Read Stolen: Business or Pleasure Page 7

  but he barely glanced up at me when I walked in. I took my spot next to him and said my good mornings to everyone before we began with the weekly production reports. Seth was polite and professional and very, very cold. I guess I had that coming for not taking his calls. Or maybe, he was just cold because he’d already moved on without me.

  After the meeting adjourned, Seth headed right back to his office. Harlan was getting himself another cup of coffee and a muffin. Harlan had been around for a really long time…

  “How are you doing, Harlan?” I asked him.

  He turned to look at me and smiled. “I’m doing well, Adele. How about you?”

  “I’m hanging in there,” I told him.

  He sat down next to me and said, “I hope you didn’t let that debacle with the shareholders last week get you down too much. They’re all such staunch supporters of James… I can’t figure out why. But the facts are that you and Seth are doing a fine job with this company and James is out. Sooner or later they’ll have to accept that and if they don’t want to lose their investments here they’ll have to let you move forward with your vision for this company without blocking you at every turn.”

  Harlan made me feel warm inside. He was such a kind man. “Thank you, Harlan. I hope that you’re right. Can I ask you kind of a strange question?”

  He laughed and said, “I’m a CFO, strange questions are what I do best.”

  “It’s kind of on a personal note about Seth. Before I came into the picture, did you know any of his girlfriends?”

  Harlan chuckled and said, “Adele, before you, Seth didn’t even comprehend that word. He came to every event with a different woman and sometimes he left with another one. He was the true definition of a playboy until you. We can all see the way he looks at you. He loves you deeply and that, more than anything, was what threatened James so much, I think.”

  I had to smile at that and thank him again. “Do you know who Liz Taylor is? Did Seth ever date her?”

  Harlan raised a bushy gray eyebrow and said, “Yes, Liz is the daughter of Rick Taylor, founder of Taylor Corp. There was talk between James and Rick a few years ago about a merger. I know Seth and Liz were well acquainted because of all of that but I honestly don’t know if they dated. James was really pushing the merger and the shareholders weren’t going for it. Finally, it just went away and I’m not sure what happened. I do know that for a period of time afterwards, James was extra disparaging to his son. He insulted him at every meeting we had. Finally, Seth just stopped opening his mouth. That went on for months and then things went back to normal and then Seth took over. It wasn’t really my place to ask what had happened.”

  The wheels in my head were turning. Was Seth dating Liz and then because that didn’t work out, neither did the merger? What was she doing back now? “Thanks Harlan,” I told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I appreciate you so much, I hope you know.”

  “I’m glad,” he said. “You’re doing a great job, Adele.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank you,” I said. “So are you.”





  Adele seemed to be trying to act like everything was normal at the Monday morning meeting. How could she just shut me out all weekend, obviously spending time with Grant, and then act as if everything is business as usual on Monday? I wasn’t looking forward to another long, bad week. I knew that I had to just confront her about Grant once and for all without throwing accusations and getting angry. I need to just look her in those pretty green eyes and ask her point blank if she is sleeping with her roommate. It’s going to piss her off, but I couldn’t live like this any longer. I got up from my desk with the intentions of going to her office when a courier walked in the door.

  “Good morning, sir. Your assistant sent me back. I have an envelope that I need you to sign for.”

  “Okay… my assistant usually signs for these. Why do you need my signature?”

  “I’m not sure sir, that’s just what the instructions stated.”

  I scribbled my signature on his clipboard and he handed me a fat manila envelope. I knew it was going to be bad when I saw Rick Taylor’s company logo across the top. The courier thanked me and left. I sat there looking at it for a long time before finally slipping the letter opener along the seal and opening it. I slid out the paperwork. I could tell at a glance that this was definitely bad.

  The first page stated the intent of Taylor Corp. to “merge” with us. This was no friendly merger however which was apparent when I turned the page. That page informed me in no uncertain terms that a “Dawn Raid” had been conducted by the Taylors. They had bought a massive amount of our stock as soon as the market opened that morning. I had already been informed that stock had been bought, but I was told it was by several different brokers. There are regulations about that sort of thing… that much I knew. I didn’t doubt that Taylor had found a way around those, but I’d have to meet with my executives to find out exactly what we could do to stop them, if anything.

  I should have known it was Liz.

  The worst part of it all was that Adele didn’t know this was even a possibility because I hadn’t told her.


  I told my assistant that I had a personal appointment I needed to tend to and then I left right after my talk with Harlan. I still wasn’t ready to talk to Seth. I felt like I couldn’t trust him and I wasn’t sure that he would tell me the truth. I needed to go into that conversation with my own facts, and it seemed in order to get those facts, I was going to have to face my nemesis.

  I took a cab out to the Hunter estate and I asked him to wait. I didn’t think James was exactly going to invite me to stay for tea… if he would even talk to me at all. I rang the bell and waited nervously until the door was opened by a tall lady with a round, red face and a big smile.

  “Hello there,” she said. “How can I help you dear?”

  “Hi. I’m Adele Morgan. I was hoping I could speak with Mr. Hunter?”

