Read Sunrise at Sunset Page 5

Chapter 4



  Katrina lay against Caleb's body on the large, four-poster bed in the second floor master bedroom. It was a bedroom she rarely ever used. Usually, she operated out of a hidden apartment-sized room in the basement portion of the house. The huge bedroom they were in at the moment was primarily for show, but she did keep part of her wardrobe, perfumes, and cosmetics stored there and in the adjoining grand-sized bathroom. And though it was rarely occupied, at that moment she was very happy to be making use of the room.

  The darkness was solely broken by the glow from exterior estate lights emanating through the nearby window. It was well past two o'clock Friday morning, and Caleb draped one arm lazily across Katrina's pale-skinned body.

  His thoughts were filled with the bliss of being there with her. It seemed like something out of a dream for him, and he wanted it to last forever. She had brought so much happiness to him that evening, and he recalled the intimate closeness and intense passion they had shared twice already. Such closeness of body mingled with the taking of his blood was so foreign to him. It seemed dark and dangerous, and yet laced with affection. He recognized that a significant evolution had occurred between them, both emotionally and intimately.

  She listened to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat, while the sound of blood flowing through his veins generated a type of anatomical song in her ears. She could sense the contentment in him, and it pleased her greatly. She lightly caressed his face with her fingertips as she considered a sense of pleasure she hadn't felt in so many years with someone. A humorous thought occurred to her, as she realized he knew so very little about her true nature. She wondered with mild amusement how many odd questions he had left unasked of her. The edges of her mouth upturned slightly, and she gazed up into his pale blue eyes from where she laid next to him. They were beautiful and projected a peaceful, innocent quality.

  "That wasn't so scary, was it?" she teased softly.

  "You're so full of energy," he murmured.

  "You meant to say 'life' didn't you?" she admonished. "I am alive, you know. You didn't just make love to an animated corpse. The movies have that all wrong, I'm happy to say. I breathe, and warm blood flows through my veins. "

  She heard his heartbeat increase slightly and smiled. She'd hit the nail on the head, it seemed. She bent her face up to kiss his neck softly, and he chuckled. He wasn't about to confirm her suspicion regarding his unspoken question, but was inwardly happy the answer was definitely a positive one. Alive is so much better than undead, he mused, and bent his head to kiss her softly on the forehead.

  "No transforming into a bat, no sleeping in coffins, and I have absolutely no aversion to crosses," she added for clarification in an amused tone.

  "Glad to hear it," he replied with approval. "I left my crucifix at home tonight just in case, though. "

  She heard a loud growl from his stomach, and she giggled. "Somebody's hungry," she ventured.

  "I was too nervous to eat before I came over," he confessed.

  Katrina smiled, and the realization struck her that she had no human food in the house, other than some Coca-Colas in the refrigerator and some wine in her basement. He was the first human guest to visit her home since establishing her residence in the Atlanta area.

  "Hm. We've got a grocery problem here, I think," she announced. "I'll need to work on that sometime soon. "

  He understood her reference immediately and chuckled. "I have an early class this morning anyway, so I'll just grab something on the way home," he said while stretching his lean, muscular body beneath hers.

  "If you must," she accepted with resignation as she rolled off of him to sit on the edge of the bed. She didn't want for him to leave yet, but she understood why.

  He propped himself up on one elbow and gently kissed her shoulder from behind. "You're amazing, you know," he offered reverently.

  She turned her head to glance at him over her shoulder with a warm grin and saw the look of sincere adoration on his face. She loved it, and it immediately sent a satisfied feeling through her body. With a quick motion Katrina pressed her lips to his and nearly drew the breath from him in a passionate kiss. So are you, my love, she reflected.

  Minutes later, he gazed at his reflection in a large full-length mirror as he dressed. He glanced at his neck where she'd bitten him, and his eyes widened slightly with surprise. Slowly rotating his neck towards the dim lamp light, he ran his fingertips across his skin as his eyes searched for anything resembling puncture marks, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. There's no way I imagined that, he insisted.

  Katrina appeared beside him wearing a green fleece robe and a sly grin on her face. "Vampires have a technique that works marvelously. Our saliva can heal wounds. "

  "That's impressive," he complimented as something else dawned on him. He raised an eyebrow and said, "I remember now the same numbness when you helped me with my cut forehead the night at the apartment. It healed completely in a couple of days. I thought it was the antiseptic. "

  She distinctly recalled the night in question. "Well, if done properly I could've healed it even faster, but I had to be subtle at the time. "

  His eyes darted to hers in the mirror's reflection, and he turned to face her directly.

  "What else can you do?" he asked.

  Her gentle green eyes glinted playfully, and she reached up to caress the side of his face with the back of one hand. "Well, you already know I can move quickly," she said.

  "Extremely fast," he agreed in a subdued tone. Like a bolt of lightning, in fact.

  "And considerable strength," she said slyly. "Acute hearing and a keen sense of smell, which are both helpful. "

  "And your eyes?" he asked intently. "Tell me about your eyes. "

  She considered him for a moment. "I can see in the dark for the most part, but I can also focus on distances farther than humans. "

  "But they glow at times," he whispered.

  She paused, kissing him gently on the lips. "It's a reflection of intense emotion, passion, anger, excitement," she explained while wrapping both arms around his waist and snuggling against him as she rested her chin on his shoulder. She wanted to keep her thoughts regarding mild hypnosis to herself for the time being.

  He paused to mull over her revelations, and his heart rate increased slightly as he considered an important question. "Can you read minds?" he asked.

