Read Streetcar Named Desire Page 8


  I fellowl But Sister Blanche is no lilyt Ha-hal Some lily

  she is!


  What have you heard and who from?


  | Our supply-man down at the plant has been going through

  Laurel for years and he knows all about her and every'

  body else in the town of Laurel knows all about her. She

  is as famous in Laurel as if she was the President of the

  United States, only she is not respected by any party! This

  supply-man stops at a hotel called the Flamingo.

  blanche [singing blithely]:

  "Say, it's only a paper moon, Sailing over a cardboard sea

  --But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me!"


  What about the--Flamingo?


  She stayed there, too.


  My sister lived at Belle Reve.


  This is after the home-place had slipped through her lilywhite

  fingers! She moved to the Flamingo! A secondclass

  hotel which has the advantage of not interfering in

  the private social life of the personalities there! The Flamingo

  is used to all kinds of goings-on. But even the management

  of the Flamingo was impressed by Dame Blanche! In fact they were so impressed by Dame Blanche that they

  requested her to turn in her room-key--for permanently!

  This happened a couple of weeks before she showed here.

  blanche [singing]:

  "It's a Bamum and Bailey world. Just as phony as it can


  But it wouldn't be make-believe K you believed in me!"




  Sure, I can see how you would be upset by this. She pulled

  the wool over your eyes as much as Mitch's!





  Ifs pure invention! There's not a word of troth in it and

  if I were a man and this creature had dared to invent such

  things in my presence--

  blanche lsfinging:

  "Without your love,

  It's a honky-tonk parade!

  Without your love,

  It's a melody played In a penny arcade..."


  Honey, I told you I thoroughly checked on these stories!

  Now wait till I finish. The trouble with Dame Blanche

  was that she couldn't put on her act any more in Laurel!

  They got wised up after two or three dates with her and

  then they quit, and she goes on to another, toe same old

  line, same old act, same old hooey! But the town was too

  small for this to go on forever! And as time went by she

  became a town character. Regarded as not just different

  but downright loco--nuts.

  [Stella draws back.}

  And for the last year or two she has been washed up like

  poison. That's why she's here this summer, visiting royalty,

  putting on all this act--because she's practically told

  by the mayor to get out of town! Yes, did you know there

  was an army camp near Laurel and your sister's was one of

  the places called "Out-of-Bounds"?


  "It's only a paper moon. Just as phony as it can be--

  But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me!"


  Well, so much for her being such a refined and particular

  type of girl. Which brings us to Lie Number Two.


  I don't want to hear any morel


  She's not going back to teach school! In fact I am willing

  to bet you that she never had no idea of returning to

  Laurel! She didn't resign temporarily from the high school

  because of her nerves! No, siree. Bob! She didn't. They



  lacked her out of that high school before the spring term

  ended--and I hate to tell you the reason that step was

  taken! A seventeen-year-old boy--she'd gotten mixed up



  "It's a Bamum and Bailey world, Just as phony as it can


  [In the bathroom the water goes on loud; little breathless

  cries and peals of laughter are heard as if a child

  were frolicking in the tub.}


  This is making me--sick!


  The boy's dad learned about it and got in touch with the

  high school superintendent. Boy, oh, boy, I'd like to have

  been in that office when Dame Blanche was called on the

  carpet! I'd like to have seen her trying to squirm out of

  that one! But they had her on the hook good and proper

  that time and she knew that the jig was all up! They told

  her she better move on to some fresh territory. Yep, it

  was practickly a town ordinance passed against her!

  [The bathroom door is opened and Blanche thrusts her

  head out, holding a towel about her hair.]



  [tella [faintly]:

  Yes, Blanche?


  Give me another bath-towel to dry my hair with. I've just

  washed it.


  Yes, Blanche. [She crosses in a dazed way from the kitchen to the bathroom door with a towel.]


  What's the matter, honey?



  Matter? Why?


  -^ 1



  You have such a strange expression on your facel


  Oh--[She tries to laugh} I guess I'm a little tired!

  blanche: '^&,

  Why dont you bathe, too, soon as I get out? S;^ stanley [calling from the kitchen}: ^?

  How soon is that going to be? ^


  Not so terribly longi Possess your soul in patiencel


  It's not my soul, ifs my kidneys I'm worried about! [Blanche slams the door. Stanley laughs harshly. Stella

  comes slowly back into the kitchen.]


  Well, what do you mink of it?


  I dont believe all of those stories and I think your sup- ply-man was mean and rotten to tell them. It's possible

  that some of the things he said are partly true. There are wings about my sister I don't approve of--things that

  caused sorrow at home. She was always--flighty!




  But when she was young, very young, she married a boy

  who wrote poetry. ... He was extremely good-looking. I

  think Blanche didn't just love him but worshipped the

  ground he walked on! Adored him and thought him almost

  too fine to be human! But then she found out--




  This beautiful and talented young man was a degenerate.

  Didn't your supply-man give you that information?


  All we discussed was recent history. That must have been

  a pretty long time ago.




  Yes, it was?a pretty long time ago...

