Read Suit Page 28

  “Oh my, God. Warm me up. There’s no hot water.”

  My shivering body instantly settled when Paxton wrapped me in his arms. My eyes landed right on his relaxed package, hanging to the right of his sack. My back pressed against his chest and he shoved into my ass with his hips.

  “Stop it. I just told you I had to take a cold shower and you don’t even care.” My teeth chattered again and I shuddered, praying for warmth.

  “I’m sure it’s the breaker again. For some reason it trips it when I open the left garage door. I’ll check it in the morning. How’s that?” he questioned while wrapping an arm around me, blanketing me with his body.

  “Hmm, amazing, but now I’m mad at you.”

  “I know what will warm you up, and make you not mad.”

  I rolled to my back and parted my legs. “Okay,” I agreed.

  “That’s not what I was about to suggest, dirty girl. I wanted you to bend over my lap. That’ll warm you up.”

  I pondered what I thought about, dirty girl. I didn’t mind it. It was way better than, slut. I did however mind the latter. “No way am I getting out from under these covers. I’ll freeze to death.”

  “You won’t. I promise.” Paxton pulled himself up and leaned against the padded headboard. “Come here. Let me warm your ass.” The rasp in his tone, the twitch in his cock, and the look in his eyes did me in. My body temperature went from an alarming cold, too fevered in heat. Point seven seconds.

  Paxton flattened his hand on my stomach when I tried to lay across his lap. “No, no, baby girl. Stay right like that.”

  Well, this was new. I hadn’t had the embarrassing pleasure of taking it on my hands and knees like this. My hair dropped around me when my head fell with the first, unexpected slap. Paxton stroked himself hard with his right hand while his left one rubbed the warmth from my ass.

  I endured five tantalizing slaps to my ass numerous teases to my pulsating nub, and a finger, penetrating my ass. My eyes closed and then opened when I felt him stiffen, waiting for me to back up, take it myself. I debated on moving back, briefly, and did it with clenched eyes. The moans and erotic charge in the air made me do it. I bared all to this man. I gave him everything, and I wanted to. I wanted to make him happy for the rest of our long lives. If only it could be that easy.

  I moved myself without permission when he slid his finger out and back in. My legs straddled his and I dropped my weight. Both our eyes looked down, watching while he directed his head into my opening with a hiss. I sat, slowly, all the way down, feeling his shaft split me open, and move in.

  Paxton pinched both my nipples between his teeth while I rocked on his shaft. His hand flattened on my chest and pushed me backwards. My head dropped to the mattress and Paxton took over the action between us. His hands cupped both my breasts and he used them for leverage to pull me to him as he pushed. Positioned in half a backbend was an amazing way to have sex. I felt an impending orgasm simmering, close to the boiling point.

  My hands took Paxton’s place over my small breasts when he moved his to my hips. His hips moved fast into mine, pulling what was needed to send me over the top. His hips calmed when I called out in ecstasy, pinching both my nipples between my fingers. Paxton watched my every move with intent. Like he couldn’t get enough.

  As soon as my breathing regulated and I smiled at him, he slid from beneath me. I straightened my bent knees and spread my legs for him. Our bodies molded into one, and our lips passionately kissed. I came again at precisely the same moment as Paxton a few minutes later, reeling in euphoric endorphins. Together.

  Once we were both spent and laying cuddled in each other’s arms, I talked. I could tell he wanted to sleep, but I didn’t want that. I was afraid of what I would learn if I closed my eyes.

  “Where’s your mom and dad, Pax. Why haven’t I met your family?”

  “Shhh, go to sleep.”

  “Why? I want to know.”

  “There’s nothing to know. My dad hates me for turning this property into a cul-de-sac, and my mom’s a slut. Go to sleep.”

  I wanted to keep talking, but I didn’t. The squeeze he gave me told me he was finished. Not another word was spoken.

  Morning was strained between us. I got up before him like I was supposed to and made his breakfast. Two scrambled eggs, wheat toast, and fresh fruit. Well, sort of fresh. I bought it a couple days before we left. I didn’t send lunch like I normally did, because I knew he was meeting the private investigator for lunch. And then I didn’t know what. I would be a nervous wreck all day.

  I tried my best to go about my day like nothing there was lingering dismay. Like Paxton would come home to me and still want me. Like this wasn’t about to all be gone. It couldn’t. It was a good thing. Maybe Paxton would welcome her with open arms. It wasn’t the craziest thing to think. I had seen growth in him since the day I met him. We could do this. We’d make it through.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  I had just settled into the cabana bed outside to read. Ophelia was sound asleep beside me, and Rowan was floating Barbie on an iceberg in the low end of the pool. I’d been waiting to read the second part of this book for an entire week. Why I thought my mind could stay focused was beyond me. My eyes lifted and fell as I fought not to doze off beside Ophelia, snuggled into my ribcage.