  Katrina both heard and felt his increased heartbeat and gathered the question was important to him. "No," she replied directly. "But I can read body language extremely effectively. "

  "Hm," he replied as his muscles relaxed somewhat. "The hearing, vision, sense of smell. . . pretty enviable qualities. "

  She leaned into his ear and whispered, "Yes, Caleb, and all designed for hunting prey. "

  He paused as the gravity of her statement sunk in. "People then," he clarified as his body tensed again slightly. "As prey. "

  She kissed his cheek to comfort him and sighed. "Anything on this planet with blood is prey," she clarified. "Which, when you think about it, isn't far removed from how most humans see other animals. "

  "Am I prey to you?" he asked carefully. A small shiver ran through his body as the thought of being her next prey flashed in his mind. Am I a mere moth flying into a bright flame?

  Katrina reached up slowly to grasp his chin, turning his face to meet her gaze. Plainly detecting that he was unsettled by the query, she deliberately softened her otherwise serious expression to avoid projecting a threatening image.

  "You are not prey to me," she stated. "You could never, will never be prey to me. "

  He was both grateful and relieved. The corners of his mouth upturned slightly as she took his face in her hands and kissed him firmly and passionately on the lips. The warmth of her kiss soothed the tension caused by the dark topics they discussed, and he felt a euphoric wave of affection flow through his body.

ow go, Caleb," she encouraged as she gently massaged his shoulders with her hands. "Get something to eat and get some sleep. I'll come to your apartment after sunset tonight. We have more to discuss. "

  Upon returning home, Caleb's tired body slept, despite his mind's lack of cooperation. He awoke on the cool November Friday morning to daylight shining through his sheer curtains. Due to the warehouse directly across from his apartment window, he rarely received direct sunlight until the sun was higher in the sky, but the ambient glow from the new day still filtered in.

  The revelations from the previous night filled him with both awe and happiness. But with the light of day, he felt he was returning to an alternate reality. Daytime signaled his life as a college professor, while at night he became a lover, a partner, to a mysterious woman who had captured his heart and perhaps his soul. The surprising revelation was stark in his mind: he was in love with a vampire.

  No, Caleb corrected himself with a smile. I'm in love with a beautiful, remarkable, caring woman who just happens to be a vampire.

  It was a typical Friday at the college. He taught two classes and held some midday office hours. He also visited with some of his peers and the division office staff, but his mind was frequently distracted with thoughts of Katrina.

  He realized that he was obsessing a little over her. But then, don't all new couples obsess over each other, at least until they achieve a comfort zone and a routine?

  Katrina spent the day lounging in the renovated basement level of the estate serving as her bedroom, den, and entertainment area. There were no windows breaking up the sheet rock that covered the brick-backed walls, but picturesque tapestries and paintings had been hung, colorful depictions of historical periods from ancient times to the Renaissance, including some outdoor scenes.

  She wore comfortable cotton loungewear as she sat before her elaborate computer environment checking email, hoping for some word regarding the sudden disappearance of both Garett and Octavia in Europe. She read a message from Alton stating that his investigations in Paris had come to dead ends. However, he was in Trondheim, Norway, and had found Octavia's estate residence in the countryside burned to the ground. Apparently, it was nearly a total loss to the fire, but no bodies had been found. Alton said that the below-ground safe room Octavia maintained as a sheltered residence during the daytime, much as Katrina did, was the focal point of the fire.

  Katrina's eyebrows rose suspiciously, and she replied to Alton's message.


  It's too much of a coincidence, so there's little chance the fire was accidental. Somebody was after Octavia, and I suspect something ill has befallen Garett. We need to determine the commonality between the two events. How can I help?


  Her eyes narrowed as she clicked send. Are we dealing with a kidnapping or a murder? Either prospect was difficult against a vampire, except perhaps when aided by daylight or other UV-related sources. That is, unless it were due to another vampire. She didn't like the idea of that. Twice before a vampire had become a foe to her kind, and it had not ended well on either occasion.

  She glanced at the clock, realizing she had to begin readying herself for her evening with Caleb. Given the latest revelations regarding the missing vampires in Europe, she welcomed a pleasant diversion.

  By Friday afternoon, Caleb was home and cleaning up his apartment in anticipation of Katrina's visit. He thought about cooking dinner for them, but abruptly realized she didn't need to eat food.

  How odd, he thought. They'd been to dinner together a number of times. She appeared perfectly ordinary, just like any other person, like any other human. And with the stroke of one revelation, many of the normal mannerisms and views of traditional dating were completely usurped in his mind.

  Okay, so I'll abandon the cooking idea. Should I eat before she arrives? Maybe I should wait and ask. Finally, he decided to text her. She responded that she would accompany him to dinner that evening and added he should dress comfortably.

  Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, dusk transformed to evening. He showered and changed into a new pair of blue jeans and a turquoise dress shirt before slipping on a black leather jacket. He could always change after seeing Katrina's attire.

  The doorbell rang after 7 pm, and his pulse quickened in anticipation as he opened the door with a smile. Katrina stood before him wearing a pair of black denim jeans, a black turtleneck sweater, and knee-high black leather boots. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail like the night before. She was definitely dressed to kill, in a manner of speaking.

  She pressed the tip of her finger against his chest as she stepped forward with a playful grin, demanding, "You didn't even look through the peephole, my love. What if I were a robber?" She handed him a small paper sack labeled with a local drugstore as she walked past him.

  He took it from her and glanced at it curiously. One side of his mouth upturned in a partial smile as he shut the door behind her. "Well, if you were a robber, you'd probably be waiting for me in some dark parking lot, wouldn't you?"

