Read Str8te Boys Page 5

  “I think one of them ended up putting his mouth on the other guy’s boxers and that was the guy who won.” Mav made his voice casual, as though it didn’t matter one way or another to him who had won the contest. The strange thing was, he was kind of getting turned on by his own lie. He could imagine the two contestants lying on a bed together, head-to-foot with their mouths getting closer and closer to each other’s hard shafts. Only in his fantasy it wasn’t two anonymous contestants, it was him and Duke.

  Why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove? he asked himself, but he didn’t have an answer. Just as he didn’t have an answer for why it had become so easy to kiss and touch his best friend in a much more than friendly way lately. He supposed he could analyze the last few days and find out what was going on but the thought made him uncomfortable. Better just to go with the flow. So instead of thinking, he kept talking, hearing his mouth say things that seemed to have bypassed his brain entirely.

  “Anyway,” he said, looking back down at his closed books, “When I saw it, I had to laugh because these guys thought they were such hot shit. Like what they were doing was such a big deal, ya know?”

  Duke nodded. “Yeah, so you put your face near some guy’s boxers. So what? That’s not such a big deal.”

  “Exactly.” Mav looked down as he talked, not quite daring to look Duke in the eye. “So I was thinking anybody could do that. I mean, the really hard thing would be to do it with no boxers in the way. Like instead of an underwear round, a nude round. Now that would be like the ultimate gay chicken. Not that anybody would play it.”

  “Why not?” Duke frowned a little.

  Mav saw that his friend was watching him closely. Almost as closely as Mav was watching Duke. He had a feeling that they both wanted the same thing but neither one could admit it. Instead, they had to dare each other into it. Into what, exactly? he asked himself, but he didn’t really want to know the answer.

  “Why not? Well, because it would be way too gay and freaky, I guess.” Mav shrugged casually. “Like even you would be too freaked out to try it.”

  “Oh, yeah? Try me.” There was a gleam of competition in Duke’s brown eyes and something else as well. Lust? Love? Mav didn’t know and didn’t want to know. All he needed to know at the moment was that his cock was rock hard and he was betting Duke’s was too.

  “So you think you could do it?” he asked casually, giving Duke a challenging look. “Think you could stand to have your face that close to another guy’s cock without freaking out?”

  “I know I could.” Duke raised an eyebrow. “The question is, could you?”

  Mav leaned forward, looking his best friend in the eye. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Well neither am I.” Duke stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s only one way to settle this, Mav.”

  “Just remember that I’m the reigning champion of gay chicken—since our last match was a draw.” Just thinking of the “last match” made Mav feel hot all over.

  “Yeah? Well you’re goin’ down tonight, buddy.” Duke grinned at him.

  Going down in more ways than one, Mav couldn’t help thinking. He got up from the table slowly. His cock was so hard it hurt, throbbing behind the zipper of his jeans for release. Nodding in the direction of his bedroom, he said, “Let’s go.”

  It didn’t take long for both of them to strip and get in bed, lying on their sides facing each other in a sixty-nine position. But by some kind of silent mutual consent neither one of them did anything yet. It was enough for Mav for a moment to be so close to another guy’s cock. No, Duke’s cock, he reminded himself. It felt weird but not bad. Duke was long and thick and Mav could almost feel the heat of his best friend’s skin radiating against his face. He wondered what Duke was thinking as he looked at Mav’s cock for the first time. Did he like it? Hate it? What? He wished he could ask but that would be well outside the lines of what they were supposed to be doing here. This was supposed to be a dare—not, well, anything else.

  They were quiet for a moment, just breathing and being close. As always, Mav liked the touch of his friend’s skin against his own. He was also finding he liked Duke’s scent—a warm, musky aroma that was completely masculine and completely attractive at the same time, at least to him. He wasn’t sure quite how to start so he was relieved when Duke broke the silence.

  “Well, you up for this?” The words that were no doubt meant to be taunting came out more as a question. Mav wondered why his friend even felt like he had to ask. It was obvious that he was “up” for what they were about to do. He was hard as a rock, his cock pulsing right in Duke’s face. Of course, Duke was pretty amazingly hard himself.

