Read Stories of Animal Sagacity Page 2



  We now come to the noble Dog, indued by the Creator with qualities whichespecially fit him to be the companion of man. Such he is in all partsof the world; and although wild dogs exist, they appear, like savagehuman beings, to have retrograded from a state of civilisation. Themongrels and curs, too, have evidently deteriorated, and lost thecharacteristic traits of their nobler ancestors.

  What staunch fidelity, what affection, what courage, what devotion andgenerosity does the dog exhibit! Judged by the anecdotes I am about tonarrate of him--a few only of the numberless instances recorded of hiswonderful powers of mind--he must, I think, be considered the mostsagacious of all animals, the mighty elephant not excepted.


  I will begin with some anecdotes which I am myself able to authenticate.

  Foremost must stand the noble Rosswell, who belonged to some connectionsof mine. He was of great size--a giant of the canine race--of a brownand white colour, one of his parents having seen the light in the frozenregions of Greenland, among the Esquimaux.

  Rosswell, though a great favourite, being too large to be fed in thehouse, had his breakfast, consisting of porridge, in a large wooden bowlwith a handle, sent out to him every morning, and placed close to acircular shrubbery before the house. Directly it arrived, he wouldcautiously put his nose to the bowl, and if, as was generally the case,the contents were too hot for his taste, he would take it up by thehandle and walk with it round the shrubbery at a dignified pace, puttingit down again at the same spot. He would then try the porridge oncemore, and if it were still too hot he would again take up the bowl andwalk round and round as before, till he was satisfied that thesuperabundant caloric had been dissipated, when, putting it down, hewould leisurely partake of his meal.

  Everything he did was in the same methodical, civilised fashion. One ofthe ladies of the family had dropped a valuable bracelet during a walk.In the evening Rosswell entered the house and proceeded straight up toher with his mouth firmly closed. "What have you got there?" she asked,when he at once opened his huge mouth and revealed the missing bracelet.

  The same lady was fond of birds, and had several young ones brought toher from time to time to tame. Rosswell must have observed this. Oneday he appeared again with his mouth closed, and came up to her. Onopening his jaws, which he allowed her to do, what was her surprise tosee within them a little bird, perfectly unhurt! After this he veryfrequently brought her birds in his mouth, which he had caught withoutin any way injuring them.

  He had another strange fancy. It was to catch hedgehogs; but, insteadof killing them, he invariably brought them into the house and placedthem before the kitchen fire--supposing, apparently, that they enjoyedits warmth.

  With two of the ladies of the family he was a great favourite, and usedto romp with them to his heart's content. The youngest, however, beingof a timid disposition, could never get over a certain amount of terrorwith which his first appearance had inspired her.

  At length Rosswell disappeared. Although inquiries were everywhere madefor him he could not be found. It was suspected that he had beenstolen, with the connivance of one of the domestics, who owed him agrudge. Weeks passed away, and all hope of recovering Rosswell had beenabandoned, when one day he rushed into the house, looking lean andgaunt, with a broken piece of rope hanging to his neck, showing that hehad been kept "in durance vile," and had only just broken his bonds.The two elder sisters he greeted with the most exuberant marks ofaffection, leaping up and trying to lick their faces; but directly theyoungest appeared he slowly crept forward, lay down at her feet, wagginghis tail, and glancing up at her countenance with an unmistakably gentlelook.

  Rosswell, not without provocation, had taken a dislike to a little dogbelonging to Captain --; and at last, having been annoyed beyondendurance, he gave the small cur a bite which sent it yelping away.Captain--was passing at the time, and, angry at the treatment his doghad received, declared that he would shoot Rosswell if it ever happenedagain. Knowing that Captain--would certainly fulfil his threat, theelder lady, who was of determined character, and instigated by regardfor Rosswell, called the dog to her, and began belabouring him with astout stick, pronouncing the name of the little dog all the time.Rosswell received the castigation with the utmost humility; and fromthat day forward avoided the little dog, never retaliating when annoyed,and hanging down his head when its name was mentioned.

  Rosswell had a remarkable liking for sugar-plums, and would at all timesprefer a handful to a piece of meat. If, however, a pile of them wereplaced between his paws, and he was told that they were for baby, hewould not touch them, but watch with wagging tail while the littlefellow picked them up. He might probably have objected had any one elseattempted to take them away.

  Gallant Rosswell!--he fell a victim at length to the wicked hatred ofhis old enemy the cook, who mixed poison with his food, which destroyedhis life.

  Rosswell's mistresses mourned for him, as I daresay you will; but theydid not seek to punish the wicked woman as she deserved.

  What a noble fellow he was, how submissive under castigation, how gentlewhen he saw that his boisterous behaviour frightened his youngestmistress, how obedient to command, how strict in the performance of hisduty! And what self-restraint did he exercise! Think of him withbaby's sugar-plums between his paws--not one would he touch.

  My reader, let me ask you one question: Are you as firm in resistingtemptation as was gallant Rosswell? He acted rightly through instinct;but you have the power to discern between good and evil, aided by thecounsels of your kind friends. Do not shame the teaching of yourparents by acting in any manner unworthy of yourself.

  Tyrol, the Dog which rang the Bell.

  I have told you of several cats which rang bells. Another connection ofmine, living in the Highlands, had a dog called Tyrol. He had beentaught to do all sorts of things. Among others, to fetch his master'sslippers at bed-time; and when told that fresh peat was required for thefire, away he would go to the peat-basket and bring piece after piece,till a sufficient quantity had been piled up.

  He had also learned to pull the bell-rope to summon the servant. Thishe could easily accomplish at his own home, where the rope wassufficiently long for him to reach; but on one occasion he accompaniedhis master on a visit to a friend's house, where he was desired toexhibit his various accomplishments. When told to ring the bell, hemade several attempts in vain. The end of the rope was too high up forhim to reach. At length, what was the surprise of all present to seehim seize a chair by the leg, and pull it up to the wall, when, jumpingup, he gave the rope a hearty tug, evidently very much to his ownsatisfaction.

  You will generally find that, difficult as a task may seem, if you seekfor the right means you may accomplish it. Drag the chair up to thebell-rope which you cannot otherwise reach.


  I am sorry that I do not know the name of a certain shepherd's dog, butwhich deserves to be recorded in letters of gold.

  His master, who had charge of a flock which fed among the GrampianHills, set out from home one day accompanied by his little boy, scarcelymore than four years old. The children of Scottish shepherds beginlearning their future duties at an early age. The day, bright at first,passed on, when a thick mist began to rise, shrouding the surroundingcountry. The shepherd, seeing this, hurried onward to collect hisscattered flock, calling his dog to his assistance, and leaving hislittle boy at a spot where he believed that he should easily find himagain. The fog grew thicker and thicker; and so far had the flockrambled, that some time passed before they could be collected together.

  On his return to look for his child, the darkness had increased so muchthat he could not discover him. The anxious father wandered on, callingon his child--but no answer came; his dog, too, had disappeared. He hadhimself lost his way. At length the moon rose, when he discovered thathe was not far from his own cottage. He hastened tow
ards it, hopingthat the child had reached it before him; but the little boy had notappeared, nor had the dog been seen. The agony of the parents can bebetter imagined than described. No torches were to be procured, and theshepherd had to wait till daylight ere he could set out with a companionor two to assist him in his search. All day he searched in vain. Onhis return, sick at heart, at nightfall, he heard that his dog hadappeared during the day, received his accustomed meal of a bannock, andthen scampered off at full speed across the moor, being out of sightbefore any one could follow him.

  All night long the father waited, expecting the dog to return; but theanimal not appearing, he again, as soon as it was daylight, set off onhis search. During his absence, the dog hurried up to the cottage, ason the previous day, and went off again immediately he had received hisbannock.

  At last, after this had occurred on two more successive days, theshepherd resolved to remain at home till his dog should appear, and thento follow him.

  The sagacious animal appearing as before, at once understood hismaster's purpose, and instead of scampering off at full speed, kept insight as he led the way across the moor. It was then seen that he heldin his mouth the larger portion of the cake which had been given him.The dog conducted the shepherd to a cataract which fell roaring andfoaming amid rocks into a ravine far down below. Descending an almostperpendicular cliff, the dog entered a cavern, close in front of whichthe seething torrent passed. The shepherd with great difficulty madehis way to it, when, as he reached the entrance, he saw his child,unhurt, seated on the ground eating the cake brought by the dog, whostood watching his young charge thus occupied, with a proudconsciousness of the important duty he had undertaken.

  The father, embracing his child, carried him up the steep ascent, downwhich it appeared he had scrambled in the dark, happily reaching thecave. This he had been afraid to quit on account of the torrent; andhere the dog by his scent had traced him, remaining with him night andday, till, conscious that food was as necessary for the child as forhimself, he had gone home to procure him some of his own allowance.

  Thus the faithful animal had, by a wonderful exercise of his reasoningpower, preserved the child's life.


