Read Summer's Out! Page 1

Summer’s Out

  A sequel to The Adventures of Charlotte and Bloom

  By Ashlynn Elliott

  The Adventures of Charlotte and Bloom 2: Summer’s Out

  Copyright 2014 By Ashlynn Elliott


  Chapter 1: Average Morning

  Charlotte Kelly and Bloom Willow both had different mornings. Bloom woke up at the break of dawn and looked out the window.

  Perfect day to go canoeing! She thought. She flipped the light switch on and rushed to the bathroom. She grabbed her bubblegum flavored toothpaste and brushed her teeth. She rushed back to her room as quickly as she could, but she bumped into something.

  “Ouch!” She said as she fell to the floor.

  “Watch where you’re going, Bloom!” Her older brother, Terence, said. Bloom liked to call him Shark.

  “What’s the hurry, little sis? Trying to play with Char-lehh again?” Bloom’s other older brother, Tim, hacked. Bloom liked to call him Piranha.

  “I’m going canoeing.” She said as she pushed Shark and Piranha out of her way.

  “Gee, going canoeing again? Why do you do that every day? Can’t you do anything else?” Piranha laughed.

  “Yeah!” Shark joined the conversation, “What do you do out there, anyway?”

  “Why do you need to know?” Bloom replied.

  “Because we want to pick on you about something!” They both laughed.

  “Leave me alone!” Bloom ran into her room and slammed the door. Relieved that she was finally away from her annoying older brothers, she sighed as she opened the door to her humongous walk-in closet.

  She put on her sky blue tank-top with the doughnut design and her purple shorts. She brushed her long, red hair into two bouncy ponytails, then put in a green bow to match her hazel-green eyes and placed her pink glasses on her freckled face. Then she grabbed her phone and sent Charlotte a text:

  Meet me at boat docks in ten minutes

  Charlotte’s morning, however, was somewhat similar, but also completely different. She woke up to her phone chiming. She looked at the clock. It was 6:00 in the morning. Who on earth is up texting at six in the morning? She thought.

  She read Bloom’s text and sent back,

  Give me one more hour. Still tired.

  She sighed as she laid back down on her bed and covered herself with her pink sheets on her bed. She didn’t sleep for long though. A few seconds later, her door burst open and five screaming kids ran in.

  “Give it back, Jenny!” Her five-year-old brother, Thomas, screamed at Jennifer, her three year old cousin.

  “No!” Jenny yelled back as she yanked the toy away from him.

  “I want my toy!” Charlotte’s sister, Aleah cried.

  “I’m telling Charlotte!” Franny, Jenny’s five-year-old sister, screamed at Jenny. “Charlotte! Jenny won’t give Aleah back her doll!”

  Charlotte slowly got up, remembering her babysitting job from last night. Why did I let Franny, Jenny, and James spend the night while Mom and Dad are in California?

  Baby James cried as he watched the four kids scream. It was too loud for his little ears. Charlotte walked up to the five kids. She yanked the toy out of Jenny’s hand and gave it back to her screaming sister. Then Jenny began crying. She handed Jenny another toy and then grabbed her phone. She sent Bloom a text.

  Never mind. See you in ten minutes.

  Charlotte threw on her swimsuit and swimsuit cover. She brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. She put on her crocs. Finally, she walked over to her calendar and crossed off the date. Tuesday, August 19.

  Ding, Dong! The doorbell rang. Charlotte walked over to the door. It was Franny, Jenny, and James’s mom. “Hi, Aunt Celeste!” Charlotte smiled. “They’re all ready to go!”

  Franny, Jenny, James, Thomas, and Aleah all ran out the door, knocked Aunt Celeste down, and took off toward Franny’s house. “Sorry!” Charlotte winced as Celeste groaned and ran after her kids.

