Read Sunset Thunder Page 20

  Chapter Thirteen

  THE BENSEN WEDDING was creeping up fast. Too fast. In less than two weeks, only twelve days away, a gorgeous Saturday morning...yes Violet had checked the weather...Joel and Missy would be wed in the gold ballroom.

  Monday evening, two days after spending the day on Ryder’s yacht, Violet had an appointment with the Bensen bride and groom. They needed their last sit-down to summarize the final decisions and make necessary changes, if any.

  It was perfect with Parker and Sophia at Kate and Marc’s suite, playing with Rosemary and knowing Ryder wouldn’t be present. After a week of I-can’t-get-my-mind-off-of-Ryder Carlex, Violet wasn’t ready to face him. Her so called trusted heart, as Marc had told her to follow, flip-flopped all over, depending on her mood.

  What did Ryder want from her?

  Violet couldn’t answer that question, and she knew the only way to know what his true intentions were, was to ask Ryder himself.

  Did he still want to go on a date with her, after she’d called him a womanizer and accused him of using her? Or had she been accurate and he was only interested in one night stands? Or was he using her as a pawn in a game that Joel created?

  Wasn’t that a bit of a stretch? But was it?

  After Violet had witnessed what her father was capable of, the fact Ryder could be using her wasn’t that much of a stretch. The larger stretch was if he wasn’t planning on using her...if he liked her as much as she liked him.

  Did Ryder want a relationship with her?

  All those questions needed to be answered, but before she asked Ryder a single one, there was a pressing question in which Violet had to determine the answer. It was the only question Ryder couldn’t answer for her.

  Was Violet ready for a relationship?

  Just the thought of a relationship and all it entailed terrified her. Dating again and opening herself up to another person, giving them the power to hurt her was a whole new round of frightening emotions. The decision wasn’t easy, and trying to decide whether to let someone...not just someone, Ryder...into her life, into her heart, into her soul wasn’t a question she could answer in only two days.

  Violet felt a headache coming on. 

  The sides of her hair were pulled into a tight bun, urging on her throbbing temples. She pulled her hair loose and her wispy bangs fell, framing her oval face.

  The throbbing continued. She settled her face in her hands, elbows on her desk, and wished she hadn’t made any appointments this evening so she could go home early to the slumber of her bed.

  She was a mess.

  Violet clenched her jaw in disgust. A mess which included the bun she’d just ripped out, a meeting with Joel and Missy in a short time, and Ryder popping into her thoughts like bubbles bursting with alarm all through her at the same time. The rush was incredible.

  Violet abandoned her desk, stood in front of the mirror on the back of her office door and started gathering up her hair. No excitement. No alarm. No Ryder. She had a job to do today and−

  Violet’s office door opened swiftly, before she had a chance to secure her hair, and slammed into her lifted elbow.  


  Violet dropped her locks and rubbed her funny bone, which wasn’t funny at all, shooting horrible, painful, tingling pain instead through her elbow and up her arm. 

  Izzy peered her head around the door, a mop of blonde hair pulled into a messy bun right on top of her head. Her manicured fingers gripped the side of the door and she sent Violet a quizzical look across her flawless face, that made her look even years younger than her early twenties. It didn’t matter that it was almost eight in the evening, Izzy’s face was always painted with a fresh coat of makeup and bright, ready to take on the day, eyes.

  “What are you doing?” Izzy asked, innocently.

  Why was she asking what Violet was doing? She was the one not bothering to knock.

  “What are you doing?” Violet asked.

  Izzy ignored her question. “Is Emma here yet?” 

  Emma? Here yet? Why?

  Violet had an appointment in...she glanced at the clock...twelve minutes, she didn’t have time for sister chat.

  “No.” Violet didn’t even ask why. 

  Izzy stepped into her office, not bothering to close the door. Izzy’s fingers followed the trail of her dramatic, dark eyes, lined with thick liquid black liner and dug her fingers right through Violet’s hair, ruffling the sides and digging her nails into her scalp to fluff the top.