  A dear friend gave me, many years ago, a rough, white terrier puppy,which I called Alp. I fed him with my own hand from the first, and heconsequently evinced the warmest attachment to me. No animal could bemore obedient; and he seemed to watch my every look to ascertain what Iwished him to do.

  The expression of his countenance showed his intelligence; and wheneverI talked to him he seemed to be making the most strenuous efforts toreply, twisting about his lips in a fashion which often made me burstinto a fit of laughter, when he would give a curious bark of delight, asmuch as to say,--"Ay, I can utter as meaning a sound as that."

  I felt very sure that no burglar would venture into the house while hewas on the watch.

  I never beat him in his life; but once I pretended to do so, with ahollow reed which happened to be in the room, on his persisting,contrary to my orders, in lying down on the rug before the fire whenevermy back was turned. As I was about to leave the room, I placed the reedon the rug, and admonished him to be careful. On my return, some timeafterwards, I found the reed torn up into the most minute shreds. Onlooking round, I saw Alp in the furthest corner of the room, twistinghis mouth, wriggling about, and wagging his tail, while every now andthen he turned furtive glances towards the rug, telling me as plainly asif he could speak,--"I could not resist the temptation--I did it, Iown--but don't be angry with me. You see I have now got as far awayfrom the rug as I could be." Alp, seeing me laugh, rushed from hiscorner to lick my hand. He ever afterwards, however, avoided the rug.

  For his size, he was the best swimmer and diver among dogs I ever saw.He would, without hesitation, plunge into water six or eight feet deep,and bring up a stone from the bottom almost as big as his head, or dashforth from the sea-beach and boldly breast the foaming billows of theAtlantic.

  After seeing what Alp did do, and feeling sure of what he could havedone had circumstances called forth his powers, I am ready to believethe accounts I have heard of the wonderful performances of others of hisrace.

  A young Newfoundland dog, living in Glasgow a few years ago, acted,under similar circumstances, very much as Alp did. As he sometimesmisbehaved himself, a whip was kept near him, which was occasionallyapplied to his back. He naturally took a dislike to this article, andmore than once was found with it in his mouth, moving slyly towards thedoor.

  Being shut up at night in the house to watch it, he in his roundsdiscovered the detested instrument of punishment. To get rid of it, heattempted to thrust it under the door. It stuck fast, however, by thethick end. A few nights afterwards he again got hold of the whip, andpersevered till he shoved through the thick end, when some one passingby carried it off. On being questioned as to what had become of thewhip, he betrayed his guilt by his looks, and slunk away with his tailbetween his legs.


  A gentleman who lived near Stirling, possessed a powerful mastiff. Oneevening, as he was going his rounds through the grounds, he observed aman with a sack on his back suspiciously proceeding towards the orchard.The dog followed, crouching down while the man filled his sack withapples. The dog waited till the thief had thrown the heavy sack overhis shoulders, holding on to the mouth with both hands. When the manwas thus unable to defend himself, the dog rushed forward and stood infront of him, barking loudly for assistance, and leaving him the optionof dropping his plunder and fighting for life and liberty, or of beingcaptured. Paralysed with fear, he stood still, till the servants comingfrom the house made him prisoner.

  Be calm and cool in the face of a foe--remonstrate with a wrong-doer--fly from tempters; but you cannot be too eager and violent in attackingtemptation immediately it presents itself.


  A friend told me of another dog, which had been taught habits ofcleanliness that some young gentlemen, accustomed to enter thedrawing-room with dirty shoes, might advantageously imitate. A shallowtub of water was placed in the hall, near the front door. Whenever thiswell-behaved dog came into the house, if the roads were muddy from rain,or dusty from dry weather, he used to run to the tub and wash his feet--drying them, it is to be presumed, on the door-mat--before venturinginto any of the sitting-rooms to which he had admission.


  Having mentioned this cleanly dog, I must next introduce to you a caninefriend, called Master Rough, belonging to my kind next-door neighbours;and I think you will acknowledge that he surpasses the other in thepropriety of his behaviour.

  Master Rough is very small, and his name describes his appearance. As Ihear his voice, I might suppose him to be somewhat ill-natured, did Inot know that his bark is worse than his bite. He is only indignant atbeing told by his mistress to do something he dislikes; but he does itnotwithstanding, though he has, it must be confessed, a will of his own,like some young folks. He does not often soil his dainty feet by goingout into the muddy road; but when he does, on his return he carefullywipes them on the door-mat.

  At meal-times he goes to a cupboard, in which is kept a bowl and napkinfor his especial use. The napkin he first spreads on the carpet, andthen placing the bowl in the centre, barks to give notice that his tableis ready. After this, he sits down and waits patiently till his dinneris put into the bowl, on which he falls to and gobbles it up,--thetable-cloth preventing any of the bits which tumble over from soilingthe carpet. It has been asserted that he wipes his mouth afterwards inthe napkin; but I suspect that he is merely picking up the bits outside.I am sorry to say that he forgets to fold up his table-cloth neatly andto put it away, which he certainly should do; nor can he be persuaded towash out his bowl, though he does not object to lick it clean. Peopleand dogs, however, have different ways of doing things, and Master Roughchooses to follow his way, and is perfectly satisfied with himself--likesome young folks, w
ho may not, however, be right for all that.

  His principal other accomplishment is to carry up the newspaper, afterit has been read by the gentleman downstairs, to his mistress in thedrawing-room, when he receives a cake as his reward. He also may beseen carrying a basket after his mistress, with a biscuit in it, whichhe knows will be his in due time; but that if he misbehaves himself bygobbling it greedily up--as he has sometimes done, I hear--he will haveto carry the basket without the biscuit; so having learned wisdom fromexperience, he now patiently waits till it is given to him.

  If Master Rough is not so clever as some dogs I have to tell you about,he does his best in most respects; and I am very sure that no thiefwould venture to break into the house in which he keeps watch: so thathe makes himself--what all boys and girls should strive to be--veryuseful.


  Next on my list of canine favourites stands a noble Newfoundland dognamed Byron, which belonged to the father of my friend, Mrs F--. Onone occasion he accompanied the family to Dawlish, on the coast ofDevonshire. His kennel was at the back of the house. Whenever hismaster was going out, the servant loosened Byron, who immediately ranround, never entering the house, and joined him, accompanying him in hiswalk.

  One day, after getting some way from home, his master found that he hadforgotten his walking-stick. He showed the dog his empty hands, andpointed towards the house. Byron, instantly comprehending what waswanted, set off, and made his way into the house by the front door,through which he had never before passed. In the hall was a hatstandwith several walking-sticks in it. Byron, in his eagerness, seized thefirst he could reach, and carried it joyfully to his master. It was notthe right one, however. Mr--on this patted him on the head, gave himback the stick, and again pointed towards the house. The dog,apparently considering for a few moments what mistake he could havemade, ran home again, and exchanged the stick for the one his masterusually carried. After this, he had the walking-stick given him tocarry, an office of which he seemed very proud.

  One day while thus employed, following his master with stately gravity,he was annoyed during the whole time by a little yelping cur jumping upat his ears. Byron shook his head, and growled a little from time totime, but took no further notice, and never offered to lay down thestick to punish the offender.

  On reaching the beach, Mr--threw the stick into the waves for the dogto bring it out. Then, to the amusement of a crowd of bystanders,Byron, seizing his troublesome and pertinacious tormentor by the back ofthe neck, plunged with him into the foaming water, where he ducked himwell several times, and then allowed him to find his way out as best hecould; while he himself, mindful of his duty, swam onward in search ofthe now somewhat distant walking-stick, which he brought to his master'sfeet with his usual calm demeanour. The little cur never again troubledhim.

  Be not less magnanimous than Byron, when troublesome boys try to annoyyou whilst you are performing your duties; but employ gentle wordsinstead of duckings to silence them. Drown the yelping curs--badthoughts, unamiable tempers, temptations, and such like--which assaultyou from within.


  I must now tell you a story which many believe, but which othersconsider "too good to be true."

  A gentleman who owned a fine Newfoundland dog, of which he was veryproud, was one warm summer's evening riding out with a friend, when heasserted that his dog would find and bring to him any article he mightleave behind him. Accordingly it was agreed that a shilling should bemarked and placed under a stone, and that after they had proceeded threeor four miles on their road, the dog should be sent back for it. Thiswas done--the dog, which was with them, observing them place the coinunder the stone, a somewhat heavy one. They then rode forward thedistance proposed, when the dog was despatched by his master for theshilling. He seemed fully to understand what was required of him; andthe two gentlemen reached home, expecting the dog to follow immediately.They waited, however, in vain. The dog did not make his appearance,and they began to fear that some accident had happened to the animal.

  The faithful dog was, however, obedient to his master's orders. Onreaching the stone he found it too heavy to lift, and while scraping andworking away, barking every now and then in his eagerness, two horsemencame by. Observing the dog thus employed, one of them dismounted andturned over the stone, fancying that some creature had taken refugebeneath it. As he did so, his eye fell on the coin, which--notsuspecting that it was the object sought for--he put into his breechespocket before the animal could get hold of it. Still wondering what thedog wanted, he remounted his steed, and with his companion rode rapidlyon to an inn nearly twenty miles off, where they purposed passing thenight.

