Read Stormy Seas: Rogue Persuasion Book 1 Page 10

  * * *

  Kira rushed onto the long veranda that surrounded the palace. There were columns lining the pathway and a substantial stone wall that went up to Kira's chest. She leaned against it with a sigh, staring out at the dim gardens illuminated by lanterns.

  She couldn't do this anymore. However, it had happened, for whatever reasons, she knew she loved Marcus O'Hare. She also knew that standing back and watching him marry someone else would absolutely tear her apart.

  “Kira...” Marcus slipped onto the long walkway quietly. He could feel his pulse quicken at the thought of being alone with her. What's wrong with you? He thought, wishing he could stop the battle he felt within him.

  “How are you holding up? I know it can't be easy, being here. Without your father.”

  Kira glanced up at him as he came to stand beside her. “Nothing about this place is easy. I'm totally alone.”

  Marcus felt the deepest pain cut into him and he tightened his jaw. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he thought better of it.

  “My brother...Michael, he was 12 when we decided to go fishing at the docks. It wasn't allowed, but we snuck out in the early morning...He drowned that day.”

  Kira could see unveiled emotion on his face in the moonlight. “I'm sorry.” He nodded grimly, “I've always blamed myself. I was older. I should have never taken him.”

  Kira looked at him, an odd sensation in her stomach. The urge to reach out her hand to touch him was difficult to resist.

  Suddenly, Marcus turned to her. “I know I haven't made it easy for you to be here. I've been an idiot. I thought...I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  Kira felt her heart racing, feeling the heat of his eyes on her face. “Oh...” she whispered softly. “Thank you...thank you for saying that...I- I's not that I don't appreciate the place to stay and the clothes...I appreciate it all. It just hurts.”

  A confused look spread across his face and his jaw tightened. “Why does it hurt?” He said lowly.

  Kira felt her face burning in the darkness, his renewed attention making her want to run away. She couldn't tell him. Could she? There was nothing to say, only that he'd been the only safety she'd known since her father died on those docks.

  “I...” Kira looked up with fear in her eyes. She could see him staring at her, the force of his gaze tearing into her. Kira's lip quivered. “I think I love you.”

  She turned away, feeling embarrassment and unbridled emotion welling up in her eyes. She couldn't look at him. She was such a fool! Standing there, telling an engaged man she'd fallen for him. Time seemed to stretch in silence and Kira willed herself to stare out into the gardens.

  “Kira...” His voice broke through hungrily, his breathing uneven. Slowly, she turned her eyes in his direction, shocked at the emotion that she saw there.

  There was this man, this gorgeous man staring at her like she held his heart in her hand. Marcus took a forceful step towards her, pinning her to the stone wall with his large hands. “Don't move,” he breathed heavily, his eyes roving over her face.

  Slowly, he kissed her temples, his warm breath sending tingles down her spine. He moved his kisses softly down her face, over the line of her elegant cheekbone and down to her jaw. Then, pulling his head back to look her in the eye, Marcus whispered gruffly, “I love you, too.”

  Kira could hear herself sigh wistfully, as he lowered his mouth onto hers. She clung to him weakly, feeling the force of his desire in the tension of his grip. Slowly, he caressed her pink lips, easing her mouth open with his willful, passionate kiss.

  Kira felt complete surrender in her body as her head rocked backwards. Marcus' kiss became more and more vigorous, his arms moving around her body and roughly caressing her waist.

  Kira could feel jolts of electricity running up her spine as he touched her, the gentle firmness of his hands a welcome shelter. Suddenly, Kira felt his knuckles sliding across the line of her clavicle and she ducked her head, withdrawing from his lips.

  “Are you alright?” He breathed. His hands trailed over her shoulders and down the slender line of her arms.

  “I...I'm so happy...”

  Marcus breathed heavily. “I have to tell Luciana...”

  “Frankly, I'm not sure there's much to tell, dear,” came a spiteful voice from the shadows.

  They looked up in shock, only to see Luciana standing there, anger shooting from her eyes.

  “Well, well, well. That didn't take you long, did it? It really is a pity you had to bring such a whore into my house!!” Luciana practically spat the offending word out.