  Violet pulled away, swatting her sister’s hands away. Boundaries, Izzy, geez.

  “Why are you wearing your hair down?” Izzy’s voice was laced with suspicion.

  Why would she be suspicious? Marc was the only Caliendo aware of Violet’s feelings for Ryder and he’d had a difficult enough time talking with her about it, he certainly wouldn’t have talked to the rest of the family...especially not Izzy.

  “I’m putting it up,” Violet informed her, pulling the elastic from her wrist, preparing for Izzy to move away from the mirror, so she could see what she was doing.

  “You never wear your hair down.” 

  Why were they still talking about her hair? “I’m not wearing it down.”

  “I like it down. All wavy and sexy...”

  Hair down is sexy? Get it wrapped back up.  

  “It softens that hard-ass look you’re always wearing.” 

  Hard-ass look? Violet would give Izzy a hard-ass look for wasting the precious moments she needed to tie her hair back up.

  “Like that one right there.” Izzy touched her nose. “And this is cute.” Izzy pulled on the edge of Violet’s dress. “Nice change from the old lady blazers and−” Izzy gasped. “Ryder’s coming here today isn’t he?”

  Violet maintained an unfazed look, finding it the most difficult time in her life with the steam of questions bursting to come out. And darn it, another explosion of excitement bubbles went off through her body at the mention of Ryder’s name. 

  Why was Izzy bringing up Ryder? How had she even related Ryder to her? And why was she giving her that annoying I-know-something-you don’t-know look? Ugh! 

  If Izzy, in fact, knew what Ryder and Violet had done, this conversation would be going in a completely different direction...a naughty and exciting direction.

  “Do you have a Bensen appointment today?”

  Violet didn’t have the chance to point out her sister that Ryder would not be attending. Izzy rolled her eyes, the distasteful action reminding Violet why she didn’t perform such gestures.

  “I still think agreeing to their request is bullshit. I swear he’s getting married here just to get a rouse out of you. Like honestly what a douchebag.” 

  Violet would never use that term, but it summed Joel up to perfection.

  “I know you’re not letting your hair down and dressing sexy for Joel...” 

  Sexy? Did she look sexy? 

  Violet caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror again. Above the knees, clingy, soft color, dipping neckline, armless, sexy dress...oh crap.

  Where was her jacket?

  Violet moved through her office searching out a jacket, a great distraction to get away from Izzy’s watchful eyes. She had less than ten minutes and she should have been in the foyer early. 

  “So this all must be for Ryder,” Izzy summarized.  

  Violet was glad her back was facing Izzy, as she searched around her desk for anything to throw over her shoulders. At the mention of Ryder, Violet’s lips parted and her lungs sucked in the air Izzy’s declaration had extinguished out of her.

  How had Izzy figured it out? She couldn’t have. Why was she bringing it up? Where was Emma?! 

  Violet regained her composure, gave up her hunt for a jacket and turned to face her sister. She disliked the playful glimmer behind Izzy’s eyes or the way her lips curved mischievously, teasing like the off-the-shoulder lace top that was grazing her skin, just ab
ove the low rise ripped denim that hugged her curvy hips. 

  “Izzy I’m not sure where you’re going with this, but I do have an appointment with Joel and Missy in less than five minutes. I do very much doubt Ryder would attend and even if he did, I don’t understand, nor do I really want to understand, why you would assume I would let my hair down and wear a sexy dress for him. I can hardly stand him.”

  Hardly stand him? Why did you add that? Don’t feed the fire. Say less listen more. 

  “That’s not what Parker and Sophia told me,” Izzy continued. 

  Her children were little traders. 

  “I had a delicious supper tonight, which thank goodness you missed out on, or else I wouldn’t have been so informed about your extracurricular activities.”


  Izzy continued. “Parker and Sophia were full of enthusiasm as they told the whole family all about how much fun you three had on Ryder’s boat.” Violet did not have time for this right now.