  The dog, which had caught sight of the shilling as it was transferred tothe stranger's pocket, followed them closely, and watched thesleeping-room into which they were shown. He must have observed themtake off their clothes, and seen the man who had taken possession of theshilling hang his breeches over the back of a chair. Waiting till thetravellers were wrapped in slumber, he seized the garment in his mouth--being unable to abstract the shilling--and bounded out of the window,nor stopped till he reached his home. His master was awakened early inthe morning by hearing the dog barking and scratching at his door. Hewas greatly surprised to find what he had brought, and more so todiscover not only the marked shilling, but a watch and purse besides.As he had no wish that his dog should act the thief, or that he himselfshould become the receiver of stolen goods, he advertised the articleswhich had been carried off; and after some time the owner appeared, whenall that had occurred was explained.

  The only way to account for the dog not at first seizing the shillingis, that grateful for the assistance afforded him in removing the stone,he supposed that the stranger was about to give him the coin, and thathe only discovered his mistake when it was too late. His naturalgentleness and generosity may have prevented him from attacking the manand trying to obtain it by force.

  Patiently and perseveringly follow up the line of duty which has beenset you. When I see a boy studying hard at his lessons, or doing hisduty in any other way, I can say, "Ah, he is searching for the markedshilling; and I am sure he will find it."


  Many species of dogs appear, like the last mentioned, to be especiallyindued with the faculty of distinguishing their master's property, andto possess the desire of restoring it to them when lost.

  Mrs F--told me of an instance of this with which she was acquainted. Agentleman residing in the county of Cork, finding his out-housesinfested by rats, sent for four small terriers to extirpate them. Heamused himself with teaching the dogs a variety of canineaccomplishments,--among others, to fetch and carry whatever he sent themfor.

  Returning one day from his daily walk, he discovered that a bunch ofkeys which he supposed was in his pocket was not there. Hoping that hemight have left them at home, he made diligent search everywhere, but invain. One of the little terriers had observed his master thus searchingabout, and there can be no doubt that, after pondering the matter in hismind, he came to the conclusion that something was lost. Be that as itmay, off he set by himself from the house, and after the lapse of somehours up he came running with eager delight, the lost keys dangling fromhis mouth, and jingling loudly as he gambolled about in his happiness.He then dropped them at his master's feet.

  We may be sure that the dog was well caressed, and became fromthenceforward the prime favourite.

  That terrier was a little dog, but still he was of much use, not only bykilling rats, which was his regular duty, but by trying to find out whathis master wanted to have done, and doing it.

  Little boys and girls may be of still greater use, if they will bothperform their regular duties, and try to find out what there is to bedone, and then, like the terrier, do it.


  Mrs F--told me another anecdote, which illustrates the fidelity andreasoning power s
o frequently exhibited by the shepherd's dog.

  About the year 1827, her father sold some lambs to a butcher in Melrose,who took them away in his cart. Their shepherd had a young dog intraining at the time. Shortly after the sale of the lambs he missedthis dog, and hastened in search of him.

  On reaching the chain bridge which is thrown over the river for the useof foot-passengers, he was told that the dog had been seen standing onit watching the butcher's cart containing the lambs, which was crossingthe ford beneath. As soon as it had gained the other bank the dogfollowed it to Melrose. The shepherd pursued the supposed truant tillhe reached the town, where in front of the butcher's shop stood the cartwith the lambs still in it, and the dog standing like a constable by it,threatening every one who approached to unload it.

  He had evidently considered that the animals were stolen, and that itwas his duty to keep watch over them. When, however, his masterappeared, and called him away, he seemed at once to understand that allwas right, and followed him willingly.

  Be watchful over whatever is committed to your charge, and be equallywatchful over yourself.


  In the backwoods of North America lived a settler and his family, faraway from towns and villages. The children of such families at an earlyage learn to take care of themselves, and fearlessly wander to adistance from home to gather wild fruits, to fish in the streams, or tosearch for maple-trees from which to extract sugar in the autumn.

  One evening the rest of the boys and girls had come in from theirvarious occupations, except the youngest, a little fellow of four orfive years old. One of his brothers thought he had gone with Silas, andSilas fancied that he was with James and Mary, but neither of them tillthen had missed him. The whole family, thrown into a state ofconsternation, hurried out with torches, for it was now getting dark,and shouted for him, and searched round and round the clearing far andwide, but he was nowhere to be found. I need not describe theirfeelings. The next morning they set forth again, searching stillfurther. All day they were so employed, but in vain. They began tofear that poor little Marcus had been killed by a rattlesnake, or that abear had come and carried him off.

  The next night was a sorrowful one for all the family. Once more theywere preparing to set out, when a tall, copper-coloured Indian, habitedin a dress of skins, was seen coming through the forest, followed by amagnificent blood-hound. He approached the settlers and inquired whatwas the matter. They told him, when he desired to see the socks andshoes last worn by the child. They were eagerly produced by the mother.The Indian showed them to his dog, at the same time patting him on thehead. The animal evidently comprehended what his master required, andscenting about for a short time, began to bay loudly, then set off,without turning to the right or to the left, through the forest,followed by the Indian and the child's father and elder brothers. Hewas soon out of sight, but the Indian knew by the marks on the groundthe way he had taken.

  A long, long chase the hound led them, till he was seen bounding backwith animation in his eye and a look which told that he had beensuccessful in his search. The father and his sons hurried after theIndian, who closely followed his dog, and to their joy discovered littleMarcus, pale and exhausted, but unhurt, with the dog standing over him.

  He soon recovered, and told them how he had lost his way, and lived uponberries and other wild fruits till he had sunk down unable to gofurther. His life had undoubtedly been preserved by means of thesagacious blood-hound.


  I have told you of Tyrol, who used to ring the bell; I will now describeanother dog named Dash, who was still more clever. When any of theservants of the family had to sit up for their master or mistress, andfell asleep in their chair, scarcely would they have settled themselveswhen the parlour bell would be heard to ring. They were greatly puzzledto account for this, and in vain attempted to solve the mystery.

  Dash was a black and white spaniel, who was generally considered afairly clever dog, but not suspected of possessing any unusual amount ofknowingness. He never failed, when his master told him to get anything,to find it and lay it at his feet. If one glove was missing, and theother shown to him, he was sure to hunt about till he discovered it.

  One morning a person arrived with a letter before breakfast, to bedelivered into the hands of Dash's master. The man was shown into theparlour, where he was about to sit down, when his ears were saluted by agrowl, and there was Dash, seated in a chair near the fireplace. Thedog was within reach of the ring of the bell-pull, and whenever the manattempted to sit down, Dash put up his paw on the ring and growledagain. At length the stranger, curious to see what the dog would do ifhe persevered, sat down in a chair. Dash, on this, instead of flying atthe man, as some stupid dogs would have done, pulled the bell-rope, anda servant coming in on the summons, was greatly astonished when the mantold him that the dog had rung the bell.

  Thus the mystery which had long puzzled him and his fellow-servants wasexplained. On comparing notes, they recollected that whenever the bellsounded, Dash was not to be seen; and there could now be no doubt thatimmediately he observed them closing their eyes, he had hastened off tothe parlour, the bell-rope of which he could easily reach, in order torouse them to watchfulness.

  In corroboration of this account, my friend Mrs F--mentioned the caseof a Newfoundland dog, which was one day accidentally shut up in thedining-room, when the family were out. He scratched at the door andwhined loudly for a length of time; but though the servants heard him,they paid no attention. At length, as if the thought had suddenlyoccurred to him that whenever the bell was rung the door was opened, heactually rang the bell right heartily. A servant instantly obeyed thesummons, when out sprang the dog, wagging his tail with delight at theresult of his sagacious experiment, and leaving the man in amazement atfinding no person in the room.


  There are many instances of dogs showing attention to their owner'sinterests. Mr Jesse mentions one which exhibits a wonderful power ofreasoning in a dog.

  The sheep-dog used to accompany the farm-servants about the farm, butran home to be fed at the dinner-hour of his mistress, returningafterwards to his duty in the fields. One day, as he was approachingthe house, he met a young woman, whom he had never before seen, leavingit wearing his mistress's cloak, which had in reality been lent her.Hungry as he was, he nevertheless turned about and followed closely ather heels, greatly to her alarm. Hurrying on, the dog still accompaniedher, till she reached the house in which the brother of the dog'smistress resided, with whom he was well acquainted. On seeing the youngwoman enter it, the faithful animal turned about, and went quietly backto the farm. It was thus evident that, from seeing her go into a housewhich he knew, he was satisfied that she was a friend of the family.Had she gone to a strange place, he would probably have tried to takethe cloak from her.

  Follow what you believe to be the right course, like the faithfulsheep-dog; and though the result may not answer your expectations, donot be disheartened. Persevere in acting rightly: the reward will come.


