Read Stormy Seas: Rogue Persuasion Book 1 Page 2

  “Papa...!” she screamed, shocked to see her father's face dripping in blood as the men held him up by his arms. Kira raced down the docks, trembling with anger and fear. “Let him go!” She could see their faces clearly now, each heavily bearded and dressed in unusual clothing.

  Their leader smiled mockingly at her, his dark hair and eyes seeming to reveal his character. “Sorry, darling. But your lovely friend here has interfered where he's not welcome.” He ran a rough hand down the front of his black vest, casting a few devilish glances her way. His voice was deep and threatening, his eyes too dark to read. Kira wrapped her arms around herself tightly, but didn't move.

  “Let him go...” It took everything in her not to shake as she breathed those words out slowly. The dark-haired man seemed slightly amused, as if her panic was giving him a moment of pleasure. The rogue looked at Kira for a moment, then delivered another blow to her father's abdomen. “Nooo!” Kira choked on the word as her eyes started to tear. Her father's head dropped limply forward, his entire body weak. Kira could feel herself shaking all over, but could hardly move. The men turned away from her, dragging her father along behind them.

  Kira felt the panic eat at her, climbing her throat like it was a tower and wrapping her up tightly. “No, no, no...” She murmured to herself as her vision blurred. There was nothing she could do.

  Kira had never felt more powerless in her life. Grasping, her mind searched for anything she might bargain with. Suddenly, she saw the men pause and their leader walked through the pack towards her. Kira felt her body tighten as his threatening gaze leveled on her.

  “I've changed my mind,” he whispered lowly. Kira felt the air leave her body in a violent sigh. Could this be real? “Oh God.” Relief collapsed her shoulders and she felt her trembling ease a little. “Thank you. Thank you so much!”

  She felt a strange sense of gratitude, despite knowing that this man had done little which warranted it. She stopped suddenly, though, when she saw the look in his eyes. He seemed to be peeling her out of her worn, tattered dress. Revulsion coursed through her, and she could hardly speak but the sound of desperate screams echoed somewhere in her mind. “No...!”

  Desperation and disbelief overcame her, as she watched the men moving quickly down the dock to surround her. The vice grip she felt on her arms was unwavering, and she found herself being dragged slowly down the dock.

  Kira could feel sobs wracking her body, and the wet patter of her tears soaked her face and dress. Nothing in this world could horrify her as much as the thought of being alone with these sailors.

  “Papa...papa...” She whispered as loud as she could manage, as the sailors dragged her past her father's unmoving body. She blinked rapidly, trying to get one last look at her father, when the lights went out.


  Kira opened her eyes to a dizzying, empty sensation in her head. She felt as if her whole body was gently rocking from side to side. As her vision focused, she felt a jolt of adrenaline and sat upright. Her mind raced as she searched the tiny room with her eyes. Where was she? Where was her father?

  She could see a small desk on the opposite of the room, and several chests throughout the room. She wiped her hair out of her eyes, only to wince at a bruising pain over her cheek.

  She remembered it all at once: the girl, the fight, the pirates. Her father lying motionless on a bloody dock. She choked back a huge gasp as she recalled her last sight of him. She didn't even know if he was still alive.

  Kira's survival instinct kicked in and she searched the room for an opening. A small door was hidden by shadows in the corner. And there was a window at the top of the room over her bed.

  Kira scrambled onto the bed, desperately trying to steady herself so she could reach the window. Her eyes peered through the round peep-hole and she gasped. She could see nothing for miles.

  Nothing but ocean. Perfect, serene and terrifying ocean. Kira's mind raced as she realized that she had truly been kidnapped. She remembered the leer in the dark pirate's eyes and panic hit her.

  She moved her hands frantically over her body, searching for any sign that she had been violated. Her clothes were intact. She wasn't sure what else to look for.

  Kira tried to calm herself, but she felt her body tightening with panic. There was nothing she could do. Her mind raced and she thought of throwing herself in the ocean. Even then, that meant certain death. But what did a life as a pirate's prisoner mean? Much worse, she was certain.