  “Abusing my affection and good will towards you...while all along you were playing Romeo under my nose. Isn't it hilarious what a good little girl Kira pretends to be, so innocent, so pure? Did she tell you about the man I found in her bed the other night?”

  Marcus's eyes widened, the line of his jaw clenched tightly. “What is she talking about?”

  “Oh, darling, Marcus...sometimes you can be so naïve. I heard some unseemly noises coming from Kira's room. When I swung the door open, I was met with the sight of a large, roguish man moving on top of your sweet little Kira. Hard to say if she was enjoying his attentions more than yours, but I must say I've never heard such disturbing, inappropriate sounds.”

  Marcus' face was flaming with anger, his fists tightened forcefully at Luciana's words. Kira felt panic grip her as Luciana continued on her vengeful tirade.

  “So perhaps you can stop espousing her excellent character traits of strength and virtue.” Luciana scoffed, “Your little Kira is only an attention-hungry slut who's more than willing to prostitute her body to any man who looks her direction. Perhaps you should ask Sir Richard if he's been with her, too!”

  “Stop it...!” Kira screamed, hot tears rolling down her face. “What are you doing?” She looked at Luciana with raw hatred in her eyes, amazed at the woman's capacity for unfettered avarice.

  “Is this true?” Marcus shouted, yanking Kira by the arm.

  “What?” Kira shouted, her face red with anger. “You can't be serious!”

  “Answer me, Kira...” His voice was deadly now, deep and harsh. “Was there a man in your room?”

  “Ah...” Kira sobbed forcefully, trying to ease the aching knot in the pit of her stomach. “Yes, but-”

  “Oh God,” Marcus roared, anger seething out of him with every ragged breath he took.

  “How could you? How could you? You made me think you were so innocent, made me think I was the only one who'd ever touched you...”

  Kira's face flushed hotly, a sinking feeling of absolute despair overcoming her. “Don't...” Kira choked brokenly. “Don't do this...”

  “! I was a fool! I believed your innocent looks, I believed the modest stories you told me about your life. What was this?!” He roared, causing Kira to jump back in fear. “Some kind of play for my money...for status?! I put you in Luciana's home, I spoke for you!”

  He looked her up and down with disgust, his eyes filled with a darkness akin to hatred. “You're done! In the world I live in, there is no place for whores!”

  Kira winced at his sharp words, the tears flowing uncontrollably down her face and the front of her gown. “Marcus, you don't understand. She's lying...”

  “I've known Luciana for years and I've know you for what??” He spat. “A few months. Get out, now! You don't belong here! And don't you dare come back.”

  Kira felt her whole world crashing in, the heaviness that tore at her heart threatening to cut off her breathing entirely. “Marcus...” she sobbed.

  “Go...!!!” He shouted, anger shooting from his flashing green eyes. He turned his back in the pathway, waiting for her to disappear.

  Luciana watched coyly, viewing the distress of Kira's heartbreak with a satisfied smirk on her face. Kira looked at the woman imploringly for a moment, but Luciana only turned her head, flicking her fingers for Kira to go.

  Kira turned back in disb
elief for one last glimpse of Marcus, but his hulking frame was turned from her. The sight of his back sent the sharpest pain through her gut, ripping at her insides. She turned slowly, then ran down the veranda, tears refusing to abate.


  Kira stumbled into the street blindly, nearly getting run over by a carriage. She walked aimlessly down the dark road, past beautiful homes and magnificent buildings. Her mind was in a daze. She had no idea where she was going, no idea where she could go. She had no money. It was hopeless.

  A sickening despair stole over her frame, making her dizzy and weak. She kept walking without noticing where she was, her mind fighting to deny the events of the last hour.

  How could this be? How could she be homeless now, completely lost? Did he really think so little of her that he'd believe Luciana over her? The ache of bitter heartbreak threatened to bring her to her knees.

  Soon, Kira found herself at the docks, a familiar sight from the day they'd arrived. It seemed unimportant to her, that realization, even though a part of her acknowledged that danger could be lurking. Nothing seemed to matter. Had she not lost everything already?

