Read Suit Page 21

  “Of course you can help. Let’s make spinach casserole.”

  I walked back toward our house hand in hand with Rowan and Ophelia, talking about Rowan going to first grade, and Ophelia was going to have a birthday soon.

  “Hello, pretty girls.”

  I looked up at Lane, running in shorts and sneakers right toward us. We all stopped and stood directly in front of each other. After he high-fived both girls, he smiled at me.

  “What are you doing here this time of day? Shouldn’t they be into something?”

  “Yeah, I screwed that up. We ditched it for the beach.”

  Lane frowned and moved closer to my ear. “Gabby, you have to be careful.”

  “Go ahead, girls. I’ll catch up in a minute,” I said while coaxing them both with a little push. They ran through the water, chasing the waves, or maybe the waves chased them. I angled back toward Lane, my eyebrows drawn together to match his.

  “Why would you say that? Be careful about what?”

  “I’m just telling you to be careful with him. He’s not who you think he is.”

  “What does that mean? You’re talking about Paxton, right?”

  “Yes. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Tell me what you know. What you’re not telling me.”

  “I know it all, Gabby. I know what he does to you. You can still get out. It’s not too late.”

  I crossed my arms and my eyebrows dipped even more. My gaze looked past him to the girls squatted over looking at something, and then staring back at Lane. “Get out? Too late for what?”

  “Just know that I’m here if you need me.”

  “Are we close?”

  “Yes. Well, we were before this. Before you forgot who I was. Who we were.”

  “Good Lord. You’re right. I don’t want to hear this. I’ll check you later.” I scratched my head and sidestepped him. He stopped me. The way his hand went around my waist and he pulled me to him, told me we were close. Closer than we should have been.

  “I’m right here, Gabby,” he said in a raspy tone close to my ear. Close enough to feel his words on my skin.

  I spun out of his arms more confused than ever. “Yeah, so I hear. I’ll see you around.” I didn’t give Lane time to say another word. I got the hell away from him as fast as I could, calling after the girls as I half ran, half limped.

  I took special care with my looks after my shower that evening. Tight jeans with a tight brown shirt, matching tan sandals with a small heel. I tried a pair a little higher, but they scared me. I wouldn’t be welcoming anymore broken bones for a while. Probably never. I thought maybe if I looked good he wouldn’t be too mad about my day. It was just a matter of time before one of the girls told him our plans, or our plan to cancel out his plans.

  I looked hot, the girls looked pretty with matching red sundresses, braids down both their backs, and I was ready.

  “What’s this?” Paxton questioned with one cocked brow.

  “We look pretty,” Ophelia said as she slid from the stool and ran to him.

  Paxton scooped her up and kissed her cheek. “You sure do.”

  “And so does Mommy,” Rowan assured him while she gathered forks from the drawer.

  “Yes, and so does Mommy.” Paxton examined me with a peculiar expression and strolled over to me. “Help your sister set the table,” he said while Ophelia slid down his body.

  “How was your day?” I removed the casserole and worked around him.

  “Where’s my roast?”

  “This is better for you. You’ll love it,” I said as I stepped around him, bumping his arm with mine. “Here, Phi, put the spoons on the table.”

  “We have chocolate pudding for dessert. Me and Row made it,” she said as she boasted to her dad about their help. They loved helping me, and I loved having their help. Even if it did mean more mess for me.

  I picked up my red drink and sipped it, eyes zoning in on Paxton’s confused expression.

  He took the glass from my hand and sniffed it. “What the fuck is this? Are you drinking?”

  “Yes. I need it after the day I’ve had. I made you one, too. It’s not that strong. Try it.”

  “You don’t drink, Gabriella.”

  “I do now. Let’s eat.” I held a death grip over my drink, and walked hurriedly past him. No way was he getting this drink.

  Paxton complained about the food I made, but not too much. The girls helped out, explaining that they helped me make it. I could tell he loved it, anyway. The three plates I dipped out for him was a dead giveaway.