  * * *

  Kira lay huddled in the corner of the bed, delirious. She tried to stay vigilant, to stay awake, but her grief and emotional exhaustion kept pulling her under. She could feel tears, even when she had thought she was no longer crying, still they came.

  The darkness that seemed to envelope her was matched by the shadows of the fading sun, and the room grew dark and shadowy.

  As she moved in and out of a semi-conscious state, she was suddenly stirred by a noise. The sound of heavy footsteps was nearing the little door. Kira sat up, pulling her knees to her chest and leaning as far as she could into the corner.

  A few more shuffles sounded, and then came the scrape of a lock being turned. She drew in a deep breath and found herself holding it as her fingers grasped the bedding.

  A dark figure stood at the end of the bed. Kira tried to make out his features, but the light continued to wane. “Did you sleep well, darling?” The menacing tone of his voice could not be mistaken.

  He was cold and smooth in his delivery. Kira imagined that face, the dark eyes and mocking smile. It became even more frightening because she couldn't see a thing.

  Before she knew it, his hard, sinewy arms had dragged her from the bed and pulled her into the hallway. There were doors on each side and then steps that ascended. “Keep up, won't you?” He growled with the hint of a laugh. A swift jerk and her head slammed against the wall as he pulled her body up the stairs.

  Kira abandoned the urge to fight and let her body fall limp as they reached the deck. The pirate left her in a deflated pile on the floor, then commanded her to stand. Kira felt a warm tear make its way down her cheek but she refused to give in to the temptation.

  Kira kept her head down, covered by the wildness of her hair and willed herself to stop crying. A quick swipe of her hand removed the offending droplet and Kira steeled herself to face them.

  She stood, straight and quietly defiant. She looked up to see the men from the dock, staring at her with hungry, soul-less eyes. A large one on the end smiled avariciously, making no attempt to hide his desire. A few others exchanged knowing glances and snickered to themselves.

  A queasy feeling gripped her, making her stomach ache. As Kira searched the boat for any sign of hope, she was shocked to find her mind returning to the lusty blonde sailor. She had been so afraid then, but now she wished he were standing on the deck with her. She felt certain that the evil that was here, on the ship, was something different than she had ever felt before.

  “Now, take a good look, boys,” he started. “The brave princess of the docks is here to grace us with her presence.” He threw a slight smile in her direction, as if he thought he might affect her with his roguish attempt at charm.

  He stepped towards her and slid his rough hand gently down her face, letting his eyes fall artlessly to the collar of her dress. “You think you're strong, darling?,” he whispered into her ear. “Let me show you what real power looks like.” A chorus of guffaws followed as the crew cheered him on.

  His hands slid down her torso, gripping her hips as he pulled her towards himself. Kira screamed, trying desperately to rip his iron grip from her body. She wrestled against his powerful grip but could not escape.

  Her arms flew in all directions but they seemed to have no effect at all. The other shipmates seemed delighted at this development, shouting and making indecent suggestions.

  The pirate continued to wrestle her until she was pinned to the floor of the ship. She could feel her shoulder
blades bruising on the hard wood and the weight of his powerful body holding her down. Kira screamed once more, turning her head to escape the sight of his covetous eyes staring through her.

  Suddenly, one of the ship hands shouted violently. “Ship! Starboard side!” In a flash, the menacing captain released her and raced to the side of the ship.

  Kira could hardly move, her sides bruised from his punishing hands and her heart racing in fear. She could hear the murmurs of the crew, a nervous energy moving across the bow of the ship. Still, this temporary respite did little to relieve her terror.

  Kira managed to lift herself up enough to look out at the ship that the pirates were fixed on. A commanding vessel floated in the water just yards away. Kira searched the deck of the new arrival, hoping for a glimpse of something, anything to give her hope.