  Dogs and horses frequently form friendships. A Newfoundland dog hadattached himself to a mare belonging to his master, and seemed toconsider himself especially the guardian of his less sagaciouscompanion. Whenever the groom began to saddle the mare, the dog used tolie down with his nose between his paws, watching the proceeding. Themoment the operation was finished, up jumped the dog, seized the reinsin his mouth, and led the mare to her master, following him in his ride.

  On returning home, the reins being again given to him, he would lead hisfriend back to the stable. If, on his arrival, the groom happened to beout of the way, he would bark vehemently till he made his appearance,and then hand over his charge to him.

  You may be young and little, but if you exercise discretion andjudgment, you may assist those much bigger and older than yourself.Learn from the dog, however, not
to give yourself airs in consequence;you will have simply performed your duty in making yourself useful.


  I must give you another anecdote somewhat similar to the last.

  A little terrier, and another dog, equally faithful and sagacious, hadattached themselves to their master's horse, which they alwaysaccompanied when it went out. If the master rode out on it to dinner,the two dogs used to remain contentedly in the stable with their friend,till it was required to carry its master home.

  One night the gentleman had ordered his horse to be brought, but waitedin vain for its appearance. At length the groom was summoned, when hedeclared that he dared not take the horse out of the stable, as one ofthe dogs was on its back, and the other by its side, threatening toattack every person who came up to the animal. The owner, observingthat the groom was a stranger, suspected at once that the dogs would nottrust him, and had himself to go round to the stable, when the faithfulanimals at once delivered their charge up to him.


  Two dogs belonged to the family of Mrs F--. One, Bob, a black setter,who was, like most of his species, an excellent swimmer; the other,Crib, a bull-terrier, who had no love for the water, and thought himselfill-used whenever he was compelled to take a bath.

  Several of the family were walking along the bank of the Tweed,accompanied by the two dogs, when Bob, as usual, plunged into the water,but Crib kept close to their heels. The ladies happened to be inearnest conversation, and were taking no notice of the dogs, when theirattention was attracted by a second plunge, and Bob was seen, apparentlyseized with cramp, floundering in the middle of the river, Crib swimmingeagerly towards him. Bob sank just as his friend reached him, but Cribseized him by the nape of the neck in his powerful jaws, and thus swamwith him to shore.

  There existed no particular friendship between the dogs; and when Crib'snatural aversion to the water is considered, it must be acknowledgedthat he well deserved the Humane Society's Medal for his gallantry.

  It is truly a noble deed to save the life of a fellow-creature, thoughit but rarely falls to the lot of any one. But, though you may neverhave an opportunity of doing that, you may always find numerous ways ofrendering assistance to those who may, in one form or other, be in wantof it.


  A grocer owned a Newfoundland dog, which used frequently to take chargeof the shop. While thus lying down with his nose between his paws, heobserved one of the porters frequently visiting the till. He suspectedthat the man had no business to go there. He therefore watched him,and, following him, observed him hide the money he had taken in thestable. The dog, on this, attempted to lead several persons in whom hehad confidence towards the place, by pulling in a peculiar manner attheir clothes. They took no heed of him, till at length one of theapprentices going to the stable, the dog followed him and beganscratching at a heap of rubbish in a corner. The young man's attentionbeing aroused, he watched the animal, which soon scratched up severalpieces of money. The apprentice, collecting them, evidently to thedog's satisfaction, took them to his master, who marked them, andrestored them to the place where they were discovered.

  The porter, who for some other cause was suspected, was at lengtharrested, when some of the marked coin was found on him. On being takenbefore a magistrate, he confessed his guilt, and was convicted of thetheft.


  A terrier, which lived at Dunrobin Castle many years ago, had a familyof puppies, which were taken from her and drowned. How she mourned forher offspring, and wondered why her owner had been so cruel as to allowthem to be earned away! Her maternal feelings were as strong as thoseof other creatures, and she felt a longing to exercise them. At lengthshe caught sight of a brood of young ducklings. They were young, andrequired care just like her own dear little whelps; so, seizing them,she carried them off one by one to her kennel, and would allow no one totake them away. They seemed to understand that they had obtained a verygood nurse, and she watched them with the most affectionate care. When,however, they made their way to the water and plunged in, she exhibitedthe greatest alarm, believing that they would be drowned, as her ownpuppies had been. No sooner had she reached the shore than she pickedthem up in her mouth, and carried them off to her kennel, resolving,probably, never to allow them to run into the same danger again.

  After the ducklings grew up, and were no longer willing to submit to hercanine style of nursing, she again became the mother of another litter.On this also being destroyed, she seized two cock chickens, which shereared with the same care that she had done the ducklings. When,however, the young cocks began to try their voices, their foster-motherwas as much annoyed as she had been by the ducks going into the water,and invariably did her best to stop their crowing.

  You will never want objects on which to exercise your kind feelings."The poor you have always with you." You must not be disheartened ordissatisfied if they persist in following a different course from thatwhich you think they ought to do. How often, when a baby, have youcried lustily when your mother or nurse heartily wished you to besilent; and as you grew older, perversely ran away into danger when theycalled after you! Through life remember that little terrier, and likeher persevere in befriending those in need.


  I must tell you one more anecdote of two dogs of a similar character toone I gave you a few pages back, but in this instance they wereprofessed enemies. It happened at Donaghadee, where a pier was incourse of building.

  Two dogs--one a Newfoundland, and the other a mastiff--were seen byseveral people engaged in a fierce and prolonged battle on the pier.They were both powerful dogs, and though good-natured when alone, weremuch in the habit of thus fighting whenever they met. At length theyboth fell into the sea, and as the pier was long and steep, they had nomeans of escape but by swimming a considerable distance. The cold bathbrought the combat to an end, and each began to make for the land asbest he could.

  The Newfoundland dog speedily gained the shore, on which he stoodshaking himself, at the same time watching the motions of his lateantagonist, who, being no swimmer, began to struggle, and was just aboutto sink. On seeing this, in he dashed, took the other gently by thecollar, kept his head above water, and brought him safely to land.

  After this they became inseparable friends, and never fought again; andwhen the Newfoundland dog met his death by a stone waggon running overhim, the mastiff languished, and evidently mourned for him for a longtime.

  Let this incident afford us great encouragement to love our enemies, andto return good for evil, since we find the feeling implanted in thebreast of a dog to save the life of his antagonist, and to cherish himafterwards as a friend.

  We may never be called on to save the life of a foe; but that would notbe more difficult to our natural disposition than acting kindly andforgivingly towards those who daily annoy us--who injure us or offer uspetty insults.


  You remember the way Byron punished his troublesome little assailant.Another Newfoundland dog, of a noble and generous disposition, was oftenassailed in the same way by noisy curs in the streets. He generallypassed them with apparent unconcern, till one little brute ventured tobite him in the back of the leg. This was a degree of wanton insultwhich could not be patiently endured; so turning round, he ran after theoffender, and seized him by the poll. In this manner he carried him tothe quay, and holding him for some time over the water, at lengthdropped him into it. He did not, however, intend that the culpritshould be drowned. Waiting till he was not only well ducked, but nearlysinking, he plunged in and brought him safely to land.

  Could you venture to look a Newfoundland dog in the face, and call him abrute beast, if you feel that you have acted with less generosity thanhe exhibited!


Among the strange friendships existing between animals of differentnatures, I must mention one formed between a terrier and a bantam.

  The little dog was suffering so severely from the distemper, that it wasnecessary to confine her to her kennel, which had open bars in front ofit. A bantam-cock which lived in the yard, walking up and down,observed the poor little animal, and gazed at her with looks of deepcompassion. At last he managed to squeeze himself through the bars.The terrier evidently understood his feelings, and from that day forwardthe bantam took up his abode in the dog's prison--like a bravephysician, fearless of catching the complaint of his patient--and seldomleft it, except to pick up his daily food. When he did so, the dogbecame uneasy, whining till her friend returned.

  The terrier became worse, and the bantam redoubled his attentions, and,for the purpose of warming the dog, took his place between herfore-legs; and then the poor little invalid settled down on the bird,apparently to enjoy the warmth afforded by his feathers. Thus, dayafter day was passed in the closest bonds of affection, till the terrierdied of the disease from which she had been suffering. The bantamappeared inconsolable at the loss of his friend, and it was some timebefore he recovered his usual spirits.

  Imitate that little bantam. You will find very many human beings, inlieu of sick terriers, to nurse. As willingly as the bird gave uppleasant amusements, so rouse yourself from sloth for their sakes.


  I must give you another instance, still more curious than the former, offriendship between two animals.

  A number of rough boys in Liverpool had stoned a cat, and dragged itthrough a pool of water, no one of the many passers-by attempting tostop them; when a dog coming up was moved with pity and indignation atthe brutal proceedings, which ought to have induced the human beings whowitnessed it to interfere. Barking furiously, he rushed in among theboys, and then carried off the ill-used cat in his mouth, bleeding, andalmost senseless, to his kennel at the Talbot Inn, to which he belonged.He there laid it on the straw, licked it till it was clean, and thenstretched himself on it, as if to impart to it some of his own warmth.On its beginning to revive, he set out to obtain food for it, when thepeople of the inn, noticing his behaviour, gave his patient some warmmilk.