  Kira stumbled weakly to the edge of the wooden dock, noting that no one seemed to be around. For just a moment, the overwhelming temptation to lay down overcame her. Everything hurt. As much as she tried to escape, closing her eyes only brought back visions of Marcus' angry face, calling her a whore.

  “Ahh...” Kira sobbed, wrapping her arms around her knees and crying into the fabric of her gown. Momentarily, she noticed the warm weight of a hand on her shoulder and jumped. “What's a matter, dear? You miss me?”

  Kira looked up in horror to see the dastardly pirate, his dark eyes leering at her with a spark in them. “” she said in a panic, unable to resist the strong arms that pulled her up onto her feet.

  “Please,” Kira sobbed, unable to imagine the pain worsening. “Please let me go...please...”

  The pirate said nothing, merely dragging her along forcefully to the ship that was docked nearby. Memories of her last encounter with the pirate crew sent terror through her body.

  Marcus, she thought. Marcus... She loved him so much and hated him so much in that moment that it was tearing her apart. He should be here, she thought. He said he loved me. The memory of those words, his gentle kiss, made her began to weep again as the pirate pulled her on deck.

  She noted, fleetingly, that there seemed to be no one else around. The idea that maybe she could overcome this one pirate slipped into her head, even as her body lagged weakly behind.

  Soon, she was in the small room she remembered from before. The tiny bed tucked under the porthole reminding her of the long, panicked moments she spent curled up there.

  The pirate closed and locked the door, removing his long leather jacket without much fuss. Kira could see the imposing shape of his muscles now, his frame wide and threatening. Oh God.

  He turned to her with a dark, hungry look on his face. “Now we can play.”


  Marcus felt like his whole world had been ripped away. The image of Kira with another man was still playing on repeat in his head, hours later. Only now the seething anger had been replaced by a dazzling ache. He hated her for tricking him. He hated her for breaking his heart.

  He didn't know what to believe any more. Everything he'd seen had told him Kira was kind, modest and true. But it seemed he had been deluding himself.

  Marcus had gone through the motions for the rest of the night, nodding to people and dancing with Luciana, but his heart wasn't in it. She'd said she loved him. Marcus squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the memory. He'd never been so blind-sided by anything in his life.

  Sir Richard had been confused by Kira's sudden disappearance and Luciana had dismissed him with a biting story of Kira's true nature coming to light. The dark-haired man had looked sad and bewildered when he left the palace alone.

  Now, Marcus sat across from Luciana in the carriage, willing the night to be over. When they pulled up, Luciana alighted with a spring in her step. Marcus felt her joy at Kira's complete obliteration, and it saddened him. Even if Kira had been a conniving, loose woman, he could no longer see himself marrying Luciana. There was too much malice in her.

  Marcus walked Luciana up, taking a brief step inside the house. “I'll have the servants clear out her things...nothing in there I'd want anyway,” Luciana said, snapping her chin upward. She kissed Marcus on the cheek, then slid up the stairs.

  Marcus stood in the foyer, dazed, until he heard a small voice from the main hall. Maisie stepped forward out of the shadows with a concerned look. “Where is Miss Kira?”

  Marcus looked at her distractedly, feeling unable to deal with anyone at that moment. “She's gone,” he muttered.

  “Oh noo...” Maisie said with feeling. “Where did she go?”

  Marcus smiled as a bitter look etched itself across his face. “Does it really matter? She tricked everyone into believe she was a virtuous woman, but really...”

  Maisie looked confused and affronted. “She is! Miss Kira is the kindest soul I've ever met. She's the only friend I've ever made since I've been here!” Maisie seemed to realize she was overstepping her place and her face flushed.

  A pained look came into Marcus' eyes and he looked at Maisie directly. “Decent women don't invite men into their beds! Decent women don't whore themselves out!” Marcus cleared his throat with disgust and turned to go. “You were deceived like the rest of us.”

  He opened the door painfully, when Maisie's voice rung out, “You mean the pirate, sir?”

  Marcus whirled on her with a dangerous look in his eye. “What?”

