Read Streaks of Blue: How the Angels of Newtown Inspired One Girl to Save Her School Page 1

Streaks of Blue: How the Angels of Newtown Inspired One Girl to Save Her School

  By Jack Chaucer

  Copyright 2013 Jack Chaucer

  Cover by Damon Za

  The sci-fi thriller …

  Queens are Wild

  Streaks of Blue: How the Angels of Newtown Inspired One Girl to Save Her School

  This novel is written in memory of the 20 children and six women who went to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on December 14, 2012, and never came home. Half of the proceeds from this book will be donated to the Newtown Memorial Fund. For more information, visit


  Nicole Janicek beamed, her glowing face a lighthouse beacon for the sea of silent, stony summits surrounding her in the late summer twilight. Undistracted by the long, fine strands of light brown and dyed-blue hair whipping around her in the gusty mountain air, the teenager's spritely blue eyes danced from peak to peak as they faded into silhouettes. The moment itself was a fully conceived poem, but Nicole was too consumed by the blackening White Mountains to bend down, reach into her pack and pull out her journal.

  Then she heard her best friend's boot steps traversing the rocks to her left.

  "The hut is filling up," Candace Cooper informed her as she approached, "but at least they have a decent bathroom. Wow, it's getting dark fast up here."

  "And cold," Nicole added. "Hug me already, girl."

  Candace leaped over both of their packs and landed on Nicole's rocky perch. The soon-to-be high school seniors embraced warmly beside alpine flowers and a glassy blue pond — one of several tarns on the beautiful broad shoulder of Mount Washington. The Lakes of the Clouds, as they are known, sit at about 5,000 feet between the summits of Mount Monroe (5,200 feet) and Mount Washington, the highest peak in New Hampshire's Presidential Range at 6,288 feet.

  "Look," Nicole said, pointing to the purple northeastern sky. "Venus."

  "Yes, the goddess of love," Candace said, her long, auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail as the wind buffeted them again. "I saw a few young men in the hut who could help keep us warm tonight and perhaps Venus is our sign."

  Nicole gasped and pulled back from her slightly taller friend in semi-mock outrage.

  "Don't even think about chickening out on me now, Candace," she said.

  "They're going to catch us, Nikki. You know the rules — no camping above the tree line. They can almost hit us with a stone from the hut," Candace replied, her green eyes pleading for a wooden roof instead of a nylon tent at such an exposed position. Despite the mercifully clear and hospitable conditions on this 55-degree night, the wind made it feel much colder and the girls weren't used to it after a long, hot summer.

  "So what. I came here to sleep under the stars and that's what I'm going to do," Nicole said, her hands on her hips. "Are you with me or not?"

  Candace gazed up and found more planets and stars shining back at her.

  "God, they should call this place Lakes of the Cloudless tonight," she finally said. "If it weren't so damn clear, I wouldn't, but ..."

  "Good, then let's hunker down and very quietly start setting up the tent ... like almost in slow motion," Nicole said, bending down and reaching for the folded-up tent inside her navy blue pack. "Every minute that it gets darker and they don't see us works in our favor."

  "OK, but I'm blaming it all on you if they catch us or a bear eats us," Candace quipped.

  "I can live with that," Nicole said. "The bears live in the woods and we're above them here. Besides, some things are worth taking a risk for."

  Dressed in a powder-blue fleece sweat shirt, black wind pants and sand-colored hiking boots with red laces, Nicole took the lead in setting up the green nylon tent and spreading out a foldable cushion inside it for added support. They made camp on a stony patch of ground because they didn't want to risk getting in trouble for trampling the fragile alpine flowers. When Candace joined her friend inside the tent and stretched out her long, athletic body against the cushion, she immediately grimaced.

  "Ouch, Nikki, this is most definitely gonna suck," she said, causing them both to laugh. "I really do hope we get caught now."

  "Stop it," Nicole protested, punching her friend playfully in the shoulder. "We're roughing it for one night. That's all. It'll make you appreciate every other night when you have all the comforts of home."

