Read Sugar Baby Beautiful Page 10

  “What did you think of me, Ms. Harper?”

  “At first domineering, cold, distant, emotionless, and sexy.” I shrugged as I leaned over to snatch one of tomato slices.

  “And now?”

  “Just a little bit domineering and still very sexy. Everything else is a barrier you use to keep people away.”

  He paused, his eyes staring into mine, and without saying anything, he flipped the omelet over in the pan. He took a plate and fork from the cupboard. Folding the omelet, he slid it smoothly onto the plate. Walking around to me, he set it in front of me and leaned against the kitchen island.

  “Don’t fool yourself, Felicity.” He lifted my chin. “I’m still all of those things, but the funny thing is, so are you.”

  “Me? Cold and dark?”

  “Yes.” He ran a thumb over my lips. “The reason why you’re so attracted to all of those things in me is because you see them in yourself. So you feel comfortable saying and doing whatever you want, wherever the hell you want to do it. The only difference is you’re better at faking warmth than I am. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  “You’re playing with fire, Theo.” I stuck the fork into the omelet.

  “Then why are you the one hot and bothered?”

  There was no way to deny it with the way my stupid nipples reacted just by him speaking to me like this, touching my lips. It was like he knew exactly what to say make me want to jump him.

  “I’m going away for a week,” he said randomly, and I wanted to kick myself for how quickly I turned to look at him because I could tell he was amused. “I’m producing a film in North Carolina. Come with me.”

  “I can’t.”


  “I have work to—”

  “I have a feeling you’ve never taken a vacation.”

  I didn’t reply because he was right, I hadn’t. I just didn’t want to get wrapped up in this fantasy with him. And before I could make up some lie, he called me out on it.

  “Here you are being cold and distant. Are you scared you will enjoy yourself that much?”

  Damn him.

  “You think very highly of yourself. After a week I won’t feel anything.” Shit, that only underscored his assertion I was emotionless. He didn’t have to call me out on it this time, because he knew I noticed. So we both had walls up, it seemed.

  “Fine.” I got off the chair. “But I’m not responsible for what happens to you once you fall in love with me.”

  “You think very highly of yourself. After a week I’ll be surprised if we’re still together,” he shot back. “Go pack. I’ll pick you up—”

  “Give me some time, and I’ll come to you.”

  It felt like a battle of wills, though I had agreed to go. It seemed like even when we agreed, we couldn’t let it rest. One of us had to have the last word. I preferred it to be me.

  “I have to finish something in the office, so meet me there at eleven.”

  “Make it noon. I want finish my shift at the diner.”

  “Noon it is, Ms. Harper, but if you’re late, you will not be able to sit comfortably on that plane.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” I petted his chest.

  He responded by clutching a handful of my ass. “I tempt what I can handle.”

  8:13 a.m.

  “Well, look who finally remembered she had friends,” Mark said on the other of the end the phone as I put my things in my locker.

  “Don’t start with me! I tried calling Cleo last night, and her line was disconnected.”

  “My phone wasn’t though. Did you come in this morning?”

  “Yeah, you and Cleo were still sleeping on the couch. Really, guys? Watching Pretty Woman and drinking wine again?” I slipped into my work shoes.

  “I’m sorry we can’t all have billion-dollar lovers on speed dial!” Cleo yelled in the background.

  “Says the woman who took me to a sugar party and flirted her ass off in the middle of the dance floor.”

  “Don’t mind her. She’s so bitter since no one wants her a—Ouch! Jesus Christ, Cleo.”

  “Felicity,” she said in a sweet voice, meaning she wanted something. “Theo has a hot brother or cousin, right?”

  “Yeah, how about no.”

  “Greedy,” she whined. “When you get home—”

  “Speaking about that, I’m going to be gone for a week.”


  “Theo invited me to North Carolina for the week. We’re leaving this afternoon.”

  There was a long pause, followed by a click; she had put me on speakerphone.

  “Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast?” Cleo asked.

  Mark jumped in. “I’m all for it. Bring back one of those my friend went to North Carolina and all I got was this shot glass—what? Why are you glaring at me?”

  She sighed. “I’m just saying you’re going to be across the country with some billionaire for a week. God only knows what’s going to happen.”

  Mark laughed. “Not just God. I know too. It’s a three-letter word that starts with s and ends with x. Isn’t this what we wanted?”

  I lifted the phone from my ear, allowing them to have this conversation, but they were so loud I could still hear them.

  “Oh, come on, you remember your first sugar daddy—”

  “Don’t call him that!” I jumped back into the middle of it.

  “What is he, then?” Cleo countered.

  I thought for a second and decided to stick to the same definition I’d given Theo. “We are friends with benefits. He hasn’t paid for anything that I haven’t returned.”

  “Even worse,” Cleo said as she opened something that sounded like my bag of kettle corn. “You’re more likely to fall in love with a friend than a sugar daddy—”

  “Don’t call him that.”