  Dinner was good. Neither one of the girls ratted me out about messing up their whole day. It was Candace. She was the big mouth that told on me. We all looked up to her knocking on the glass door by the pool. I waved a hand for her to enter and offered her a plate.

  “No, I’ve got to go. Lane’s grilling burgers. I just wanted to check on you. Chance said the girls weren’t at dance this morning.”

  “We quitted,” Ophelia said around the food in her mouth. I turned my eyes to hers, but not Paxton’s. She took another bite and spilled more beans. “We climbed on the boulders at the beach and had a picnic. Rowan ate my pickle.”

  “I gave you mine. Don’t start with that again,” I said, warning her not to whine about the pickle that Rowan ate. “I got a little lost this morning. I gave up and we hung out here.”

  Candace smiled and walked backward toward the door. “Good for you. I’ve tried to tell you for the last year that you had them in too much. I like this you.”

  “And Lane was there, too,” Rowan said while offering the information to his wife.

  Candace’s feet stopped moving and her face dropped, but she didn’t look at me. She kept her eyes on Rowan. “Oh, yeah?” That’s it. That’s all she said.

  “Him was running,” Ophelia explained with her head bobbing, helping out.

  “We didn’t really talk to him. He was out for a jog,” I said for whatever reason. Like I was defending myself.

  “Yeah, he worked from home today. Okay, I’ll see you guys later. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

  “Yes, thank you for checking. We’re fine,” I said while trying to read her face. There was something there. What? And why?

  The door closed behind her and I turned to Paxton. Oh, boy. He was pissed.

  “So did they miss everything today?” he questioned in a pleasant tone, face not matching at all. Three lines formed on his forehead while his face turned to crimson.

  I took a drink of alcohol before answering. “Yes, except for the grocery store. We did go there.”

  “That’s nice. Finish up girls. You have to get baths.”

  “We already did. That’s why our hair is pretty. See,” Rowan offered. Her head turned completely around so he could see the braid going down her back. A beautiful fishtail. I didn’t even know I could do that.

  “Oh, you took baths before supper. I see,” Paxton said with a smile toward her, and a glare right at me.

  “Cause we’re going to watch a movie, Daddy. I get to pick it,” Ophelia said while explaining the details we never discussed with her dad.

  “Okay, you ladies go do that. I have some work to do yet. I’ll catch up to you later.”

  “No,” she whined, “I picked Cinderella. The movie one that’s not cartoons. Remember, Dad? You said you wanted to watch it with me. Remember?”

  Paxton’s heart melted in front of me. He was such a sucker to these little girls. “Oh, yeah, well okay. Let me go grab a shower. I’ll work after you go to bed.” He stood and slid his chair out, taking one long drink of the red stuff. He liked that, too. I could tell. So did I, and I needed more of it.

  “Rowan, you clean up the plates and put them in the dishwasher. Phi, you get the cups and the silverware. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Are you going to fight with Daddy?” Ophelia worried.

  I looked at her like she was crazy, turning back with a frown. “No, of cours
e not. I’m just going to go talk to him for a second. We’re not going to fight. I promise.” I gave her a wink and walked out of the room.

  My lungs filled with air and my foot stopped on the bottom step. I knew without a doubt that I’d crossed a line, and I was about to cross another one. I ascended the steps with another deep breath. A deep breath of courage.

  Here goes nothing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Paxton was in the shower when I entered the bathroom. I sat my drink on the sink and gathered the clothes that he’d tossed on the floor. Right next to the hamper. His phone and wallet were still in his jeans. I placed them on the counter and leaned against the vanity.

  “I didn’t do anything to disobey you, Paxton,” I called over the water.

  Paxton stuck his head out and I could see the anger practically steaming from his ears. “Get the fuck out of here. I’ll deal with you later.”

  “No. Stop doing that. I can’t live like that, Paxton. I don’t know anyone who could. You gotta let me have one of the reigns. If you want this to work, you have to let me have a say in a few things around here, too. I don’t think that’s asking for too much.”

  Again, he stuck his head out. “Get the fuck out of here. Now, Gabriella.”