  "I swear I'm gonna start howling like a she-wolf until they find us and make us sleep in the hut," Candace threatened with a grin.

  "Uh, no you won't, C.C. I'll tape your mouth shut."

  "With what?"

  "Duct tape."

  "Duct tape? You brought duct tape?"

  "Of course," Nicole said, tossing Candace an energy bar from her pack as they now sat Indian style across from one another inside the tent. "I also brought this," she added, grabbing a small headlamp and strapping the black band around her bi-colored hair so she could see as darkness descended on the ridge. "Cheryl used a headlamp just like it on her trek."

  "You and your Strayed," Candace said.

  "You should finish it," Nicole advised, referring to Cheryl Strayed's book, "Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail.” “And you know she'd break the rules and make camp right here."

  "I read enough of that book to know Cheryl would walk right over to that hut tonight and hook up with the first guy she met," Candace said, her mischievous grin returning.

  "You make a valid point," Nicole said, nodding and taking a sip from her water bottle. "She was a real slut back in the day, but I do admire how honest she was about that in the book. I'm ..."

  A flashlight suddenly shining against the tent made both girls flinch and freeze in place. Then they heard boot steps against a nearby rock.

  "Oh shit, Nikki, I told you," Candace whispered, before smiling and adding, "I'm saved!" as she whimsically thanked a higher power with prayerful hands.

  Nicole frowned, stuck her tongue out at Candace and then stuck her head out of the flap of the tent.

  "Hello?" she said, squinting toward the flashlight.

  "Hi, I'm Will from the hut crew," a handsome young man in his early 20s said, squatting beside their tent with the flashlight on them.

  Candace nudged Nicole aside and stuck her head out of the flap, too, causing Will to shuffle his legs, lose his footing momentarily and nearly fall into the tarn. Clearly, he wasn't expecting to see two teenage girls camping in this spot. Nicole and Candace both managed to stifle their laughter.

  "Sorry to disturb you, ladies," Will said, quickly recovering and remembering why he was there. "But there's no camping permitted above the tree line or anywhere within a quarter mile of Lakes of the Clouds Hut. Do your parents know you're out here?"

  "Yes," Nicole replied, her blue eyes defiant. "We may be young, but we're seasoned hikers. We're practicing to do the whole Appalachian Trail, maybe even the Pacific Crest Trail. We're not starting a fire and we're not trampling the flowers."

  "Still, rules are rules," Will said. "We have a couple of bunks not filled at the hut, so why don't you join us there. It's not far at all. "

  Candace was attracted to the man and saw an opportunity to help her friend get “Strayed” in her way while possibly getting “Strayed” herself in an entirely different way.

  "I'll make you a deal, Will," she said slyly. "I'll join you at the hut if you'll look the other way and let my friend Nikki here live out her dream of sleeping under the stars just this one time. How does that sound?"

; The young man smiled and shook his head, but clearly he was entertaining the offer. When all of Candace emerged from the tent and she bent over to pull out her pack, Will just stared and had no words.

  "You'd really do that for me?" Nicole asked Candace.

  "Gladly," she replied, pulling her hair out of its ponytail and flipping it around in the wind for full effect.

  "No fires, no ...," Will said, finally regaining his voice, only to be cut off by Nicole.

  "No trampling the flowers, got it," she said with a smile. "Thanks, the both of you ... I really mean that."

  "I'll be back to check on you early, Nikki, or join us in the hut if you come to your senses. Otherwise, just call me if you need anything ... we do have working cell phones up here at least," Candace said.

  "Anything else, Mom?" Nicole asked as they began walking away.

  "Yes, don't roll into the pond and drown," Candace yelled back.

  "You be careful, too," Nicole shot back with a loaded smile that she hoped Candace saw in the glare of her headlamp.