  “Hell, yeah.” He tried to make his tone nonchalant but that was difficult to do under the circumstances. “How do we start?” he added, since Duke seemed to be better at orchestrating this kind of think than he was.

  “Take it easy.” Duke’s voice was soft and thoughtful. “One dare at a time. No need to rush it—we’ll know when one of us wins.”

  “Sounds good,” Mav murmured. He had the feeling this was something Duke wanted to draw out, to savor and he was surprised to realize he felt the same.

  “Okay, then.” Duke shifted so that his face was a little closer to Mav’s naked cock. His warm breath blew over Mav’s heated shaft as he talked, giving Mav a shiver of pleasure. Suddenly, he felt like he was going to explode.

  “Touch me.” The words were forced out of him by the fierce need he felt growing in the base of his balls. It was one thing to take things slowly but they had to get started somehow and he was aching to feel his best friend’s hands and mouth on his throbbing cock. Then he realized what he’d said and hastily rephrased. “Uh, I mean, I dare you to touch me.”

  “No problem.” Duke’s voice was low and sensual. Reaching up, he palmed Mav’s aching shaft carefully and stroked it from root to tip.

  “God!” Mav’s hips bucked forward involuntarily with the pleasure of his friend’s hand and he couldn’t quite suppress the groan that rose to his lips.

  “Feels good?” Duke asked softly, stroking him again.

  “You know it does,” Mav almost gasped as his friend continued the long, lazy caress. “Dare me to touch you too?” he asked, wanting to see how Duke would react to being touched the same way he was being touched.

  “Yeah.” Duke’s voice trembled a little. Mav reached for the thick shaft before him, grasping it a little awkwardly since he and Duke were basically upside down to each other. The low groan he heard from his friend told him that no matter how awkward his grip felt, it was great for Duke.

  “Feels good?” he asked, throwing the question back at his friend.

  “Mmm hmm.” Duke stroked him some more before really replying. “Ya know, Mav, you’ve got a lot of precome happenin’ down here.” He thumbed the head of Mav’s cock, spreading the sticky liquid over his shaft as if to prove his point.

  Mav gasped and thrust into his friend’s warm hand. “Yeah? So?” he managed to ask as Duke stroked his cock firmly but gently.

  “So.” Duke thumbed the sensitive head again. “You dare me to taste it?”

  The soft question made Mav feel like every muscle in his body had clenched at once. But he tried to sound casual when he answered. “Sure—if you think you’re up to it.”

  Duke didn’t answer. Instead, he put out his tongue and lapped gently at the broad, weeping head of Mav’s shaft. It was all Mav could do to keep from reaching down, grabbing his best friend’s hair and shoving his entire aching cock deep into Duke’s mouth. Only one thing stopped him—if he did such a thing he would be admitting that what he really wanted wasn’t to win a dare but to watch his best friend blow him. The cobweb thin excuse of their dare would shred completely and if it did, Mav would have to face some hard questions. Such as why he was doing this in the first place and what it said about his true orientation. So instead of following his instincts, he held back and just watched between their bodies as Duke con
tinued to lap gently at the head of his cock.

  “What does it taste like?” he couldn’t help asking. He wasn’t one of those guys who had ever tasted their own come—or anybody’s come for that matter—but Duke seemed to be enjoying it from the way he was licking like it was his favorite flavor ice cream cone.

  Duke stopped for a moment to answer him. “Not bad. Salty. A little bitter.” He looked at Mav uncertainly. “Should I dare you to try mine?”

  Did he want to suck his best friend’s cock? Because that was surely where this was leading. Little by little and slowly but surely they were getting there. Mav barely even had to think about it.

  “Yeah.” He brought the broad head of Duke’s thick shaft to his lips and swiped his tongue over the pearls of precome that had beaded there. Feeling Duke shiver and hearing him gasp his name made him hot enough to do it again and then again. Duke tasted even better than he smelled, like a warm, salty tide on Maverick’s tongue, pushing him to want more, to do more. Apparently his best friend felt the same way.

  “God, Mav,” he gasped, bucking in Mav’s hand. “I think…think we’re gonna have to go further or this is gonna be another tie.”