  "Hm, we're going to have to work on security issues with you, I see," she noted absently before leaning into his lips with her own, kissing him warmly, yet all too briefly.

  "I missed you today," he whispered as his hands went to her hips to prevent her from pulling away from him.

  Her arms encircled his waist, and she smiled brightly at him. "I missed you too," she confessed. "Daytime is hard when all I want to do is be with you. "

  He considered that for a moment. "I guess I haven't given it any thought recently. I take both the day and night for granted, I suppose. "

  "As all humans should," she responded matter-of-factly, releasing him and pulling away to sit on one of his kitchen bar stools.

  Something in the way she said that bothered him, but he wasn't sure why. Rather than press the topic, he sat on a stool facing hers as he looked into the drugstore sack she had handed him earlier.

  "What's this?" he asked while withdrawing a container of iron supplements and one of a general vitamin supplement for men.

  She smiled at him and tapped the end of his nose with the tip of her forefinger. "You'll need to keep your constitution strong if you're going to have a vampire mate drinking from you periodically. "

  He grinned. "Is that what I'm called? A mate?"

  She regarded him fondly. "It's the term my kind likes to use. It's an important position of endearment and commitment. "

  He smiled with satisfaction at the title as the red-haired vampire observed his reaction closely. He was flattered that he had made such a wonderful impression on her. With a brief glance into her eyes, he noted that she seemed very pleased with him.

  "So, just what do you do during the day when the rest of us humans are busy enjoying the sunlight?" he asked.

  She sighed at his question, recalling how much she had enjoyed the daytime as a human. But rather than lament to him about that, she replied, "A lot of Internet-related activities mostly: finances, shopping, researching, learning, and there's always email. "

  "Email? To other vampires?" he ventured with a raised eyebrow. He was so focused just on her that thinking beyond the scope of one vampire was an altogether new concept for him to tackle.

  Katrina smiled at his curious tone. "Of course, silly. You didn't think I was the only one, did you?"

  Honestly, I haven't considered the topic much yet, he thought.

  "Do you have very many vampire friends?" Caleb inquired.

  She considered him for a moment. "Before I answer your question," she began carefully. "There's something you need to know about your role in my life. "

  Uh-oh, he thought while gazing into her eyes. Have I already done something wrong? he wondered.

  She reached out, grasping his hands in her own and holding them gently. They were warm to the touch, and she sensed a tension in him.

  "It's okay, my love," she reassured him. "It
's important that you realize there are certain expectations you need to be diligent about with us. It's a matter of safety for us both. "

  "You mean something like ground rules?" he asked.

  She shook her head at him with a warm smile. "Yes, some ground rules. Now, just relax and stare into my eyes while we discuss this, okay?"

  Katrina peered into his eyes intently and held his gaze while literally willing him to pay attention. He felt compelled to stare into her eyes, which began to glow slightly with beautiful green intensity.

  "Your eyes, they're like beautiful emeralds," he murmured before recalling her explanation from last night. "You're upset?"

  She released his hands and pressed her forefinger against his lips. "Sh. No, Caleb," she admonished gently. "Please, just listen. "

  He fell silent and nodded, still drawn to her luminous eyes. Indeed, her eyes didn't appear angry at all. In fact, he felt a peace wash over him, similar to the feeling of relaxation just before drifting off to sleep.

  She had no intention of trying to force suggestions into his thoughts, merely to compel his attention for the important information she was preparing to discuss. While she couldn't read his thoughts, she knew it would be much easier to gauge his reactions, including any attempts at evasive responses.

  Her expression softened, and she studied his features until her eyes locked onto his. She loved to stare into his pale blue eyes. She saw a gentleness in them, as if his very spirit were filled with innocence and sincerity. His eyes melted her primeval heart.

  She moved her stool closer to his until their knees almost touched as she sat across from him. She took each of Caleb's hands in hers and placed them together atop her own knees. "I don't mean to sound intimidating, but you need to know we're about to discuss some important matters," she explained, "conditions that are very important for you to honor. "

  His eyebrows rose with curiosity. Wow, heavy topics already, he mused.

  He nodded and remained silent as he stared into her eyes. He was already fully committed to this journey with her. He cared for her deeply and was quite honestly falling in love with her. She was so different from other women he had dated. She had a maturity about her, tempered by a sincere, tender nature. But he also sensed an edge about her personality, something beneath the surface that wasn't necessarily threatening to him because he felt safe being with her. I feel protected and secure around her. No, it was something else. Something dark. But still, there was no way he was about to turn away from her or the amazing prospects her otherworldly nature revealed to him. He felt that she might be the one for him, if there really were such a thing.

  As for Katrina, she committed to the decision that she wanted him in her life. She had been drawn to him for some time, and her love for him already felt firmly entrenched. It was a revelation both stark and strong in her mind. She had lived long enough to know the difference between mere physical blood interests and the feelings of devotion associated with love. Though both were important to her, she felt that Caleb embodied a holistic solution covering all the vital areas in her life. Perhaps she still recalled the innocent, caring child who showed no fear to help her. Or maybe it was all she observed of him when he didn't even know he was being watched or listened to.

  Great, I'm a stalker for sure, she silently chastised herself before focusing on the task at hand.

  "There can be no deviations from these, Caleb," she insisted.

  "I understand," he replied simply.

  "Are you ready?"

  "Yes," he said with a nod.

  "First, you must never reveal the true nature of my existence to anyone, no matter the emotions or motivations driving such an inclination. "

  She paused to ensure that he absorbed the requirement.

  "Second, you must reveal to me any knowledge or suspicion of anyone who might have determined my true existence or nature. "

  Another pause.