  “Parker and Sophia did have fun.”

  Clarity: Parker and Sophia, not us, not me, not Ryder. Take the hint Izzy, drop the subject. 

  “I was surprised you even went on his boat.” 

  Clarity not taken. Let me spell it out for you Izzy, so we can drop this topic and I can continue to figure out what I am going to do with Ryder...if anything.

  “I dropped the kids off at Ryder’s house because he and Joel were taking them fishing. When I arrived, Joel canceled and I had a sad couple of kids who had been looking forward to fishing. Ryder offered to take them but I certainly wasn’t going to leave them alone with him, which is how I ended up on the boat.” 

  Izzy’s grin widened, like Violet’s explanation was testament to whatever she was conjuring up in her head. “Mmhmm.” 

  “Don’t mmhmm me.” Violet’s eyes caught the clock. She was late. “I have to go.”

  She grabbed her iPad off her desk and started toward the door. 

  Ryder wouldn’t show up. Would he? Was that why she had dressed...more casual than normal? Because she thought he might show up?

  Izzy stepped in front of her and before Violet even realized what was happening, her sister had swiped lip gloss along her matte pink lips. 

  “Izzy!” She pulled her head away and glared.

  Izzy smiled. “There. That’ll get him. You always wear matte let’s change it up. Glossy, hot.” 

  Was she for real? 

  “I like Ryder and if he is responsible for this new you that you’ve been trying to hide, than I like him even more.” Izzy paused and bit her lower lip like she was concerned, even though her eyes still sparked mischief. “Even though he did try to have sex with Emma. I mean that was a long time ago and I’m sure he’s changed. People change. Besides, Mom said he was probably going through something and she would know.”

  Was her family always going to remember Ryder as the one who tried to get up Emma’s dress at her wedding? This was mortifying and added another brick to the layers she had to evaluate before she saw Ryder again.

  Violet sent her sister a no-nonsense look, having had her fair share of this conversation. “Step away from the door before I take Marc’s side on his determination to make you work.” 

  Izzy’s smile dropped, but her attitude remained. “I was being helpful. You’re just being plain mean.”

  Izzy stepped out of the way and Violet swung the door open, while looking over her shoulder at Izzy. “Not another word about Ryder,” she warned and caught the biggest smile cross her sister’s lips.

  What was she thinking now?

  When Violet turned back, her mind didn’t have time to react to the body standing on the other side of the doorway. She bounced right off the solid chest and she would have went flying backwards if his arm didn’t wrap around her waist, drawing her firmly against him. So firmly she couldn’t have squeezed away if she tried. 

  The beach smell drifted into her nostrils and before she opened her clenched eyes, she knew exactly who was holding her: Ryder Carlex.

  Are you kidding me? 

  Izzy’s amused giggle dug deeper into her embarrassment.

  “Are you okay?” Ryder’s sincere question and the warm, caring tone threw her off her game.

  She should have straightened her body, stepped back with posture and grace, and she would have if it had been anyone else that caught her. Being Ryder, she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck, kiss his lips and ask him what time he was picking her up. The idea caused the biggest bubble burst in the middle of her belly. 

  Wasn’t that her decision right there? She wanted to go on a date with Ryder.

   Her deep and startled breaths, mixed with the anger, embarrassment, and defeat of the way her entire body was reacting to his touch. At the same height, his face was so close she could feel his breath graze her lips and his eyes captured all her attention, with its lust-filled stare.

  Don’t stare at me like that here. Not now. Izzy’s watching. If you’re so worried about Izzy, take a step back. 

  She didn’t.

  “Yes,” she managed.

  Managed! You are Violet Caliendo, you do not manage anything you succeed, you triumph, you RULE. 

  She attempted to step back. He didn’t let go. 

  “Did I hurt you?” 

  My ego. You have killed my ego, so please pick it up and carry us both to the desk for the quickie I’m terrified is the only thing you want.