  Maisie backed up nervously. “The pirate...who was in Kira's bed.”

  Marcus squinted at her with uncertainty covering his face. “What are you talking about...?”

  “Um...well, sir. I wouldn't tell you this, only it's just, well, Kira's not here...”

  “Spit it out, girl!” he said forcefully.

  Maisie sighed loudly. “I came into her room one morning a few days ago. And she had bruises...and her face, it was red, there was a mark. She seemed so sad and despairing, I could barely get her out of bed. And then... she, she told me it was the pirate. That he'd been there. In her room. I just helped her put some powder on it tonight, to hide the mark.”

  A flood of emotions welled up in Marcus' throat, threatening to choke him. He imagined Kira's beautiful face, broken and bruised. He imagined her eyes, filled with tears.

  And then he felt the most unbearable pain, squeezing his heart as if to crush it. He'd put those tears there. He'd left her broken and alone. The events of the evening replayed clearly in his mind. Kira sobbing hysterically as he'd yelled at her. Kira looking at him with heartbreak in her eyes when he'd called her a whore.

  “Oh God...Oh God...I- I've made the most horrible mistake.” Rushing out the door, Marcus tried to collect his wits, realizing he'd left Kira vulnerable to every kind of evil. She was alone on the streets in the black of night. He imagined the predators that might be lurking, waiting to seize upon such an opportunity.

  He realized he already knew of one predator who'd been stalking Kira, and pangs of self-hatred made their way through his body. He'd done this. He'd sent her away, a beautiful, innocent girl with the most trusting eyes. God, he couldn't take it. If something happened to her, he'd never be able to forgive himself.

  * * *

  Marcus tried to fight the confusion in his head as he raced down the street. He had no idea where Kira might be. She'd only been in London a few weeks and there were few places she'd grown familiar with. Remembering their meeting in the park, he backtracked, using the dim light from the street lamps to guide him. She was nowhere to be seen. Of course, she's not. He thought. You told her never to return.

  In his panic, little pieces of their conversation that night came back to him. He remembered her beautiful face, so insecure in the midst of so much for
mality. “I've spent my whole life on the docks,” she'd said, her face distraught.

  The docks! That was it. She had to be there. Terror gripped him as he realized that was the worst place for her to be. There was bound to be a wave of drunken sailors and riff-raff making their way to and from the docks.

  Marcus headed off with haste, running down the street like his life depended on it. He'd barely been in time to save her on the first occasion. Now, he feared, he may have sent her right back into the lion's den.

  * * *

  Marcus was surprised to see the docks deserted, the silent darkness lending to an unsettling feeling. He'd called her name several times but was only met with more silence.

  The place seemed to be devoid of life, not a single figure moving among the shadowy ships. The only thing that seemed to move was the reflection of moonlight on the water.

  Marcus scanned the thick row of ships. His heart stopped for a moment when he saw the looming shape of the pirate's vessel. He would never forget it.

  He'd heard such terrifying screams that night on the water and he'd known that someone was fighting for their life. The memory of those screams served to fill him with dread. He knew the owner of those screams now. He knew her so well. What if he was too late?

  Racing onto the boat, Marcus prepared himself for the possibility of attackers, or at the least, drunken pirates. The deck was empty, though, and he scrambled down the stairs where he'd found Kira the first time. There was a door at the bottom, but it was locked. Throwing his shoulder into it with all his might, Marcus broke down the door with a fierce yell.

  The room before him was shadowy and dark. He could make out a figure, sprawling on the floor. Looking more closely, Marcus realized it was the pirate.

  He seemed to be very drunk, his eyes closed, mumbling something about a sweet girl. Marcus wanted to pummel his face in but knew his time was short if he wanted to get off the ship alive. A host of pirates could return at any moment.

  “Where is she, you bastard?” Marcus whispered, wishing he could shake the pirate awake. A soft groan from the corner of the room got his attention. “Kira?”

  Stepping closer, he could see a shape curled on a bed. A small ray of light streamed from a porthole in the wall, illuminating a tiny, frail figure covered in a mess of red hair. “Kira!” Marcus felt his heart tightening in immense pain.