Read Stoned Immaculate Page 1

  Stoned Immaculate

  by Anonymous


  Table of Contents

  1. New Beginning

  2. The Truth

  3. Tabula Rasa

  4. Tragic Irony

  5. Dominant Theory

  6. Planet in Waiting

  7. Divine Tale

  8. The Forsaken

  9. Humble Serfs

  10. Lament and Loathe

  11. Corporatism

  12. Prison Planet

  13. Born into Bondage

  14. The Fall

  15. Patience

  16. Faithful Poor

  17. Sad Justice

  18. Birth of Venus

  19. Perception Burns

  20. Bear no Malice

  21. Sensible Times

  22. Measles of Mankind

  23. Wasted Days

  24. The Inane

  25. A Goddess

  26. Little Lady

  27. Chant du Cygne

  28. A Dream

  29. To Live

  30. Ever-Changing

  31. Your doing

  32. Evil

  33. Be Free Dear

  34. Old and Bored

  35. Ignorance

  36. A Goodbye

  37. Try or Die

  38. Everyday

  39. Divine Inspiration

  40. A Thanks

  41. The Infallible

  42. Melody of Life

  43. Pursuit of Nostalgia

  44. Infinite

  45. Primordial Parasites

  46. Sweet Girl

  47. For Liberty

  48. Unbecoming

  49. Delusions

  50. Promise of Tomorrow

  51. Oh my boy

  52. Women’s Wail

  53. Lonely Race

  54. Ode to Hypatia

  55. Waste of a Reasoning Race

  56. Persistent Future, Perceptive Past

  57. Went the Wrong Way

  58. The Need for Pleasure

  59. Nearing the End

  60. The Antidote

  61. Flowing By

  62. Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute

  63. Theatre of Situations

  64. Cognitive Dissonance

  65. Das Kapital

  66. Leichter gesagt als getan

  67. Monetary Syndrome

  68. Ideal Culture

  69. A Feast of Lovers

  70. SFSN!

  71. Age of Ambiguity

  72. The Burdened

  73. The Conception of Guerillas

  74. Momentous Days

  75. Mean Ordeal

  76. Something Different

  77. My Mind

  New Beginning


  Run from the sorrow.

  Better days tomorrow,


  Run from the sacred ways,

  Leave behind this senseless craze.

  Come to my domain,

  Unless you deem it profane.

  The Truth

  A blissful awakening

  Awaits you my child

  A story forgotten

  Lost for a while

  A story the ancients haven’t told

  A story the zealous have fought to hold

  The story of evil in their eyes

  The story of reason and no more lies

  Tabula Rasa

  Forget your name,

  And from where you came.

  Enter a world,

  With much less pain.

  A world of wonder,

  Awaits your eyes,

  To see the blunder,

  Made by our kind.

  Tragic Irony

  I’ve seen with my eyes

  The horror that hides

  Within the lies

  Of divine ties

  Spill the blood

  Of misguided youth

  Shun the ones

  Seeking the truth

  Do as you’re told

  From stories of old

  Search for salvation

  In silver and gold

  Dominant Theory

  Here we are,

  Through the ages come and gone,

  Since the riches and the spare,

  We formed this illustrious affair.

  A contract of the free,

  What it came to be,

  No one could foresee.

  Our guardian, our provider

  In this garden, an outsider.

  Here we are,

  Slaves to our creation.

  Planet in Waiting

  For those still in waiting,

  I have a message for you.

  The time for debating,

  Is long overdue.

  Fearing the truth,

  Confining reality.

  Ignoring the youth,

  Due to morality.

  A scheme of tales,

  That give us stability.

  Must always fail,

  And establish humility.

  The answer is practical,

  Transgress the traditional.

  Nothing is radical,

  Freedom is unconditional.

  Divine Tale

  Seven Sisters,

  Seven Stars.

  How they nursed me,

  How they cried.

  Ecstasy and liberty

  Driven by my madness

  Pleasure you call mystery

  That rids me of my sadness

  Worship not my changing name

  Believe in that for which I stand

  Devoted as my Dear Thyia

  Devoting time,

  For beauties prime.

