Read Sugar & Spice Page 6

  And at first, I wanted the roughness. At first, I wanted him to push me down and fuck me like he had before. But slowly, I started to see what he meant.

  Slowly, I started to understand.

  This was so different from the last time, and while I’d loved the rough, frantic fucking of before, this was amazing. This was a slow burn, a throbbing pleasure that began to consume me from the inside out. This was like nothing I’d ever imagined before, his cock rubbing me perfectly so deep inside, his hands holding me tight as he drove in and out of me.

  “Play with your pussy, baby,” he murmured. His hands were on either side of me, propped up over me. His muscles rippled and his hips rocked rhythmically, filling me again and again.

  I reached down, feeling where we met, my fingers brushing his thrusting cock and my clit as he drove in and out of me. And slowly, I started to boil over, the slow build rising to a flash point.

  Oh, God.

  He groaned, moving faster, pushing deeper, making my head spin.

  “This time, I’m going to draw it out of you. This time, I want you to come slowly for me,” he growled. “Play with that little pussy. Rub that clit, I want you come for me.”

  I gasped, my whole body melting under his thrusts and at the sound of his filthy words in my ear.

  “I want you to let go, and I want to make that tight pussy come when I fill it with my cum.”

  He started to move faster, his cock filling me, his balls slapping my ass. His lips found my neck and my ear, biting and sucking as he fucked me deeply and rhythmically. Fingers blurred over my clit, the heat rising in crescendo.

  And suddenly, I came.

  I came like a bomb going off.

  I clutched him tightly, my mouth buried in his shoulder as I screamed, the orgasm ripping through me. It was like molten lava spreading through me, burning me, setting me on fire with pleasure. Colin growled into my ear, rocking his cock in deep, and I felt him throb as his come erupted inside of me. I moaned at the feel of his big cock filling me.

  Slowly, he pulled out, pulling me into him, and letting us both find our breath.

  “That was…”

  “Very, very good,” he groaned.

  “Yeah,” I panted, my head still spinning as he pulled me against him. “That was incredible.”

  “You’re mine, Bella,” he whispered into my ear. “All mine.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “I’m all yours.”



  Bella looked at me with wide, horrified eyes, her hand at her mouth.

  “That’s…that’s awful,” she whispered.

  I nodded grimly. “It was.”

  I’d just finished telling her the story of Helen. I don’t exactly know why I did, but I felt compelled to. I felt like I needed to tell her.

  There had been other women since my divorce, of course. But I’d never shared anything with them besides one night in my bed.

  Usually theirs.

  With Bella, something about her made me want to unravel.

  It made me want to open up.

  “The divorce was a long time coming, we weren’t happy. She was seeing other men.”

  A shadow crossed Bella’s face, and I grinned at the possessiveness there.

  “We finally came to a conclusion, and I thought it was a mutual split. Apparently, she didn’t. That’s the night she took all those pills and drank all that wine, stuck Beckham and Lillian in the car, and drove it into the side of a bar.

  “I’m so sorry, Colin,” she whispered, pulling me tight.

  She froze. “I mean, sir.”

  I smiled. “Colin works for now. Sir during the day.” My fingers traced her back. “Sir when I want you to be my good girl.”

  I felt her breath catch.


  “I should get to bed,” I whispered into her ear. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “Yeah I should pack.”

  “My own bed is just…” I trailed off. “It’d be confusing to the children.”

  She nodded, turning to smile at me. “I know. I get it.”

  I rose from the bed, dressing even though I was just going down the hall. She followed me to the door, wrapped in a sheet.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.


  “For understanding.”

  “I still wish you’d told me, beautiful,” I murmured.

  “Would you have taken me into that bathroom?”

  “Probably not.”

  She grinned. “Then I’m glad I didn’t.”

  “Bella, you know this can’t—”

  “What happens during the day when I’m watching your children and what happens at night are separate,” she said evenly. “Don’t worry, I get that.” She bit her lip. “I can be professional, sir,” she said quietly.

  My jaw tightened.

  My cock throbbed.

  Fuck me, I wanted her again.

  I reached between her legs, making her gasp as my fingers stroked her wet pussy.

  “Save that thought,” I growled. “It’s a long flight.”

  She whimpered as I drew my fingers back and slowly brought them to my lips to taste her as her eyes went wide.

  “Goodnight, Ms. Wilder.”

  “Goodnight, sir.”

  Back in my room, I pulled my clothes back off and ran a hot shower. The water soothed my muscles and I ran a hand over my face and through my hair.

  God what was I doing?

  What was I doing with her?

  Again, there’d been women since Helen. Lots of women, actually.

  But nothing that ever felt like this. Nothing that shook me to my fucking core like this. No woman had ever stopped me in my tracks and stopped my heart in my chest with one look like Bella had.

  Sweet, innocent Bella.

  I’d been her first.

  The thought sobered me, making me shake my head.

  Her first.

  And I’d fucked her like some sort of bar slut in the bathroom.

  I wanted to feel terrible about it, except…

  Well, except she’d liked it.

  My sweet, innocent little Bella had a dark side. And I planned on exploring more of it.