  "Third, you must never willingly give or submit yourself to another of my kind," she continued. "I tend to be mildly possessive, my love, and I insist on this. "

  His eyes widened only for a moment as he absorbed what she said. Her words were soothingly melodic as he remained somewhat entranced by her gaze.

  "Fourth, you may only have my blood when I offer it to you. "

  He frowned with sudden curiosity. "But why would -"

  Again, her finger pressed against his lips and her eyes flashed momentarily. "Sh, no talking. "

  He fell silent again and nodded as she removed her finger from his lips, though he marked the topic for future query.

  "Fifth, never accept blood from another of my kind. "

  She held his gaze and noticed no discernible change in his emotions. So far, so good, she mused.

  "Sixth, you will never ask to become one of my kind," she said with emphasis.

  His eyes widened momentarily, and she felt his hands twitch in her own for only a second. He's going to be really curious about that one, she decided.

  Karina's mind recalled the past experiences with partners in her life as a vampire. In the end, so many were nearly obsessed with the greedy prospect of conversion to her kind. She could see the obvious temptations, but there was more to it than what they each saw. Immortality came with its disadvantages, as she had learned painfully over the sometimes endless stream of years. She recalled the morning she met Caleb as a child, when she had tried to seek her own finality in the morning sunrise and was suddenly happy she had decided to give life another try.

  "Seventh and most importantly, never lie to me in matters concerning any of the aforementioned rules, my love," she insisted gravely.

  Finally, she blinked, and her eyes returned to their normal green color.

  "You agree to respect and abide by these seven rules?" she asked.

  Caleb nodded. "I love you, Katrina, and I'll follow them to the best of my ability. "

  A feeling of dread began to grow in her, and she insisted more strongly than she intended, "Please, Caleb. I know you can do this for me. "

  He frowned, urging, "Katrina, what's wrong? I won't let you down. "

  Her eyes adopted a sad expression, and she sighed deeply. Then her eyes closed, but when she reopened them again they were less morose. "In the past, these rules, though simple, have been breached in one way or another by a previous partner," she explained.

  He nodded with understanding. "They betrayed your trust. You had to abandon them?"

  But she shook her head negatively while holding his gaze. It was much worse.

  "No," she stated grimly. "They died. "

  His eyes widened slightly with surprise, and he blurted, "Died?"

  "They died," she repeated simply.

  "You mean died, as in they couldn't bear the pain they caused you? Couldn't bear to live without you?" he insisted urgently, although a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach suggested a graver conclusion.

  "No, I couldn't bear the danger and pain they caused me. They died, and all by my hand, save one. He was a suicide," she explained in a sorrowful tone.

  His pulse raced until it felt as if his heart would explode out of his chest. So, she will kill me if I break one of these rules?

  In the silence around them, Katrina heard his heart pounding and saw his pupils dilate. It was painful to know she was causing him such intense distress.

  He swallowed hard, and his mind struggled for something to say.

  "Are you okay, my love? What are you feeling?" she asked carefully as she observed his body language, and she listened to his breathing and heart rate.

  "I'm scared as hell, that's what I am," he replied anxiously.

  "You mustn't fear me, Caleb. " Her eyes appeared softer to him.

  "Too late," he replied somewhat shakily, but with a half-hearted attempt at a nervous grin.

  "Caleb," she cooed soothingly.

  "It's a lot to take in at once. In fact, I
'm already worried about making a mistake," he ruminated.

  Katrina regarded him with a sympathetic expression. "Don't worry. I'll help you. This will be a learning experience for both of us," she encouraged before adding wryly: "Although more of a relearning experience for me, I suppose. "

  He regarded her warily. He didn't want to be the next victim in her list of previous failures.

  "Here's my commitment to you, Caleb," she offered as she reached out for his right hand.

  He allowed her to take his hand between both of hers before she continued.

  "I promise to protect you to the best of my abilities," she began. "I will cherish you and all you give to me. I will be respectful of you, and I'll be honest about my feelings. "

  She smiled warmly at him, hoping to impart a sense of encouragement. After a moment and some effort on his part, he adopted a nervous half-smile, grateful that she was at least trying to be supportive.

  "And I will never take blood from you without your consent or offer," she added solemnly. His expression suggested that he didn't realize how major a concession she had just given him. "Traditionally, a vampire takes blood from their mate at their own discretion," she added.

  His eyes quickly met hers. Though he knew very little about her kind, he considered for a being that placed a high value on blood, such a stipulation seemed significant.

  He considered the roller coaster of emotions and revelations swarming through his head in the past few days, and at times he found everything a little hard to digest at once. Still, he knew he was in love with Katrina. He was smitten with her. But her revelation about previous fatal relationships had certainly instilled a small degree of fear. Perhaps it's a healthy response by a human to a vampire. However, he hoped it would dissipate as their relationship grew, because he truly didn't want to fear her.

  She regarded him with a hopeful expression, but she could sense, almost feel, the emotions battling inside of him. She realized her stipulations and rules might seem cumbersome or intimidating to a potential partner, but they were in place for a reason. Experience had taught her the importance of the rules for both her and him.

  "I accept," Caleb softly agreed as he stared into her eyes. "But you're not allowed to let me down either. "

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. His arms folded around her waist, and he pulled her towards his body. As her lips parted from his and she began to release him, his lips pressed against hers again with more passion. A moment later, he reluctantly allowed her to pull away from him. She gazed at him intently as she sat back from him, and her eyes sparkled slyly with approval.