  Some days passed before the cat recovered, and during the whole time thedog never remitted in his attentions to it. The cat, in return,exhibited the warmest gratitude to the dog, and for many yearsafterwards they were seen going about the streets of Liverpool together.

  Do you not blush for human nature when you hear of boys exhibiting lesscompassion than a dog? Be watchful that you never have cause to blushfor yourself.


  Not only can dogs be taught all sorts of amusing tricks, but they canplay intelligently at games themselves. Mrs Lee tells us of afox-terrier named Fop, who used to hide his eyes, and suffer thoseplaying with him to conceal themselves before he looked up. I shouldhave liked to see jolly Fop at his sports. If his playfellow hidhimself behind a curtain, Fop would go carefully past that particularcurtain, looking behind the others and the rest of the furniture, andwhen he thought he had looked long enough, seize the concealing curtain,and drag it aside in triumph.

  The drollest thing, however, was to see him take his turn at hiding. Hewould get under a chair, and fancy he could not be seen. Of course,those at play with him pretended not to know where he was hiding, and itwas most amusing to witness his agitation as they passed.

  Once Fop was ill, and had taken some homoeopathic globules, which weresupposed to have cured him. Afterwards, when anything was the matterwith him, he would stand near the medicine-box, and hold his mouth opento receive a pill. He possibly might have had a taste for sugar-plums.

  Professor Owen tells us of another dog which was taught by his master toplay at hide-and-seek. When he heard the words, "Let us have a game,"he immediately hid his eyes between his paws in the most honourablemanner; and when his owner had placed a sixpence or a piece of cake inthe most improbable place, he started up, and invariably found it.

  Young dogs, it may thus be seen, enjoy games of play as much as boys andgirls do, and romping still more so.


  Here is another instance of friendship existing between a dog and abird.

  A lady possessed a spaniel named Tom. After she had had Tom severalyears, a red-legged partridge called Bill, brought from France, wasgiven to her. She had often seen Tom tease the cats and amuse himselfwith barking at birds, and was consequently afraid to place Bill nearhim. One day, however, Bill was brought into the room, and placed onthe ground, a watch being kept on Tom's movements. Bill appeared in noway alarmed at his four-footed companion, who, too, seemed not inclinedto molest him. They looked at each other shyly at first, like twochildren when first introduced; but Bill hopping forward, Tom seemedpleased at the confidence shown in him.

  In a short time they became excellent friends. A saucer of bread andmilk being placed on the ground, they fed out of it together, andafterwards would retire to a corner to sleep, the partridge nestlingbetween the dog's legs, and never stirring till his companion awoke.

  When the dog accompanied his mistress in a walk, the bird, which couldnot be taken, showed much uneasiness till he returned; and one day, whenthe partridge happened to be shut up in a room by himself, the dogsearched all over the house, whining mournfully, as if he feared someaccident had happened to his friend.

  This curious friendship came to an untimely end. Tom was stolen; andfrom that time Bill refused food, and died on the seventh day, a victimto grief for the loss of his companion.

  My dear young friends, let the story of this strange friendship awakenin your minds a stronger sense of love and trust, not only towards thosewho may be the friends of your youth, but also towards all who may havethe care or oversight of you. I am afraid there are very many youngpersons who would display far less genuine grief at the loss of theircompanions than did the partridge at the loss of the spaniel. Strive,then, to let your friendship towards them be such, that your grief attheir loss may be genuine.


  Dogs often show much regard for each other, as well as for otheranimals; but they certainly possess a still greater affection for humanbeings.

  A gentleman having to proceed from the north of England to London bysea, left his favourite dog behind. While seated one night in the pitof Drury Lane Theatre--some time after his arrival in the metropolis--tohis amazement, his favourite sprang upon him, covering him withcaresses.

  The dog, as soon as he found that his master had departed from theshore, broke his chain, and set out on his long journey to rejoin him.How he traced him must ever be a marvel. Perhaps he pursued the line ofcoast till he reached London, where it is possible he may have recoveredsome trace of his lost friend by scent, at the landing place. This,however, is so improbable, that it is more likely he made the discoveryby that incomprehensible power which we call instinct.


  A Preston paper gave some time ago an account of a dog which travelledalone by railway in search of his master. In this instance the animalacted much as any human being would have done.

  The dog, which was well-known to the railway officials from frequentlytravelling with his master, presented himself at one of the stations onthe Fleetwood, Preston, and Longridge line. After looking round forsome length of time among the passengers and in the carriages, just asthe train was about to start he leaped into one of the compartments of acarriage, and lay down under a seat.

  Arrived at Longridge, he made another survey of the passengers, andafter waiting till the station had been cleared, he went into theRailway Station Hotel, searched all the places on the ground-floor, thenwent and made a tour of inspection over the adjoining grounds; but beingapparently unsuccessful, trotted back to the train, and took his lateposition just as it was
moving off. On reaching the station from whichhe had first started, he again looked round as before, then took hisdeparture.

  It seems that he now proceeded to the General Railway Station atPreston, and after repeating the looking-round performance, placedhimself under one of the seats in a train which he had singled out ofthe many that are constantly popping in and out, and in due time arrivedin Liverpool. He now visited a few places where he had before been withhis master. He remained over-night in Liverpool, and visited Prestonearly again the following morning.

  Still not finding his missing master, he for the fourth time took thetrain; on this occasion, however, to Lancaster and Carlisle, at whichlatter place, his sagacity, as well as the persevering tact he haddisplayed in prosecuting his search, were rewarded by finding hismaster. Their joy at meeting was mutual.

  I cannot too often repeat it: let duty be your master. Be not lesspersevering in pursuing it, than were the dogs I have told you about inseeking their masters.


  At an inn in Wimborne in Dorsetshire, near which town I resided, waskept, some years ago, a magnificent Newfoundland dog called Neptune.His fame was celebrated far and wide. Every morning he was accustomed,as the clock of the minster struck eight, to take in his mouth a basketcontaining a certain number of pence, and to carry it across the streetto the shop of a baker, who took out the money, and replaced it by itsvalue in rolls. With these Neptune hastened back to the kitchen, andspeedily deposited his trust.

  It is remarkable that he never attempted to take the basket, nor even toapproach it, on Sunday mornings, when no rolls were to be obtained.

  On one occasion, when returning with the rolls, another dog made anattack upon the basket, for the purpose of stealing its contents. Onthis the trusty fellow, placing it on the ground, severely punished hisassailant, and then bore off his charge in triumph.

  He met his death--with many other dogs in the place--from poison, whichwas scattered about the town by a semi-insane person, in revenge forsome fancied insult he had received from the inhabitants.

  Like trusty Neptune, deserve the confidence placed in you, by battlingbravely against all temptations to act dishonestly. Your friends maynever know of your efforts to do so, but your own peace of mind will bereward enough.


  A gentleman residing at Dresden possessed a poodle which he had alwaystreated kindly, and which was especially fond of him. He at length,however, made a present of her to a friend living about nine miles off.It being supposed that she would probably try to return to her formermaster, she was tied up till she became the mother of three youngpuppies; and so devoted to them did she appear, that her new owner nolonger feared she would quit him. He therefore gave her her liberty.

  Shortly afterwards, however, she and the three puppies were missing.Search was made for them in vain. At length her master's Dresden friendpaid him a visit, and told him that on the preceding evening the poodlehad arrived at his house with one of her puppies in her mouth, and thatanother had been found dead on the road.

  It appeared that she had started at night, carrying the pups--which werestill too young to walk--one at a time, a certain distance, intending togo back for the others. She had hoped thus to transfer them all to herformer much-loved home. The third puppy was never found. The one thatdied had perished by cold, it being the winter season.


  In sagacity, the Newfoundland surpasses dogs of all other breeds.

  Two gentlemen, brothers, were out shooting wild-fowl, attended by one ofthese noble animals. Having thrown down their hats on the grass, theytogether crept through some reeds to the river-bank, along which theyproceeded some way, after firing at the birds. Wishing at length fortheir hats--one of which was smaller than the other--they sent the dogback for them. The animal, believing it was his duty to bring bothtogether, made several attempts to carry them in his mouth. Findingsome difficulty in doing this, he placed the smaller hat within thelarger one, and pressed it down with his foot. He was thus, with ease,enabled to carry them both at the same time.

  Perhaps he had seen old-clothes-men thus carrying hats; but I aminclined to think that he was guided by seeing that this was the bestway to effect his object.

  There are two ways of doing everything--a wrong and a right one. Likethe Newfoundland dog, try to find out the right way, and do what youhave to do, in that way.


  How often has the noble Newfoundland dog been the means of saving thelives of those perishing in the water!