  I sighed and took my drink. He watched as I downed the last of it and sashayed toward him. “Kill him with kindness” rang in my head. A soft voice. My mother.

  “I’m going to leave you alone, but don’t be mad at me. I didn’t do anything to be vindictive to you. I’m sorry,” I said with a quick peck to his wet lips. He kissed me back, but instantly pulled away, confusion in his green eyes. I walked out, swinging my hips to entice him.

  The girls did an amazing job cleaning up, and they didn’t even fight. Rowan was busy scooping the little bit of leftover casserole into a glass bowl with a lid while Rowan placed silverware, neatly into the dishwasher. Each utensil with its own compartment.

  “I have the best little girls in the entire world. Thank you, Row-row.”

  “And me, too. I put the salad away. See?” Ophelia pointed out her good deed, desperately seeking the same attention.

  “Wow! Thank you, love. You did an amazing job. Both of you. Let’s all go find pajamas and go get settled for the movie.”

  “Can we have popcorn, too?”

  I laughed at both girls when they said the exact same thing at the exact same time. Just like Izzy and I used to do. I couldn’t even think about that yet. It made my head hurt too much. That memory, or whatever the hell it was, got tossed to the back of my mind. Paxton was what stood prominent. Right smack dab in front.

  “Yes, we’ll have popcorn, but later. Go on. Find your jammies. I would get a long nightgown or pants. It’s freezing in there,” I said while I poured another drink and finished cleaning up.

  “Aren’t you going to wear pajamas, too?” Rowan asked as she handed me another plate for the dishwasher.

  “I’ll find something. Run along now,” I said with a pat to her butt. I already knew what was in my pajama drawer. Nothing. Skimpy panties that went up my ass. I had comfortable clothes I could wear, but I sort of wanted to stay in my jeans and heels. I kind of liked the way Paxton looked at me when I walked. It was my ass in the jeans. It had to be. Even I stopped to look at myself when I passed the glass doors, or the mirror in the hall. I’d do me.

  I poured two more drinks for Paxton and me, and grape juice for the girls. My attention went to the buzzing on the table, and my phone vibrating twice. I walked toward it, but Paxton beat me to it. Our eyes locked and he swiped his thumb across the screen, eyes bouncing quickly over the words.

  “No,” he said before dropping the phone back on the table.

  I picked it up and read the text message from Candace, wanting to do lunch tomorrow. I didn’t say anything in response, thinking I’d text her back later. I examined Paxton with my drink, sipping the contents with a snarl.

  “What is this shit? You don’t make mixed drinks, and we don’t really drink like this.”

  “It’s something I made up. Cranberry juice, Sprite, Grey Goose, and frozen pineapple juice. I like making them, and we don’t drink every day. I had a rough day.”

  Paxton took a sip of my mixed drink with a refreshing sigh. I might have put a little more alcohol in his, hoping to mellow him out some. “Yeah, we’ll talk about that later. Don’t plan my evening for me before you talk to me. I don’t have time for a movie. I needed to work.”

  I carefully watched him stroll toward me, eyes never breaking contact with his. His hair was damp and uncombed, and his T-shirt stuck to his body. The smell of his cologne reached me before he did. Intoxicating. “It’s almost seven. You’ve worked all day.”

  “You look hot in these jeans. How come you didn’t dress like this before? And you hate lipstick.”

  “I do?”

  I slipped my arm around his shoulder and he made a funny expression as if it wasn’t normal for me to do such a thing. I guess I used to be just a robot before. Evidently, I never felt anything. I tilted my head to the side and admitted the truth. “I don’t remember. Maybe you could tell me how I dressed before.”

  “Not like this. Not hot. I had to make you wear lipstick, and you pretty much lived in jean shorts and tee-shirts.”

  “Really? That doesn’t feel like me.”

  “It was. You’re in so much fucking trouble,” Paxton said with warm words to my lips. I sensed something unusual in Paxton’s touch at that very moment. The way he held my ribs gently with both hands felt different. I don’t know how, but it did. His fingers softly ran up my arms and to my neck. His touch was special. It didn’t feel threatening like it had before. His fingers folded around my throat and his lips met mine. My body tingled clear to the tips of my toes. Our mouths opened and our tongues searched each other out. Desperately.