  [Stanley comes up and takes her by the shoulders rather

  gently. She gently withdraws from him. Automat
ically she

  starts sticking little pink candles in the birthday cake.}


  How many candles you putting in that cake?


  I'll stop at twenty-five.


  Is company expected?


  We asked Mitch to come over for cake and ice-cream.

  [Stanley looks a little uncomfortable. He lights a cigarette

  from the one he has just finished.]


  I wouldn't be expecting Mitch over tonight

  [Stella pauses in her occupation with candles and looks

  slowly around at Stanley.}




  Mitch is a buddy of mine. We were in the same outfit

  together?Two-forty-flrst Engineers. We work in the same

  plant and now on the same bowling team. You think I

  could face him if?


  Stanley Kowalski, did you?did you repeat what that??


  You're goddam right I told him! I'd have that on my

  conscience the rest of my life if I knew all that stuff and

  let my best friend get caught!


  Is Mitch through with her?


  Wouldn't you be if??




  I said, Is Mitch through with her?

  [Blanche's voice is lifted again, serenely as a bell. Shesings "But it wouldn't be make-believe if you believed in



  No, I don't think he's necessarily through with her?just

  wised up!


  Stanley, she thought Mitch was?going to?going to marry

  j her. I was hoping so, too.


  Well, he's not going to marry her. Maybe he was, but he's

  not going to jump in a tank with a school of sharks?now!

  [He rises] Blanche! Oh, Blanche! Can I please get in my

  bathroom? [There is a pause.]


  Yes, indeed, sir! Can you wait one second while I dry?


  Having waited one hour I guess one second ought to pass

  in a hurry.


  And she hasn't got her job? Well, what will she do!


  She's not stayin' here after Tuesday. You know that, don't

  you? Just to make sure I bought her ticket myself. A busticket!



  the first place, Blanche wouldn't go on a bus.


  She'll go on a bus and like it.


  No, she won't, no, she won't, Stanley!


  She'll go! Period. P.S. She'll go Tuesday!

  stella [slowly]:

  What'11?she?do? What on earth will shs?dol




  Her future is mapped out for her.


  What do you mean?

  [Blanche sings.]


  Hey, canary bird! Tootst Get OUT of the BATHROOM!

  [The bathroom door flies open and Blanche emerges with

  a gay peal of laughter, but as Stanley crosses past her, a

  frightened look appears on her face, almost a look of panic.

  He doesn't look at her but slams the bathroom door shut as he goes in.}

  blanche [snatching up a hairbrush}:

  Oh, I feel so good after my long, hot bath, I feel so good

  and cool and--rested!

  stella [sadly and doubtfully from the kitchen}:

  Do you, Blanche?

  blanche [brushing her hair vigorously}:

  Yes, I do, so refreshed! [She ankles her highball glass.} A

  hot bath and a long, cold drink always give me a brand

  new outlook on life! [She looks through the portieres at

  Stella, standing between them, and slowly stops brushing} Something has happened!--What is it?

  stella [fuming away quickly}:

  Why, nothing has happened, Blanche.


  You're lying! Something has!

  [She stares fearfully at Stella, who pretends to be busy at the table. The distant piano goes into a hectic breakdown.}



  Three-quarters of an hour later.

  The view through the big windows is fading gradually into

  a still-golden dusk. A torch of sunlight blazes on the side

  of a big water-tank or oil-drum across the empty lot toward

  the business district which is now pierced by pinpoints

  of lighted windows or windows reflecting the sunset.

  The three people are completing a dismal birthday supper.

  Stanley looks sullen. Stella is embarrassed and sad.

  Blanche has a tight, artificial smile on her drawn face.

  There is a fourth place at the table which is left vacant.

  blanche [suddenly]:

  Stanley, tell us a joke, tell us a funny story to make us all

  laugh. I don't know what's the matter, we're all so solemn. Is it because I've been stood up by my beau? [Stella laughs feebly.]

  It's the first time in my entire experience with men, and I've

  had a good deal of all sorts, that I've actually been stood

  up by anybody! Ha-ha! I don't know how to take it. ...

  Tell us a funny little story, Stanley! Something to help us



  I didn't think you liked my stories, Blanche.


  I like them when they're amusing but not indecent.


  I don't know any refined enough for your taste.


  Then let me tell one.


  Yes, you tell one, Blanche. You used to know lots of good


  [The music fades.]


  Let me see, now. ... I must run through my repertoire!

  Oh. yes--I love parrot stories! Do you all like parrot stories?

  Well, this one's about the old maid and the parrot. This




  old maid, she had a parrot that cursed a blue streak and

  knew more vulgar expressions than Mr. Kowalski!




  And the only way to hush the parrot up was to put the cover

  back on its cage so it would think it was night and go back

  to sleep. Well, one morning the old maid had just uncovered

  the parrot for the day--when who should she see coming

  up the front walk but the preacher! Well, she rushed back

  to the parrot and slipped the cover back on the cage and

  then she let in the preacher. And the parrot was perfectly still, just as quiet as a mouse, but just as she was asking the

  preacher how much sugar he wanted in his coffee--the

  parrot broke the silence with a loud--[She whistles]--and

  said--"God damn, but that was a short day!"