  After the kids were gone, Charlotte turned on The Weather Channel. Forecast for Florida Keys: Partly cloudy until around noon, severe thunderstorms follow. We recommend staying inside because you have a 40% chance of tornado, wind gusts up to 40 mph, and flooding possible. Lightning will not be a big issue, but stay out of the water. Waves will be very high.

  “I bet Bloom didn’t even look at the forecast!” Charlotte laughed as she walked out the door and grabbed the canoe. She wanted to see the look on Bloom’s face when she got rained on.

  Chapter 2: SAY WHAT?!

  When Charlotte arrived at the docks, Bloom had been waiting there. Charlotte threw the canoe in the water as Bloom hopped in. They paddled far out, until the came across an island.

  “We should build a fort out here on Bloom Island, don’t you think?” Bloom smiled as she tied the canoe onto a tree.

  Charlotte laughed. “What are you? Five years old?”

  “No, I’m eleven and I want to build a fort!” Bloom replied.

  “You’re doing it by yourself.” Charlotte snickered.

  “Ok! Thanks! Now I can design it by myself!” She laughed as she took off. She glanced up at the sky. Looks like it’s getting cloudy, She thought. Bloom walked inland and came across the woods. She kept walking until she came across a big grey boulder. She pushed the boulder over, and it revealed a small hole. Bloom stepped into the hole and slid down.

  Inside the hole was a small cavern with a pond and a sparkling pink stone inside. She picked up a bucket in the corner and filled it with pond water. Then she climbed out of the cave. She walked back into the woods. She looked for the right tree. Finally, she stopped at a big palm tree. “This should do!” She said.

  You’re not going to believe what Bloom did next. She picked up the bucket, and poured all of the water on her head. As she shook the water out of her face, she stretched out her arm at the tree. Then, green magic came out of her hand, and it quickly turned into wind. The branches of the tree began to sway. Bloom squinted her eyes as she strained. The magic intensified as the wind began blowing harder. Pretty soon, the trunk of the tree began to lean. Bloom sighed in relief as the tree finally fell down.

  Meanwhile, Charlotte got bored, so she got up from her shady sand spot, and threw off her shoes and swimsuit cover, revealing a red one-piece swimsuit. She stepped into the ocean and dove under immediately. No, she didn’t take a breath of air. She took a breath of water and swam to the bottom of the water, and began to circle the island. She didn’t need to come up for air, she was breathing the water just fine.

  Then, she closed her eyes and imagined the fish going by, and the water in her face. When she opened her eyes, magic was happening. She watched as her pale skin on her legs turn into a bright scarlet color, and her feet began to gain a fin-like shape. Her legs joined together and scales formed, and soon, she had a tail!

  Charlotte popped her head out of the water, and looked down. “You know,” She sighed to herself, “I do look pretty good as a mermaid!”

  After a few minutes of swimming, Bloom called, “CHARLOTTE?! Where’d you go?!”

  “Over here!” Charlotte shouted back as she popped her head out of the water again. Then she realized how far she really was from Bloom Island. She swam back to shore. She sat on the sand, still with the tail. Bloom sat down next to her. “Did you finish your little fort?” She asked.

  “No, I remembered that I DON’T HAVE AN AXE.” Bloom laughed.

  “I was wondering how long it would take you to realize that!” Charlotte snorted. “Hey look over there!”

  “Where?” Bloom asked as she turned her head.

  Acting quickly, Charlotte stretched out her hand a
nd blue magic blew from her hand. A stalk of water rose from the ocean. Then she made a big water ball from the stalk, and then launched it at Bloom.

  “Hey!” Bloom shouted as she realized she had been tricked. She was covered in water.

  Chapter 3: An Explanation

  I bet you are thinking, SAY WHAT?!?!?! I have a bunch of explaining to do before I continue the story.

  Charlotte and Bloom sounded like normal girls at first, but then all of a sudden they have weird powers? Yes, I know, it sounds kind of crazy, but I’m almost positive you haven’t read their first book.