  A heavy gale was blowing, when a vessel was seen driving toward thecoast of Kent. She struck, and the surf rolled furiously round her.Eight human beings were observed clinging to the wreck, but no ordinaryboat could be launched to their aid; and in those days, I believe, nolifeboats existed,--at all events, not as they do now, on all parts ofthe coast. It was feared every moment that the unfortunate seamen wouldperish, when a gentleman came down to the beach, accompanied by aNewfoundland dog. He saw that, if a line could be stretched between thewreck and the shore, the people might be saved; but it could only becarried from the vessel to the shore. He knew how it must be done.

  Putting a short stick in the mouth of the animal, he pointed to thevessel. The courageous dog understood his meaning, and springing intothe sea, fought his way through the waves. In vain, however, he stroveto get up the vessel's side; but he was seen by the crew, who, makingfast a rope to another piece of wood, hove it toward him. The sagaciousanimal understood the object, and seizing the piece of wood, dragged itthrough the surf, and delivered it to his master. A line ofcommunication was thus formed between the vessel and the shore, andevery man on board was rescued from a watery grave.


  Dandie, a Newfoundland dog belonging to Mr McIntyre of Edinburgh,stands unrivalled for his cleverness and the peculiarity of his habits.Dandie would bring any article he was sent for by his master, selectingit from a heap of others of the same description.

  One evening, when a party was assembled, one of them dropped a shilling.After a diligent search, it could nowhere be found. Mr McIntyre thencalled to Dandie, who had been crouching in a corner of the room, andsaid to him, "Find the shilling, Dandie, and you shall have a biscuit."On this Dandie rose, and placed the coin, which he had picked upunperceived by those present, upon the table.

  Dandie, who had many friends, was accustomed to receive a penny fromthem every day, which he took to a baker's and exchanged for a loaf ofbread for himself. It happened that one of them was accosted by Dandiefor his usual present, when he had no money in his pocket. "I have nota penny with me to-day, but I have one at home," said the gentleman,scarcely believing that Dandie understood him. On returning to hishouse, however, he met Dandie at the door, demanding admittance,evidently come for his penny. The gentleman, happening to have a badpenny, gave it him; but the baker refused to give him a loaf for it.Dandie, receiving it back, returned to the door of the donor, and when aservant had opened it, laid the false coin at her feet, and walked awaywith an indignant air.

  Dandie, however, frequently received more money than he required for hisnecessities, and took to hoarding it up. This was discovered by hismaster, in consequence of his appearing one Sunday morning with a loafin his mouth, when it was not likely he would have received a present.Suspecting this, Mr McIntyre told a servant to search his room--inwhich Dandie slept--for money. The dog watched her, apparentlyunconcerned, till she approached his bed, when, seizing her gown, hedrew her from it. On her persisting, he growled, and struggled soviolently that his master was obliged to hold him, when the womandiscovered sevenpence-halfpenny. From that time forward he exhibited astrong dislike to the woman, and used to hide his money under a heap ofdust at the back of the premises.

  People thought Dandie a very clever dog--as he was--but there are manythings far better than cleverness. It strikes me tha
t he was a veryselfish fellow, and therefore, like selfish boys and girls, unamiable.He was an arrant beggar too. I'll say no more about him. Pray do notimitate Dandie.


  Some years ago, a stranger arrived at the house of a shopkeeper inDeptford who let lodgings, stating that he had just arrived from theWest Indies, and would take possession of rooms the next day, but wouldsend his trunk that night. The trunk was brought late in the evening bytwo porters, who were desired, as it was heavy, to carry it to thebed-room.

  As soon as the family had retired to rest, a little spaniel, whichusually slept in the shop, made his way to the door of the chamber wherethe chest was deposited, and putting his nose close to it, began to barkfuriously. The people, thus aroused, opened the door, when the dog flewtowards the trunk, and barked and scratched against it with the greatestvehemence. In vain they attempted to draw him away. A neighbour wascalled in, when, on moving the trunk, it was suspected that it mustcontain something alive. They accordingly forced it open, when out camethe new lodger; who had caused himself to be thus brought into the housefor the purpose of robbing it.

  If you let lodgings in your heart to strangers, take care that yourlittle spaniel Conscience keeps wide awake, lest some evening a chestmay be brought in containing a thief who may rob you before you find outhis character. The thief may be an evil thought, a bad feeling, shut upin a chest formed of self-indulgence, sloth, vanity, pride. At thefirst alarm, wake up, break open the chest, call in your faithfulneighbour, and hand over the new lodger to justice.


  An English gentleman travelling abroad was accompanied by a favouritepoodle. On one occasion he met an agreeable stranger at an hotel, towhom, as they were both going the same way, he offered a seat in hiscarriage. No sooner, however, had the stranger entered the vehicle thanthe poodle, which had from the first shown a dislike to the man,manifested even a greater aversion to him than before.

  They put up for the night at a small inn in a wild and little frequentedcountry; and on separating to go to their respective rooms, the poodleagain snarled at the stranger, and was with difficulty restrained frombiting him.

  The Englishman was awakened in the middle of the night by a noise in hisroom, into which the moonbeams streamed, and there he saw the dogstruggling with his travelling companion. On being overpowered, thestranger confessed that he had come for the purpose of stealing thetraveller's money, being aware that he had a considerable sum with him.

  You have not the instinct which has been given to some dogs, and whichenables them, for their master's protection, to detect personsharbouring evil intentions towards them; but when you meet with a boy orman careless in his conversation, a swearer, or expressing irreligiousor immoral opinions, however courteous and agreeable he may otherwisebe, do not associate with him a moment longer than you can help, or hewill rob you of what is of far more value than a purse of gold.


  A dog of the Highland breed, belonging to Lord Arbuthnot, treated athief in much the same way as my friend's dog did the robber of hisapple-orchard.

  The servants, going out one morning, found a man lying on the ground, ashort way from the stable, with a number of bridles and otherhorse-trappings near him, and the dog holding him by the trousers.Directly the servants appeared the dog let go his hold, when the manconfessed that the dog had thus held him for five hours.

  When a bad thought or desire steals into your heart, or, properlyspeaking, rises in it, hold it down, as the dog did the thief, till youare able to rid yourself of it.


  Faithful as dogs are in general, I am sorry to have to record aninstance to the contrary.

  A watch-dog, whose special duty was to remain at his post during thenight, found that his collar was sufficiently loose to allow him towithdraw his head from it whenever he pleased. He acted as some humanbeings do whose right principles do not fit tightly to their necks--slipping out of them at the very time they ought to keep them on. Thedog was, however, sagacious enough to know that if he did so during theday he would be seen by his master, when to a certainty the collar wouldbe tightened. But no sooner did night arrive, and the lights began todisappear from the windows, than he used to slip his head out of hiscollar, and roam about the neighbouring fields, sometimes picking up ahare or rabbit for his supper.

  Knowing also that the blood on his mouth would betray him, he would,after his banquet, go to a stream and wash it off. This done, he wouldreturn before daybreak to his kennel, and slipping his head into hiscollar, lie down in his bed, as though he had remained there on thewatch all the night.

  Now I must beg my young readers to remember, should they be tempted todo what is wrong, that however well-behaved they may contrive to appearbefore their friends and acquaintances, in their own mind there willalways be the unpleasant feeling arising from the consciousness of doinga guilty action.


  Dogs have been frequently trained to act roguish parts.

  An English officer visiting Paris, was annoyed one day by having alittle poodle run up to him and rub his muddy paws over his boots. Nearat hand was seated a shoeblack, to whom he went to have his bootsrepolished. Having been annoyed in a similar manner by the same dog,several times in succession, he watched the animal, when he observed himdip his paws in the mud on the banks of the Seine, and then go and rubthem on the boots of the best-dressed people passing at the time.

  Discovering at length that the dog belonged to the shoeblack, thegentleman questioned the man, who confessed that he had taught the dogthe trick in order to bring business to himself. "And will you partwith your clever dog?" asked the gentleman. The shoeblack consented,and a price was fixed upon and paid. The dog accompanied his new masterto London, and was shut up for some time, till it was believed that hewould remain contentedly in the house. No sooner, however, did heobtain his liberty, than he decamped; and a fortnight afterwards he wasfound with his former master, pursuing his old occupation.

  This story shows the difficulty of getting rid of bad habits, and provesthat as dogs have been trained, so will they--as well as children--continue to act. The poor poodle, however, knew no better. He wasfaithful to his former master, and thought that he was doing his duty.But boys and girls do know perfectly well when they are acting rightlyor wrongly, and should strive unceasingly to overcome their bad habits.


  A Terrier--deservedly a pet in the family for his gentleness andamiability--was playing with one of the children, when suddenly he washeard to utter a snarl, followed by a bark. The mother rushed to herchild, and believing it to have been bitten, drove off the dog. Noinjury, however, was apparent. The dog retired to a corner, where heremained, in an attitude of regret, till the inspection had beenfinished. He then approached the lady, and with a touch of his pawclaimed attention. It was given, and forthwith he deposited at her feeta pin.

  The story was thus made plain. The child, finding the pin, had turnedthe dog's nose into a pin-cushion. The snarl rebuked the offence, andthe pin had been taken by the dog, with his mouth, out of the child'shand. No sooner did the dog see that this was understood, than he beganto lick the little fellow's hand, as if to assure him of hisforgiveness, and to beg him to make friends again,--which they were everafterwards.