  “Can’t have that.” Mav stopped licking for a moment and looked at his friend. “What now then?”

  “Since we’re both willing to lick, we’ll have to go to the next level. Sucking.” Duke stroked Mav’s cock as he spoke, his voice hoarse with desire. “I’m gonna put the head of your cock in my mouth and suck it, roomie. You can do the same if you dare.”

  “What if…what if I do?” Mav asked, laying a soft, sensual kiss on the tip of his best friend’s cock. “What if I’m not about to let you win?”

  “Then I’ll take more of your cock in my mouth,” Duke said softly. “You do the same—if you dare. Whoever goes the furthest wins. But I warn you, buddy…” He stroked Mav’s shaft slowly as he spoke. “I’ll suck you down to the root if I have to. There’s no way I’m gonna lose.”

  “We’ll see.” Mav lapped the head of his friend’s cock again. “Because I might be willing to do the same.”

  Duke didn’t answer in words. Instead, he opened his mouth and sucked the plum-shaped head of Mav’s cock into his hot mouth. Mav gasped and bucked his hips, unable to help himself. Two more inches of his shaft slid between Duke’s lips but his friend didn’t seem to mind. He angled his head and took even more, sucking Mav down to the root just as he had promised.

  Mav felt like he couldn’t look away. He’d had blowjobs before but nothing like this. Nothing as hot and sensual as watching his best friend, the person he cared most about in the world, going down on him, sucking his cock deeper and deeper into his mouth, taking everything he had to give and asking for more. He knew he was supposed to be sucking Duke at the same time, but he felt mesmerized by the sight of Duke swallowing him down, working him with his mouth, trying to make him come.

  God, do I want to let him do that, make me come? And do I want to make him come? Again, he barely had to think about it. The idea of sucking any other guy left him cold—he never would have even considered it. But this was Duke, his roommate for the past four years, his best friend in the world. The guy he cared for more than anyone else and he wanted to give Duke the same pleasure Duke was giving him.

  Lowering his head, Mav took the broad, plum-shaped head of his best friend’s cock slowly into his mouth. Duke was sucking him in a steady rhythm now but he faltered at the sudden pleasure, letting a low groan escape though his mouth was still more than half-full of Maverick’s shaft. Mav moaned softly himself, caught up in the cycle of pleasure and need that had grown between them. Duke tasted good—salty and hot and his cock seemed to be a perfect fit for Mav’s mouth. He’d been prepared for some awkwardness—after all, he’d never sucked cock before and never expected to want to for that matter. What he hadn’t anticipated was the sheer rightness, the feeling of deep connection he got with Duke when he sucked him and felt his own shaft being sucked by Duke in turn.

  Just as he was truly getting lost in the moment, he felt the incredibly pleasurable sensation stop. Looking down, he saw that Duke was watching him, his brown eyes heavy-lidded with pleasure. Mav put on a show, deliberately sucking Duke as deep as he could before letting his cock slide slowly out of his mouth.

  “What?” His voice was hoarse and his lips felt swollen from sucking. “Why did we stop?” He had some kind of idea that they were taking things too far but it didn’t seem to matter anymore. Right now he didn’t care about the consequences of what they were doing, he just wanted to know why his best friend had put an end to the most intense pleasure he’d ever felt.

  Duke licked his lips, which looked swollen and red and kissable, at least to Mav, and cleared his throat. “Our dare. Or bet or whatever you call it. Ultimate gay chicken.”

  “Yeah?” Mav was fuzzy-headed with pleasure. Dimly he recalled that he had been studying before Duke had come in and had intended to study most of the night. Instead he was in bed with his best friend, doing much more than friendly things. How had it happened? He didn’t know and at the moment he didn’t care. He just knew his balls ached with the need to come and he didn’t know why they had stopped.

  “Well…” Duke cleared his throat again. “I mean, how are we gonna know the winner?”

  “The winner?” Mav was confused.