  “Can I go play with Chance? We never get to see her anymore. How come, Mom,” Rowan questioned from a few feet in front of me. I dropped my tablet and pondered my response. Barbie went high into the air and back down with a sloppy dive.

  “Not today.”

  “Well, when are we going to go get our uniforms for school?”

  Um…okay. That was easy. “I’ll talk to Daddy about it later.”

  Rowan dipped her head under water and swam to the other side. I shook my head and turned back to my tablet. Crazy kid. With a deep breath, I closed out of my anticipated book and opened a poem. I still didn’t feel like the poetic type, but nonetheless, they were pretty, and I needed something to settle my nerves. If only Paxton was the type to call and just ask. He had to know I was sitting here going crazy, waiting.

  My mind zoned out to nothing. One of those blank stares that you can’t seem to break, but you’re not really thinking about anything. My mom used to call those hiccups for when you were out of balance. She said it meant something wasn’t right in your life, and it was your minds way of resetting itself.

  “Phi, come on, sweetie wake up.”

  My eyes jerked open startled when I heard Paxton’s voice. A frown formed over my eyes when I sensed the urgency in his voice.

  I snapped my head to Paxton, wondering when he got there. My zone had everything zoned out. I hadn’t even heard him come out there.

  “Come on, Rowan. Tricia is coming to get you guys for a while.”

  “Yay!” Rowan called from the pool. We hadn’t seen any of them at all, not even gymnastics. Candace moved Chance to the afternoon class to keep from seeing me, but I was okay with that. I would have done it had she not beat me to it.

  “Paxton? What are you doing? I don’t want them going over there.”

  “Shut up. Don’t say one word.”

  Oh shit. Something was up. The evidence he’d just received was bad news. Or some news. I didn’t really know what the deal was, but it was big. How big was right around the corner.

  Paxton tossed Rowan a towel, rushing her out of the pool. He scooped Ophelia up from my side and carried her in the house, talking to her in a quiet voice. I stared after him for a minute, trying to decipher what was real and what wasn’t. Why did Tricia have to take them? My heart beat loud in my chest with the rush of nerves, pumping fast through my veins. I had no idea what he was up to. None whatsoever.

  I pulled myself together long enough to follow him inside, slipping a dry shirt of Rowan as we walked.

  “Paxton, what are you doing?”

  Nothing. He didn’t say one word to me. He walked across the open floor plan to the front door and handed off our
girls. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. Tricia gave me a peculiar look when Paxton dropped Ophelia to the floor, but she didn’t speak.

  “I’ll come get you guys in a little bit,” he said with a kiss to each little cheek.

  They both agreed with happy nods. They loved Tricia.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as soon as the door was closed. His expression instantly changed, and I was scared. My knees knocked together when he stomped toward me. Two steps closed the distance between us.

  “Come here,” he said through gritted teeth. His hand squeezed my arm hard and he shoved me toward his office. Right to his chair.

  “What? What are you doing?”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m about to show you. Didn’t I tell you I’d find the truth, Gabriella? Didn’t I? Or should I say Isabella?”

  My lips parted, ready to ask him what he was talking about when the email opened. Paxton hit play and I watched the surveillance camera. A black SUV pulled to a parking spot right in front of the camera. Just like mine, only black. A small white Honda parked crookedly right beside it. I looked back at Paxton’s angry face, wearing a puzzled expression. He shoved my face back to the computer. It was gone. The change in his eyes over the past few months. Gone in an instant. Paxton hated me.

  I watched with wide eyes as two girls embraced for a long time. Tears swelled in my eyes while I witnessed the reunion.

  “Is that Izzy and me? Oh, my God. It is. It’s her.” My hand covered my heart and I stared in total disbelief.

  “No. It’s you and Gabriella. You’re fucking good. I mean like Emmy award good.”

  I looked back with a twisted frown, trying like hell to decipher what in the world he was talking about.

  “This is genius. You’re a fucking genius.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked in mouse-like tone.

  Paxton walked around his desk and paced, back and forth.

  “I presume amnesia is probably pretty easy when you pretend to be somebody else. That’s fucking single white female shit. Like I can’t even wrap my head around what has gone on here. You should put this shit in a book. I can see it now. Big screen. I think Ben Affleck should play the idiot husband, don’t you?”

  “You think I’m Izzy?”

  “Oh I know you are. It’s all out. You can stop with the act.”

  His hands came down hard on the desk in front of me, loud and firm. I jumped and cowered from his glare. “Where the fuck is my wife? Tell me, Isabella. Where is my wife? You know the one. The one you killed.” His voice changed to an eerie low. Creepy, and I was scared.

