Read Stories, That are Short Page 1

Stories that are Short!

  Christopher S. Closson

  Copy Right 2010 Christopher Closson

  Enjoy my huge, or I mean short, stories. I wrote the first one in a short time, it should only fit you can read it in a short time. The others are a bit longer. Yes, I am the writer and I have not stolen any of this from anyone but my own imagination. These stories have not been copy written, copy wrote, copied and pasted, or any other typed of copied. I own every little wiggling copyright of these stories. I hope you like them. I should have more stories up sometime in our human lives.

  Nothing Is Everything

  It wakes up and looks at the purple sky above.  The land beneath its feet was warmed from the bright green light hanging above.  Being confused, it didn't know which way to go, or what to do after it went that way.  After much debate with the two spouts from its head, it chose to go in the same direction that the wonderful blue trees were leaning towards.

  On its way, it saw a very serene counterpart. One that it had noticed was very brown. It went over to this thing and smiled with its big, happy belly.  The thing saw this and gave a loud giggly hymn.  They wiggled their legs and moved on together.

  The thing and the it were both so excited and happy together, that every step they took, they made a loud squishy noise.  A few thousand squishy sounds later, there was a different something playing in the leaning trees.  The thing looked up and noticed this something and became instantly fond of it.  It was very sad when the thing left him and went over to the something.

  Its belly was now saggy as it walked away from them.  It walked for almost forty squiggles and saw nothing.  It was very shocked and looked turned back around and saw everything.   Looking back and forth between the everything and the nothing, it had another discussion with the two spouts.  They suggested that it has already seen everything and should find out what nothing was like.

  It agreed with the spouts and decided to keep going and find out what nothing was all about. It walked into the nothing and felt like it was both falling and standing still. Like it was running, yet laying down. It realized that nothing was all too much of anything and that everything wasn't much compared to nothing.

  After being in nothing for a while, it noticed a different thing and went over to the thing. The thing looked at it and it said "The truth of all this lies within the dark a..."

  The boy awoke suddenly and tried as hard as possible to try and fall back asleep into this dream to find out the secret of the truth. After failing to do so multiple times, he decided he was going to find out for himself.  He crawled out of his bed, opened his window, peered out into the dark empty night and noticed this looked like nothing

  None and No Matter

  What we do two by two, we pay for one by one. Brandt kept thinking this as he was running in an empty field with the sun breathing warmth on his face. The breeze was perfect. It wasn’t too hot, nor was it too cold. He was running, but he wasn’t getting tired, or out of breath. There’s no such thing as lactic acid in this world. There was a loud crash as a black, circular object collided with the grassy hillside.

  This all happened so suddenly, that Brandt didn’t know what was going on. How could anything like this happen in such a perfect place? He walked over to the now smoking hole and peered, very slowly, into it. There was an old man holding a little baby staring at him with broken eyes.

  Brandt kneeled down next to the hole, now breathing heavily after he realized that he was holding his breath for a few minutes while watching the object hit the ground. He reached his hand in the hole after a few moments and tried to help the old man out. The old man didn’t do anything but stare. Brandt became unbalanced and fell into pure nothingness and when he awoke, he remembered what today was.

  He felt a rush of happiness take his body captive and totally forgot about the nightmare that had just occurred. He sat up and looked at the clock. It was 9:28 a.m. which was two minutes before his alarm was going to go off. He didn’t feel like waiting for the alarm to tell him to get out of bed, so he got out himself and went over to his dresser. His cell phone was lying on the corner and was blinking red. He flipped it open and seen he had a few missed calls from his best friend, Abdiel.

  He looked at the clock, gave a little smirk and said, “Don’t worry buddy, I’m coming.”

  His mood was dancing around with happiness and joy. It’s the best he’s felt in almost a year. Today was finally the day he was going to escape. His radio turned on, “Good morning listeners, it’s now 9:30 a.m. The weather for today is sunny with a low chance of rain. It looks like today is going to be wonderful. You should always bring an umbrella, there’s always a chance something unplanned could happen, so keep that in mind as you enjoy sun. Getting back to today’s news…”

  Brandt put on his clothes, jammed his pajamas in his overstuffed suitcase and zipped it shut. He had spent almost all the prior evening putting his clothes and whatever he thought was important into the suitcase. He grabbed his phone and put on a sports jacket. The thought of finally leaving this room without coming back was exhilarating. He smiled, grabbed his bags and left the room without looking back.

  His white 2008 BMW was the only car in the driveway. He threw his stuff in the back seat and slammed the door closed. He took one final look at the house he never called home, breathed in and out deeply, started the car and left without another thought of ever coming back.

  The streets were as empty with cars, as school is empty with students on the weekend. There was not one single car for miles and miles. Brandt thought this was a little strange, seeing as the streets are always crowded, even at 3 a.m. He shrugged his shoulders and kept going. Today was his day and this just seems to fit the perfection of it. The fewer the cars, the better, he thought as he cranked up the radio.

  He had been driving for five hours and still hadn’t noticed a car and he decided to get gas. The town, also, had no cars or no people in sight. When he pulled into the gas station, Abdiel called.

  “Hello? Brandt, are you there?”

  “Yea, what’s the problem? You sound like you’re about to die.”

  “No, it’s not me, I’m fine. Hey, look around. Can you see anyone? Anyone at all?”

  Abdiel had a very panicked tone as he was talking to Brandt. It seemed as though Abdiel knew that there was no one around Brandt. How would he know? Abdiel was still another four states away. Brandt already knew his answer, but he looked around reassuringly, “No, I don’t. Do you know what’s going on? I haven’t seen a soul since I woke up.”

  “Everyone just vanished and I’m not really sure what’s going on.” Abdiel continued, “When I woke up, I didn’t see anyone in the house and there were no notes. I went out to get some coffee and there was no one, anywhere. I called you about four times. I thought you were gone too.”

  “Hang on.” Brandt told him as he walked into the gas station. He walked in and looked around, seeing no one.

  “Hello? Anyone there?” He called around.

  There was no one behind the counter or the shelves. There wasn’t anyone in the bathroom or in the connected restaurant. He yelled out one last time hoping to hear someone answer. Brandt’s world seemed to spin faster than ever and he had no idea what was happening. Was this a dream? He pinched himself and felt the pain. So this wasn’t a dream, it is reality. There was no one but him and his best friend.

  “You’re right Abdiel, there isn’t anyone at all. Have you checked the TV? Maybe there is something on the news.”

  “There isn’t anything on TV. It’s completely blank on all of my 400 channels.”

  “I’m so confused. Well, where are you? We s
hould meet up.”

  Abdiel and Brandt talked for a few more minutes and decided to meet in Frankfort Kentucky, as it was equal distance for the both of them. Brandt filled up his tank, grabbed a few drinks and snacks and left. He was now heading towards Kentucky with out knowing what he was going to do. Where did everyone go? This thought kept going through his mind as he was driving on the completely empty freeway.

  Brandt had never felt so alone, and yet, so free. There were no cars on the road, which meant no worrying about traffic, and so cruise control was often applied. The absence of cars brought along boredom and left him no choice but to think of what he and his best friend were going to do about the entire country, and maybe even world, being human-free.

  He often looked at the billboards and imagined what happened to that particular person in the huge advertisement. He noticed a lot of them had older, smiling, women that were holding just born babies. One of the billboards, somewhere around Asheville, caught his eye.

  It had two kids huddled in a make-shift hut in the middle of the night. It appeared that they were lost on an island. There was a small hill above them and atop of the hill, was a ferocious looking lion. At the very bottom of the billboard read, “Every