  The Forsaken


  They have spoken

  The forbidden words


  They have taken

  The forbidden fruits

  Tell them it’s wrong

  You’ve done no good

  Leave us alone

  You’ve misunderstood

  Humble Serfs

  The cocks and kings

  That made us clowns

  They clipped our wings

  For shiny crowns

  They stole the beauty

  From us all

  They throw us scraps

  If we crawl

  Lament and Loathe

  Lament for the martyrs of youth

  The satyrs of pleasure

  The seekers of human measure

  Lament for their wanton wisdom

  Their fervor for passion

  Their timeless form of fashion

  Loathe the ones molesting truth

  The ones who loom of death and gloom

  The ones whose doom is always soon

  Loathe their mission of submission

  Their senseless inhibition

  Their unwillingness to better their condition


  All the institutions,

  Share their prostitution,

  For faith in worth and fame.

  All their ardent armies,

  Their uniformed cronies,

  Dressed in silly suits,

  They wear the fascists’ boots.

  Prison Planet

  I dream of escape

  From the thick drape of dreams

  I wish to escape

  To a place of extremes

  I think of places that exist

  Perhaps Paris or Sarajevo

  But there’s no ritz or saray there

  Another place to be dismissed

  No place for people like me

  No place where we could live free

  Just the jungle or the high sea

  Escape the humans to live a humanist dream

sp; Forbid to forbid to live and let live.

  Born into Bondage

  A world of corruption

  Precedes your induction

  Scarcity and madness

  Persuades your instruction.

  You will learn their lines,

  And worship their signs.

  They will feast on your sweat,

  And you’ll know no regret.

  The Fall

  Hear me yell the young Turks’ call,

  The call that calls all men to cause!

  Hear me tell the tale to all,

  All who crawl through laws’ enthrall.

  Hear the end of all dismay,

  When natures call,

  Brings the fall,

  And reason runs the day.


  You call me a fool,

  You call me a failure.

  I call you a mule,

  Waiting for a savior.

  You call me a dreamer,

  Seeking the truth.

  I call you a gambler,

  Wasting your youth.

  I have no blame,

  Oh dear humanity.

  Only my shame,

  For your insanity.

  Oh precious patience,

  Which gives me my virtue.

  My cruel torture.

  My faithless fortune.

  The Faithful Poor

  If its proof you seek

  For the fallacy of religion

  You only need heed

  Its divine decisions

  For two-thousand years

  It conforms and concedes

  While science and thought

  Evolves and succeeds

  For two-thousand years

  The ones most in need

  Abundant in faith,

  But faith does not feed.

  For two-thousand years

  The ones who love greed

  Pleasured in sin

  Yet had more then they need

  Look around you today

  And watch its remnants decay

  An end to ignorance and ferocity

  A return to reason and curiosity

  Sad Justice


  More trials, more lies.

  Justice, Justice cried the crowd,

  Crimes of need, Crimes of life

  Who’s to tame?

  Who’s to frame?

  Life path taken, not to blame

  Archaic institutions full of shame

  Mother, Father awoke the one.

  This is how it’s always done.

  Birth of Venus

  The one they call my closest mate

  The one who shares my certain fate

  Crucial companion to my kingdom

  Eternal Queen of all my wisdom

  The one who bears beauties finest

  With an eloquence and a kindness

  We pondered the problems

  We wondered the ways

  We conquered the symptoms

  Of systems decay

  In this peace

  We find release

  A love that never fades

  In a trance of a romance

  In a glance, a dance

  Infinite ways for our love to enhance

  Perception Burns

  Bloodied and tired

  He ran though the fire

  One last glance

  Was this your desire?

  Your nation is dead

  Your hero a liar

  Another idea

  Burned in the fire

  Bear no malice

  Forgive me father,

  For my troth to reason.

  Forgive me mother,

  For my worthy treason.

  Can you ever really see,

  More then a heathen,

  You believe me to be.

  Can you forgive my flagrant error,

  That ensues your turbid terror.

