Read Stealing Beauty Page 5

  “These lips are mine, princess,” he groaned quietly.

  “I thought you told my mother you were here to talk and get to know me?”

  “Aren’t we talking?” He grinned wolfishly at me. “And trust me, I plan on getting to know every inch of you better.”

  I gasped as his hand slid to my knee, like the night before. He pushed my knees wide apart, making my pulse skip as he eased me back into the chaise. His hand teased up the inside of my thigh, making my heart beat faster and faster and making me moan into his kiss. My skirt pushed up my thighs, bunching around my waist as his hand found the front of my panties. His powerful fingers traced up the front of them, making me whimper eagerly into his mouth as he felt how wet I was.

  “Naughty girl,” he growled, his finger dragging wetly over my soaked panties. “And just what were you thinking about before I got here that’s gotten your pussy so nice and wet for me?”

  “For you, hmm?”

  “I told you last night, Princess,” he growled, his lips brushing mine. “This is mine.”

  I moaned as his palm covered my drenched panties, grinding into my clit. His fingers slipped under the edge, and I whimpered as I felt them tease over my bare, naked pussy. They curled around the sticky wet gusset of my panties, and slowly, he began to yank them off.

  “No covering this up around me, Princess,” Rourke purred in my ear as he slid my panties down my legs.

  “Someone might…” I gasped as he slipped them over my knees, pulling them off one foot and then the other. “Someone might come in.”

  “Quite the scandal,” he growled. “Imagine if someone came in and saw the royal princess with her legs spread wide for me, without any fucking panties on.”

  I whimpered as he brought my thong up to his face, inhaling deeply and growling as his eyes locked onto mine. He pulled them away, his eyes burning fiercely as he pushed them into his pocket.

  “Mine,” he purred lowly, stalking over me as he pushed me back into the chaise lounge. His hands slid up my thighs again, and this time, there was nothing to stop him. No panties to block his path. I whimpered as his fingers slid through my wetness, parting my lips and rubbing over my clit. His lips found my neck, and when he began to suck and bite and lick his way down to my collarbone, I gasped loudly.

  Hands found the hem of my t-shirt, and he slowly pushed it up before he dipped down. I whimpered as his mouth found my bellybutton, his tongue teasing me and moving higher as he pushed the shirt up over my breasts. I pulled it over my head and tossed it away, just as his hand slid behind me to unclasp my bra and pull it aside.

  “I like you much better like this,” he purred, his lips trailing up my ribs and making me whimper. “No clothes to stop me. Nothing to cover you from my eyes. Actually, when we marry, I might just want you to be naked all the damn time in our home.”

  His mouth moved higher, and when his lips trailed up the underside of my breast, my breath caught. When they found my hardened, pink nipple and wrapped around it, I cried out. Rourke growled into my skin, his tongue swirling over my nipple and making me whimper and moan as I arched my chest into his face. He moved to my other breast, and as his fingers teased my clit between my legs, I clutched him to me, never wanting him to stop touching me like that.

  But he pulled away from my breasts, and his mouth moved lower.

  And lower.

  And lower, until I gasped as I realized where he was going.


  “Let me taste you, Princess,” he growled quietly, his eyes dragging up every inch of my bare body to meet mine. “Spread those pretty legs and let me taste how sweet this untouched little cunt is.”

  His hands gripped my thighs tightly, pushing them wide so that my knees draped over the arms of the chaise. I blushed deeply, knowing how exposed I was to him, and knowing that he could see everything with my legs spread so wide like this. But as he began to kiss his way down my belly, the heat blooming between my legs took over, and I wasn’t embarrassed any more.

  I was on fire.

  Rourke’s tongue dragged over my lips, and I my entire body convulsed with pleasure. I moaned wildly, throwing my head back and letting my jaw drop at the pleasure I’d never even come close to feeling before it exploded through my body.

  Oh my God, this is the best thing ever.