  "Done, and sealed with a kiss," she said simply as if some secret contract negotiation had been completed. She recalled his earlier question before she had covered her list of rules.

  "By the way, I have a number of contacts who are fellow vampires," she said. "Some I even consider to be close friends, and two in particular are like family to me. "

  He nodded and fleetingly wondered if he would ever have the chance to meet any of her vampire friends or associates, though the thought also sent a pang of anxiety through him. Perhaps one vampire is enough for me for right now, he conceded.

  His stomach growled, and Katrina's eyes darted to him before smiling with genuine amusement. It was the second time in less than twenty-four hours that his stomach had intervened on their time together.

  "Come on. Let's go get you something to eat," she offered with a smile.

  Much to his satisfaction, she agreed to let him drive her Audi sports car. He enjoyed the driving experience, and she reveled in how much pleasure it gave him. She studied his boyish grin, which briefly reflected the child he once was.

  Caleb took them to a steak house across town he particularly enjoyed. They were both pleasantly surprised when a table in an uncrowded area was available. Normally, a Friday night would have involved a wait, but fortunately a formerly unused section of the dining room had just opened.

  The atmosphere was casual and hosted a variety of patrons ranging from families, to couples, to groups of friends. The room was comfortably lighted, and the tables were covered with simple white linen table cloths. After ordering drinks, Caleb perused the menu, while Katrina sat quietly to his right with her back turned to most of the other patrons and watched him with interest.

  He glanced at her and casually asked, "Are you hungry?" Realizing his mistake, his face reddened slightly.

  One side of her mouth upturned slyly. "Yes, actually. "

  "Really? Well, what sounds good for dinner?" he pressed.

  "You," she replied almost too quietly to be heard. His scent was tantalizing to her, and the ever-present desire for blood was there. It was a universal desire among all of her kind, and her recent bonding with him only heightened her desire.

  His eyes widened, but he grinned nevertheless. "Oh, really?" he prompted with a hint of playfulness as he looked deeply into her green eyes.

  Katrina's eyes held his gaze, but with only a hint of amusement. She truly, deeply wanted to press her mouth against his soft neck and partake of him. She didn't want to kill him, but she definitely craved a taste.

  The waiter delivered their drinks and promised to return for their entree orders soon.

  After another silent moment, Caleb's grin began to fade, and he swallowed a sip of his drink with a single hard gulp as her eyes held his in a near trance. He had the feeling she was looking at him much like a hungry wolf would stare at a rabbit. An uncontrolled shiver ran up his spine, and she broke the trance by looking down at the menu in front of her.

  "Perhaps my selecting something from the menu would be safer for you right now," she suggested smartly.

  "I'm good with that," he agreed frankly.

  "For now," she added almost as an afterthought.

  He blinked again and glanced back down to his menu, soberly realizing the double meaning in her comment. Caleb was so used to the playful banter of a conventional courtship that it shook him to realize just how seriously she took the whole blood topic.

  "I'm sorry," he apologized without looking up at her. "I wasn't making light of your needs. "

  Her hand darted across the small table, and her fingers caressed the top of his right hand. The sudden action startled him, and he jolted slightly as his eyes rushed up to meet hers. Fortunately, her expression had softened.

  "I didn't mean to be harsh, but there are moments that are actually hard for me," she began. "I'm only trying to protect you while helping you realize how dangerous our mutual interest in one another could become. It takes years to gain control over the constant craving for fresh blood, but even when mastered, the desire for it is always present. Our recent intimacy has heightened a craving in me, and I'll need to be careful. "

  He nodded and one corner of his mouth upturned slightly. Part of him wanted to ignore the fact she was more than the human she appeared to be before him. However, a momentary doubt ran through his mind as he wondered whether he really were in danger being with her.

  "You seem in such control at all times, so measured in your actions," he ventured. "Particularly after last night, it seems almost odd that you could still be dangerous to me. "

  She sighed gently. "I've attempted other relationships over the years, but I always regretted them. You might recall our earlier conversation this evening?"

  His shoulder muscles tensed as the uncomfortable fact resurfaced. She killed them all in the end, except one who committed suicide. However, he was resigned to showing her how positive a relationship could be, even for a vampire. But I wonder how many of her previous partners started with the same positive intentions?

  Katrina raised one eyebrow slightly, fully measuring the change in his body language and sensing some agitation. While it wasn't her intent to intimidate him, she wanted to be open and honest regarding the seriousness of their pairing.

  By the time he had resigned himself
to asking additional questions, the waiter appeared, and they both seemed relieved by the distraction. She ordered a small garden salad with no dressing, and he ordered a well done steak with twice-baked potatoes and a side salad.

  "Do you still enjoy eating regular food?" he inquired curiously once the waiter departed.

  "Sometimes," she reflected. "Some dessert items, like chocolate, still hold a certain satisfaction for me, and I've learned to appreciate a few other foods in small quantities. But most of the time it's simply about trying to appear more human to those around me. "

  "So you can digest food without any problems?" he asked.

  Katrina considered his question briefly before responding. "Sort of. I don't get any nutritional value from it like you do. It's much the same way your body would react to eating grass or leaves from a tree. Although liquids are generally fine, my body doesn't digest large quantities of human food very well," she explained.

  "I find most dishes revolting, particularly those involving cooked meat," she continued with a wrinkled nose. "In fact, most of us don't like the smell or taste of cooked meats. Foods prepared with fresh fruits and vegetables or grains are more palatable, although preferably in very small quantities. "

  He nodded, filing the information away. Following a moment's recollection, it registered on him how little food she actually consumed when they had gone out. As a matter of fact, on all those occasions, he suddenly couldn't recall a time when he saw her eat anything with cooked meat in it either. He had a small epiphany about the steak he had just ordered.