  I hope that the little boy, through his whole life, was always ready toprofit by the lesson of his dumb companion and to forgive injuries.


  Dogs frequently form warm friendships, and help each other in time oftrouble.

  Two dogs belonging to the same owner had become great friends. Pontoand Dick, we will call them, though I am not quite certain as to theirnames. Ponto's leg being broken, he was kept a close prisoner. Hisfriend Dick, instead of whining out a few commonplace expressions ofsympathy,--"Dear me, I'm so sorry; well, I hope you will soon getb
etter," and then scampering off to amuse himself with other dogs in thevillage, or to run after the cows, or to go out hunting,--came and satdown by his side, showing him every mark of attention. Then, after atime, Dick started up, exclaiming,--"Ponto, I am sure you must behungry; it is dull work for you lying there with nothing to do."Without waiting for Ponto to beg that he would not trouble himself, offhe set, and soon brought back a nice bone with plenty of gristle on it."There, old fellow, munch away--it will amuse you," he remarked, puttinghis prize down under his friend's nose.

  After watching complacently as poor Ponto gnawed away with somewhatlanguid jaws, till the bone was scraped almost clean, he again set outin search of another. After he had brought in several, he lay down asbefore by his friend's side, just playing with one of the bones to keephim company. Thus day after day Dick continued to cheer and comfort hisinjured friend with unfailing constancy till he completely recovered.

  When dogs thus exhibit disinterested kindness and self-sacrifice, howought human beings to behave to those suffering from pain or sorrow?When tempted to run off and amuse yourself, leaving a sick friend athome, remember these two dogs. Think of how much suffering there is inthe world, and what room there is for kindness and compassion; and canyou then be hard-hearted, or indifferent to the sufferings of others?


  I must tell you of another dog which showed not only affection for acompanion, but a wonderful amount of sense. He once broke his leg, inwhich state he was found by a kind surgeon, who took him home, set hisleg, and after he had recovered allowed him to go away. The dog did notforget the treatment he had received, nor the person from whom he hadreceived it.

  Some months afterwards, he found another dog to whom the same accidenthad happened. By the language which dogs employ, he told his friend allabout his own cure, and, assisting him along the road, led him, late atnight, to the surgeon's house. He there barked loudly at the door. Noone came, so he barked louder and louder. At last a window was opened,and a person looked out, whom he at once recognised; and great was hisjoy when the kind surgeon, coming downstairs, opened the door. Wagginghis tail, he made such signs as he was capable of using, to show what hewanted. The surgeon soon saw what had happened to his old patient'sfriend, whom he took in and treated in the same skilful way. His formerpatient, satisfied that all was right, then ran off to attend to hisproper duties.

  Let us, from this kind dog's behaviour, learn, whenever we receive abenefit, to endeavour, if possible, to impart it to others, and not toremain selfishly satisfied with the advantage we ourselves have gained.


  The owner of a spaniel was one day called away from his dinner-table,leaving a dog and a favourite cat in the room. On his return he foundthe spaniel stretched her whole length along the table, by the side of aleg of mutton, while Puss was skulking in a corner. He soon saw that,though the mutton was untouched, the cat had been driven from the tableby the spaniel, in the act of attempting a robbery on the meat, and thatthe dog had taken up his post to prevent a repetition of the attempt.

  The little animal was thus in the habit of guarding eatables which shebelieved were left in her charge; and while she would not touch themherself, she kept other dogs and cats at a distance.

  How much evil might be prevented, if boys and girls would always act thepart of the faithful little spaniel; only, as they have got tongues intheir head, and know how wrong it is to do what is bad, they canremonstrate lovingly with their companions who may be about to do awrong thing--and then, if this fails, do their utmost to prevent them.


  Two dogs living in the neighbourhood of Cupar, in Fife, used to fightdesperately whenever they met,--the one belonging to Captain R--, theother to a farmer.

  Captain R--'s dog was accustomed to go on messages, and even to bringmeat and other articles from Cupar in a basket. One day, whilereturning with a supply of mutton, he was attacked by a number of cursin the town, eager to obtain the tempting prize. The messenger foughtbravely, but at length, overpowered, was compelled to yield up thebasket, though not before he had secured some of the meat. With this hehastened at full speed to the quarters of his enemy, at whose feet helaid it down, stretching himself beside him till he had eaten it up. Afew sniffs, a few whispers in the ear, and other dog-like courtesieswere then exchanged, after which they both set out together for Cupar,where they worried almost every dog in the town, and, returning home,were ever afterwards on the most friendly terms.

  Remember that there are no human beings whose conduct at all times it issafe to follow.

  Revenge is wrong, but let us ever be ready to help and defend those whoare ill-treated and oppressed.


  Dogs, like human beings, show that they can criticise the conduct ofthose they serve.

  A gentleman from London, more accustomed to handle an umbrella than agun, went down to the house of a friend in the country to enjoy a day'sshooting.

  "You shall have one of my best pointers," said his friend, "butrecollect, he will stand no nonsense. If you kill the birds, well andgood; if not, I cannot answer for the consequences."

  The would-be sportsman shouldered his gun and marched off. As hetraversed the fields, the pointer, ranging before him, marked bird afterbird, which were as often missed. The pointer looked back, evidentlyannoyed, and after this frequently ran over game. At length he made adead stop near a low bush, with his nose pointed downwards, hisfore-feet bent, his tail straight and steady. The gentleman approachedwith both barrels cocked. Again the dog moved steadily forward a fewpaces, expressing the anxiety of his mind by moving his tail backwardsand forwards. At length a brace of partridges slowly rose. Who couldpossibly miss them! Bang! bang! went both barrels, but the birdscontinued their flight unharmed. The dog now fairly lost patience,turned round, placed his tail between his legs, gave one sad howl, longand loud, and set off at full speed homeward, leaving the gentleman toholloa after him at the top of a gate, and continue the shooting as besthe could by himself.

  If you desire to be properly served by those you employ, you must be upto your business. I have often heard young people complain that theycan do nothing properly, the servants are so stupid; when they come downlate, that they were not called in time; or, if they have not learnedtheir lessons, that the room was not ready. I daresay, when the Cockneysportsman returned with an empty gamebag, he abused the stupid dog forrunning away.


  Sir Thomas Dick Lauder had a dog named Bass, brought when a puppy fromthe Great Saint Bernard. His bark was tremendous, and might bedistinguished nearly a mile off.

  He was once stolen, when a letter-carrier, well acquainted with him,heard his bark from the inside of a yard, and insisted on the man whohad him in possession delivering him up.

  Terrific as was his bark, he was so good-natured that he would neverfight other dogs; and even allowed a little King Charles spaniel namedRaith to run off with any bone he might have been gnawing, and totyrannise over him in a variety of ways. If attacked by an inferiorenemy, he would throw his immense bulk down upon his antagonist andnearly smother him, without attempting to bite.

  He took a particular fancy for one of the Edinburgh postmen, whose dutyit was, besides delivering letters, to carry a letter-bag from onereceiving-house to another. This bag he used to give Bass to carry.The dog accompanied him on his rounds, but invariably parted with himopposite the gate of the Convent of Saint Margaret, and returned home.

  On one occasion the postman, being ill, sent another man in his place.Bass went up to the stranger, who naturally retired before soformidable-looking a dog. Bass followed, showing a determination tohave the post-bag. The man did all he could to keep possession of it;but at length Bass, seeing that it was not likely to be given to him,raised himself on his hind-legs, and putting a great fore-paw on each ofthe man's should
ers, laid him flat on his back in the road, then quietlypicking up the bag, proceeded peaceably on his wonted way. The manfollowed, ineffectually attempting to coax the dog to give up the bag.At the first house at which he arrived, the people comforted him bytelling him that the dog always carried the bag. Bass walked with theman to all the houses at which he delivered letters, and along the road,till he came to the gate of Saint Margaret's, where he dropped the bagand returned home.

  Accounts exist of the services rendered by these noble dogs of SaintBernard in saving life among the snowy regions of the Alps. It isrecounted that one of these dogs preserved twenty-two lives. He atlength lost his own in an avalanche, when those he was endeavouring toassist also perished.


  Several dogs have been taught to go to the post-office for theirmasters' newspapers, or to receive them from the newsman.

  A neighbour of mine, who was fond of telling good stories--which he didnot always, perhaps, expect his guests to believe--used to give anaccount of the cleverness of one of his dogs. The dog went regularlyevery morning into the neighbouring town for the _Times_, and brought itback before breakfast. This was a fact.

  On one occasion the dog returned without a paper,--so my neighbour usedto tell the story. His master sent him back again, when he once moreappeared with no paper in his mouth. On this the owner ordered his cob,and rode into the town to inquire of the postmaster why the paper hadnot come. "Sir," answered the postmaster, "your _Times_ did not arrivethis morning; but when I offered the dog the _Morning Post_ he refusedto receive it."


