Read Stolen Minds Page 5

  Chapter 5

  Hannah lay inclined on a bed, which was enclosed in a glass tube, mostly naked save her genitals. The tube was illuminated with a bright, white light, and a pair of very dark goggles protected Hannah’s eyes. Before long, the illumination subsided and Hannah heard a voice saying that she could get dressed. The bed levelled and the tube opened, allowing Hannah to stand up and search for her suit, without needing a 'breadcrumb' overlay, which didn't take long at all. Fully clothed, she walked up a short flight of stairs to the Observation Laboratory, were Sophia worked analysing Hannah's biological scans.

  "So… Anything?" Hannah asked Sophia.

  "There is no doubt about it. You are Annabelle; your genome match hers exactly," Sophia began. "What did they do to you?" Sophia added, while activating what looked like an analysis programme. Hannah had a good idea of what had happened... It was indeed as Daniel had said and she thought back to his words about those things that others had been subjected to; those that were imprisoned below Safe Haven. Even though the truth stared her in her face, Hannah still felt more Human than Rebu... She felt more like Hannah than Annabelle.

  "Great Ehnmil! They really are using the Mind Control Programme; it's what they used on you!" Sophia exclaimed. "The High Council would never approve this..." Sophia added.

  "Why?" Hannah asked and Sophia looked to her and stepped forward, away from the console.

  "Our race has few Mortal Laws and one of them is to never use science or technology to manipulate the minds of other beings, you used this law to herald your revolt against the Council; you called the actions against the Earthlings a crime against free will," Sophia said. "Causing grave harm to a fellow Rebu is also one of those laws and for the most part these Mortal Laws keep our society together; but there are additional sub-laws and ways for one Rebu to cause harm to another..." Sophia paused for a moment. "And now we are about to break a Mortal Law yet again; these days I wonder, is one law greater than the other? But you were always better at this than I... Whenever I think about it, I end up conflicted," Sophia shook her head and continued. "I realise that all of this is disturbing, but you can see the data for yourself."

  "I... I feel even less like Annabelle than I do Rebu... I know that I am Hannah LeBeaux and I am Human, how could that be wrong?" Hannah started to say but continued the train of thought within her mind, allowing her thoughts to consider her situation, and the enormity of this new information was overwhelming.

  "It is curious I know, but from what I can see you are both Hannah and Annabelle, you are you, but with some..." Sophia continued but was interrupted by an alert from her console. Sophia turned to the console and smiled.

  "What is it?" Hannah asked and leaned closer to see the console.

  "I think I can synthesise a cure," Sophia responded and started walking towards a beam of light contained in a large, glass cylinder on a platform. Shortly after, she turned to face Hannah holding something that looked like a pen.

  "Contained in this is a compound that should reverse the effects of your conditioning," Sophia explained and Hannah was consoled that Sophia was speaking her language, chemical compounds.

  "Can I see the formula?" Hannah asked, welcoming the opportunity for something familiar.

  "Of course," Sophia responded and activated the holographic screen. Hannah observed the screen and instantly her implant began cataloging and processing the information.

  "Sophia," Hank's disembodied voice called through the speakers. "Please report to the Armoury."

  "I'm on my way Commander," Sophia replied and turned to face Hannah, with a curious expression on her face.

  "Don't worry I'll be fine. I was a Biochemist in Safe Haven," Hannah said and Sophia smiled in return and she walked out through the automated doors.

  "Analysis completed," Hannah's implant said to her, taking Hannah by surprise.

  "Show me," Hannah said to her implant and the holographic image showed a visual of the expected process, while the implant narrated.

  "The formula once in your blood will travel to your brain, where over a period of time it will reverse the pseudo-bonds and then, if successful, the formula would dissipate, through the rest of your body replicating Rebu physiology," Hannah's implant concluded and ended the audio-visual presentation. "Would you like to learn more about Rebu physiology?" Hannah's implant queried and she considered it for a moment and then decided not to do so, she didn't really have the time and didn't see what difference that knowledge would make at this point, besides cause her more confusion. Hannah thought that the compound itself looked benign enough.

  "Duplicate formula and apply once duplication is complete," Hannah asked her implant. Hannah wondered what would happen to her, where would the Hannah she knows go... Hannah considered the idea as she passed through the automated doors out the Medical Centre, almost stumbling into Nathan.

  "Hannah, I was just coming to see you," Nathan said and Hannah smiled, glad to have him as an interruption to her musings.

  "I can't believe you've been here all this time," Hannah said.

  "May I walk you to your quarters?" Nathan asked and Hannah smiled again, always the gentleman, she thought.

  "Yes, of course."

  "It all started one night," Nathan began. "I guess you could say I completely lost it when I found myself in the middle of a shoot out in P3... I caused an explosion and it killed all the targets and most of my team," Hannah thought that she understood, but she also found it curious that she hadn't heard a word about this within the city... She considered the information while paying passing attention to the pristine hallway, which had wall mounted consoles a few paces apart, projecting holographic images. The walls were white and there was a sweet scent about the air that accompanied the disembodied communications between the Fort's occupants. Hannah and Nathan turned the corner and walked up a short flight of stairs, heading towards the Accommodation Deck, with a view to the brilliant blue sky outside, on their right.

  "It's no surprise that I was arrested and I faced the death penalty, but as I was being transported to the Penitentiary, the convoy was attacked and then I was brought here," Nathan said. "The following day I took an oath to never harm another person again. I should be dead but I'm not, perhaps I have been given a chance at redemption; I have no intentions of falling short," Nathan continued in a sombre tone. "And this is why I can't go with you," Nathan said just as they reached the door to Hannah's quarters and they stopped just outside the door.

  "I... I don't know what to say," Hannah started. "Duke, I know you and I know you aren't a killer, either way, I want you to come with us for an entirely different reason. I can promise you that you won't have to kill anyone, but we could use your knowledge of Guardian protocols," Nathan didn't look convinced. "At least think on it, we've still got a few hours to go."

  "OK, I will." Nathan replied, Hannah grabbed the door handle and opened it.

  "Would you like to come in?" Hannah offered and Duke smiled as they entered Hannah's quarters. The room was self-contained; it had a bedroom and sitting area, with a separate bathroom and kitchen. Hannah continued her stride past her comfortable bed on her left and the couches on her right, to her open balcony and Nathan followed.

  "Standing here, looking out always makes me feel at peace," Hannah said.

  "There is a serenity to be learned by observing nature," Nathan replied with a smile. Suddenly, Hannah turned to him and hugged him, drawing him nearer and his arms wrapped themselves around her, while Hannah fought down her rising tears.

  "I've missed you so much Duke," Hannah said remembering the hurt she felt when he disappeared.

  “It’s OK Hannah, I’m here now,” Nathan consoled.

  Suddenly Hannah felt a sharp pain in her head and raised her hands to her temples pressing down hard, trying to force the pain down.

  “Are you OK? What’s wrong?” Nathan asked just as the pain began to pass.

  “It’s nothing,” Hannah replied still rubbing her te

  “Perhaps, I should let you rest; you’ve had a stressful past few days,” Nathan said pulling away from Hannah.

  “Yes... I think I need to lie down for a little while,” Hannah replied and Nathan nodded, turned and walked towards the door.

  “Oh Duke...” Hannah said. “Could you ask Hank to fit as many as possible in these suits?” Hannah asked, pointing to the survival suit that she was wearing.

  “Leave it to me Hannah, you just get some rest,” Nathan replied and left Hannah’s quarters.