  I knew I should have said no. I knew I should have left it alone, maybe even let her go and gone off to Paris alone with my children. They were still getting used to Helen not being around, and with Bella being so new…

  It scared me what her being so close to them might do to them — how it might confuse them.

  And then there was the looming specter of Helen and her threats. She didn’t have much to hang over my head, if anything. But courts did favor the mother, even shitty ones like her. If she walked into that court with proof of me fucking my nanny?

  Game over.

  Best case scenario after that would be split custody. And I wasn’t a cruel man, but there was no way I was letting my children back into her hands.

  She’d almost killed them once.

  If she wanted to drive into wall and end her own life, so be it. I was done with her, and any feelings I’d had for her years ago had long since gone away. But my kids were another story.

  She’d almost taken them, and that I could not abide.

  But I was walking on thin ice with Bella. One misstep, and I could crash through and lose it all, which should have made walking away easier.

  Except something about her had me hooked.

  Something about her had my heart twisted up.

  And I couldn’t walk away from that.

  I didn’t know how to.



  I stood in the private hanger with my jaw hanging open like an idiot as the airport staff bustled around me, stowing our luggage away. Colin signed some papers, nodding curtly to the pilot.

  Of course, he had a private jet.

  It occurred to me that I really shouldn't be surprised, but pulling through a side gate and driving out direct
ly onto the runway to a private hangar wasn’t exactly what I’d been thinking when we'd left his Beacon Hill townhouse to “drive to the airport” for our flight.

  “Bella! What movie do you want to watch first?”

  Instantly, I had mini-people hugging my legs.

  Beckham and Lillian were, for lack of a better term, freaking adorable. Of course, I’d babysat before, hence even considering the position. But after that first meeting with Colin — well, after that second meeting with Colin in his study — when I’d agreed to the position, I’d thought a lot about the specifics of the job I’d so willingly said yes to. The sheer responsibility of all this had hit me that first night like a ton of bricks, and that was beside the history between me and him. All I could think was “how the hell am I supposed to take care of a six-year-old and a four-year-old for six weeks, especially in Europe?” And the horrible afterthought to that was of course, “what if the kids are terrible, spoiled little rich brats?”

  All those fears went out the window on our first introduction though, when they'd thankfully turned out to actually be great kids. And Colin wasn’t kidding; he was a loving, kind father, but man did he run a strict house, and those kids knew the rules. Over the last week and a half in their townhouse, I’d really fallen for them, too. We’d bonded instantly, and with them already being so good and knowing the boundaries and rules, they were actually a lot of fun to be with. Hardly work at all.

  “We can watch two movies on the plane! That's how long it is!” Beckham said, beaming up at me while his sister reached up to hold my hand.

  “Two!” she chimed in, mimicking her brother’s enthusiasm.

  “Ahem.” Colin coughed as he walked over.

  “One movie, you two. Then you need to try and get some sleep.”

  “But Daaaaaaad!”

  “One,” he said, a bit more firmly to his children, yet keeping his gaze on me. “And be nice to Ms. Wilder, we’d like to keep her.” His face betrayed nothing to me, but his eyes lingered and held my gaze before falling, drifting quickly down to sweep past the front of my blouse, and down to my modest skirt and boots, before skimming back up to my eyes. I felt the warmth of his gaze, and the feeling ran down my spine like a caress.


  Colin grinned at Beckham’s puzzled face.

  “Bella, son,” he said, kneeling down. He looked up gave me a wink, before sweeping his kids up in his arms and striding up the staircase to the jet.

  They say Paris is lovely in the springtime, and while that's probably true, I've got to say, it was absolutely gorgeous in the winter.

  The town-car from Charles De Gaulle took us on a sweeping drive down through northern Paris, across the Pont Neuf, up to the front of a chic and yet old-world-looking building on small, quiet, side street off Rue Jacob, in the heart the 6th arrondissement near the Seine.

  I was smitten on the drive, ogling out the windows probably more so than the kids in my care. I’d taken French for years, but I’d never actually made it over. As we wound through the crooked cobbled streets and past places of timeless art, contemporary fashion, and haute cuisine, I knew without a doubt I'd made the right choice, however haphazard the decision. And as I stepped out of the car and breathed in the foreign smells, the chilly air, and old-world feel of the city around me, I smiled.

  It was much later, after a shower and dinner at a fantastically delicious and staggeringly expensive bistro down the street that offered mac and cheese — a dietary staple of children under ten everywhere, regardless of country or financial standing — and after tucking an utterly jet-lagged Beckham and Lillian in, that I was finally able to return to my room.

  My own room, of course. Colin had teased me the night before about the flight being long, but honestly, there hadn’t exactly been space to do anything with the children there in the small plane, which was understandable. In truth, he’d been a bit cooler to me all day, keeping his distance, keeping it professional.

  Which again, I totally understood.

  And part of that was me having my own room here at the hotel, obviously.

  As I closed the door behind me and leaned back against it, I sighed contentedly in the silence. Quietly, I padded across the darkness of my quarters and stepped out through the double French doors onto the small glassed-in terrace that sat off my room.

  Good God, Paris was beautiful.