  When they were gone and it was certain she had been given the green light to camp under the stars 5,033 feet above sea level, Nicole climbed out of her tent and jumped for joy. She launched all 5-foot-6 of her toward the heavens and tried to grab a piece of the Milky Way as it cascaded above her. Though her boots crashed back onto the rocky ground, she felt her heart leap into space.


  Adam Upton roused his younger brother from a daze when he suddenly jerked the wheel to the right and drove the rumbling, red pickup truck into the empty parking lot at Lakeview Regional High School.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Brody asked. "School doesn't start until next week."

  Adam brought the truck to a screeching stop facing the large, open practice field on the left side of the sprawling brick school building.

  "I'm about to give you your most important assignment for the school year," said Adam, who at 17 seemed nearly double the size of his 13-year-old brother. "And you're gonna do it when I tell you to do it because that's what freshmen are supposed to do — kiss the asses of the upperclassmen."

  "That's total bullshit," Brody protested.

  Adam punched his brother in the left arm and laughed. Brody grabbed his arm in pain and hung his head. He was tired of being ordered around, overpowered and pummeled by his Ultimate Fighting Championship-loving brother.

  "Get used to it, son. Life is bullshit," Adam said with a nasty edge to his husky voice.

  "You ain't my father," Brody said hesitantly, not looking at him and fully expecting another punch at any moment. "And whenever you start calling me 'son' something bad is about to happen."

  Both boys had messy, wavy brown hair and brown eyes, but Adam was 6 feet tall, stocky and stubbly faced. Brody, whose growth spurt hadn't started yet, was only 5-4, fairly thin and didn't even sport peach fuzz on his cheeks yet.

  "I'm the closest thing you got to a father, son, and you're gonna pull a prank for me sometime very soon," Adam said menacingly, his whole face boring into his brother, leaving no room for argument.

  "OK, OK ... what the hell do you want me to do?" Brody asked, practically whining for mercy.

  "You're gonna pull the school fire alarm for me," Adam said flatly, shifting his weight back toward the steering wheel.

  "Why?" Brody asked after pondering the assignment for a moment.

  "You'll see," Adam replied, his eyes now focused on the grassy field in front of the truck. "And if you're smart, you'll hide in the bathroom after you pull it. You really don't want to get caught up in a turkey shoot."

  "What?" Brody asked, utterly confused.

  "It's just a hunting expression, son," Adam said.



  A beautiful little girl with golden, shoulder-length hair and crystal blue eyes appeared in Nicole's tent seemingly out of nowhere. Smiling as she glowed in the darkness, the girl was just short enough to fit inside the tent standing up.

  "Who are you?" Nicole asked.

  "My name is Star now," she replied sweetly. "Would you sit next to me in class?"

  "Class?" Nicole wondered.

  "Yes, it's about to start. Come with me," Star said, offering Nicole her tiny hand.

  Confused but curious, Nicole reached out for the girl's hand and, as soon as she touched her, they were suddenly outside the tent and under the stars — billions of them, and so much brighter than Nicole had ever seen.

  Strangely, the wind was gone and Nicole found herself sitting next to Star in a field of lush green grass. They were part of a semicircle full of children, all 6 to 7 years old, and facing a tall woman with long brown hair who stood next to an easel with a blackboard.

  "Wow, an outdoor class under the stars," Nicole heard herself say before a school bell rang from out of nowhere and the teacher began writing on the chalkboard. As all of the students watched the teacher, Nicole's eyes wandered and noticed a familiar face several feet to her right. He was bigger than the rest but still only 6 or 7.

  "Who is that boy, Star? I think I know him," Nicole whispered, pointing toward him discreetly.

  "His name is Adam," she replied, the sound of her voice so close to Nicole's ear even though they sat a couple of feet apart in the grass.

  "Adam Upton," Nicole concluded. "Yeah, I remember him. He was in my class a long time ago. We used to play together during recess."

  "He's still in your class," Star whispered. "He's going to be a senior, just like you."

  "Really?" Nicole asked, wondering how Star knew this.

