Read Sugar & Spice Page 12

  I drained the last of my cocoa and made to stand up.

  “Why don't you stay and have just one more drink?”

  I could feel the effects of the first drink well enough. Heat coursed through my veins, warming my core and bringing an almost giggly flirtation to my words.

  I looked at him, biting my lip as his sparkling eyes bore into mine.

  “I really can't.” Something dark lingered in those eyes, a flash of need, a small sliver of something much more adult than a mug of cocoa. In a way, it scared me.

  “Thanks for having me over, and for the drink.”

  “I was hoping I'd get to see you while you were back.”

  That smile again, and suddenly my moment of apprehension was disappearing, melting with the heat of the fireplace.

  I stood, and began to move towards the door. “Well, it really was nice.” The moment of uncertainty was passing, and I was already wondering why I’d been so eager to leave.

  “Thanks for stopping by, Rachel,” He said, his voice like honey and temptation. I blushed again, for no real reason, as I pulled my boots by the door and stood to look at him again.

  “You sure I can’t get you to stay for another drink?”

  I smiled shyly. “Next time.”

  “What if I said I had a present for you?”

  My grin widened at his sparkling eyes and that smooth voice of his. “Do you?”

  Jon shrugged. “Maybe?” He winked at me. “Guess you’ll have to stay and find out.”

  God he was hard to say no to.

  “And Merry Christmas, kid.”

  “Merry Christmas, Jon.”


  I hit play on the movie I’d paused earlier - earlier that now seemed forever ago - and sat back on the couch to watch. I wasn’t paying attention at all though, and I know it wasn’t just because I’d seen the damn thing a hundred times.

  It was because I was wondering what might have been. My whole body was wondering what might have happened if I’d stayed - stayed for one more drink.

  I think I knew what might have happened, and that thought alone had me biting my lip and squirming in my seat as the forbidden heat of it crept through my body. The forbidden head that made me wet, just imaging what I might have let him do with me back there.

  And I was still thinking about it as the movie ended, none of which I’d actually watched. I was thinking about that smoldering look of his, those dark eyes, and that wicked, wolfish grin. And I wanted him to be wicked with me. I wanted him to show me the darkness behind those eyes.

  “What if I said I had a present for you?”

  “Do you?”

  “Maybe? Guess you’ll have to stay and find out.”

  It was like this hanging, pulling sensation. This little thing pestering me and eating at me - a door that begged to be opened. It was like the Christmas present you find wrapped and hidden away in a closet the week before the actual holiday - the one that you just have to shake to see what might be inside.

  And I had to see.

  “Hey, mom?” I jumped up from the couch, turning off the television. “I- uh, I have to go out for a little bit.”

  What are you doing? I screamed at myself as I walked towards the coat rack by the front door. Was I crazy? Was I really going to go back over there? Into the wolf’s den?

  “Oh, but honey! It’s Christmas Eve!” My mother frowned as she looked up from her baking.

  “Oh, let her go be with her friends, dear,” My dad said from the kitchen sink behind her. “Let her go have some fun.”

  I felt guilt as I pulled on my coat and boots and flashed them a quick smile, but I pushed it aside as I turned and opened the door again.

  The snow swirled around me as I stepped outside, and for the hundredth time, I wondered again what the hell I was doing. I knew what might happen if I went back over to Jon’s house, and the thought both terrified and thrilled me. Somehow, even through a semester away at college, I was still hanging onto my v-card. But I had a pretty good idea that if I kept walking, that wouldn’t be the case much longer.

  What was I possibly thinking going back over to his house now, on Christmas Eve?

  And why couldn’t I wait to find out?


  “You are way too cute to be Santa, you know.”

  I giggled as Jon opened the door, his eyes twinkling as he looked at me and ushered me inside.

  What did I say then? What could I say to explain why I was back?

  “I, uh, I think I left my scarf here.”

  Jon grinned. “You’re wearing it.”