  "My meal won't bother you, will it?" he asked while reaching out to the small wicker basket for a roll.

  She smiled appreciatively. "I'll endure on your behalf. Just don't ask me to try it. "

  He smiled back as the waiter briefly reappeared to refill their tea and water glasses and update them on the status of their meals. Meanwhile, Caleb's thoughts composed an entire series of additional questions. She noticed the brightened look in his eyes and anticipated what was coming. Readying herself, she adopted a resigned, yet amused, expression.

  "Do you mind?" he asked after noting her countenance.

  "Proceed," she replied while gracefully folding her porcelain-like hands on the table before her.

  "What year were you born?"

  She regarded him with a steely expression and countered darkly, "It's not polite for a man to ask a lady her age. "

  His eyes widened slightly, and he quickly explained, "Sorry, it's the historian in me, you understand. Just the idea of how much human history you may have experienced could stagger the mind, depending upon when you became a vampire. "

  She raised a suspicious eyebrow and ventured, "Perhaps. Still. . . "

  He swallowed once and offered, "I respect your reluctance, and I mean no disrespect, Katrina, but how about if I were able to guess?"

  One corner of her lip upturned as she considered his suggestion. She could understand his seemingly innocent curiosity and conceded, "Very well, but you only get one guess per day, and I won't tell you if you're close or by how much. "

  "Hints?" he pressed with a playful glint in his eyes.

  "No," she stated in a superior tone. "No hints. "

  He thought for a moment as he casually munched on the piece of bread he'd just buttered. She had mentioned that she had previous mates, but he had no idea how many or for how long each might have been with her. Months? Years? Maybe I should shoot for the moon and see what happens. Somehow, he could easily envision her outfitted in a nineteenth century dress.

  "1896," he ventured hopefully.

  "No," she stated with a neutral expression before prompting: "Next topic. "

  He rolled his eyes and insisted, "Come on, at least tell me if I'm in the right century or not. "

  She adopted a smirk and replied, "Well. . . no. Next topic. "

  He shook his head and moved on rather than risk annoying her. "Okay then, out of all the people in this world you could just as easily have chosen, why were you interested in me?" he asked.

  Her eyebrows rose appraisingly. That's a question she hadn't expected from him.

  "I knew you were special the moment I met you," she stated simply. Never mind that you were only a child at the time.

  He watched her with a dubious expression.

  "You may not realize it yet, but you have an appealing innocence about you. Your heart is in the right place, and you're capable of extraordinary decisions and actions under unusual circumstances," she explained.

  "But how could you know all that?" he pressed.

  She smiled slyly and assured him, "Trust me. I know. "

  Caleb considered her response as he absently buttered another roll. She watched him as he prepared his bread and was momentarily intrigued by the delicate movements of his hands. An artist's touch, she observed.

  "What do you like most and least about being you?" he asked in a subdued voice as a waiter passed by a little too closely for comfort.

  Katrina's eyes darted to the waiter for a split second before returning her gaze to Caleb.

  "The best part is the heightened senses that I have now," she explained. "I see, hear, smell, taste, and appreciate so much more of the world from a vampire's perspective. It's as if the finer details are easier to pick out and focus on. "

  "And the least," he prompted.

  She regarded him with sad eyes. "I miss the morning sunrise. It used to fill me with a sense of hopefulness, as if life could start fresh again if yesterday weren't so pleasant. "

  He nodded, realizing that he hadn't given such things much thought. Perhaps many of the wonders of life are wasted on humans.

  He munched on his piece of bread and noticed she was studying him with a penetrating gaze. "What's your favorite holiday?" he asked out of the blue.

  "I don't mark holidays anymore," she stated absently. She was trying to remember the last time that she actually celebrated a holiday and found herself lost in the recounting.

  "Mine is Thanksgiving," he offered with a smile.

  She broke from her reverie and regarded him with a curious expression. "Why Thanksgiving?" she asked.

  He smirked. "Great food and no annoying gift shopping conundrums. "

  She grinned and rolled her eyes at him. "I should've guessed," she considered out loud. "A man's answer, for certain. "

  "Which reminds me, what's our plan for Thanksgiving?" he queried with a smile. "It's next week, you know. "

  She was at a loss for words, having forgotten about the need to celebrate holidays now that she had a human mate again. It was so long ago.

  "Anything you want, as long as you're not expecting me to cook some oversized, dead bird for you," she insisted darkly.

  Caleb couldn't help but laugh out loud. "How about a small, dead bird, which I'll be certain to have catered with some trimmings so you won't have the smell permeating the house?" he clarified hopefully.

  She smirked despite herself and nodded. It's hard to refuse him a happy holiday, after all. "Okay, but we eat at your place," she insisted. "That way you won't stink up my house with dead animal meat scents. "

  "Done," he agreed with a grin. "Okay, I've got another question. "

  "Oh no, now it's my turn," she insisted.

  He grinned and inclined his head in acquiescence.

  "Do you want children?" she asked plainly with slightly upraised eyebrows.

  He was surprised by the topic and it registered in his expression.

  "Well, sure. Someday," he replied thoughtfully.

  "I'm barren now that I'm a vampire," she stated.

  "Oh," he replied sympathetically. "Well, that's okay. "

  "Today it is. But what about a year from now, or five years from now?" she prompted patiently.

  "Well, we could adopt," he ventured hopefully.