  “I didn’t kill her. I love her. I wouldn’t hurt my sister.”

  “Right. Sure. Was it for the money? Huh, Isabella? Did you think you were going to waltz in here and take what’s mine? Everything makes so much sense now. You’re background check tells it all. Stop me if I’m wrong.”

  Paxton paced the floor in front of me while I sat in his big leather chair. Alone and lost. All I could do was listen.

  His index finger made small circles around his ear as he began his pacing again. “Your mama was a little coo-coo, jumped off a fire escape to her death when you were eleven. The state couldn’t find anyone to take two girls your age, so they split you up. You went to Michigan where you lived with the Walkers. Nice couple. They raised seven? Or was it eight? Yes, eight hard to place kids. You were one of them. You were also quiet the basketball player. Three state titles. Impressive. You tried your hand at landscaping, but that was a flop. And then you worked a titty bar, where you thrived. Explains why you’re so good at making those drinks. Huh?

  “I left you alone with my kids. How fucking stupid could I be. I don’t even know what to say to you right now. I wish you could feel the fury pumping through my veins right now, Gabriella. I want to slice your throat, take you out to the ocean, and feed your body to the sharks.”

  “I would never her Row or Phi. You know that.”

  “I don’t even know who the fuck you are.”

  I was suddenly scared for my life. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not going to do anything. You are. Just remember, baby girl. We’re all innocent until proven guilty.”

  My eyes turned to the time on the fancy clock trimmed in gold, and then to the photo of Rowan and Phi. Right beside it. Happy smiles, Rowan in a full blown laugh and Ophelia’s straight and fake. The one she used when she was told to smile.

  I didn’t hear anything after that. Loud shrills rang in my head while I tried to wrap my finger around what was happening. Once again, I was left doubting the realness of my life.

  “It’s for you,” Paxton smirked. His hand yanked me from his chair by my hair.

  “Ms. Delgado?”

  “Get this trashy slut out of my house,” Paxton said with an angry shove toward two uniformed police officers.

  My footing was lost with the shove and the sudden plummet of my heart. I fell on my knees, terrified out of my mind.

  Both men helped me up. One with handcuffs. I barely remember even hearing my rights being read. It was more of an echo in my head. Something about the impersonation and disappearance of Gabriella Pierce.

  One last plea to my husband, and I was whisked away by strangers.


  He stood at the door with his hands in his pockets and tension on his face. My eyes never left his, not even when I felt a hand on my head, guiding me to the back of a police car. The sunny day suddenly turned gray. I never let my eyes leave Paxton’s. Not even when my world spun and I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to blink away the blur and stay focused on Paxton. Beg with my eyes, but I couldn’t. It was all too much. Everything faded.


  “I don’t want to go. I want to stay with you.”

  I hugged her tight behind the closed door while our new parents’ and a social worker discussed our lives. The lives that would pull us apart. Separate us, and nobody cared. I couldn’t live without her. I didn’t want to. I needed her. She was a part of me, and not in the cliché way like an arm or a leg. She was my heart. Gabby was half my heart.

  “Listen to me. I want you to listen really close. You’re not Gabby from this moment on. You go live with the Walkers and have an amazing life. I swear, we’ll be together again if it’s the last thing I do,” I removed my pink shirt and slipped out of my shoes while I rattled off the way it was going to be. I had to. I had to protect her. I knew the part of town Ms. Porter lived in. I’d already been there, a few blocks from her house. A foster home on the shitty side of Fort Myers. The hood. The ghetto. I didn’t want Gabby there. She’d never survive that.

  “Izzy, what are you doing?”

  “No, not Izzy. I’m Gabby and you’re Izzy.

  “Izzy! What are you doing?”

  “Gabby. I’m Gabby. Give me your shirt! Hurry,” I said, eyes darting to the door.

  “This isn’t going to work,” she worried while slipping out of her purple shirt.

  “Yes it is.” My heart pounded a million miles a minute, adrenaline had my nerves on fire, and my hands trembled like an addict. I did what I had to do because I loved her.

  “Izzy, I don’t want to live without you,” Gabby cried, one last desperate attempt to get me to change my mind.

  “I’m Gabby. You’re Izzy,” I said through a croak in my throat. I hugged her, taking in the scent of her hair and the feel of her body. “This way we’re always going to be a part of each other. Okay? I’m going to see you. I promise, we’ll be together again, Izzy. I swear to God,” I said while making promises I couldn’t keep.

  “That’s my favorite shirt. Keep it. I want it back.”

  THE END until the beginning of Slut, coming late October. Follow me on Facebook or Goodreads for updates.


  For my mom and dad, I love you to the moon and back.



  Jettie Woodruff, Suit



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