  [She throws back her head and laughs. Stella also makes

  an ineffectual effort to seem amused. Stanley pays no attention

  to the story but reaches way aver the table to spear his

  fork into the remaining chop which he eats with his fingers.]


  Apparently Mr. Kowalski was not amused.


  Mr. Kowalski is too busy making a pig of himself to think

  of anything else!


  That's right,


  Your face and your fingers are disgustingly greasy. Go and

  wash up and then help me clear the table.

  [He hurls a plate to the floor.]


  That's how I'll dear the table! [He seizes her arm] Don't

  ever talk that way to me! "Pig--Polack--disgusting--vulgar--greasy!"--them

  kind of words have been on your

  tongue and your sister's too much around here! What do you

  two think you are? A pair of queens? Remember what

  Huey Long said--"Every Man is a King!" And I am the

  king around here, so don't forget it! [He hurls a cup and



  saucer to the floor] My place is cleared! You want me to

  clear your places?

  [Stella begins to cry weakly. Stanley stalks out on the porch

  and tights a cigarette.

  [The Negro entertainers around the corner are heard.] blanche:

  What happened while I was bathing? What did he tell you,



  Nothing, nothing, nothing!


  I think he told you something about Mitch and me! You

  know why Mitch didn't come but you won't tell me! [Stella

  shakes her head helplessly] I'm going to call him!


  I wouldn't call him, Blanche. %

  I am, I'm going to call him on the phone.

  stella [miserably]:

  I wish you wouldn't blanche:

  I intend to be given some explanation from someone!

  [She rushes to the phone in the bedroom. Stella goes out on

  the porch and stares reproachfully at her husband. He

  grunts and turns away from her.]


  I hope you're pleased with your doings. I never had so

  much trouble swallowing food in my life, looking at that

  girl's face and the empty chair! [She cries quietly.]

  blanche [at the phone]:

  Hello. Mr. Mitchell, please. . . . Oh. ... I would like to

  leave a number if I may. Magnolia 9047. And say it's important to call. . . . Yes, very important. . . . Thank you.

  [She remains by the phone with a lost, frightened look.]

  [Stanley turns slowly back toward his wife and takes her

  clumsily in his arms.] stanley:

  Stell, it's gonna be all right after she goes and after you've



  had the baby. It's gonna be all right again between you and

  me the way that it was. You remember that way that it

  was? Them nights we had together? God, honey, it's gonna

  be sweet when we can make noise in the night the way that

  we used to and get the colored lights going with nobody's

  sister behind the curtains to hear us! [Their upstairs neighbors are heard in bellowing laughter

  at something. Stanley chuckles.} Steve an' Eunice...


  Come on back in. [She returns to the kitchen and starts

  lighting the candles on the white cake.] Blanche?


  Yes. [She returns from the bedroom to the table in the

  kitchen.] Oh, those pretty little candles! Oh, don't bum them, Stella.


  I certainly will.

  [Stanley comes back in.]


  You ought to save them for baby's birthdays. Oh, I hope

  candles are going to glow in his life and I hope that his eyes are going to be like candles, like two blue candles lighted

  in a white cake!

  stanley [sitting down]:

  What poetry!

  blanche [she pauses reflectively for a moment]:

  I shouldn't have called him.


  There's lots of things could have happened.


  There's no excuse for it, Stella. I don't have to put up with

  insults. I won't be taken for granted.


  Goddam, it's hot in here with the steam from the bathroom.


  I've said I was sorry three times. [The piano fades out.] I



  take hot baths for my nerves. Hydro-therapy, they caB it. You healthy Polack, without a nerve in your body, of course

  you dont know what anxiety feels likel


  I am not a Polack. People from Poland are Poles, not

  Polacks. But what I am is a one hundred percent American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and proud

  as hell of it, so don't ever call me a Polack. [The phone rings. Blanche rises expectantly.}


  Oh, that's for me, I'm sure.


  Fm not sure. Keep your seat [He crosses leisurely to phone.] H'lo. Aw, yeh, hello, Mac.

  [He leans against wall, staring insultingly in at Blanche. She

  sinks back in her chair with a frightened look. Stella leans

  over and touches her shoulder.}


  Oh, keep your hands on me, Stella. What is the matter

  with you? Why do you look at me with that pitying look?

  stanley [bawling}:

  QUIET IN THERE1--We've got a noisy woman on the

  place.--Go on, Mac. At Riley's? No, I don't wanta bowl at

  Riley's. I had a little trouble with Riley last week. I'm the

  team-captain, ain't I? All right, then, we're not gonna bowl

  at Riley's, we're gonna bowl at the West Side or the Galal

  All right, Mac. See youl

  [He hangs up and returns to the table. Blanche fiercely

  controls herself, drinking quickly from her tumbler of

  water. He doesn't look at her but reaches in a pocket. Then

  he speaks slowly and with false amiability.}

  Sister Blanche, I've got a little birthday remembrance for



  Oh, have you, Stanley? I wasn't expecting any, I--I don't

  know why Stella wants to observe my birthday! I'd much

  rather forget it--when you--reach twenty-seveni Well--

  age is a subject that you'd prefer to--ignorel