  Katrina rolled her eyes. "Oh, I can't wait to see the expression on the state adop
tion inspector's face during the daytime interviews when I can't be in the sunlight. It would take mere seconds for sunshine to make my skin sizzle and burn before their eyes. "

  The grisly vision made Caleb shudder, and he quickly forced it from his mind. "Okay, I see what you're trying to do," he replied evenly. "Next question," he challenged.

  She smirked at him, silently admiring his resolve. "Okay. Won't your friends and coworkers find it strange when I can't attend daytime social functions with you?"

  "Well, I'll tell them you're feeling ill, or have work obligations, or you're out of town," he stated, proud for having thought so quickly on the fly.

  She arched one eyebrow.

  "There are plenty of evening events you can attend," he added smartly.

  She nodded appraisingly. Nicely done, she conceded. "What do you say as you and your friends get older, much older, and I remain young looking?" she asked slyly.

  That was something he truly hadn't considered. A sobering expression formed on his face as he mulled the concept over in his mind.

  Katrina nodded slightly as she noted his thoughts deepening on the matter.

  "Strong genes?" he ventured with a smirk.

  She wasn't amused, and a momentary surge of irritability rolled over her. "No, not acceptable, Caleb," she admonished.

  He shrugged. "Okay, so you have me there, I suppose. I guess we'll just have to address that later. "

  "The here and now is always easier for people to indulge in carelessly. But I have to consider the future at all times prior to my actions. The future is always just around the corner for me," she explained. "The concept of eternity demands careful planning at most levels. Small decisions today take on larger impact and meaning tomorrow. "

  "A butterfly flaps its wings in Japan, and a strong wind blows in China?" he ventured with a raised brow.

  His analogy intrigued her. "Well, not always with that impact, but the idea resonates in much the same manner. "

  He sighed and conceded, "Okay. So I don't have all the answers. But is that a good reason to just walk away and forget the whole thing altogether?"

  "Yes," she replied simply. "It is, actually. "

  He just stared at her and snorted derisively as he shook his head. Why is she being so obstinate about this? "I already assured you that I'm fully capable of commitment, and I'm willing to make sacrifices," he retorted defensively.

  "And abandon all those you care about or that are an important part of your life?" Katrina pressed evenly.

  His expression grew more subdued, and a pained look was visible in his eyes. "There aren't many left to abandon," he replied grimly.

  His response surprised her momentarily, and she regarded him thoughtfully. That was a stupid thing to ask him, she admonished herself. I know better than anyone what he's lost in his life. She found herself wishing she could take back her previous question.

  "I seem obstinate and negative, don't I?" she asked. "But I'm not trying to be. "

  He looked at her with a mix of frustration and helplessness. Why is she being so serious and contrary all of the sudden?

  Katrina looked at him with compassion and explained, "Please don't be angry, Caleb. I'm experienced enough to know that right now you're feeling euphoric. It's the infatuation phase of our relationship, after all. Right now everything feels new, exciting, and hopeful. It's hard for you to wrap your head around the negative or the challenging. "

  "Wait, so you're not feeling infatuated about us or me right now?" he asked with a note of concern.

  She smiled, realizing how very young he still was, how inexperienced in the ways of the world, even as an adult human. I feel like I'm robbing the cradle more and more as time passes, she mused sardonically. The fact that she had known him as a child wasn't lost on her, either. Then again, I've seen a lot more of the world than he, she silently conceded, more than I'm comfortable admitting to him, actually.

  "Of course, I'm feeling quite infatuated with you, my love. I merely want you to see the larger tapestry taking shape before you. Eventually, your feelings of infatuation are going to pass, and you'll be facing the very real and substantive issues we'll be forced to confront as a human and vampire. You can't continue living exclusively in the moment. These issues are serious and complex," she explained. "Time isn't an enemy to me as it is to you, which is why I must be careful today to consider the prospects of tomorrow. "

  He nodded belatedly and blurted, "But if I were like you -"

  Katrina's eyes angrily flashed in brilliant green, and her eyes narrowed to slits as she gestured with her right index finger upraised. "Stop there," she issued with more force than she had intended.

  His mouth snapped shut, and his eyes widened with surprise. Some curious diners nearby raised their faces and stared at them from across the room. Katrina quickly lowered her hand and settled back in her chair. Her eyes returned to their normal green hue, but she continued to stare at him.

  He started to approach the topic from a different angle, which she anticipated by watching his expression.

  "Don't," she ordered. "Remember rule number six. You must never ask to become one of my kind. "

  He breathed a heavy sigh and nodded in resignation. Oh yeah, rule number six, he considered sullenly. This is a little harder than I thought back at the apartment tonight.

  His reaction was enough to satisfy her regarding the topic, and her disposition returned to its previously relaxed state while he chewed on his lower lip and reached out absently to grasp his tea glass.

  "You're pouting," she admonished him.

  He took a deliberately long time to sip and swallow his tea and replied, "Hardly. I'm just thinking to myself, that's all. " He resented her choice of words in describing his mood and was too proud to admit how correct she actually was.

  Katrina, however, was becoming adept at reading his individual traits and body language, and she knew better. Instead, she glared at him from across the table. Men can have such infuriatingly sensitive egos sometimes, she fumed.

  Moments later, the server delivered their entrees and quickly departed. Caleb ate his food in silence, while Katrina picked at her salad just for show, eating very little in the process. She had become quite an accomplished actress over the years and could blend into a room without raising suspicion.

  She fell into a dark mood following the abrupt lull in conversation and fleetingly wondered if their declaration of commitment to each other was a hasty mistake. She considered an alternate reality where she hadn't reached out to Caleb and instead watched briefly from afar before moving on to some other part of the world.

