Read Stevie Stone Page 20

  Chapter Twenty

  “What happened?” I asked.

  Bryan was sitting on the side of my hospital bed holding my hand and looking at me with concern.

  “You don’t remember last night?”

  I blinked a couple of times trying to figure out what he meant. Then it all came back. The train station, Abdoul and …

  “I was shot,” I said feeling the bandages on my leg.

  “You almost bled to death,” he said his eyes showing the strain the night had taken on him.

  “But I didn’t,” I said with too much enthusiasm.

  He gave me a look of frustration I had seen many times before.

  “How much trouble am I in?”


  I knit my eyebrows together. “I’m not going to answer a boat load of questions from the cops?”

  “No,” he said then he took both my hands in his. “You have to be sure to listen to me. You can’t tell anyone what happened last night. Not even Jeff and Jason.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” I asked trying to sit up then cringed as pain throbbed from my leg.

  He sighed looking exhausted. “Your friend Manuel is involved in an organization that doesn’t like loose ends. And you my darlin’ are a big one.”

  I didn’t like where this was going.

  “What about Hector?” I asked worrying what kind of loose end he’d be.

  “They’re not concerned about him. Apparently they believe he can keep quiet about what happened.”

  Hector could keep a secret, but he certainly wasn’t quiet.

  “They’re concerned about you. And have made it perfectly clear they don’t give second chances,” Bryan said locking his eyes with mine.

  A shiver of fear went down my spine.

  “What does that mean?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “If they find out you talked, they’ll kill you,” he answered.

  “Manuel wouldn’t let them do that.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “I think you’re right, but with these type of people you don’t always know who you can trust. It’s possible he wouldn’t know until it was too late and neither would I. We wouldn’t be able to help you Stevie. They would put a bullet in your head if they thought you were going to cause them a problem.”

  I didn’t speak for a minute letting what he had said sink in. “You mean the cops don’t know anything?”

  “It was a drug deal that went wrong,” he explained. “That is the official story.”

  I guess that was as good of an excuse as any.

  “What tale did they give for me getting shot?”

  “It was a repo gone bad. No suspects.”

  “And Hector?”

  “You were both at the same repo,” he said sounding like he had rehearsed it.

  “What about you?”

  “I was at home looking over legal briefs. Heard you were shot and came down to the hospital.”

  “Sounds believable,” I said. “But Hector and I were brought in here at different times.”

  “The hospital records say something different.”

  Dang. They really had everything covered to the very last detail.

  Then I remembered the strangest part of last night.

  “There was an old guy there last night named Herman? I mean he was there right? I didn’t hallucinate it did I?”

  Bryan’s phone vibrated he looked at the number then ignored it.

  “He’s dead.”

  I shut my eyes as the memories of last night flashed in my mind.

  “Remember when I told you someone broke into Mrs. Howard’s house?”

  “I didn’t do that,” I said throwing the words out as fast as I could.

  Bryan gave me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I know.”

  “Hector filled us in about Herman and Mrs. Howard,” he said in a way that told me Hector filled him in on way too much.

  “He told you everything?” I asked making a face.


  Just what I needed Bryan hearing about the dildo attack.

  “You’re not mad?”

  “At this point Stevie I’m just glad you’re alive.”

  Me too.

  I knew from my previous run in with Herman he was a nut job but it seemed a stretch that he’d try to kill me.

  “Kevin talked with Mrs. Howard. She told him Herman thought you and Hector broke into her house again. She thinks he must have gone to warn you to stay away.”

  “Some warning.”

  “He had a cataract in one eye and could barely see out of the other. I don’t think he knew where he was shooting.”

  “He checked out Herman’s back ground. He didn’t have anything in his past that would lead me to believe he was a murderer.”

  “What about Mrs. Howard?”

  “She had to be hospitalized after Kevin told her Herman was dead.”

  “Is she okay?”

  He nodded.

  What’s Herman’s story going to be?” I asked.

  I couldn’t imagine how they could tie in Herman to a drug deal shoot up.

  “Wrong place. Wrong time.”

  That seemed like a pretty weak story to me.

  “That’s it?”

  “They don’t need to go into any detail. He had no family. No criminal background. No one will want any answers.”

  “What a mess,” I sighed.

  “I would say so,” he agreed.

  “And you’re alright with all of this?”

  I knew it had to be hard on Bryan. This wasn’t how he lived his life. It wasn’t exactly the way I rolled either, but I tended to be more adaptable. The only time Bryan ever came close to the grey area of the law was when he had helped me out in the past. But now he had crossed not only over the grey, but was definitely in the black zone.