  Now, if you have read it, you can skip this whole chapter. Go ahead to chapter 4. But if you haven’t, keep reading. Well, first, you need to read the book, The Adventures of Charlotte and Bloom, before you know what is really going on in this story. Go ahead, look it up on Google, and the book is free, so go read it before you continue.

  If you are still reading, and you haven’t gone back and read the book, I guess I will have to retell the whole story.

  Alright, so you know that Charlotte and Bloom are two pre-teen girls living in the Florida Keys, and the two like to go canoeing a lot. Well, one day, the girls end up getting lost, and then they come across an island that Bloom claims to have been there before. When Charlotte doesn't believe her, Bloom shows her a weird glowing stone and a cave to her to prove it.

  The next day, as Charlotte and Bloom were stretching, Bloom accidently discovers she has a hidden power. The two curious girls do some research that night, and discover that Bloom is something called a “Magic Girl” and she has some amazing powers, and she gains them by touching the stone in the the cave on the island. The stone is called the Pink Sparkle Stone hidden in a cave.

  The powers she has is very unique, and she has several. Her first power is that when she is on land and dry, she can freeze things, including Charlotte (Which she has done). When she is in the ocean, or even just wet, she can blow things over by making wind.

  Her final powers are very unique. She can transform into a mermaid, as well as breathe underwater. When she is a mermaid, she can move water. Finally, she can also transform into a fairy and fly. When she is a fairy, she can catch things on fire.

  After gaining and learning about her new powers, the two girls’ adventures start. First, they get caught by Franny, Jenny, Thomas, and Aleah, and Charlotte has to prove to them that Bloom wasn’t really a fairy. Next, they find that Charlotte doesn’t have powers like Bloom. Then, Charlotte begins not believe that Bloom has powers, and she thinks it’s a dream. She doesn’t want to hurt Bloom’s feelings, and when Charlotte starts acting weird, she tells Bloom that she is jealous, instead of telling her the truth.

  Bloom tells Charlotte to touch the Pink Sparkle Stone, but Bloom didn’t know that the stone was Charlotte’s biggest fear. Enraged, Charlotte spits out the truth and then gets very mad at Bloom.

  Trying to fix their friendship, Bloom starts an attempt to get Charlotte to touch the stone, so they can both have powers, but clever Charlotte spoils all of her plans. Finally, Bloom freezes Charlotte, and puts the stone on her, and when she unfreezes Charlotte, who has no idea about what happend, gets even madder, and leaves Bloom.

  The next morning, Charlotte realized that Bloom had got her to touch the stone, by waking up as a mermaid.

  Finally, after a few more incidents and arguments, Charlotte accepts the new powers and the girls become best friends again.

  Well, I hope my retell has helped you. Enjoy Charlotte and Bloom’s next adventure!

  Chapter 4: A very Unfortunate Event

  “Hey, Charlotte?” Bloom asked. “Why’s it getting so dark?”

  “Wait for it……” Charlotte smiled, “Five, four, three, two, one.”

  The rain began to pour and lightning struck the island. “I think it’s time to go!” Charlotte yelled through the pounding rain.

  “Uh, yeah.” Bloom laughed as she untied the canoe and threw it into the water. The girls hopped in and took off. The thunder roared. “I’m going to fly the way back!” Bloom said after rowing for a few minutes.

  “What? And leave me to row in this horrible storm?”

  “Yeah! Duh, that’s what I just said!” Bloom laughed as she transformed into a fairy, and fluttered off. As she flew far ahead of Charlotte, lightning struck about 10 feet away from her. “You know what? I’m going to stay in the boat.” Bloom plopped back into the canoe and turned back into a human.

  When they got back to shore, Bloom asked, “Hey, maybe you can spend the night tonight.”

  “No, Bloom,” Charlotte replied.


  “We can’t!”