  “Jesus Christ, Gabriella. What the fuck happened to us?” Paxton panted with sultry words.

  I had no response. Instead, I kissed him. Deep and hard. Fervently showing how much I wanted him with every touch. His fingers tightened around my throat and he kissed me back, letting a soft moan hum in my mouth.

  “Eww, stop doing that,” Ophelia said with a hand between both of us. She shoved us apart and lifted her arms for her dad.

  “What? You don’t like it when Daddy kisses Mommy?” he teased with stiff fingers digging into her ribs. She cackled and lunged forward. Paxton pretended to let her fall to the floor and caught her right before she hit.

  “Well, you didn’t do it before she come home,” Rowan said while her arms too went into the air. Paxton tossed Ophelia over his shoulder and grabbed her up, too. They both squealed, upside down as he walked them to the theater.

  I stared after them feeling heavy hearted. That’s the only words I know how to describe it. Heavy. Like a bomb being filled with more and more. One that would eventually go off. Filled to capacity. An explosion. A deadly eruption.

  A dense sigh slipped through my lips and I gathered the girls’ cups. Shaking it off seemed to be what I did best. Blow it off. Compartmentalize it. That’s what I did. The only problem was, I never got back to them. I ignored them. Filled the ticking bomb even more.

  “Where’s my drink?” Paxton questioned as he reached for both the cups from my hand.

  My eyes shifted to the screen on the wall and back to his. “You mean the drink you don’t like?”

  “I like it,” he said in some sort of high-pitched tone. He cleared his throat and said it again.

  I blew out a puff of air with my crooked smile and winked at him. “I’ll get your drink.”

  I did get it. I topped his off with a little more vodka and fixed myself another one. Drunk sex sounded like the perfect punishment for my disobedience.

  As much as I loved my girls, I didn’t want to sit between them during the movie. I wanted Paxton on one side of me. They weren’t having it. They both insisted on sitting next to me. One on each side.

  I snuck out once to get p
opcorn and filled our drinks, hoping to sneak in beside Paxton. That didn’t work. Both girls whined simultaneously for me to sit beside them. I sighed and took my same position. Paxton placed his hand on the back of my neck and massaged. Not a mean kind of touch, either. This was gentle. Like he wanted me. Like he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  The next trip to the kitchen finished off my pitcher of mixed drinks. Again, I topped Paxton’s off with more alcohol and a squirt of lemon. The lemon was to mask a little bit of the vodka. I didn’t mean to get that much. Well, maybe I did. Drunk Paxton seemed like the better choice for later.

  “What?” I questioned when Paxton reached for my glass. The one with a quarter of liquor.

  “I want yours.”

  “Shh, Daddy. This is my favorite part,” Rowan complained while shushing us.

  I gripped the glass firmly, but Paxton wouldn’t let go. His eyes darting to Rowan warned me that the cup was about to end up on her head. I had no choice but to let go. “That’s what I thought. Drink up, love,” he said in an arrogant tone.

  I didn’t want to drink up. I’d already had three. I didn’t need a stronger one to finish me off. I was already drunk. The next twenty minutes were spent with me trying to digest the very strong drink. Epic fail on my part. Paxton whispered for me to keep going every time he wanted me to take a drink.

  The time on the bottom of the projector told me we still had twenty-nine minutes of the movie left. I didn’t even know what it was about. Between the passion searing between Paxton and me, his hand down the front of my shirt, resting on my chest, and the alcohol, I needed them to go to bed. I had a punishment to endure.

  My lips barely touched him. I turned my head and kissed the inside of his wrists. Paxton’s arm stilled and then he stood.

  “We’ll be right back. Keep watching,” he said to both girls while taking my hand.

  They barely acknowledged him. Phi told him to move while her head darted around him. The princess was just about to escape after the clock struck twelve. He was making her miss the best part. Rowan didn’t recognize that he even spoke. The prince was about to lose the love of his life. Geesh. What was he thinking?