  “Adele? Your Seth’s girl aren’t you?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. Was I? I finally decided on a non-committal nod and smile. “Please dear, come in. I’ll let Mr. Hunter know you’re here. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you.” I seriously doubted that, but I followed her in. She left me in the parlor and as I was looking at photos on the mantle of Seth when he was younger and feeling that familiar aching for him in the pit of my stomach, James Hunter walked in. He stopped in the doorway and looked at me as if trying to intimidate me.

  I didn’t let my gaze waver and finally he said, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sure that I’m the last person you expected…”

  “Or wanted to see,” he said, walking over to the bar and pouring himself a brandy. I tried to resist glancing at the time. I guess it was five o’clock somewhere. “I’d offer you a drink,” he said. “But you’re not staying that long, are you?”

  “No,” I said. “I came to ask you something about Seth.”

  “And why aren’t you asking Seth? Did he come to his senses at last and get rid of you?”

  I ignored that comment and said, “Do you know Liz Taylor?”

  He suddenly smiled. It was a big, evil grin like a crocodile who was about to snap off my head. “Of course I do,” he said. “Lovely girl.”

  “Did Seth date her?”

  James laughed. “You are feeling insecure, aren’t you? Well good… you should be. If Seth and Liz are hanging around together it can only mean bad things for you and great things for MY Company.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Liz’s father owns Taylor Corp. He has wanted a merger with us for years. Seth and Liz did date… yes. But it wasn’t just dating. They planned to marry and not only merge the companies, but the families as well. I don’t know what happened between them then… I suppose that Seth wasn’t ready to settle down. But if they’re back together, you better watch out. L
iz would do anything to get and keep her hooks into my boy and if she can’t go about it the traditional way, I can definitely see her using her father’s money and power to do it. She always gets what she wants and she wants Seth and Hunter Corp.”

  “Morgan & Hunter Inc.,” I said, stupidly. I was stunned.

  He laughed. “For now,” he said. “I think Hunter/Taylor has a nicer ring. Or, if Seth does give in and marries her… just Hunter; the way it should have always been.”

  “You’re an awful man.” I told him.

  “And you’re a pathetic excuse for a CEO but that won’t last much longer,” he said. “I intend to encourage Liz and Seth as much as I can. Have a nice day Miss Morgan. You can show yourself out now.”

  I sat in the back of the cab on my way back to the city completely stunned. It would seem that I was right not to trust Seth. He’d never mentioned Liz, or Taylor Corp. and he was meeting her behind my back and kissing her. I pictured the glee on James’s face when he realized what I’d come to him for. That was such a mistake. All I had done was given him more ammunition to use against me. Sometimes I wish I’d never met Seth Hunter. I used to be so focused and so above emotional meltdowns. Now, it seemed as if I was having them at every turn. I promised myself today that I’m not going to cry over this. I was going to find out what was going on and I was going to face it head-on. The old Adele… or maybe it was Erin… was back. I wasn’t going to lose my company. I was wrong to let him into my life the way I did. I won’t make that mistake again.

  When I got back to the building, I found Seth in his office. He looked agitated or anxious, and not happy at all to see me. “What is it Adele?” he said, as if I were just one of his employees.

  “I was going to work on the numbers for the overtime budget. I was wondering if you wanted to do that together so that you could give me your input.”

  “I don’t care. Do what you think you need to with it. Work with Harlan… I’m swamped today.”

  “With what?”

  “What is this, Adele? You don’t speak to me all weekend and suddenly when I have work to do, you want to… what? I’m not sure what you want from me.”

  I shook my head. “Nothing, Seth. I don’t want anything from you.” I left his office and then I went to mine and gathered my things. I told my assistant that I was ill and I didn’t know when I’d be back, but she could call me at home if she needed me. On my way out I stopped by Harlan’s office. He looked up when he saw me in the doorway.

  “Well hello again, Adele. Are you okay? You look pale.”

  “Not really,” I told him. “I think I may be coming down with something. I’m going to take a day or two to get my strength back. Do you mind checking with Carlie when you have some down time and seeing if there are any pressing matters you can take care of for me?”

  “Of course,” he said. “But wouldn’t Seth be more suited to that task?”

  “If there’s anything that needs Seth’s input you’re welcome to take it to him. Thank you, Harlan. I appreciate it.” He watched me leave, curiously.


  I had my chance once again to tell Adele what was going on and instead I’d let my emotions get the best of me… again. I should be focused on nothing but the matter of this takeover. Instead, I’m still waiting and hoping for an explanation as to why she ignored me all weekend. I wanted her to tell me she wanted to be with me. I wanted her to say there was nothing between her and Grant. I wanted her to help me stop this damned merger.

  Monday afternoon I finally left my cave and found my way to her office. When I got there, her assistant looked up and said, “She’s not in there, Mr. Hunter.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She left ill. She said she was going to take a couple of days to recuperate at home.”

  “She’s sick?” I felt sick myself. My stomach was churning.

  “She said so. She did look a bit pale and she’d just come back from