  “But why? We could do our nails, go swimming, have a power competition,”


  “And, watch a movie, bake brownies, play volleyball, go canoeing some more,”


  “Go to Bloom Island and build a fort, play pranks on my brothers, play Just Dance, play a board game,”


  “Make a movie, do karaoke, have a pillow fight, design a poster, make a model volcano, have a dance-off,”


  As Bloom kept talking, they walked into Bloom’s house. “And we can catch fireflies, torture your cousins, build sand castles,” Bloom’s mom walked by. “Oh, hey, Mom, can Charlotte spend the night?”

  Mrs. Willow turned around and laughed. “Of course not!”

  “Ok, Charlotte, let’s go start doing fun stuff that we-” Realizing Mrs. Willow had said no, she continued, “Wait, what?”

  “I said no.”

  “But why? Is everyone against sleepovers lately?”

  “Don’t you remember what tomorrow is?”

  “Um, church?”

  Mrs. Willow laughed again. “No, Bloom, we went yesterday!”

  “Then what are we doing?” Bloom demanded.

  “Not ‘we’,” Mrs. Willow laughed, “You! School starts tomorrow!”

  “WHAT?!?!” Bloom shouted, “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  “You have it easy!” Charlotte snorted. “ I have to start middle school in public school. You get to spend it in home-school.”

  “Aah, but that’s the catch,” Mrs. Willow smiled, “Bloom’s going to Green Reef Middle like you, Charlotte, instead of being home-schooled this year!”

  “ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!?!” Bloom yelled even louder, “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  Chapter 5: Bloom’s First Day

  “So this is what a bus looks like,” Bloom smiled as they rode to school.

  Charlotte laughed. “Seriously? You’ve never seen a bus?!”

  “Well, I’ve seen them on the road, but I’ve never seen one close up or been in one!” The two girls got off of the bus and walked up to the front door.

  “Where do we go?” Bloom asked.

  “Follow me.” Charlotte replied as the two took off. “First let’s go to breakfast.” Charlotte brought Bloom to the cafeteria. They were serving eggs, toast, bacon, and juice.

  “The bacon looks awesome!” Bloom smiled as she bit into it. “Ew! What is this stuff?!” She shouted as she spit it out.

  “The school’s bacon. Get used to it. Nothing tastes good in the cafeteria.” Charlotte took a sip of her juice. “Yuck! It’s hot!” She exclaimed.

  “Here, let me freeze it for you.” Bloom stretched out her hand to freeze Charlotte’s drink.

  “No, Bloom!” Charlotte grabbed her hand before she could freeze it. “You can’t get caught using your powers, and there’s people everywhere!” They looked around. The cafeteria was full.

  “Oops.” Charlotte and Bloom left the cafeteria.

  They went to homeroom after they left breakfast. Charlotte and Bloom sat together in the front of the room. Soon, another girl sat down beside them.

  “Hi, I’m Elsie!” She said to Bloom. “Why on earth are you sitting with Charlotte?” Elsie sneered when she noticed Bloom was next to Charlo

  “Because this is Bloom. Haven’t I talked about her before?” Charlotte smiled and turned to Bloom. “She’s the meanest girl in school. She HATES me!” Charlotte whispered.

  “Oh.” Elsie snorted. “You know, you don’t have to even talk to her. She’s an idiot. Just hang out with me instead.”

  “No,” Bloom smiled, “I’d rather hang out with Charlotte. At least she’s smart enough to be polite. And just so you know, if she’s an idiot, you must not know anything.

  “Ugh!” Elsie shouted as she switched desks.

  “Hey, Elsie!” Charlotte shouted. She gave Bloom the Watch this! Look. “ Nice Bow! Where did you get it?”

  “Oh, thanks for the complement! I got it at Wal-Mart! But honestly, I HATE yours.”

  “Oh,” Charlotte smiled, “I bought the same one! At PetSmart! For my DOG!”

  Elsie groaned again and continued to her seat. “Nice one!” Bloom high-fived Charlotte.