  Her heart continued to pound. She could not decide if this was cause for hope or more alarm. Should she scream and risk inflaming the pirates' ire? Worse yet, who would come for her if she did?

  The crew mumbled amongst themselves while the brutish captain shouted a few commands here and there. The men seemed to be arming themselves in a frenzy. “The girl, Captain!?,” a sailor shouted, and all eyes were on her once again.

  Kira suddenly noticed one of the sailors barreling towards her. He grabbed her and pulled her into the stairway, closing the door and leaving her in darkness. She settled on a step by the door, wishing she could see what was happening.

  Sounds of boisterous shouting seemed to come from the other ship, then she heard the Captain's arrogant voice ring back. Kira pushed her head against the door, longing to make out the words exchanged but she could not.

  A slight glint of light under the door gave Kira an idea. She put her eye up to the crack, flattening herself to the floor to see the exchange. The boat rocked and the sound of voices grew closer and closer.

  The sound of scuffling feet and low voices seemed to indicate someone had arrived. Were they here? Did they know that she was?

  A masculine voice rang out, a voice she didn't recognize. She could see the pirate's large black boots and another man's brown, weathered boots. “Where's the girl?,” she could hear the stranger say. The menacing sound of the pirate's laughter floated under the door.

  “There is no girl.”

  A long silence followed then Kira could hear the pirate attempt to make a joke to convince the stranger. “Do you think if there were a girl here, I'd be up here with them?”

  Some more muffled noise came through, bits of conversation that she couldn't make out. Kira felt hope rise slightly in her chest. Maybe they were here to save her. Maybe it would be alright.

  The voices seemed to grow louder, and Kira could feel the tension. She could tell a heated discussion was taking place. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she waited with baited breath. This was her only hope.

  She wondered how many men had come from the other ship. She wondered what kind of men they were. Her mind raced with a million dizzying possibilities, trying to find some sort of solace in her imaginations.

  Kira strained against the door to hear more. The murmuring continued when at last, a gruff, insistent voice growled, “Give me the girl.”

  Kira's heart leapt. Should she scream? Should she try to bang down the door? Kira tried not to panic at the thought that maybe this stranger would never find her. Or maybe the pirates would kill him and then she'd be left on her own, once again. Kira felt certain everything could be alright, if only he knew she was here. Right behind the door. As this hope battled her fear, a deafening sound came through.

  “I want to buy her.”

  Too Many Hands

  Kira's hope was snuffed out like a light. She felt the deepest heaviness resting on her heart, pulling her weight into the floor. It was too late for her. Clearly, there was nothing to be done. And everything she had believed about men seemed to be proven to her once again.

  After those words came, piercing her and extinguishing any last shred of hope she had of saving herself, Kira slumped against the wall. The noises of conversation outside no longer seemed to touch her.

  She was in a haze of heartbreak and denial, trying to find a way to accept the unacceptable without losing her mind.

  She was going to be sold. Like a piece of meat. Like a shoe. Or a saddle. Or those little wilted flowers that the peddler had offered to her yesterday. Was that yesterday? She didn't know anymore.

  The whole experience felt like a nightmare that would not end. There was no waking up. In fact, the only thing that brought her any comfort was the idea that she might escape it in sleep.

  Her mind raced, deliriously. Wild scenarios played out in her head. Her very near future with this man, this animal that could deem it acceptable to buy another human being. Kira squeezed her eyes tight, trying to shut out the horrifying visions, those possibilities that seemed like absolute certainties in the moment.

  Kira grasped at one last respite, envisioning the beautiful Nordic sailor that had released her arms in the street. His playful stare. The glint of light in his eyes. Even if she did want that, whatever that was, she could never have it now. She would be nothing. Nothing at all.

  A tear slipped gracefully down her cheek as she imagined what it would be like to see his glorious face once more. Then the door swung open, and she did.

  The Other Side of the Door

  He was rough. And silent. His green eyes showed a moment of shock before he heaved her over his shoulder and carried her across the deck. Kira felt her face tingling.