  “Oh.” I felt my cheeks burn as he raised an eyebrow at me.

  “You want that second drink now?”

  “Yes, please,” I said quickly, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. I shrugged my coat off as I kicked off my boots.

  “No mittens?” Jon was looking at my hand as I rubbed them together in the heat of his living room. “Here, let me hold your hands, they're freezing”

  He was holding me tight then, close to him. My pulse raced in my throat, suddenly realizing the strength in those hands, how much bigger and older than I he was. He brought my hands to his chest, his eyes meeting my wide ones unflinchingly as he stared down at me.

  “Here, sit. I’ll grab that cocoa.” I swallowed, not trusting myself to say a word as he led me to the couch before moving off towards the kitchen.

  Jon passed me a mug when he came back, and I sipped it gingerly as he sat next to me on the sofa.

  He laughed, as if reading the look on my face. “Best cure for cold weather. Sorry if it’s too strong, kid.”

  “No, no it’s fine.” I bit my lip as I looked at him, leaning back into the couch looking so cool and so easy. “It’s perfect.”

  “Good, cheers.”

  We clinked glasses before we moved to silence, sitting there in his house drinking the spiked cocoa. The heat of the room, silent but for the fireplace and our breathing, weighed down on me like a blanket, and suddenly, everything hit me all over again. What was I doing here? I shook my head, feeling the heat of the alcohol coursing through me; I really needed to get back home.

  “You know, since we found the scarf and all, maybe I should go.”

  Jon raise a brow at me. “Stay.”

  “My mother will worry.”

  I don't know why I said it. I suppose it was half-true, though maybe I'd meant it as s threat, or leverage. Whatever the intention though, it came out pathetic more than anything else.

  “What's the hurry, beautiful?” He winked at me, the gesture charming in a way that had me feeling warm all over.

  “My-my father-”

  “Listen to that fire crackle, Rachel.”

  He dropped his hand over my shoulders then, and I felt my pulse skip a beat as he pulled me close to him. I could smell the lingering alcohol on his breath, mixing intoxicatingly with the aftershave and wood smoke and pine - captivating and vying for my senses.


  “Shhh, there's no hurry.”

  That damned smile was back, shattering my defenses and making me weak. I could feel my will crumbling, his smile breaking down my defenses and wrapping me in that warmth again.

  “How’s that drink?”

  I glanced down and blushed, realizing my mug was totally empty. “Evaporated, I swear.”

  Jon laughed loudly, his muscled body rumbling against mine and making me dizzy. “Freshen that up for you?”

  “Oh, I- I don’t know.” I took a deep breath. “Maybe, maybe just one more.”

  He grinned wolfishly at me.

  “A half one,” I added quickly, shyly looking at him.

  “You bet.”

  “Oh, before I do, I really did get you a present you know.”

  I felt myself grinning giddily. “Oh?” I fought to keep the eagerness out of my words.

  He stood and walked over to his Christmas tree and brought a box up from beneath it. It was large, gorgeously wrapped in gold and red, and topped w
ith a bright red bow. He winked as he passed it to me

  “Just a little something. I figured a good looking girl like you could use something like this at school.” He gave me a wink as he sipped his drink. “Might bring a few more boys knocking this next semester.”

  I blushed and shook the box gently, cocking my head.

  “Oh just open it!”

  I grinned at him “Thanks, Jon; really.” I sat back on the couch to open the box. I pulled at the bow, and then mischievously tore at the wrapping, making him chuckle.

  The gift box was matte black and unadorned beneath the wrapping. I cocked my head at him.

  “Just open it.” His voice was more honeyed now, watching me intently. With a nervous giggle, I pulled off the top of the box.

  The room went quite silent, quite still, and I felt my heart skip a beat in my breast. Sitting delicately in the box, surrounded by crepe paper, were a matching pair of tiny, lacy, black panties and bra. My throat went dry and I felt my breath catch. I didn’t know what to say, or how to even look at him, and I could feel the crimson flooding my face.

