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  by Rhonda Denise Johnson

  Copyright 1982 by Rhonda Johnson

  Stuporman is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

  Table of Contents

  The Story

  About Rhonda Denise Johnson

  Other Books by Rhonda Denise Johnson

  Connect with Rhonda Denise Johnson

  Excerpt from Speaking for the Child: An Autobiography and a Challenge

  The Story

  While in the twelfth grade, I wrote my first short story—Stuporman. At the time, I probably did not realize that this spin-off of the Man of Steel was actually a simulacrum of myself as I went through public schools with progressively severe visual and hearing disabilities. Despite living in a body that refused to do what came so easily to others, I still felt, on some level, powerful—like a superhero. And I knew, even at the tender age of seventeen, how to craft a story.


  Faster than a speeding turtle! More powerful than Puff n Toot! Able to leap tall sidewalks in a single bound! Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! What is it? It's Stuporman!

  Yes it's Stuporman. Weird visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far below those of ordinary mortals. All his power is drawn from the color crimson, which explains why he goes nowhere without his red cape.

  Today, Stuporman has climbed up the tallest building in Los Angeles, fearfully racing to the rescue of the city's newspaper editor. Mr. Editor was sunbathing atop Bunker's House when a tremendous earthquake flung him to the side of the building.

  "Help! Help! Get me down from here! I'll sue!"

  The crowd looks up from the street as the little red city editor hangs from the roof in his bermuda shorts. Who will save the man? Who would be dumb enough to go up after the mad and screaming little man? Alas, at the edge of the crowd, a shout arises.

  "I'll save him!"

  Everyone turns his gaze to the strange creature in the red cape as he dashes up the side of the building.

  "Who is he?"

  "What does that fool think he's doing?"

  "Somebody call the fire department!"

  "It's too late! Look!"

  Mr. Editor had lost his grip and was now plunging toward the sidewalk. The crowd moans. With one great sweep of his arm, Stuporman grabs Mr. Editor by the back of his collar and brings him safely to the ground. The crowd throngs around Mr. Editor, but Stuporman slips through the crowd and disappears.

  At home, in the apartment of Clark Bent, our hero listens to the radio to relax from his great adventure. Suddenly, the music stops.

  "BUZZ. We interrupt this program to bring you this special news bulletin from Mayor Bim Tadley."

  "Red Alert! Red Alert! Waters off the coast of California are breaking up. That's right, breaking up. Whirlpools are forming all along the coast. These whirlpools are slowly pulling California into the Specific. According to stenographic waterologist, T. T. Bafune, one small earthquake and California will be lost forever. Mr. Bafune says that even without an earthquake, California will be under water in about six months. That's right, six months and no more L.A. No more Frisco. No more California. Hollywood and Vine will become Hollywood and Seaweed."

  "This broadcast was brought to you live from Mayor Bim Tadley's summer home, Sandy Beach, California."

  "And now back to Sugar Lenny singing the hit song that will sweep the nation, Can You Do the Swim. You better learn quick, Jim."

  There's no time to lose for our hero. He goes into his closet to put on his red cape and remembers that it's in the cleaners He combs the drawer to find the laundry ticket, then dashes off to the cleaners only to find that they are closed on this treacherous day. What is our hero to do? Without his red cape, he is powerless.

  "The curtains? The curtains!"

  Suddenly, Stuporman remembers that the curtains on his apartment windows are red. Back to the apartment Stuporman goes. He takes down a curtain and ties it tightly around his neck. Now he can fly!

  He dashes off to the Specific coast and finds himself in a terrible predicament. As he scans the water with his Y ray vision, he spots the culprit behind the sinister whirlpools that are threatening the safety of California and all of Terra Firma. Who does our hero see? None other than the infamous Dr. Hydrobum. And it looks like the doctor really does have water on the brain this time. He has cleverly polluted the water with yellowton. The only substance in the world that can weaken the powers of Stuporman by changing his red cape to orange.

  "Hahaha Stuporman! You can't stop me now. I've got you where I want you and there's nothing you can do. Hahaha. Now you go on like a good water head and get me ten million dollars, or I'll turn on my supersonic selecor smw-b2 instant earthquake activator and you can say goodbye to California!"

  "Hydrobum, you know I won't do that," said Stuporman.

  "Oh but you will, Stuporman. You will. You see, I'm a super water creature. I have no need for land. So I run no risk in setting off this activator. But I'd much rather you just give me what I want."

  "You don't want money. You want power," said Stuporman.

  "That's right. You're very smart, Stupidman. Power is in the money and if I don't get it in twenty-four hours, I will destroy you and your beach boy friends!"

  What is our hero to do? Will he give Dr. Hydrobum what he wants? Will he let California go underwater?

  "If only I could get through that yellowton without changing the color of my red cape. Red cape? Wait a minute. I'm not wearing my red cape."

  Finally, Stuporman remembers his cape is in the cleaners and he is now wearing the curtain from his apartment window. The curtain is colorfast and will not be affected by the yellowton.

  "You're done for, Hydrobum."

  "Hahaha. What're you gonna do?"

  "You'll see."

  Stuporman dashes into the water, upsetting Hydrobum and his crew. He throws them into an underwater cave and jams the opening with a huge rock. After deactivating the whirlpool machine, Stuporman delivers Hydrobum to the police commissioner and goes on his way, proud of himself for having fought a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way!