  “There was no other choice,” he said.

  I could see he wanted to say something else, but was holding back.

  “What is it?” I asked worried about what it could be.

  He sighed with what seemed like the world on his shoulders. “I love you Stevie.”

  There was a lot of stuff between us that we hadn’t resolved, but I didn’t care. I’d missed him. My life just didn’t feel right without Bryan.

  “I love you too.”

  “You’re sure you’re going to be okay here by yourself?” Bryan asked while kissing my neck.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you ask what you really mean,” I said.

  “Okay then,” he said smiling. “Are you sure you won’t get into any trouble when I’m gone?”

  Bryan had been babysitting me for a week at my apartment, but unfortunately he had to go back to work. Something about a big case starting today. I felt a little funny about him leaving. Ever since I got out of the hospital we hadn’t left each other’s sides and it felt right. Bryan being there also helped me at night when the nightmares came. I was good at leaving things in the past, but sometimes the ghosts would creep up on me.

  “What kind of trouble could I possibly get in?” I said motioning to my crutches.

  “Stevie you could be in a coma and you’d still find a way,” he said with a grin.

  I should have probably been insulted but considering the last couple months he did have a point.

  “Just stay in one piece until I come back tonight,” he said giving me a look that made my heart skip a beat. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips with a little tongue reminding me why I had enjoyed my recovery at home so much.

  After Bryan left I hobbled over to the bar and grabbed the fanny pack I had dug out of my closet. I knew I was going to be hassled by my fashion choice but I couldn’t carry anything with these stupid crutches. I’d get some grief from Bryan for leaving but there was no way I was going to stay home all day and stare at the walls. I grabbed the door handle and yanked it open bumping straight into Manuel.

  “Going somewher
e Goldie?”

  I hadn’t seen Manuel since the night the night of the big shoot up. He had been in contact with Bryan that first night to make sure I was alright but nothing since. I figured he had been a little busy considering the mess he had to clean up. But I knew he’d turn up eventually.

  “Just going down to the mail box, but it can wait,” I said totally lying. Bad habits were hard to break.

  “Your mail arrives in the afternoon. Aren’t you a little early?” He asked with a bemused expression on his face.

  I ignored his question feeling stupid. Did I really think I could bullshit Manuel? I hobbled backward and gestured with my hand to come in.

  “Bryan just left,” I said not knowing why I felt compelled to tell him that.

  “I know.”

  Of course he did. I went over to the sofa and sat down with my leg outstretched. Manuel sat in the chair opposite. I looked at his face to see if I could see any changes. Nothing. I expected after killing so many people there would be something different in his eyes.

  “How are you doing?” He asked looking at my leg. I was wearing khaki cargo pants that were loose enough not to press on my stitches.

  I shrugged. “Peachy. Almost good as new.”

  “You look good.”

  Good time to change the subject.

  “What happened to Emil and Fidel?” I asked. Then covered my mouth with my hand when I realized what I did. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to talk about it with him.

  “They’ve gone back to the Mideast to fight with Ali for control of the family.”

  My stomach twisted at the mention of Ali. Even though Bryan had told me he had been deported I half expected him to burst into my apartment at any moment trying to drag me back with him.

  “Don’t worry about them,” he said reading my expression. “They’ve been warned.”

  After what I’d seen being warned by Manuel and his friends was definitely a bad thing.

  “Thanks…And I wanted to thank you for everything else too,” I said still not sure what I was allowed to say.

  He gave me a half smile. “And just so you know my associates have been warned that you are off limits.”

  I took a deep breath. I knew already he would never let anyone hurt me, but it was nice to hear anyway. “I’m sorry to be such a pain.”

  “That’s not the way I think of you Goldie.”

  “Really?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know the way he felt about me. Too complicated. “You know if you ever need anything you can call me,” I offered.

  After all Manuel did for me. I owed him big time.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Anything?”

  I felt heat rush to my cheeks. “We’ll judge it on a case by case basis. Shall we?” I knew he was teasing me, but he wasn’t going to get the best of me.

  “We’ll do that,” he said looking amused.

  His phone vibrated. He looked down at it then stood up. “I’ve got to go,” he said coming over to the sofa and holding out a hand to help me up.

  “Will I see you around still?” I asked feeling a little guilty how much I wanted him to say yes.

  He handed me my crutches.

  “I’ll be away for a while, but if you need me you can use this.” He handed me a phone.

  “A bat phone?” I asked.