  “I know, I know, they’re kind of more of an adult present I guess. But, I just know you’ll be a knockout in them.”

  I slowly raised my beet-red face to look at him from beneath my lashes.

  “Can’t study all the time, you know. Have some fun with those - break some hearts.” He winked at me, sipping his drink and eyeing my red face.

  “I-” I really was at a loss for words. “Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome.”

  To be fair, lingerie or not, it was probably the nicest piece of clothing I’d ever held. I tried to swallow my embarrassment. But I also felt a little rush of flirtation, thinking about actually wearing what lay in the box on my lap.

  I raised my head, my confidence rising, and grinned at him. “Thank you.”

  He passed me a fresh mug of cocoa with a wink. “Anytime.”

  I blushed again.

  “Hey, why don’t you try them on?”

  But then again as before, something darker, something steely and firm lingered and glinted just beneath the surface of him. And again, as before, I saw it flash momentarily as his eyes captured my own. The shiver returned, slithering up my spine, making my heart flip.

  “Oh, I- I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Oh I don’t mean right here! C'mon, give a guy a little credit in the class department.” He rolled his eyes at me. “I meant see how they fit.”

  My cheeks burned, and I quickly took a large gulp of what was really more brandy than cocoa in my mug.

  He nodded towards the bathroom and I bit my lip. Taking a deep breath, I took another big swig from my mug and stood, holding the box.

  “Give me five minutes.”

  In the bathroom, I gasped at my reflection in the mirror.

  Holy shit I look hot.

  The lingerie fit me like a glove, hugging every curve and line of my skin as if they were tailored to me. I blushed at how utterly sheer and transparent the whole set was. My nipples were hard in the cool of the bathroom, and clearly visible through the bra. Dropping my gaze, I bit at my lip as I realized I could see every detail of my pussy beneath the thong panties.

  This outfit was straight up scandalous; the naughtiest thing I’d ever had on my body.

  I let my fingers trail my body, feeling the brandy course through me. No one had ever bought me lingerie before. The fact that it was Jon made it seem even naughtier a purchase - somehow more taboo. I imaged him seeing me wearing this and felt a warm ache in my core at the thought. A naughty thought crossed my mind.

  Instead of changing back, I simply put my skirt and shirt back on, balling my panties and tights up in a ball and sticking them in the lingerie box.

  I felt wickedly naughty with the feel of the sheer material against my skin instead of the cotton of my normal panties. Feeling my pulse race, I finished the rest of my mug, reached for the door, and stepped back out.


  “So how do they fit?”

  My pulse raced. It was the question I’d been waiting for. Biting at my bottom lip, I walked towards him, bringing myself closer to the firelight. Saying nothing, the brandy giving me courage, I reached down, grabbed at my skirt, and flipped it up.

  He gasped, his eyes staring hard at the sheer dark of the panties against my creamy skin. I giggled and twirled, flashing him the soft globes of my ass split by the teeny thong, before dropping the skirt with a fit of nervous laughter and a blush of crimson across my face.

  I looked at him expectantly. “So...what do you think?”

  I saw the dark, wolfish hunger in his eyes then, and a small shiver went up my back. His eyes slowly raised to mine, fire raging behind them. The room felt smaller, quieter.

  “I think you should throw some music on while I make us another drink.” His voice was darker than before this time - hungrier.

  Still blushing at my shameless display, I turned giddily on my heel and moved towards his entertainment shelf, measuring my breath in slow, calming breaths.

  “You know, the neighbors will talk, what with you giving me naughty underwear and me staying here like this.” I said it cheerily, trying to lighten the mood. I turned to wink at him, but found his gaze even and unblinking as he watched me from across the room. The dark wolfish eyes had replaced the disarming smile again.

  “Let them.”

  I swallowed heavily, feeling the heat creep back into my cheeks as I turned back to the stereo.