  But my error has no terror,

  Only truth abounds me.

  Sensible Times

  Our youthful sight,

  We revel in delight.

  Our youthful might,

  We rebels of the night.

  We always trust in timeless pleasures,

  Need no burden of your ancient treasures.

  Your relics, your clerics,

  Or, your ethics.

  Measles of Mankind

  Beware of people waving flags

  They bring a plague of death and tears

  They infect you with their fears

  Right inside your little head

  They will leave you dumb or dead

  They will tell you pretty tales

  Full of giant righteous males

  Tales told by their fathers

  After killing all their brothers

  They will claim you at conception

  Few more years of minds deception

  They will dress you their attire

  You will think it your desire

  They will teach you trades in schools

  The place they train their precious tools

  They will teach you all their rules

  The rest are useless facts for fools

  Wasted Days

  Have you forgotten?

  Forgotten the lost lust

  Have you lived?

  Lived in disgust

  Fight for another day,

  To live for another yesterday

  The Inane

  Is life really a reflection?

  Just a projection

  In the mirror

  In the hands of the steerer

  Is it the clock maker?

  Our life taker

  Who reveals his mind,

  To all of mankind.

  Is history a plan?

  Should we follow it blindly?

  Or kiss it kindly

  And say no thanks

  I’ve had enough of your pranks.

  I’ll break the reflection,

  And start the resurrection.

  Do we die or thrive,

  Live or cry?

  Whoever made this cast,

  We call our past

  Will they punish or forgive,

  And let us live?

  A Goddess

  A potent goddess in my midst

  A sweet persuasive little kiss

  A maze in her eyes

  A blink that bears my surprise

  Can you sway her attention?

  Through silly pretension?

  And show her

  My true intention

  A gentle whisper I await

  To guide me to my tender mate

  An obsession in my head

  As ecstasy fills my bed

  Little Lady

  Loving little darling of a lady

  Living, Lusting

  Leisurely Adjusting

  Never too trusting.

  Living in a world of pain

  Much sacrifice with little gain

  Numerous insecurities and little fears

  Provided to her by her peers

  The world at her feet

  She looks up for defeat

  Her very own prison

  Maybe if you’re mind wasn’t so brittle

  You wouldn’t be thought of as so little

  Chant du Cygne

  All death is glory

  An end to a legend

  An end to a story

  The day I die

  Daughters and wives

  Will weep though their eyes

  Hear their cries

  Against my demise

  Do not mourn me

  Do not adorn me

  Death is an illusion

  A delusion,

  A conception,

  A perception of time.

  A Dream

  I dreamt of a dream

  But a simple scheme

  There once was a maiden

  Forbidden and hidden

  Cursed by verdict

rimes of passion not the one

  Nothing to be done

  Sentenced, crying

  They watched her dying

  Help her!

  Wept the lover

  Is no one trying?

  Elders of the island

  Have made their decision

  Girl is to be damned

  By cruel precision

  The townsmen have gathered

  As is the tradition

  Here now the maiden appears

  Crowd silent no cheers

  Faces full of tragic tears

  The horse whipped into the ocean

  The girl silent, hiding her emotion

  A lover’s desperation

  To savor his sensation

  Death awaits her

  To Live

  Savor the life

  The endless fight

  As if the day is less important then the night

  Prioritize persistence in the existence of fun


  Indulge the precious need for pleasure,

  Subdue the working need for treasure.

  Feed the urge of inquisition,

  Freedom needs your disposition.

  Indulge the drive for your desire,

  Inspect all that you acquire.

  Dismiss the dogmas of tradition,

  Archaic tools of superstition.

  Your doing

  Burdened like sons of agony and contempt

  Torn like mad children on their dying breath

  Forever will we stop and look

  Forever will we bear the pain

  Justice blundered insanely into our brain

  Heavy of senseless information

  Blinded by useless determination

  Some will pray,

  And get fucked by fate.

  Others will say,

  It’s what we create.


  We know your secrets

  We know what you did

  You kept it a secret

  For the reasons of sin

  But there is no sin or fire