  “I wanted to talk to you about the other night,” Ryder started and Violet could imagine what was going through her sister’s already wild, naughty, and dirty little mind. “Joel is late again and I thought maybe we could talk privately in your office.”

  Ryder’s eyes moved past Violet and looked at Izzy. As if only noticing her for the first time, Ryder let Violet go and stepped back.

  The quick action made him look like he’d done something wrong. Like they’d done something wrong. The wheels in Izzy’s head would be turning and she would be creating a whole lot of something wrongs that the two of them could have done. Violet was skipping the family breakfast for the next year.

  Violet turned to Izzy. “Was there anything else you needed?”

  Izzy’s lips were pressed together like she was holding in words. It was unlike her but for the best.

  Izzy shook her head, walking past them both.  “Ryder. It’s nice seeing you again,” she said. “I think the last time was Violet’s wedding and as I recall I think I spotted you talking to Emma, or trying to get up her dress.”

  It was becoming increasingly clear to Violet that she could never go on a date with Ryder.

  “You look good,” Izzy said, not in a seductive way, but rather an observant way. 

  “It’s always a pleasure Izzy. And I think the last time we saw each other was at the Christmas Gala Eliza threw last year and I’m pretty sure you had your share of drinks, possibly responsible for your lack of memory.”

  Izzy smiled largely, not at all insulted as another person may have been. “Touché.” Izzy looked at Violet. “He’s a keeper Violet. I like him.”

  “You like everybody,” Violet pointed out.

  “I like him more.”

  “I’m right here,” Ryder reminded them.

  “Oh, don’t you worry, you’re not forgettable,” Izzy said.

  Ryder slid a look to Violet. “Is that what Violet told you?”

  Violet would never. “I didn’t tell her any such thing.”

  “But she’s been Violet-twisted all week and now I see why.” Violet was ready to deny her sister, but Izzy said, “And I didn’t like Joel.” Izzy turned to Ryder. “No offense, but he was a douchebag. He is a douchebag and he will always be a douchebag.”

  “You are entitled to your opinion,” Ryder said.

  “My opinion is you better apologize to Violet for the whole Emma thing, and grovel, because my sister is all about image. If we aren’t the on
ly ones that remember that incident, then it’s less likely she will continue to date you...”

  “We’re not dating,” Violet said, but it went unheard as Ryder and Izzy continued their conversation without her.

  “That sounds more like advice,” Ryder said.

  “Take it. And if she gets all little Miss Snooty, nose-in-the-air, attitude too difficult to deal with, just touch her. Apparently your touch shuts her right up.”

  Violet was going to shrink into the plush carpet under her heels and hide between the fibers.

  “I will keep that in mind,” Ryder said.

  Violet was going to keep that in mind too and that was the last time Ryder’s touch was having any sort of effect on her.

  “Alright, this has been fun,” Izzy said. Violet had other words to describe the last ten minutes: Unbearable. Distasteful. Mortifying.

  Izzy left, shutting the door behind her and letting her loud giggle waft through the wood. 

  Ryder turned his attention to Violet. Now he turned his attention to her, after everything that had conspired. Violet wasn’t ready for his attention. She wasn’t ready before Izzy had dug her vicious claws into him and she certainly wasn’t ready after adding more cons to her list...trying to have sex with her sister was a big one.

  “Violet-twisted? Unforgettable?” he teased.

  That was the perfect description of how Violet had been acting. And Ryder was hauntingly unforgettable. “Get over yourself,” she said and dismissed the conversation by flipping open her iPad.

  “I wonder what Violet-twisted entails,” Ryder continued.

  Violet looked up. “What did you want to talk about? I have a meeting.”

  He grinned.

  She melted.

  Ryder stepped toward her slowly, mimicking the low and seductive tone of his voice as he spoke. “Besides, our obviously heated departure two nights ago...and not heated in the way I would have liked...I had an amazing time on the boat with you. It was the most fun I’ve had in years.”

