Read Strip Tease Fantasy - Romance Short Story Page 2

  "Every once and a while, how about yourself?"

  "Every once and a while too.? Just out for a night cap before I call it a night."

  She didn't know where to take this moment.? She has never cheated on Steven, but Andre is hot and someone that just stepped into her fantasy unexpectedly.?

  "Are you alone?" he asked signaling for another drink.

  "Not really, just out for a little while."

  "Mind if I join you?"

  This was it.? She knew he would ask if he could join her. Has she taken this too far or just go with the flow of the night?? She turned to him and looked into his eyes.

  "Actually, I'm expecting someone, perhaps another time?"

  "Of course, I would like that. Here's my card.? Just give me a call." He said putting his hand over hers.? She was turned on by his touch and smooth approach.

  "I will. Stay by your phone Andre." She smiled putting his card in her purse.

  "I will.? See you around. Until next time Nikki?"

  "Until next time?"

  She had a couple more drinks then went home wrapped in the thrill of the night and the unexpected temptation from Andre.

  Chapter 5 - The Amateur Contest

  It's Friday and Cindy has been tense at the office.? She has been watching the clock all day.

  "Shit, come on 4:30 damn it!" she screamed into her hands.? She knew what outfit she would be wearing; everything right down to her thong.? She practiced privately in her office with the door shut and locked.

  "Kick, twirl, squat, kick" she said to herself as she practiced her dance routine in her office holding on to the window frame.?

  Finally the clock was at 4:30. 'No show today boys' she said as she walked at a fast pace to the elevator then pressed the button several times for it to open.? 'Come on damn it'.? She pulled out of the parking garage and sped home.

  "Shit Steven not now" she shouted at the phone recognizing the ring tone, but she knew she had to take his call.

  "Hi honey, how's it going?" she said in a calm happy tone.

  "Good, the clients liked the presentation.? We're heading out for dinner and drinks.? I wanted to call you before we headed out for the night.? I love you." said Steven.

  "That's great honey. Go get 'em. Have a great golf game tomorrow.? I'll talk to you then. Love you too." She quickly responded hoping to get him off the phone.

  "Okay. Bye" said Steven


  She pulled into the driveway and ran upstairs and started the shower, then pulled out her black latex outfit, matching stilettos, fishnet stockings, black flossy thong and laid them out on the bed.? She stood back looking at it all.

  "Perfect. I'm gonna rock their world tonight." she said to herself looking at everything again. "I will rock their world." She said with a fist pump.

  She pulled into the parking lot of Struts and looked up at the marquee that displayed in large black letters, Amateur Contest Tonight! The valet opened her door; she tipped him and walked into the wave of hard pumping music, cascading disco lights, then stopped and looked up at the stage where she will be performing.? She could see the other contestants at the bar having cocktails and smoking cigarettes.? Victoria walked over to her.

  "Hey girl, look at you, you look hot." She said

  "Thank you. I'm a little nervous but ready.? I've been practicing and going over everything you taught me. I'll do my best." said Cindy waving at the bartender for a drink.

  "I have no doubt girl.? With that outfit and your new moves, I think you got a chance.? I have to go, I'm up next in rotation up there.? Good luck."

  "Okay and thanks again Victoria." She said giving her a hug.

  The lights went low, then the stage filled with twirling spot lights spinning around in a furry as slow crawling smoke crept on the stage and over the edges.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, for your entertainment I give you Crystal !"

  The crowd went nuts and began to cheer as Prince 'Let's Go Crazy' began to play loud over the huge speakers above the stage. Then out came Victoria strutting like an Egyptian queen across the stage. She was awesome, magnificent and in command.? She had no doubt that she is the queen of the pole dancers.? She grabbed the long golden pole and twirled around it like a bottle rocket then dropped into a leg split.? The "stable" was tossing money at her feet in droves.

  "Shit she's good." said Cindy to the bartender as he brought her another drink.

  "She is without doubt the queen." He said looking up at the stage smiling? "The queen."

  The lights went low again then Victoria came back out in a totally different outfit with a mic in her hand.