  That's when the teacher spoke directly to Nicole.

  "Yes, Nicole, it's true," she said, her face gravely serious as she gazed into Nicole's eyes. There was a sadness Nicole could not understand nor look away from. "Please help us if you can."

  Nicole nodded, glanced over to where Adam had been sitting in the grass and noticed he was gone.

  "Where did Adam go?" she asked the teacher.

  "He's planning something very bad, Nicole," she said. "He's lost and needs to be found very quickly."

  Then the teacher pointed at the chalkboard, where she had written the numbers 12:14.

  "Please bring Adam back here before it's too late," the teacher warned.

  "OK, I will," Nicole replied instantly, surprised at the conviction in her own voice. "What's the address here?"

  "Star will give you a note so you remember," the teacher instructed.

  Just like that, Star was back inside the tent with Nicole, handing her a little blue sticky note with yellow stars on it.

  "Please bring Adam with you as a friend," Star said in her angelic voice as Nicole accepted the note and read the address, handwritten by the teacher. It said: "14th & Stardust."


  "14th and," Nicole mumbled aloud as she sat up suddenly in her sleeping bag and realized she had been dreaming. The cold mountain air made her shiver, but that physical chill seemed insignificant compared to the message from the dream that hammered at her brain.

  "Adam Upton," she told herself, donning her headlamp and searching in the dark for the side pocket of her pack to find her pen and journal. In the process of fumbling for those items, she discovered a small clear Ziploc bag that she distinctly didn't remember packing. Inside it she was delighted to find some homemade chocolate chip cookies and a folded piece of white notebook paper. Nicole smiled as she bit into a cold but delicious cookie and read her mother's handwritten words:

  "Here's a little something to boost your energy on the trail. I know you and Candace know what you're doing up there with so many hikes under your belt, but a mother still worries so call me anytime and when you get to the summit. The forecast looks great. I hope it's as clear as the day we hiked Washington together for your 14th birthday!!! I also just read online that meteor showers could be visible so gather some stardust for me. :) Stay safe, enjoy your last getaway before senior year and I'll see you Sunday. Love, Mom."

  They had
n't been getting along very well lately, but after reading the note and finishing off that first cookie, Nicole only had warm thoughts of her mother. The teen actually wished they were huddled together in the tent now.

  A moment later, as Nicole glanced at the note again, she froze. Her wide eyes fixed on the "14th" and then on the word "stardust." Her jaw dropped open, her stomach felt queasy and the dream burst back through her consciousness in full this time.

  "How? ... How is that even possible?" she muttered to herself as a gust of wind shook the tent.

  Nicole realized she didn't even need a pen and paper anymore. Her mother had written the address for her: 14th & Stardust — whatever, wherever that meant. The teacher in the dream had used the number 14, too. She suddenly recalled the 12:14 on the chalkboard in haunting detail.

  "They were written as a time, not a date, but I know those numbers," Nicole said aloud. "Newtown. December 14th."

  Nine months ago, on December 14, 2013, she participated in a candlelight vigil to mark the one-year anniversary of the massacre that killed 20 children and six women at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut — only two states away from Nicole's high school in southern New Hampshire. Unshakable grief hung over the whole nation, and especially New England, in the wake of that dark day just before Christmas in 2012.

  Now she had been asked, in a dream, to help prevent another horrible event — this time at her own school. Could this be real?

  "Adam Upton?" she asked herself. "I don't even really know him anymore."

  She thought about what Candace would say when she mentioned his name — if she mentioned his name; if she even told her best friend about this dream.

  "Trailer trash," Nicole whispered to herself. "That's what Candace would say about him. That's what most people would say."

  "He's lost and he needs to be found very quickly," the teacher's words echoed in Nicole's ears.

  "Bring him with you as a friend," Star had told her.

  "Why me?" Nicole whispered as the wind whipped against the tent.

  The words "From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail" suddenly trekked through her thoughts.