Read Sunlight Moonlight Page 32

Chapter Four

  When he woke in the morning, she was gone.

  Alarmed, he sat up, his gaze darting to the cage on the other side of the room. A vast sigh of relief escapedNavarre 's lips when he saw her there, asleep in her own bed.

  "Katlaina. Katlaina!"

  He called her name, needing to know she was all right, that he hadn't hurt her, but she didn't stir, and after a while, he realized they had drugged her. But why?

  Never had the hours passed so slowly as they did that day as he waited for the sun to set. He paced the floor for hours, his desire, his need, growing stronger with each passing moment.

  She woke an hour before dusk. A guard brought her food, water to bathe in, a transparent gown made of golden cloth.

  And then she was in his cage again. In his arms again. In his bed again.

  And his need was so great, he took her quickly, swiftly, burying himself in her softness, burying his fear of the future in the velvet warmth of her femininity.

  Later, when his desire had subsided, he gathered her into his arms, one hand stroking her hair.

  "Katlaina, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

  "No,Navarre . "

  "They drugged you last night. Why?"

  "To ensure that I give birth to a son. "

  "And if the child is a girl?"

  "I do not know. Perhaps they will let you try again. I do not know. "

  "Have any of the sacrifices ever fathered a girl child?"

  "Not that I know of. "

  "Katlaina, I'm sorry this has happened to you. I wish. . . "

  "What,Navarre , what do you wish?"

  "Don't you know?"

  She nodded, because she did know. Her mother had told her that there was one special man meant for each woman, and that only those blessed by the gods ever met the one man who was mate to their heart, to their soul.

  She knewNavarre was that man. A part of her could not help but rejoice that they had met; a greater part of her grieved because they could have no life together.

  He made love to her all night long, tenderly, gently. Passionately.

  And then, as the dawn threatened to steal the darkness from the sky, she felt his tears dampen her cheek.

  "Navarre. . . " Needing to comfort him, she wrapped her arms around him. "Do not cry,Navarre . . . " she whispered. "Please. . . do not cry. . . "

  It was the pattern of their days and nights for two months, and then he woke one morning to find her cage empty, the linen stripped from the bed, the door open.


  He screamed her name over and over again until one of the guards came.

  "Where is she?"Navarre demanded. "What have you done to her?"

  "Done your part, you have," the guard said. "Your seed has taken root. She's breeding, the woman is. "

  Navarre's hands curled around the bars, his knuckles white. "When will I see her again?"

  The guard stared at him for a moment, and then he shook his head. "You will not," he replied quietly.

  "Please, tell me where she is. "

  The guard started to shake his head, and then he sighed. "She is in a room abovestairs. You needn't worry. They'll take good care of her now. "

  "Please, let me see her. "

  "I cannot. "

  "Please. "Navarre blinked back the tears that burned his eyes. "Please. "

  "I cannot. "

  "Shall I beg? Is that what you want? I'll go down on my knees, down on my belly, whatever you ask. Only let me see her one more time. "

  The guard toyed with the hilt of his sword, and then he sighed. "Tonight," he said. "If I can, I will bring her tonight. But for a few moments only. "

  Navarrenodded, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. It was the first kindness that had ever been shown him.

  It was in the last dark hour before dawn when the guard brought Katlaina to him.

  "I'll be back for her in a quarter of an hour," the guard said.

  "Wait!"Navarre called as the man turned to leave. "Can you not put her in here with me?"

  "I haven't got the key," the guard said. "Best make good use of the time you have. "

  Navarrewaited until the man was gone, and then he reached through the bars, enfolding her in his arms. "Katlaina, are you well?"

  "Do not worry," she said quietly. "No harm will come to us. " She caressed his cheek. "My poorNavarre . You will be alone again. " A tear slid down her cheek as she placed her hand over his heart. "I will never forget you. "

  "Nor I you. "

  "I shall pray for a girl," she said tremulously. "Perhaps, if the gods are kind and my child is female, they will let you go. "

  "Perhaps," he said.

  She slid her arms around his waist, drawing him as close as she could with the bars between them.

  "Kiss me, myNavarre ," she whispered fervently. "Kiss me until they take me away. "

  Slowly, reverently, he lowered his head, his mouth slanting over hers to sip her sweetness. She tasted of milk and honey, and he drank deeply, imprinting her taste, her scent, on his memory. His fingers moved in the black silk of her hair, slid inside her robe to caress her breasts, memorizing the softness of her skin, the feel of her in his hands.

  "Katlaina. . . " He breathed her name, and then he kissed her again, silently cursing the iron bars that kept them apart.

  "I love you," she whispered. "I will love you as long as I live. "

  "Katlaina, I. . . " The words died in his throat as he heard footsteps, and then the guard was there, taking her by the arm, leading her away.

  And he was left alone.