  In years? Who was he trying to kid? Or was it the truth?

  Violet watched Ryder’s hand moving toward her and fought wanting him to touch her and knowing the effect if he did. She could feel the warmth and sizzle his delicate stroke begin to fizz inside her. Izzy was right, if he touched her, she would be lost and right now, Violet didn’t have her feelings for Ryder sorted out.

  “If you touch me, I’m going to break every last one of your fingers,” she warned.

  Ryder stopped...and grinned...and she almost reached out and grabbed his hand and kissed his lips. “You’re not very convincing.”

  Violet folded her arms across her chest. The action was one she used to give the appearance that she had everything under control, even times when she didn’t. Right now, she hid her hands so they wouldn’t disobey her and reach for him.

  “Oh really, then why did you stop?”

  Ryder folded his arms across his chest, mimicking her, and his stance dominated hers. They might be the same height, but Ryder’s broad shoulders were twice the size of hers and his flexing, bare arms pulled from under his blue and white button-up shirt pressed out from his thick torso. The solid way he stood, like he was in complete control, was so damn sexy, her mouth watered.

  “I don’t continue when a woman says no.”

  Continue, continue!

  “So it was Emma who said no? Or did you actually make it up her dress?”

  Violet was in a hostile mood. Being angry with Ryder was only accountable for a part of her struggle. It was her own uncertainty that had her feeling weak. Anger masked weakness and she didn’t want Ryder to see weakness...him. If all the signs against them had been with any other person, they would have turned Violet in the other direction. But Ryder...he was her weakness.

  “I think you know the answer to that.” Everyone knew the answer. Emma had said no.

  Why did that knowledge sting?

  “That’s the reason I came today,” Ryder said.

  “To tell me you tried to sleep with my sister, but she said no?”

  Ryder took a deep breath. “You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you? You are a fighter.”

  She was a protector, of letting people see her weaknesses.

  “I like that about you. That you challenge me instead of bowing down to my every word.”

  “Is that what women do? Bow down to you? To your every word?” Violet felt it difficult not to bow down to this man, while at the same time a sickening feeling was emerging of every woman that had bowed down to him before her.

  Ryder grew serious and the blue in his eyes deepened to a threatening color like clouds before a thunderstorm.

  “What I don’t like is that you don’t trust me. You have misconceptions about me. I don’t mind a challenge, but I want all the cards on the table, so we both know what we are fighting for.”

  Was he fighting for her?

  “I thought we could do this over dinner, but I get the feeling dinner isn’t even an option, unless I start talking.” His darkened stare sent her a mischievous look that had her fingers tightening their grasp on her arm. “And I really want to try deep fried pickles...with you.”

  Deep fried pickles? Yes. Let’s abandon the meeting and go to the beach for the day.

  “For starters, let’s clear up the Emma situation and I guess I should start with groveling...”

  Yes, please! Grovel at me feet.

  “Please don’t.”

  Please do.

  “Your wedding to Joel was a long time ago. And, honestly, I hate to admit it, but I don’t remember making a move on your sister. I don’t remember a lot of that night, or the nights that led up to your wedding.” He paused and she watched him swallow the pain of talking about this part of his life. Then he took liability for some of the distrust Violet had against him and said, “Which is probably partially responsible for your mistrust in me. I didn’t sleep with Emma. For what it’s worth, that was one of the darkest times of my life. It felt like my life was over and there was no light around me.”

  Just like Eliza had thought. Ryder had been going through a complicated part in his life.


  What could make the man who stood with immense confidence and flashed her parts of his past that demonstrated family loyalty and love, turn into the monster with one hand wrapped around a whisky bottle and the other on the closest woman’s ass? What?

  The haunted look in Ryder’s eyes pulled the strings in her heart. For the first time, as she watched the suffering tug his gorgeous features into sadness, Violet wasn’t mad at Ryder for the way he’d behaved at her wedding.