  “Fine. Whatever. He’s just being careful. Remember it’s all an illusion. You’re just the new toy. New toys don’t stay shiny for long when someone is always playing with it.”

  “God, you girls complicate and overthink everything. Just have fun, Felicity, no matter what,” Mark called.

  “Felicity!” Rosemary, her curls piled up in a bun, was at the door. “Manny is getting pissy out here.”

  “Guys, I’ll text you later. Don’t drink all my wine.” I hung up before they could reply. I put my phone in my pocket. “How mad is he that I’m late?”

  She gave me a look, and I exhaled loudly.

  “I guess I shouldn’t ask for a week off?”

  “A week off?” Manny came up to us, and I noticed his glasses were gone and he had color contacts in. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Not when you can’t even get to work on time.”

  “Manny, I haven’t been late or taken a vacation in three years!”

  “We’re too busy.” He huffed and marched away.

  I was tempted to take off my shoe and clock him over the head a few times.

  “Bring up Darcy Entertainment,” Rosemary whispered as she went back out front.

  We had a total of six customers. If six people was Manny’s definition of busy, I didn’t want to know what a slow day was like. Behind the counter, I put the fresh pies on display, trying to think of any other way to get off for the week. I didn’t like using Theo’s name like that. I couldn’t make any promises. Besides, seeing as how I had seen Manny’s demo tapes, under duress I must add, I was not heartless enough to put that in anyone’s face, let alone Theo’s.

  “Goddamn thing!”

  He was fighting with the espresso machine. He smacked the top of it and pulled the handle a few times. Rosemary went to help him, but I shook my head at her. She tilted her head at me in confusion. I held my finger up, waiting for it.




  He gave it one more smack before calling me. “Felicity! Fix this thing!”

  “Actually, Manny, I was thinking of quitting.” I stacked the cups behind the counter.

  “Felicity, no!?
?? Rosemary gasped in mock horror, grasping on to the end of the counter as if she were going to jump toward me. “Please don’t! You’re the only one who knows how to fix that thing, or how to get the distributor to give us the good coffee beans, not to mention you’re the one that sets all the timers for the morning. My job will be hell.”

  Manny looked between us, annoyed, and I tried not to smile. “Don’t you have to quit with notice?”

  I shrugged. “I could do a horrible job, and you could fire me.”

  “Fine. A week, and not a day more—Ah!” He screamed, jumping back when hot steam sprayed out of the espresso machine. “That’s it! I’m getting a new one.”

  “When will he learn it isn’t the machine, it’s him?” Rosemary whispered to me, grabbing two menus.

  “Ha. God only knows. Thanks for the help. If you need anything—”

  “Actually….” She leaned in.

  I should have seen it coming. “I can’t help you with anything related to Darcy Entertainment,” I quickly added.

  She shook her head. “I wouldn’t ask that. I wanted to ask if you happened to have Petty Officer Jackson’s number?”

  For some reason, I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I asked, bending down to check under the register where I had stuck the movie receipt he had put his number on the back of.

  “I shouldn’t call him, right?” She seemed to be speaking more to herself than to me.

  “Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart,” I replied. “It’s my new life motto.”

  “Who said that?”

  “Erma Bombeck,” Manny answered before I could.

  Finding the receipt, I put it on the counter in front of Rosemary.

  “That’s right. How’d you know?”

  He casually shrugged. “What I lack in height, I make up for in brains.”

  She gave me a look, and I tried not to laugh. Manny had his moments. Rosemary waited until he was out of earshot before she whispered, “I saw your bag. Are you meeting him after your shift? What are you wearing?”

  I didn’t answer. I just smiled to myself and took the menus and my notepad as two guests walked in.

  12:00 p.m.


  “One second,” I said, staring at my watch.






  “Ma’am, if you don’t have an appointment, I’m going to have to—”

  “Actually,” I grinned, giving her my full attention. “I have an appointment with Mr. Darcy. Can you please let him know how sorry I am for being late?”

  She looked me up and down, skeptical. “Name?”

  “Felicity Harper.”

  She typed on her computer, shaking her head at me, though she did manage to give me a fake smile.

  “I’m sorry, but you aren’t on the list.”

  “If you call him—”

  “Sorry. I can’t do that either. You have to be on the list.” She cut me off, and I glared at her a moment. She had already killed my plan. Sighing, I pulled out my phone.

  It only rang once.

  “You’re late.” His voice was stern, smooth, and sent shivers up my spine.

  “Apparently there’s a list my name isn’t on, according to”—I leaned forward to read her name tag—“Abigail.”

  He hung up, and a second later her phone rang. Her eyes widened, and she stared at it in shock.

  “You should get that,” I told her.

  She seized the phone. “Hi—I mean sir— I’m sorry—No I—Yes, the list—”

  She put the phone down and slipped me a badge. “Please go ahead, Ms. Harper. Top floor.”

  “Thank you, Abigail!” Turning away from her, I headed toward the elevators, my heels clicking across the lobby. A giant D was in the center facing the glass.