  "Gentlemen are you ready for some new talent?" she said to the men gazing up at her as she walked around stage pointing, waving and winking at them.

  "Hell yeah baby, yeah!" they shouted from across the room in all directions.

  "Then without further a due, let the contest began." She said twirling around on the golden pole before leaving the stage. Cindy watched the first three contestant performances.

  'Not bad' she thought to herself 'but wait until they get a load of me'

  Several other contestants went on stage before her time had finally arrived. Victoria came back on stage after the second break wearing a golden Egyptian queen outfit. The crowd cheered and chanted her name as she walked to the front of the stage.

  "Fellows, you've seen some pretty good talent so far, am I right?" she said to the gazing crowd looking up at her. They cheered and clapped.

  "But you haven't seen nothing' yet I promise you.? Our next contestant is going to rock your world." Cindy took a deep breath, looked at the bartender with a half smile.

  "Don't worry, you'll come to life after you get up there." He said holding up his hand for a high five.?

  "I'll do my best" she said with a smile giving him a high five.

  "Gentlemen, I present to you? Nikki!"

  Cindy stood behind the heavy velvet curtains, looked over at Victoria and nodded that she was ready to go. The music began to play. She chose 'Baby I'm A Star' by Prince as her song. The pulse of the music caressed her body as the curtains drew open and the glow of the purple spot light followed her out onto the stage towards the golden pole. She strutted out with total confidence reaching for the pole and performed her first twirl, landing in a slow split.? The 'stable' went crazy; the VIP lounge is on their feet clapping to the beat.

  The music was pulsating and erotic as she stepped over the money to bend down to 'the stable' and blow them kisses. They were going crazy; Cindy was twirling and swinging around the pole like a pro.? Victoria was smiling and clapping her hands too. She knew that Cindy was on fire and loving every moment of her performance.? She was a natural.? Everything that she taught her was coming out on the stage with every move.? It was magic for Cindy. At last her fantasy to be on stage commanding their attention with her body and moves has come true. The music slowly died down as Cindy went into a final split.? There was no doubt about it, Cindy had won first place.? Victoria went back out on stage to announce the winners.

  "Fellas, was I lying? You have been entertained by some pretty good talent tonight, but there can only be one winner.? The votes are in and you have spoken, your winner of our annual amateur pole night is."? Victoria slowly opened the gold envelope. "Nikki! Come on up here girl, you deserve it!"

  "O' my God, O' my God!" cried out Cindy clapping her hands with the crowd walking towards the stage.

  "Fellas, I give you Nikki, your Struts Amateur Girl of the year!" said Victoria handing her a dozen long stem roses and placing a golden crown on her head.? Cindy burst into tears of joy as she walked around the stage waving at the crowd of well wishers tossing money at her feet.? She has done it.? She walked back to the bar to be with the other contestants.? They were cheering and toasting her with drinks.

  "Nikki, from the gentleman to your right." Said the bartender smiling placing a silver bucket of chilling Dom P?ri
gnon and a dozen of red roses.?

  "Wow!" she said to the bartender. "Is this for me?? All of this?"

  "Yep, he said to tell you, until then?"

  Cindy smiled, figuring it was from an admiring fan, but then she remembered telling Andre the same words. She looked to her right and saw Andre looking her way smiling and raising his glass of champagne towards her. ?She felt like Cinderella looking at prince charming.? He was handsome and stunning.? She held up her hand and gestured for him to come over.

  "You were fabulous tonight Nikki." He said filling her glass with champagne

  "I can't believe you're here. Did you really think I was good?" she said blushing and sipping.

  "O' yes, you were simply stunning up there. You certainly made my night." He said looking intently at her lips then her eyes.?

  She began feeling tingly all over from all of the excitement of winning then to have Andre see her performance is just icing on the cake.? He started leaning in slowly to kiss her.? Her heart started racing from feeling the moment of taking a bite of the forbidden fruit. She could smell his cologne as he got closer and feel his hand holding hers pulling her slowly towards him.? She began to helplessly move closer to him feeling his hand in hers.? She parted her lips to feel his kiss.

