Towels are on the counter. How we doing?” She also noted the hungry look on his face as his gaze swept over her.

  “A lot better, now that you’re here.” She kissed him. “But the hound first.”


  He held Stanley while she finished lathering him. They heard the bathroom door open and close. “We are now child-free,” Kyle said, sticking his head in through the shower curtain. “Oooh!”

  “Yeah, ooh,” Tristan said. “Get naked and get your ass in here. The sooner Stanley’s ungrossed, the sooner we can have some fun.”

  He disappeared and, seconds later, stepped in, naked.

  With the men to help her, she finally got Stanley bathed. Then she towel-dried him and opened the bathroom door to let
him loose before rejoining the men.

  “Where were we?”

  They sandwiched her between them, facing Kyle. “I think we were about here, baby.” He slanted his lips over hers and kissed her. This felt sooo much better than any of his other kisses, with their warm flesh against hers. Feeling two hard cocks rubbing against her, she knew she had to have them.

  “That seems about right,” she said when he let her up for air.

  Tristan turned her to face him. “Oh, I’d say it’s a lot better than right, baby.” They kissed differently. Kyle was intense and passionate and toe-curling, finishing with sweet, gentle nips. Tristan’s kisses built from a slow simmer to a white-hot burning plasma, leaving her breathless and wanting to drop to her knees in front of him.

  Oh, wait…

  She dropped to her knees in between them, reaching for their cocks and drawing nearly identical moans of pleasure from them when her fingers closed around them. Two very nice cocks.

  The men slid closer, allowing her to hold both their cocks close enough she could mouth one, then the other, back and forth.

  Hands stroked her head, and the men started rocking their hips in time with her movements. She tasted pre-cum from both of them and had just enough time to think about how sexy this was when the men hauled her to her feet.

  “Bed,” Kyle hoarsely said. “Now. I want to taste you, baby.”

  “Me, too,” Tristan said.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jess had longed for this day. They quickly showered and helped her dry off and as they tumbled into bed with her, Tristan and Kyle playfully tussled for the right to lick her pussy.

  “Dude,” Kyle said. “I’ll get between her legs. You come in from the top and lick her clit. Or play with her nipples. She’s got two of those.”

  “Oooh, good point.”

  Tristan turned, smiling down at her before cupping his hands around her breasts, squeezing them together, and sucking his way back and forth between them.

  She moaned, squirming.

  Then Kyle shoved her thighs apart and swiped his tongue around her clit, down to her pussy, into her cunt and back up again.