  “Yeah, the winner.” Duke spoke patiently, as if it was of utmost importance. “I mean, we’ve proved we’re both willing to get close, we’re both willing to taste. And now we’re both willing to suck.” He thrust his hips forward an inch and Mav lapped at the head of his cock almost reflexively. For a moment it occurred to him that he ought to be concerned at how easy licking another man’s cock—even if that man was Duke—had become for him, but he pushed the unpleasant thought away and concentrated on what was really important—easing the tight ache in his balls.

  “Yeah, we’re both willing to suck,” he growled, beginning to get annoyed with Duke for his strict adherence to the rules of the game they were supposedly playing. “So what?”

  “So…” Duke looked him in the eye. “So in order to win this thing, I think I’m gonna have to suck you until I make you come.”

  “Like…come in your mouth?” Mav felt uncertain at that. Of course, that was what he’d been dying to do earlier but now that Duke had actually said it out loud, he didn’t know if he could go through with it. Could he let himself come in another man’s mouth? And could he really return the favor and suck Duke until he came as well?

  Apparently Duke had no problem with the concept. “Yeah,” he murmured, stroking Mav’s cock firmly but gently. “Yeah, Mav, I want you to come in my mouth.” Then he seemed to realize exactly what he’d said because his face got red and he added, “I mean, I’m gonna suck you so hard you have no choice but to come and then I’ll be the reigning supreme champion of ultimate gay chicken.”

  Mav suddenly made a decision. “You wish,” he said, pulling his friend closer. “There’s no way you’re going to beat me. I’ll make you come and swallow you down to the last drop. In fact, the first one to make the other guy come wins.”

  “What does he win?”

  Duke’s words surprised him—they had never set any kind of prize or penalty on their dares before. Of course, the dares had only recently gotten so personal. So…sexual. “Uh…what do you think?” he asked. From the gleam in his brown eyes, Duke already had something in mind. But even though Mav had an idea that his best friend was up to something, the next words out of Duke’s mouth were still a shock.

  “The winner gets to fuck the loser.” He looked at Mav with a mixture of uncertainty and desire. “What do you say, roomie? You up for those odds?”

  “Uh…” Mav had to think about it for a moment. He supposed he should have seen this coming from the very first time his best friend grabbed his cock. Or maybe even before then, when Duke sat too close to him, touched him too much, started sharing his bed. But somehow the idea of one of them fucking
the other still blindsided him. After all, you didn’t fuck other guys—not even your best friend. Of course most people would say you shouldn’t kiss and stroke and suck your best friend’s cock either and Mav had done all of those things in the past couple of days and enjoyed all of it immensely.

  Is this what I want? He tried to picture himself giving it up for Duke and found he couldn’t…not quite. He supposed Duke would go easy on him—the same way he would go easy on his best friend if he won their dare. But still…to actually spread his legs and let another guy enter him, invade his body, fill him and fuck him and come in him…it was hard to see doing that, no matter who the other guy was.

  But then he tried to imagine himself fucking Duke and suddenly the “no” that was about to come out of his mouth was turned into a “yes”, or at least a “maybe”. He could see his best friend naked on the bed, his legs spread as he offered himself to Mav, offered his warm, muscular body to take, to fuck. The idea was appealing—hell, more than appealing—hot. He wanted that, he realized. Wanted to take his best friend that way, wanted to be close to Duke on a level he’d never even imagined before.

  “You’re on.” The words were barely out of his mouth before Duke was sucking Mav again, taking him deep down his throat, lapping and swirling his tongue around the shaft of Mav’s cock in a way that seemed designed to drive him totally insane. The pleasure was so intense Mav almost couldn’t respond in turn but he knew if he didn’t, he risked ruining the scenario they were supposedly playing out. Taking a deep breath, he leaned down and took as much of his best friend’s cock into his mouth as he could.

  He wished he had time to savor Duke’s delicious taste, wished he could take his time and pleasure his best friend the way he wanted to but there was no way he could do that now—not when they were supposed to be having a race. Instead, he concentrated on sucking the full length of Duke’s shaft down his throat and lapping the head right below the crown, which was an especially sensitive spot on his own cock. Apparently it was for Duke too because his friend moaned and thrust forward, his hips moving rhythmically in time with Mav’s sucking. In fact, both of them were moving, thrusting with complete abandon as they sucked each other to the edge…and beyond.