  "Hey girl" said Victoria interrupting their moment, "congratulations girl, you did it.? Who's your secret admirer, he's cute."

  "Andre this is my friend and mentor Victoria" said Cindy feeling a small sigh of relief.

  "Hi Andre, glad to meet you, wasn't she great?"

  "Yes she was indeed. I'm becoming a fan already."

  "Well, I don't know if she'll be a regular, but she can come and dance anytime she wants to." Said Victoria holding up her glass to toast her victory.

  "Wow, are you serious Victoria ?" said Cindy in total surprise.

  "Yep, already talked to the head mistress and she said to make you the offer." Said Victoria

  "O' this is too good to be true. Thank you so much. This is the day of my life!" said Cindy sipping more champagne.?

  "Well, you two have fun and Nikki I'll talk to you later."

  "Okay, thanks again for everything." Said Cindy sensing they were about to get back to where they left off. Their kiss.

  "Well, you've got a lot of celebrating to do and this is your moment in time to enjoy it to it's fullest.? You have my number. I hope to hear from you." He said taking the last sip of his champagne.

  "I just might. Until then?" she said winking at him with a smile

  "Until then Nikki?" he said releasing her hand then faded into the crowd.

  Chapter 6 - "I want to call him"

  Cindy walked out to the backyard with her coffee and bagel to read the paper.? The morning sun and chirping birds made the perfect start to her day.? She called Andrea and invited her over for some coffee and to tell her about last night.

  "Good morning sunshine." Said Andrea opening the patio door holding a cup of coffee.

  "Hey girl, pull up a chair." Said Cindy putting down the newspaper.

  "So, tell me, how was it.? Did you win?" said Andrea flopping down in a chair putting up her feet.

  "Here's the crown. I did it, I won. It was an awesome night."

  "Wow, an official pole dancer. Well, too bad Steven will never know or see you dance."

  "Yeah I know. No matter how delicate I could try and put it, he will flip out."

  "You tellin' me."

  "There is something else I need to tell you Andrea." Said Cindy looking into her coffee cup feeling nervous and anxious.

  "O' my God what, are you pregnant?"

  "Hell no!? We agreed to way a couple of years. Said Cindy in alarm.

  "Then what?"

  Cindy looked away then back at Andrea.

  "Well, there's a guy I met and not just some guy."

  "What, a guy? You're not thinking what I'm thinking you are about to tell me are you?"

  "What's that?"

  "Cindy, stop dragging this out and just tell me." Said Andrea putting down her coffee leaning closer.

  "Well, I met him Thursday night."

  "Thursday night. You didn't tell you were going out Thursday night.? I thought you were just going shopping after you dropped off Steven at the airport."

  "Well, I did drop off Steven and did go shopping.? But I took the rest of the day off to take a private dancing lesson, went shopping at a stripper store, then after seeing myself in the mirror I had to see what reactions I would get being all dressed up like that."

  Andrea was shocked.? She was at a loss for words.? She knew Cindy wanted to carry out her fantasy but she has gone full throttle with the idea.

  "Where did you go?"

  "The Voo Doo Club"

  "Shit, that's on the upper Westside. Are you crazy!" Andrea said scolding her

  "Well, I just had to know so I just did it."

  "And what about this guy you met, is he included in this little night out of yours" said Andrea still feeing angry at Cindy for going out to the club.

  "Yeah, but he was a complete gentleman, very handsome, and sweet to me. And well, I liked feeling attracted to him.? He was just different than all the others that's all." Said Cindy holding her head down.

  "You didn't do anything with him did you?" said Andrea trying to calm down.

  "No, we just talked, nothing else, I promise that's all that happened."

  "Thank God." Gasped Andrea taking another sip of her coffee tapping her foot then crossed her arms. "So was he there last night. No, don't tell me let me guess, he was there right?"

  Cindy nodded slowly then took a sip of her coffee but couldn't look Andrea in the eye.

  "Well, did something happen last night. Is this where all of this is leading to?"

  "No, nothing happened. He was just there.? I wasn't expecting him to be there, but he just was."