  His tongue dragged through my slit again tasting my wetness and dragging up to swirl around my clit. I panted, my chest rising and falling and my blood pounding through my veins as my gorgeous, dominant, sexy as sin fiancé pushed his tongue deep inside my pussy. He groaned into me, using his tongue to fuck me slowly and make my whole world explode around me. Hands pushed my legs wide and skimmed up my thighs, spreading my lips for him as he teased my opening with his hot, wet tongue.

  He moved higher, his lips wrapping around my clit and gently sucking. I cried out, my hands sliding into his hair, and when his tongue began to flick over my aching little bud, my hips bucked hard against him.

  Rourke groaned, tasting me deeply and giving my clit a long, teasing lick before he pulled away.

  “Fuck, you taste like honey and candy, Princess,” he growled, dipping down to run his tongue over me again. “I think you like getting this sweet pussy pampered like this.”

  I whimpered, nodding my head eagerly, my eyes wide and my mouth still open as I watched him lower again and run his tongue over my clit.

  “So eager, so fucking responsive. Like you were made to be mine.”

  I cried out as his tongue plunged back inside of me, swirling deep and making my hips buck against his face. He traced his wicked tongue higher, teasing my clit in slow circles until I was sure I was going to explode. His hands slid up my body, teasing over every rib until they found my breasts. He cupped them, fingers pinching my nipples as pleasure I’d never known or even dreamed of exploded through my body.

  Slowly, and then faster, everything started to burn, like a wildfire catching through a forest, until my whole body was on fire. His hands cupped my breasts and teased my nipples, and when his lips fastened around my clit and his tongue swirled around it again and again, I started to fall. Rourke groaned into me — this hungry, animalistic, manly growl, and the vibrations shoved me over the edge.

  I screamed into my hands, my whole body bucking up against his face as his perfect, wicked tongue sent me reeling. The orgasm tore through me, one hand clamped over my mouth and the other tight in his hair as his tongue teased me again and again, right through my climax until I was gasping for air — until whimpering little mewling sounds were the only ones I could make.

  Rourke kissed my pussy softly, making me whimper before he slowly kissed his way up my belly and up over my breasts. His tongue swirled hungrily over a nipple as one of his hands slid up towards my lips.

  “Open your mouth, Princess,” he growled softly.

  I hesitated, and Rourke pulled away from my nipple to move closer to my lips.

  “Open your mouth, beautiful, and taste how fucking sweet you are.”

  Panting, my heart racing, I slowly did as he said. I opened my mouth. Rourke’s finger slipped between my lips, and when my tongue swirled over it, I whimpered.

  He hadn’t lied. I tasted sweet.

  He growled as he watched me clean his finger, before suddenly, his lips were searing to mine, his tongue dancing with mine around his finger. I whimpered, the rush of how dirty this was blazing through me, until I was kissing him back with everything I had, pulling him into my mouth and tasting my honey on his lips.

  “Now you see how sweet that little pussy is,” he purred, his eyes burning into mine. “And why I can’t wait to claim all of you.”

  “When?” I panted, immediately blushing at how eager I sounded.

  Rourke just grinned though, fire jumping in his eyes.

  And the thing is, I was eager. Really, really eager.

  “Soon, baby girl,” he purred, kissing me deeply. “Soon, you’re going to be mine. Your father—”

  “What about my father?”

  The words came out sharper than I’d meant them to, but his words had surprised me.

  Rourke smiled kindly, pulling me close and kissing me tenderly.

  “My father had a lot of respect for him,” he said softly. “And I know your father would want this marriage done properly.”

  I bit my lip, blushing.

  “This is proper?”

  Rourke grinned. “Not exactly. But I won’t take this,” his hand slid between my legs and cupped my pussy, dragging a finger through my lips and making me moan.

  “I won’t claim this until you’re my bride. So soon, Princess,” he purred, his lips brushing mine. “Soon, it won’t just be my tongue I have you coming all over.”



  My gown for the ball was a gorgeously deep red. My mother had originally planned for a sky blue one for me, to match my eyes. But Mrs. Wilkes, the seamstress, was friends with the woman who did all the tailoring for the Morningstar sisters over in Avlion, the hosts of this suitors’ ball, and apparently Princess Ilana was wearing basically the exact same color. So, red it was.