  Scanning my badge in front of the security guard, I made sure to get on the elevator quickly, closing the door before anyone else could get on behind me. Even though I knew it was kind of bitchy, I wanted some part of this to work, though Abigail had dampened the move. Theo and I were in the middle of foreplay. When the doors opened, he was standing there in a fitted black three-piece suit. To anyone else he would have seemed pissed from how hard his expression was, but I could see the lust.

  “You’re late,” he said coldly.

  I stepped out of the elevator right beside him and whispered, “I know. That’s why I wore a skirt.”

  I headed directly to his office. His name was clearly printed on the frosted glass. I also made sure to put an extra something into my walk just for him. I felt him staring. Was it wrong that I was more excited because so many people were still at the office?

  There was something wrong with me.

  But I liked it.

  And so did he.


  I made sure to have my secretary hold my calls before I entered my office. The sight of her sitting in my chair with the first four buttons of her shirt undone, her red bra exposed, feet in black heels up on my desk, almost made me lose control. I pulled off my tie and locked the door.

  “Where’s your luggage?”

  “In a taxi downstairs. Can you help me take care of that, Mr. Darcy?”

  I reached for the phone next to her. She watched me intently but did not move at all. I called the driver. “There is a taxi in front of the building. Pay the tab and get the luggage from the back. I’ll be another hour.” She slowly uncrossed her legs, allowing me to see she had no underwear on. “Two hours. Let the pilot know as well.”

  “Two hours? Your confidence always amazes me,” she said when I got off the phone.

  I took the key from my pocket, opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out the gift I’d gotten for her. It even came in a wrapped box.

  “For me?” She stood up, confused.

  “I knew you would be late,” I said as I handed it to her.

  She pulled on the bow and lifted the lid. She gaped at it for a moment as her eyes glazed over, and I could see her exhale deeply from her nose like she was trying to calm herself down. Finally, her hazel eyes refocused on me.

  “You shouldn’t have. I could have brought my vibrator.” She smirked.

  Taking off my jacket, I threw it on the chair, undid my cufflinks, and rolled up the sleeves.

  “Come here.” I demanded. She didn’t even fight me, closing the distance between us immediately. I cupped her cheek. “I told you I only tempt what I can handle, and believe me, I can handle you. Now brace yourself against the desk.”

  She bit her lips excitedly and gripped the edge of the desk. I pushed up her skirt up to her waist, exposing her smooth ass. She jumped slightly when I placed a hand firmly on it.


  “Ah….” She let out a deep breath as she shivered.


  I licked my lips.


  She was holding back. I could have told her my office was soundproof, but where would be the fun in that?


  “Yes….” She hissed under her breath.


  She tightened her hold on the table as she tried to keep her legs crossed, her pussy already begging for more.


  Watching her ass get progressively redder, my cock tightened. She wasn’t giving in yet. Her moans were still too soft. I need her to scream, to beg for me.

  Taking the vibrator, I turned it on. It hummed beautifully, shaking my whole hand. Spreading her legs, I pressed it up against the lips of her pussy.

  “Fuck.” She hissed, biting down on her lips harder as I rubbed back and forth against her folds. With each pass, she got wetter and wetter.

  “You’re going to have to speak up, baby,” I said to her as I slowly slid it inside her.

  She gasped as her hands began to tremble.
I moved a hand to her ass.

  “Theo, I….”


  My hand was just as red as her ass, and I didn’t give a damn.


  “Yes… Ah!”

  I chuckled. “I think you can get louder than that.”


  She was moaning without reservation, pinching her breasts. Her face showed she was in total pleasure.


  “Theo… please!” she begged.

  Reaching into my pants, I gripped myself, admiring how hard I was at the sight of her, so wet, so ready for me, begging for me. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours.”

  She didn’t mean that fully yet, but I would take it. Taking a condom from my pocket, I tore it open with my teeth and slid it down my length.

  There were so many ways I wanted to take her right now, but I wanted to see her face. Flipping her around to face me, I pulled out the vibrator and held her legs open for me. Gripping her waist, I buried myself in her dripping wet pussy.

  “Oh God….” Her legs wrapped around me. She arched her back, still clasping on to the desk behind her.

  I held her so high off the ground it was almost like she was lying in midair, each thrust into her jolting us both.

  She grinned and her eyes closed. Neither of us spoke. I doubted I could have heard her over my racing heart anyway.

  “Faster!” she called, and faster I went. She was tight around my cock, like she was pulling me deeper into her.

  “THEO!” She screamed so loudly, I was sure for a second someone had heard her.

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I held on to her firmly, grunting like some animal before I, too, came.

  “Fuck, Felicity,” I gasped.

  Fuck Felicity. I’d planned on doing this over and over and over again. It was my new motto for life.


  Meet Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp


  5:12 p.m.

  I clenched the arm of my chair as we hit yet another pocket of turbulence. He had warned me sitting would be uncomfortable, and he’d followed through on that. My ass stung badly, but I didn’t want to let it show.

  “Are you all right?”