  It is wonderful how completely dogs can be trained to the performance oftheir duties.

  A well-practised pointer was about to leap over a rail, when sheperceived a nest of partridges close to her nose.

  Had she moved an inch she would have frightened them away. There shestood for more than two hours, with her legs on the upper bar, awaitingthe arrival of the sportsman. For some time she was not discovered, andnot till he appeared would she quit her post, when, the birds rising,some of them were shot; but the steady pointer was so stiff when thusrelieved that she could scarcely move.

  Here is an example which my young readers should endeavour to followwhen they have a duty, however irksome, to perform. Remain steadily atyour post; let nothing draw you away. Do not say, I have stopped atwork long enough, I am sick of it. When tempted to give up, rememberthe steady pointer.


  One of the cleverest and most amusing of dogs was Pincher, a roughScotch terrier, belonging to Mrs Lee's brother. [See Mrs Lee's"Anecdotes of Animals."] The boy had a great fancy to be a doctor.Having manufactured a variety of surgical instruments out of flintstones, he pretended to perform with them operations on Pincher, whowould lie perfectly still while his teeth were drawn, his limbs set, hisveins opened, or his wounds bandaged.

  The pretended doctor, finally copying the process practised on pigs,used to cut up his favourite entirely. The dog was laid on the table,when he stuck out his legs as stiffly as possible. Preparations werefirst made for cutting off his head; and immediately the flint waspassed across the throat it fell on one side, and remained so completelywithout motion that it might have been thought the dog fancied it wasreally off. Each leg in succession was then operated on, and as theinstrument passed round them the dog made them fall, putting them asclose as possible to the body. When the operation was concluded, theboy used to exclaim, "Jump up, good dog;" and Pincher, bounding off thetable, would shake himself to life again.


  Sirrah, fortunately for his fame, possessed a master in James Hogg, theEttrick Shepherd, well able to recount his history. Hogg bought Sirrahof a drover for a guinea, observing, notwithstanding his dejected andforlorn appearance, a sort of sullen intelligence in his countenance.Though he had never turned a sheep in his life, as soon as he discoveredit was his duty to do so he began with eagerness and anxiety to learnhis evolutions. He would try every way deliberately till he found outwhat his master wanted him to do; and when once he understood adirection he never forgot it again or mistook it.

  Often, when hard pressed in accomplishing a task he was put to, he hadexpedients for the moment that bespoke a great share of the reasoningfaculty. On one occasion about seven hundred lambs which were underHogg's care at weaning-time broke up at midnight, and scampered off inthree divisions across the neighbouring hills, in spite of all he and anassistant could do to keep them together. The night was so dark thatSirrah could not be seen, but the faithful animal had heard his masterlament their absence in words which set him at once on the alert, andwithout more ado he had silently gone off in quest of the recreantflock. In vain Hogg and his assistant spent the whole night insearching for their lost charge; and they were on their way home toinform their master of their loss, when they discovered a lot of lambsat the bottom of a deep ravine, and the indefatigable Sirrah standing infront of them, looking round for some relief, but still true to hischarge. Believing that it was one only of the divisions, what was theirastonishment when they discovered the whole flock, and not one lamba-wanting! How he had got all the divisions collected in the dark it isimpossible to say. The charge was left to him from midnight till therising sun, and if all the shepherds in the forest had been there toassist him they could not have effected it with greater propriety.

  Hogg relates many other anecdotes of Sirrah. On one occasion he broughtback a wild ewe which no one could catch from amid numerous flocks ofsheep. He showed great indignation when the ewe, being brought home,was set at liberty among the other sheep of his master. He hadunderstood that the animal was to be kept by itself, and that he was tobe the instrument of keeping it so, and he considered himself insultedby the ewe being allowed to go among other sheep, after he had beenrequired to make such exertion, and had made it so successfully, to keepit separate.

  A single shepherd and his dog, says Hogg, will accomplish more incollecting Highland sheep from a farm than twenty shepherds could dowithout dogs. Without the shepherd's dog, the whole of the mountainousland in Scotland would not be worth sixpence. It would require morehands to gather a flock of sheep from the hills into their folds, anddrive them to market, than the profits of the whole flock would becapable of maintaining.

  Here we have an example of a dull, unattractive-looking dog becoming ofthe very utmost canine usefulness. I have known many an apparently dullboy, by perseveringly endeavouring to learn what he has had to do, andthen steadily pursuing the course marked out for him, rise far above hisquick and so-called clever but careless companions. I do not say, Workfor the purpose of rising, but, Work because it is right. RememberSirrah. Learn your duty, and do it, however disagreeable it may seem.


  A House-Dog, whose kennel was in a farmyard, used to have his mess offood brought to him daily in a tin can, and placed before his abode. Nosooner had the cook disappeared, than the poultry were in the habit ofcollecting round and abstracting the contents of the can. The dog--agood-natured animal--bore their pilfering for some time withoutcomplaining; but at length, as they carried off more than he consideredfair, he warned them away, by growling and exhibiting his teeth.Notwithstanding this they again returned to the can, when the dog,instead of seizing some of his persecutors, lifted the can in his mouth,and conveyed it within his kennel, where he finished his meal in peace,while the cocks and hens stood watching without, afraid to enter.

  Depend on it, you will often find the means of avoiding annoyances muchafter the method pursued by that sensible house-dog, without retaliatingon those who annoy you. If you cannot otherwise pacify them, remove thecause of dispute out of sight.


  The dog is the companion of the savage, as well as the civilised man, inall parts of the world. He accompanies the wretched Fuegan in hishunts, partaking somewhat of the character of his
master; and is thefriend and assistant of the Esquimaux in the Arctic regions. TheEsquimaux dogs, though hardly treated, show great affection for theirmasters, and frequently exhibit much sagacity.

  Captain Hall, the Arctic explorer, had a Greenland dog called Barbekark.One day they were out hunting on the frozen, snow-covered sea, when aherd of deer appeared in sight. Chase was given. One was wounded, butnot killed, and off went the herd as fleet as the wind, now turning inone direction, now in another, among the ice-hummocks. The rest of thedogs followed in their tracks. Barbekark, however, was seen to strikeaway in a direct line over the snow, regardless of the animals'footsteps. On and on went Barbekark, straight for a spot which broughthim close upon the deer. The latter immediately changed their course,and so did Barbekark, hot in pursuit of them. At length the hunters,unable longer to endure the cold, were compelled to return to the ship,believing that the deer had escaped.

  At mid-day Barbekark appeared on board, with blood round his mouth andover his body. It was supposed that he had fallen in with the deer, butnot that he could possibly have killed one. He, however, showed by hisactions that he wished to draw the attention of the crew to the quarterwhere he had been chasing. He kept whining, going first to one, then toanother, now running towards the gangway steps, then back again. Atlast, one of the men having to visit the wreck of a vessel which laynear, Barbekark followed; but seeing that the man went no further, offwent Barbekark to the north-west by himself. On this, some of the crew,convinced that he must have killed a deer, put on their thick coats andfollowed him. They proceeded nearly three miles, when they foundBarbekark and the other Greenland dogs seated upon their haunches rounda deer lying dead before them. The throat of the poor animal had beencut with Barbekark's teeth as effectually as by the knife of a white manor Esquimaux, and a piece of the tongue had been bitten out.

  As soon as the sailors appeared, Barbekark jumped from his watchfulposition, and ran to meet them with manifestations of delight, lookingup at them, as much as to say: "I have done the best I could; I havekilled the deer, and eaten just one luscious mouthful. And now I giveup the animal to you, and merely ask for myself and companions, who havebeen faithfully guarding the prize, such portion as you yourselves maydisdain." Several crows were pecking away at the carcass, but Barbekarkand they were always on good terms. Sometimes, indeed, he allowed themto rest upon his back; and consequently he did not drive them away.

  On another occasion a party of the explorers were out with a sleigh anddogs, and among them was Barbekark. They were caught in a fearful gale,the snow beating in their faces. Esquimaux dogs are often unmanageablewhen an attempt is made to force them in the teeth of a storm; and so itnow proved. The leader lost his way and confused the rest. The men aswell as the dogs were becoming blinded. The leading dog directed theteam towards some islands; but on approaching them it was seen thatBarbekark was struggling to make a different route. Happily, he wasallowed to have his own way, and in a short time he led the party directto the ship.


  Captain Hall had another dog, Smile by name, the noblest looking, thebest leader, and seal and bear dog, ever met with. One day he was outwith dogs and sleigh where the ice was still firm, when suddenly a sealwas noticed ahead. In an instant the dogs were dashing towards theprey, drawing the sledge after them at a marvellous rate, led by Smile.The seal for a moment seemed frightened, and kept on the ice a second ortwo too long; for just as he plunged, Smile caught him by the tail andnippers. The seal struggled violently, and so did Smile, making thesledge caper about merrily; but in a moment more the other dogs laidhold, and aided in dragging the seal out of his hole on to the ice, whenSmile took it in charge. The prize was secured entirely by the dogs,indeed, without any aid from the men.