  You can imagine how princesses get with when someone shows up to your ball wearing your exact gown.

  And honestly, I loved the color, and not just because my mother had wrinkled her nose at the color either. I loved it because when I draped the deep rich tone over my body, I felt sexy, like I’d never felt before. And slipping it on that night as I got ready for the “suitors’ ball” where Rourke and I would be officially “shown” to the royal world, I’d never felt sexier.

  Maybe it was because he’d shown me things I’d never dreamed of before. Maybe it was because now, I knew how his mouth felt between my legs, his tongue sliding deep into my pussy and making my whole world melt. His filthy words, and his strong hands, and the way his lips felt all over me…

  I gasped quietly in the silence of my chambers, squeezing my legs together under the dress. I shivered, feeling the naughty, forbidden thrill of my thighs across my bare pussy.

  …No panties, just like he’d told me.

  I blushed at my reflection in the mirror, my whole body glowing and growing hotter by the second as I thought of Rourke. God I was already so wet and ready for him. I wanted to skip the ball entirely and just let him take me any way he wanted. I wanted him to teach me things, and show me every filthy thing he could. I didn’t care that we weren’t married yet, or about any of that. All I knew is, I wanted him. I wanted him to claim the part of me no one ever had, and to make me his.

  I blushed again, my nipples hard under the silky top of the gown and my arousal quickly making my thighs slick. I toyed with my hair — actually up in this elaborate princess-y look for tonight, but honestly, I didn’t even mind that. I’d be walking into that ball with a man who lit something inside of me I never even knew was there. A man who was rough, yes, and had a filthy mouth, sure. A man who was not royalty, and I honestly couldn’t have cared less about that.

  I wanted him. But more than that, I was falling for him.

  Hey, lust and feelings for an arranged marriage? I’d say that’s not bad at all.

  I smoothed my dress down and took a slow breath, trying to calm my racing pulse and trying to quench the wet heat between my legs before I turned and made my way out of my chambers and down the stairs to meet Rourke.

  My heart fluttered like I was in some sort of ridiculous princess movie — like Rourke would be waiting at the bottom of a stairs draped in red velvet, which we didn’t have, wearing some sort of all-white, gold-gilded military dress uniform, which I knew he wouldn’t.

  …Perhaps I’d watched too many animated princess movies.

  But my heart skipped nonetheless as I made my way down. Heck, I skipped down the second half of the staircase before I twirled my way towards my mother’s study where I’d been told Rourke was waiting to escort me to the ball. I grinned, feeling the butterflies in my tummy flutter around before I reached out, grabbed the knob, and swung the door wide.

  …And my heart sank.

  Oh. My. God.

  Rourke was sitting on a sofa by the fireplace in the study, and there, draped all the heck all over him, was my mother.

  My blood freaking boiled. My world froze. Chartreuse green rage ignited inside of me.

  Rourke looked up sharply, his face scowling as his eyes locked onto mine.


  “Oh, honey!” my mother slurred, perched on Rourke’s lap. “Your fiancé is such a charmer!”

  She grinned, her face red and the glass of wine sloshing in her hand as she stroked Rourke’s scowling, hardened face.

  “And so handsome!”

  My nails bit into my palms as I squeezed my hands into tight fists.

  My mother giggled like this was hysterical, leaning in and kissing Rourke’s cheek before she turned and smiled a wine-glazed smile at me.

  “I could just keep him for myself, you know!”

  That’s it.

  I couldn’t watch this complete shitshow any longer. God, I couldn’t watch him just sit there with her draped all over his fucking lap!

  I whirled, and before either of them could say a word, I stormed out of the room and down the hall, tears stinging my eyes and my heart aching.



  I could hear his voice booming after me, his shoes striking the marble floors of the palace hallway as he chased after me.

  “Colette, stop.”

  I gasped as he caught up with me, his powerful hand gripping my arm tight and spinning me into him.