  “Something like that,” he said giving me a slight smile.

  “You’ll be okay though right?” I asked feeling nervous for him.

  “No need to worry Goldie. I’m always fine,” he said.

  As I watched him walk down the hallway he certainly looked fine.

  “Shit Goldie what the fuck are you doing here?” Hector asked when I limped through the back door of the repo office. He knew I’d told Bryan I would stay off my leg and rest. Technically I wasn’t going against the before mentioned agreement. I took a cab and was using crutches, which meant my leg was totally resting.

  “What repos do we have today?” I asked ignoring him. I could be mysterious too.

  “Girl, your boyfriend is going to go ape shit when he finds out you went into work today.”

  I smiled to myself. I still liked hearing Bryan being called my boyfriend.

  “I’m staying off my leg. I have crutches don’t I?”

  Hector looked at me like he’s heard all my bull shit before and wasn’t buying it.

  “It just ain’t about that. I heard the doctor myself at the hospital and he said you’re supposed to stay at home until your leg is all better and shit.”

  “I couldn’t take just sitting at home anymore. It got so boring,” I whined like a little girl who wants a juice box.

  “Okay that was just sad girl,” Hector said shaking his head. “My baby daughter can’t even get that screechy with her voice.”

  There was no way he was going to talk me out of staying. Harry was the only person I had to listen to. After all she was my boss. But this week she was at one of her other offices so I was safe.

  “Bryan is going to be pissed off,” he warned.

  “He can’t be mad at me,” I said while looking through our mailbox.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Some things are private,” I said not glancing up from the paperwork. I’d make it up to him.

  “Private my ass,” he said.

  I wasn’t going to tell him Bryan couldn’t really complain about me being tired considering we had been at it like rabbits since I got home from the hospital. It was amazing how creative we could be when we had to. Resting never felt so good.

  “Look Hector if you’re worried about Bryan being mad at you. I will explain to him I forced you to take me.”

  “Shit you’re sure Goldie ‘cause I don’t want that guy mad at me. I’ve seen what he can do when he’s mad.”

  I gave him a look. This was the first time he even eluded what happened the night at the train station.

  Hector’s eyes showed he instantly understood and he immediately side tracked. “Since I know I won’t be able to talk any sense into your ass. Hand over the fucking paperwork and let’s go.”

  I passed them over with a smile. Hector grunted in reply. When we got outside I saw Baby gleaming in the sunlight as if she was welcoming me back.

  “Girl you’re in for a treat,” he said proudly.

  I pursed my lips. “I’ve had the treat before Hector.”

  He looked at me sideways. “Damn. I can see you are feeling better ‘cause you got your mouth back.”


  I threw my crutches in the back seat, unhitched the fanny pack and tossed it on the ground and got in. Hector passed me over a can of pepper spray.

  “Put that in your granny bag,” he said taking off down Hollywood Boulevard. “Since you can’t run you should it just in case.”

  I shrugged. I picked up the fanny pack and unzipped it just as Hector slammed on his brakes. My fanny pack went flying out of my hands and all its contents landed on the floor.

  “Great,” I said glaring at Hector.

  “What? Is it my fault that fucker in front of me doesn’t know how to drive?”

  I searched around on the ground looking for my keys when I saw something I didn’t want to see. I picked up a USB drive and showed it to Hector.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “How the fuck do I know?”

  I swallowed the lump that was building in my throat.

  “Isn’t it yours?” I said biting my lip.


  “You sure it wasn’t left in your car?”

  “In Baby? No fuckin’ way.”

  He was right. He cleaned Baby every chance he got. It had to have come from my fanny pack. My heart started racing.



  “We have a problem,” I said holding the USB drive away from me with two fingers.

  “What?” He asked glancing over to see what I was holding. His face registered what the problem

  “What the fuck?”

  “I dropped the fanny pack the day I repoed the Ferrari and must have put it in there by mistake,” I rambled out.

  “You mean you had that shit the whole time?”

  I nodded.

  “Well throw it out the fuckin’ window,” he said moving as far away from it as possible.

  “What if someone gets a hold of it?”

  Hector reached into his pocket, pulled out a candy bar and started shoving it in his mouth.

  “Then I’ll drive over the fucker,” he said.

  I wanted to get rid of it as bad as Hector but knowing our luck someone would be able to put it together and we’d be screwed.

  “What if that doesn’t work?” I said starting to panic. “I think we need to get a hold of Manuel and tell him what happened?”

  Hector finished his candy bar, shook his head and let out a loud, “Shit.”

  The End

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