  “It was like when I woke up and the pain took over, the only way I could escape it was by reaching for the closest bottle of alcohol.” He shook his head and looked disgusted at his past behavior. “There were a lot of people in my life that I hurt. My parents, my friends...” Ryder’s eyes found her again and said, “You.”

  Violet had been furious at Ryder, each drunken day that led up to her wedding. But, on the very day itself, she saw the regrets of that day weren’t Ryder’s fault and he’d simply been an outlet to unleash her resentment. He couldn’t deny that he’d been an ass, but Violet was mad at herself for being forced to marry Joel.

  Ryder might not remember, but Violet had found him the evening of her wedding, when the guests were dancing, laughing, and enjoying the elaborate Caliendo celebration in the gold ballroom.

  Violet remembered that night when she’d merged into a loveless marriage, on her way out the door, her dad had stopped her. She’d hoped Robert had changed his mind after seeing the pain the union was causing Violet. Instead, he’d told her to stop sulking and acting like a foolish girl. Girl. The way he said it sent the disappointment a child felt straight through Violet.

  All alone, she headed down the hall and away from all the lies they were telling people. The silver ballroom had welcomed her gloom into the pitch black room with the only l
ight streaming in from the moon beyond the large window. It was unnerving how Ryder had no memory of a night Violet had never been able to forget.

  Violet was lost back in that night, listening to Ryder slur sentences she couldn’t comprehend as he greedily drank himself foolish and slapping his hand away each time he offered her some. She only wished she could do the same, but she never would carrying her baby.

  Ryder continued talking in the present and she had to force herself to give him the attention she didn’t that night, when her problems felt like they outweighed his.

  “When I look back now, after losing my mom and other hard times I’ve had since, I feel embarrassed. I overreacted.”

  “What happened?” Violet was surprised she asked, but she had always wondered.

  Ryder looked more shocked that she’d inquired, but he left no room for her to retract and dove right into an explanation.

  “I was heartbroken,” he said and sucked in his lips, making a hissing noise like he was embarrassed. He continued through his emotions. “Courtney Brenden, was her name. My whole life, women have thrown themselves at me. I’m not saying that to be cocky or smart, it’s simply the truth. I have money and with that, comes this title that ladies presume perfection, when the truth is, I am just like everyone else, except that I was born into money.”

  Violet could relate to Ryder. Only people shied away from Violet because of her status...or was it the hardness she portrayed to keep people out of her life, fearing the outcome of friendships or love?

  “Courtney was different. She wasn’t interested in me and that only made me more interested in her. When I thought I found the only woman who saw the real me, I fell in love. Hard. At the time, I thought I was in love with Courtney, but looking back I think I loved that I could be myself around her. When I thought we were making a future together, she was planning a wedding and marriage to my money.”

  Just like Joel.

  “Violet, I may have bedded a lot of ladies in my time and that might be a deal breaker here. I hope it’s not. I have a past, we all do. I can’t change it. I can only apologize and honestly tell you that I am not proud of the events that transpired at your wedding. I promise you that I am not the same person that I was back then. I’m not looking for a quick fling with you.”

  Ryder stepped closer and touched the side of her face, sending confirmation that she longed to feel his touch. Without giving her body permission, she bent into the solid promise and strength of his hand.

  He continued, “When I’m not with you, you’re still invading my thoughts.”

  Her feelings were mutual.

  “You, Violet Caliendo, are so much more than I ever knew, wanted to know or would let myself see, because of who you were, Joel’s wife...who you are, Joel’s ex-wife.”

  He was questioning the same things she was.

  “Now that you’ve weaseled your way into my thoughts and more importantly, my feelings, I can’t get rid myself of you and I don’t want to. I haven’t laughed, or smiled, or felt the way I do when I’m with you, in a long time. I didn’t even know I could feel like this again.”

  Violet found herself feeling the exact same way whenever she was with Ryder. He brought out a part of her that was missing.