  After all, why should a chance childhood encounter that he doesn't even remember somehow graduate into something tangible between us? She felt a sense of sadness and loss at the prospect of his not being an active part of her life. The mere thought of severing connections to him caused her more internal conflict than she expected. To her, the impact he had already made in her life was significant, and she was all too aware of how much she cared for him, loved him. She put her fork down silently, stole a glance at him with a dart of her eyes, and noted that he appeared to be as morosely affected as she felt.

  "What are you thinking?" she asked gently.

  He finished chewing, swallowed his mouthful of steak, and put his fork down. "Why is rule number six so important?" he insisted firmly, though with a respectful tone.

  She considered him for a moment before answering. "Becoming one of my kind changes you. You may not think you're different afterwards, but you are," she explained. "I like you the way you are now. You bring a balance into my life. Your innocence and your gentle, compassionate nature are refreshing. Those are rare qualities, even rarer among my kind. "

  "There's hardly a harsh, cruel woman sitting before me. In fact, you've only been very kind and caring towards me," he countered quietly so as not to make a scene. "And you've displayed a sense of compassion an
d encouragement towards me. How is that any different from how I might be as one of your kind?"

  She glowered at him, giving her face a slightly cruel look to it. "How I feel towards you, how I choose to treat you, that isn't how I generally feel about the rest of humanity," she stated with an edge to her voice. "I'm a predator, Caleb. I'm a great white shark that wants to tear into your flesh. I simply choose not to because of my feelings for you specifically. You're the exception in my life, not the rule. "

  That was a dose of honesty he hadn't been entirely prepared for, and he felt like he'd just been doused with cold water. His eyes widened slightly with surprise at the vehemence in her voice.

  "I don't exactly see you running around town tearing out people's throats," he countered in a low whisper.

  "What makes you think I don't when you're not around?" she asked levelly. She had hoped to avoid such a harsh subject with him, but perhaps a dose of honesty was best. She needed him to understand there were few warm fuzzies about being a vampire.

  Caleb was speechless as he stared at her. His mind raced to process what she just said. It isn't as if I heard about people disappearing or turning up mangled and bloodless in Atlanta recently. Is it?

  "Do you remember the mugger in the college parking lot? You let him live. I saw him flee, and he was alive," he insisted firmly.

  Her eyes flicked to his for a moment and looked away, as if she were considering what to say next. "Why do you think I left you so quickly that night?" she asked coolly.

  He froze and deliberately gazed across the dining room at other patrons so that he didn't have to look her in the eyes.

  "Caleb, look at me," she insisted in a whisper.

  He kept his eyes averted, so her hand darted to his and squeezed it abruptly to get his attention. His eyes shifted to look at her with a start, and he gazed into her level stare. Her green eyes appeared steely and cold to him all of a sudden and intimidated him.

  "I'm not justifying myself to anyone. I kill whenever I deem it necessary. I live as one of my kind, and I relish in it," she stated plainly. "I've left a trail of blood reaching all the way back to my creation. Blood is nourishment, but it's more than that. The taking of it thrills me, as it does all of my kind. "

  "It has to be more than that," he pleaded. "What we shared the other night, what I gave to you, was gentle, not vile. "

  "It's true that the taking of blood can be part of an intimate experience for us," she explained as she gently massaged his hand in hers. "It's a higher form of bonding with a mate, versus simply a feeding activity. "

  "And yet, you make yourself out to be some kind of evil serial killer," he admonished in a whisper. "But you're not that to me. "

  "Just you wait to see what would happen if my blood supply deliveries ever cease," she warned ominously. "I'm going to feed, one way or another. "

  "You don't have to kill to feed," he countered. "If that were true I'd already be dead. "

  Her facial muscles relaxed, and she regarded him with a sympathetic expression.

  "My sweet Caleb," she offered as she gently squeezed his hand in hers. "I'm not asking you to hate me. Just don't confuse the facts of what I am with the emotions between us. "

  He squeezed her hand back and gazed into her eyes affectionately. "Then quit trying to scare me away," he insisted. "I'm not leaving, and you'll only succeed in annoying me. "

  She smirked at him and rolled her eyes. He's persistent, at least, she considered.

  "Fair enough. Just bear in mind a little caution is healthy in your life," she said with a note of finality. "But you mustn't be afraid of me. "

  The waiter came by to refill their tea and water glasses and then departed quickly. Katrina saw that he seemed to gather they were in an intense discussion. "He gets a good tip tonight for being observant," she noted absently.

  They sat silently for a time. Caleb finished his meal, and Katrina picked at her salad while mostly watching him eat. She studied him, observing his individual mannerisms and learning even the small nuances of behavior few people even realized they exhibited. She found him so very intriguing, so unlike the men in her past, save for one, perhaps. But that was a long time ago, she reflected. Caleb's professed devotion to her, even after knowing her dark and often violent nature, was so at odds with his reserved, gentle personality. She certainly loved him, but it was simply amazing that he could feel the same of her.

  People are primarily a food source and generally don't mean much to me, she thought as she watched him finish eating. However, Caleb matters, and I want to ensure that he remains happy and safe, she noted decisively.

  He flashed a sidelong reassuring smile at her, and she smiled warmly in return. By the end of their meal together, his emotions had moderated somewhat, and he held her hand while droving them to a movie across town. Once the movie was over, Caleb was once again simply happy to be with her and kissed her affectionately on the lips as they walked back to her car.

  She made certain not to belabor any further difficult topics with him for some time afterwards, content merely to appreciate his company and garner a continued sense of closeness between them.