  "Well, thank God this whole fantasy thing is done and over with. You're not doing this any more are you, please tell me you're not thinking about doing this again." Said Andrea holding her hand.

  "No, it was just that, a fantasy.? I got to do everything I wanted and it was a rush I must admit, but I won't be doing it again."

  "Good. You had me worried for a minute their."

  They prepared breakfast and talked more about the contest and last night.? Andrea left a couple hours later. Cindy went to her closet to look at the outfits one more time.? She couldn't stop thinking about Andre and the kiss they almost shared and how good the past two nights were.? She pulled out his card and looked at.? 'Should I call him?' She thought to herself starring at her cell phone.

  'I can't believe I'm doing this'.

  "Hello Andre, its Nikki?"

  Chapter 7 - "You look more beautiful than the first time I saw you"

  Cindy stood in her closet starring at the red mini dress outfit, matching fishnet stockings and stilettos.? She knew she wanted to complete her fantasy with Andre.? He is the perfect man that she has fantasized about when Steven is away on business trips and alone in bed.? She wanted to have a skilled lover take her to new levels of pleasure.?

  Steven just wasn't that creative and wouldn't listen or open up to try new things.? Their bedroom became more about him and his pleasure than hers, but this night, this night belonged to her and she wanted it.? She got dressed, looked in the mirror one last time then left to meet Andre. They decided on meeting for drinks and appetizers at the Luxor Grand Hotel.? It's a luxury five star hotel with a reputation for strict guest confidentiality. ?

  "Hey Nikki, you look beautiful." Said Andre reaching for her hands.

  "Well, you look pretty handsome yourself mister." Said Cindy excited about seeing him again.

  They had a couple of cocktails and appetizers then walked out to the valet. Outside waiting for them is a long sleek limo with a driver holding open the door.

  "Wow, somebody special must have just gotten here." Said Cindy gasping at the limo.
r />   "It's for us." Said Andre leading her to the open door.

  "Are you kidding me, for us?" said Cindy smiling with her hands over her mouth. "This is so wonderful."

  "It's all about us and all about you Nikki." He said sliding in next to her pouring them champagne.

  "Andre?" she said leaning next to him looking into his eyes.


  "My real name is Cynthia."

  "Do you want me to call you Cynthia?"

  "Yes, I'd like that. I want you to be with a real person tonight."

  "Of course Cynthia, I'm glad to be with the real you."

  She smiled, crossed her legs and lay back in his arms as they headed for Struts where they first met.? She wanted to go there to give him one more dance before being in his arms feeling him inside of her.? They pulled up to the club valet.? She felt like a professional stepping out with Andre.? He was dressed in a sharp suit and she was dressed to the nine's in her red outfit.? They have a private VIP table waiting for them with champagne and roses.? Victoria saw them coming in and went to greet them.

  "Well, well, back for one more dance?" said Victoria smiling giving her a hug.

  "Yes, one more time teacher." Said Cindy looking up at the stage smiling.

  "Blow his mind girl, blow his mind?" she whispered to her then went up to the stage to perform.

  The club is filling up with admiring fans and business executives.? Drinks are piled on tables along side stacks of dollar bills waiting to litter the dance floor.? Andre and Cindy look like a millionaire couple snuggled up in their wrap around VIP booth.? Just when Cindy thought her night to remember couldn't be filled with any more surprises, Andrea walked up to their booth.

  "Can we talk?" she asked with a smile. Cindy burst into tears.

  "No, don't cry Cindy, this is your night.? I'm your best friend and I know how important this is to you.? I'm really so sorry about they way I acted this morning.? I have dreams too and one day I'll want your support. I can't wait to see you up there.? Strut your ass off girl." She said sitting next to her holding her hands.

  "Thank you Andrea, thank you for understanding. I just have one more night to myself and I'm glad you're here to share it with me.? Please join us."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes I am.? Andre this is my best friend Andrea."

  "Glad to meet you. Cindy has told me about you."

  "Well, hopefully not about how unsupportive I was this morning."

  "No, not at all, she really thinks highly of you and you're being the best friend right now."