  The glass muffled the sounds of the city, but I could still hear music playing from somewhere close. I kept the lights off on the warm, cozy little terrace as I gazed out at the city. Reaching back, I pulled the elastic out of my hair, letting my blonde tangles cascade around my face and fall down my back, as I breathed in deeply.

  I could definitely get used to this.

  I stretched, letting the tension of the day leave my muscles as I exhaled, free of responsibility for the evening, and ready for some me-time. I turned towards the chaise lounge sitting off to one side of the small terrace, illuminated only by the moonlight, and wrinkled my brow. There was a small bottle and a note on the low table by the lounger.

  “Ms. Wilder— in appreciation for the excellent work so far and for being a tremendous help, a token of my thanks. The children are asleep, please drink and enjoy, you’ve earned it.”

  I grinned and looked down at the very old bottle of Burgundy on the table. It looked...expensive.

  I'd obviously known I could legally drink in Europe without the fake ID I had back home, but I’d pretty much accepted that I certainly wouldn’t while on this trip, seeing as I was caring for two small children. I grinned. Just the same though, I was off duty now, and boss’s orders were boss’s orders!

  Kicking my shoes off, I sat on the chaise lounge with a sigh. Colin had left an opener for me as well, which I used to slowly pull the ancient-looking cork out of the bottle, pouring a small amount into the glass.

  I groaned as I let myself lean back in the chair, stretching fully as I raised my glass in toast to the Paris moon, to my new adventure, and — with a giggle to myself — to Colin, for providing me with wine. I took a deep sip and sighed contentedly as the smile stretched wide across my face.

  As I relaxed, I could feel the wine mixing with jet-lag, the intoxicating feeling going right to my head. It felt wonderful after a long flight and a long day. Sighing, I sipped again, and moved my eyes across the skyline, taking in the Paris night as I moved my eyes across the city rooftops until I got to the building across from ours, and halted suddenly with a gasp.

  There, illuminated by the moon on a balcony mirroring my own, was the unmistakable movement of two people fucking.

  They were mostly clothed — it was, after all, winter — but nothing they wore was doing much of a job at covering them. The man had her bent over at the waist, her skirt around her hips and her hands on the balcony railing as he rapidly pumped in and out of her. From the look on her face, it was safe to say he was hitting the right spots. Her coat was open, and her shirt was pulled up, one of his hands squeezing one of her exposed breasts as she moaned.

  I blushed furiously, and my first thought was to turn back inside. The uptight American in me was suddenly embarrassed and ashamed to be voyeuristically intruding on their lovemaking. But then, something stopped me, and I paused.

  Call it curiosity. Or maybe it was the wine, but I remained seated and utterly mesmerized by their gyrating movements. My eyes were glued the woman as she bucked against her man while he fucked her from behind. Eyes wide, feeling bold and playfully naughty, I sipped my wine, feeling the warmth of the drink and the heat of the summer night lingering on my skin, making me flushed and giddy.

  I couldn’t believe they were outside, even as mild as it was out. And for a second, the wicked thought teased into my head that the only thing that could make this more exciting would be hearing them.

  I paused, the dirty thought flitting into my had as I eyed the small little sliding window to the side of the terrace.


  I moved slowly in the sh
adows of my own dark watching spot, moving to the small window and cracking it open. I shivered slightly at the gust of chilly wind that teased inside, but I quickly forgot about that as the sounds of their lovemaking drifted into the room.

  And God was it hot. I sat back in my chair again and watched as he pulled her up against him, turning her head to hungrily attack her mouth with his own. I could hear her moaning, muttering something I couldn’t quite catch in French as he murmured into her mouth, and she moaned again as he renewed his thrusts.

  I groaned a little to myself as I tightened my thighs together beneath my skirt, flexing my legs and feeling the heady, risqué waves of heat radiating from between them. My breasts rose and fell quickly as I breathed, reveling in the wicked and lewd thoughts dancing through my mind as I watched the couple across the way.

  They moved back to a metal deck chair. The woman stood astride her lover now, and bent slowly at the knees to bring her pussy down to his cock, moaning and crying out as she slid down the length of him. Heat bloomed beneath my panties, and I moved my thighs together more obviously now, feeling the moisture drip from my pussy as I rocked my legs together.

  Breathing heavier now, I let one hand trail down my stomach to the edge of my skirt, teasing my thigh as I moaned quietly at the squeezing of my core.

  The woman was sliding quickly up and down over her lover’s lap now, her breasts swaying gently as she fucked herself with his cock. Their cries entwined into a softly erotic chorus drifting across the open air between our buildings. Biting at my lower lip, I let my hand wander up my thigh until my fingertips grazed across the edge of my panties at the top of my thigh. As the woman across the way sank once more onto the thick cock beneath her, I felt my pulse race, and I moved my hand across the thin material covering my slit. Groaning, I timidly traced a finger over the cleft in the fabric, pushing it deeper between my lips as my breath caught in my mouth.

  I felt so dirty, so naughty, as I watched the rhythmic lovemaking of the couple. My finger stroked up and down the soaked fabric of my panties, my pussy dripping my desire as I let the sounds of their pleasure drift over me.