  “You know, I knew you were some rich pompous ass, and probably had this whole harem of women. But my mother?” I hissed, my face livid. “Fuck you.”

  Rourke’s face darkened. “Mind your tongue,” he growled dangerously.

  I rolled my eyes, barking a brittle laugh.

  “Oh, I can’t swear?”

  “It’s not becoming of a princess.”

  I curled my lip, leaning in close to him.

  “Fuck. You.”

  I shrieked as he suddenly grabbed me by the waist, hoisted me up and, threw me right over his shoulder.

  “Are you insane?” I yelled, pounding at his back as he strode down the hallway carrying me like a sack. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let me go!”

  Rourke ignored me as he kicked open the door to an unused sitting room, striding through it and slamming the door shut behind him. I gasped as his powerful arms slipped me off of his shoulder and plopped me down on a small sofa right in front of him.

  “Let's get one thing very straight and clear,” he growled, his eyes narrowing at me and his jaw clenched tight. “There are no other women. There haven’t been in years. Your mother—”

  I groaned loudly, shaking my head. “Oh my God, I do not want to hear—”

  “Your mother has had too much to drink,” Rourke said tightly. “I suspect that’s not something new to your ears.”

  I pursed my lips, still glaring at him.

  “What am I supposed to do when the damm queen of a nation, whose daughter I’m marrying, sits on my lap? Toss her off?”

  “Yes,” I spat back.

  Rourke grinned.

  “Consider it done next time.”

  “She’s a gold digging…” I shook my head, looking away. “She’s only interested in people who can elevate her, or do things for her. She’s a phony.”

  “She might be,” he said quietly. “But I’m not, and there is nothing fake about this.”

  He ducked down, and I gasped as suddenly his lips came crashing into mine. I moaned into him, opening my mouth for his tongue and feeling the floor spin beneath me as he held my face and kissed me deeply before slowly pulling back.

  “But then, we still need to do something about that mouth of yours,” he purred darkly.

  “What about my mouth?”

  “It’s dirty.”

  I blushed. “Sorry.”
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  “We can fix that.”

  There was a dark, sexy tone to his voice that instantly had my body reacting — my skin tingling and the heat pooling between my legs.

  “You need to be punished, little princess,” my dark, dominant fiancé growled.

  I gasped quietly. “W-what?”

  “Punished. For your dirty mouth.”

  I shook my head, and I was about to ask what he meant, when suddenly he leaned close into me again, making me shiver.

  “On your knees, Princess,” he growled.

  I gasped quietly, heat blazing through my body. My nipples puckered to little points under my gown, and without any panties on, I could feel my sticky wet desire growing hot between my legs.

  “Now, Princess,” he purred deeply, his jaw twitching and his cock bulging at the front of his tuxedo pants.

  I whimpered quietly, slowly pulling my legs up under me and then sitting up on the couch on my knees.

  “Hands and knees.”

  I swallow thickly turning sideways to him on the couch and slowly getting onto my hands and knees. I gasped as his hand slid over my back, gently pushing me down to my elbows before teasing back down over the plunging back of the dress. His fingers slid over my bare skin, and I gasped as I arched my back, pushing my ass high in the air as he slid his hand further down.

  He growled as he got to my ass, his hand smoothing over my soft curves before he suddenly bunched the gown in a fist and yanked it high. I gaped as he pulled it right over my ass, letting it bunch and pool around my waist as he exposed me to his hungry gaze.

  Rourke growled lowly.

  “No fucking panties?” He made a slow tsking sound, the growl rumbling in his throat making me wetter by the second.

  “What sort of a dirty, naughty little princess doesn’t wear panties to a ball?”

  I whimpered, my face growing warm. “You— you told me no panties around you.”

  I could hear him grin as he moved closer, and when his lips brushed my ear, I whimpered.

  “Good girl,” he purred, making me gasp out loud as his voice teased through me.

  His hand slid over my bare ass, making my skin tingle and making me ache for more. He rubbed his hand in slow circle, teasing and warming my skin, before suddenly, he pulled it back and then brought it back down with a sharp smack.