  The pirate stood to the side, running his hands through a clanging bag of coins. “Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, love,” he threw the words at her with a careless, distracted smile as he looked over the money.

  Before she knew it, Kira had been hoisted into a small boat at the side of the ship. Two other men sat at the bow, and began rowing the boat across. The Nordic sailor took her by the shoulders, his touch firm. “Did they hurt you?”

  His deep voice lingered in her ears, terrifying in its deceptive gentleness. Kira could not look up. What a ridiculous question. Does it even matter what they did, she thought, if you intend to do worse? She wondered if this man believed he was some sort of Saviour. As if any women should be elated to be in his presence, even if by force.

  She could feel his eyes on her, but she pulled herself tight and stared at the bottom of the boat. She couldn't feel his lust, but she knew it must be there. With men, it was always there. Wearily, Kira laughed at herself for her ridiculous daydream. He was no knight in shining armor.

  The little boat eased its way towards its mother ship. The men remained silent but she could feel their attention remaining on the pirate ship. He remained close, holding her arm. Did he think she would jump? She could hear the cadence of the water and feel the lightness of his breath rustling her hair. Kira kept her eyes on the bottom of the boat, afraid that looking into his eyes would unveil her helplessness.

  As the men reached the ship, they climbed deftly up over the side. She suddenly found herself thrown over the sailor's shoulder, again, like a sack of potatoes. Kira did her best to take in her surroundings from upside down, catching a glimpse of a curious crew standing on the deck but little else.

  The sailor kept walking, holding Kira tight. She braced herself for something unthinkable. The adrenaline had never left, never abated since the pirate held her pinned to the deck floor.

  She could feel the bruises forming in her side and she wondered what other injuries this night would bring. When the sailor carried her below deck and laid her in a simple bunk bed, she braced herself, curling her feet up in front of her.

  She could feel her whole body trembling. Even if she wanted to scream, this little room below deck was tucked away. There was no use. And to think she had thought of him in her moments of terror, wishing that she could see him again. Little did she know.

  Kira looked up, bracing herself to meet his green eyes. She sa
w his gaze look her over, searchingly. The glint from the day before had disappeared and now all she saw was a scrutinizing intensity.

  He stood, mouth gaping open and stared at her. Kira could not stand the waiting, the anticipation. She felt electricity jolt up her spine, waiting for him to pounce. Every inch of her body was soaked in fear and adrenaline. But she couldn't cry. No, she wouldn't do it.

  He seemed to notice her anxiety, and a confused look flashed into his eyes. He leaned over her, touching her arm with his large hand. “Oh God,” Kira murmured, wishing there was a way out. When she opened her eyes, the sailor was standing straight as a rail, a look of horror on his face.

  The dread etched into her face must have given him pause, because he turned bright red and promptly went above deck. “Go to sleep,” he shouted roughly, then slammed the door.

  Kira lie awake for hours, waiting for his return. Every little creak of the boat, every hint of movement above deck had her ready for a fight. Yet, her body ached from the bruises and the tension in her limbs. The pain in her body barely touched the intensity of the anxiety leaving her reeling inside.

  One thing was certain, everything she knew about life had changed. Those moments of peace she had taken for granted in her little hut were long gone. She could not relax for the longest time, until finally her exhaustion won.

  * * *

  Days seemed to pass fluidly, and she could hardly tell them apart. She awoke to find food in her cabin, but no sign of any human beings. She dared not venture out of her room.

  Her hope was that perhaps, hidden away, she could avoid any of the negative attention she so feared. Still, her anxiety lingered. Not knowing was tearing her up inside, waiting for the inevitable, but then beginning to question whether it would indeed come.

  She spent countless hours going over the room's structure, the built-in shelves and desk across from her bunk.

  One day, when the afternoon sun had begun to fade, Kira heard voices outside the door. Deep voices that she didn't recognize seemed to be discussing her. “The girl...” they said. Kira listened intently, desperate to know what fate they were planning for her.