  “I would never use someone for another’s expense. Especially not you. When I’m with you, Joel is the furthest thing from my mind.” Joel who? “It took a long time to figure out that you’re not the ice queen Joel said you were.” 

  Like a sharp sword, his sentence sliced through the emotional fog she was in. 

  Violet pulled away from Ryder’s touch and asked, “Joel called me an ice queen? Those exact words?” 

  Ryder retracted his hand to his side and stuffed both in the pockets of his slacks, looking like a guilty boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “I shouldn’t have said that.” 

  Whatever was happening between them was gone, vanished.

  “But it’s the truth?” she pried. 

  “Those are his words, Violet. Not mine. Your touch is nothing like he said.”  

  “Wait a minute? Nothing like he said?”

  Violet felt sick to her stomach. Not only had Joel called her an ice queen, he had talked about their intimacy with Ryder. And by the sounds of it, her fingers were like ice. 

  “Joel talked about our love making? With you?”


  “He did.” She scoffed and took several steps back, until her legs bumped against her desk and the truth settled into her head. Her fingers gripped onto the edge and the horror of difficult intimate times she’d spent with Joel caused her upper torso to drop forward.

  She took in deep breaths, clenching her eyes shut, unable to not compare the two. With Joel, everything had been forced, her desire, her lust, and her pleasure caused by the man’s deception. Maybe it hadn’t been good. Alright, it was awful, but Joel was telling people...telling Ryder.

  Violet swallowed the bile threatening to come up her throat. Joel’s touch was so different than Ryder’s and even how Ryder looked at her melted her into a whole different level of sexual desire, safety and wholeness she’d never felt.

  Ice Queen.

  Violet couldn’t do this right now.

  Why was everything so complicated with Ryder?

  There were so many barriers between them and every time she felt like they passed one, another popped up to mock her. It was exhausting.

  Violet felt Ryder’s hand press against her upper back and lightly rub. She wanted to slap him away, but at the same time she wanted to reach for him. When Ryder was brave enough to wrap his arms around her, Violet commended him for caring when she was hot and cold like the weather, Violet let him.

  He lifted her from the desk and her weight fell against the solidness of his body. Violet didn’t cry. She let the strength of his hold soothe away the hurt she felt.

  “I’m not Joel,” Ryder whispered against the side of her head. “I would never talk about the times we’ve spent together. Not with him, not with anyone.” Ryder wasn’t Joel. Nothing about Ryder had ever been like Joel.

  Violet moved to look at Ryder. “And I’m not Courtney.”

  Ryder smiled. He pushed hair away from her face. “No, you are not.”

  “So now what?”

  He shrugged. “Is that a yes to deep fried pickles?”

  Violet grinned at him. “You want to take me out for pickles?”

  “I’ve never taken a woman out for pickles before.”

  Violet chuckled. “This conversation sounds like something Parker and Sophia would have.”

  Ryder chuckled too. “What do you have planned after this meeting?”

  Was tonight too early? “Nothing,” she said.

  “That’s perfect. We can go on a deep fried pickle date after your meeting.”

  “Okay. But, can we keep this between us? I don’t want to explain this to Joel...when I don’t know what this is.”

  “It’s called dating.”

  “We’re not dating.”

  “There you go, challenging me again. My parents used to challenge me instead of directly answering my questions. I loved the way I always knew what I wanted when we were done talking. Just like each time you challenge me, it becomes clearer all I want is you.”

  All he wanted was her. He was definitely charming, like everyone said.

  “My lips are sealed.” Ryder didn’t let her go.

  “The meeting started fifteen minutes ago,” Violet reminded him.

  Ryder didn’t move. His eyes traveled from hers, down her face, landing on her lips, and then back up to her eyes. He wanted to kiss her, but he was trying to restrain himself. It was adorable.

  Violet closed in the distance between them for a small, get-us-through-the-meeting kiss. But, it was never a small kiss between them.