  I was fiddling with the music when with a startled shiver, I suddenly felt him behind me. I knew it him without turning or seeing, and my breath hitched in my throat as I felt his presence there. I straightened up, stiffening slightly, and began to turn.

  “Jon, I-”

  With a rush, he was on me then. Hands grabbed and held me tightly to him, smothering me against him. I gasped, and then moaned as his lips crashed hungrily against mine. His grip was strong, the smell of his aftershave captivating me as his tongue pushed at my lips.

  I wrenched my mouth from his, gasping for air as my hands slid up his chest. “Wait! Wait! Jon, what are we-!”

  He cut me off again with his lips, hot and wet against my own as he held me tighter.

  He had me pressed back hard against the bookshelves, my back against the paperback romances and leather-bound classics that I’d borrowed as a kid - the ones that I’d read while he and my father talked business.

  I could feel his hand snaking down between us, moving lower. I gasped as he pressed at my pussy through my skirt and my new naughty underwear before dipping to my hemline. His hand gripped at my thigh and moved up, sliding over my skin to my sheer panty-covered pussy.

  “We- we shouldn’t!” I gasped out, moaning as his lips moved to my ear, sending a tingle through my whole body.

  “I've waited until now, and tonight, you're mine.” He grunted the last word out dangerously, making me shiver and whimper against him.

  “But, my parents-”

  His hand pushed against my pussy, fingers sliding determinedly over me as he rubbed my soaking wet slit through the flimsy material of his gift.

  “No buts,” he growled. “Tonight, you’re mine. Tonight, I’m going to take you the way I’ve been dying to take you.” His lips grazes my neck, and I moaned.

  “I’m going to take you the way I know you’ve wanted me to.”

  He bunched my skirt around my waist, growling into my ear again. “Jesus, Rachel, this sexy little skirt to bring me cookies? I wanted to fuck you the second you walked in that door.”

  His body held me firmly to the wall and I whimpered then, utterly turned on at the animal that had risen to the surface of this man I'd known my entire life. I never wanted him to stop what he was doing right then. His finger slid over the edge of my panties, and I shivered at his touch against my skin there.

  “Anyone ever tell you your eyes look like starlight?”

  My body betrayed me as I quivered against him. I m
oaned as I rocked my hips against him, feeling the flush course hotly through my body as his fingers slid over my pussy through my naughty new panties.

  His breath was hot across my neck as his lips trailed wetly over the tender skin of my collarbone. With my skirt around my waist, it was just the thin strip of fabric between my most secret place and his prodding searching fingers. They pushed at my panties, pulling them roughly aside to seek out my delicate folds.

  “Let's get a better feel” his voice was dark in my ear, like the cocoa spiked with brandy that sat silent witness on the table behind us.

  His fingers slid through my lips then, determinedly seeking and then finding the wetness and heat there. My body ached for more of him - ached for him to keep going.

  The fingers found my center then and slipped inside. I gasped, my hands clenching to fists on his shirt as he sank the finger to the knuckle deep inside me. His other hand was tearing at my skirt, pulling roughly at the zipper and yanking the plaid garment from my body.

  His lips mauled my neck, and I moaned, feeling the naked desire as I shuddered against him. With his strong finger sliding inside me, he used his knee to spread my legs, seeking deeper entrance. My panties were pushed wetly to the side, my little pussy exposed to the heat of the room.

  “I really-” I gasped and moaned as his fingers crooked inside me, stroking that sensitive spot just inside. “I really should to go…” I moaned.

  “I told you, it's cold out there” he husked into my ear, teeth nipping my lobe. He was pulling at the buckle and zipper of his pants then, yanking and pushing them down.

  With a gasp and soft mewling sound from my lips, I could suddenly feel his cock - naked, pulsing, and huge - pressing hotly against my thigh.

  Oh God, he was going to do it! He was going to push it inside me. The thought drove me wild with excitement and desire, my blood pumping hotly in my ears.