Read Sunshine Hunter Page 26

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  “What did Johnny mean when he said he would see me in the morning?”

  I asked the question with my mouth full of one the best pizzas I had ever eaten.

  We had been back to the hotel for a couple of hours now. After showering and attempting to pack my luggage, I realized we hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, and I was starving. The desk clerk recommended we have a pie delivered from Branca Pizzeria, a little hole-in-the-wall joint a few miles away. It wasn’t a pizza from Ohio - that was for sure. Wild mushrooms, ricotta, feta, parmesan, and fresh basil topped one of the best sauces I had ever eaten. It was fantastic. I reached for another slice.

  “Johnny’s been thinking about taking a few days off to go home and visit his mother, who coincidentally, lives in Cincinnati,” Darby said. “So, he’s flying back with us tomorrow to spend the weekend at my place, and then he’ll drive to Cincinnati to see his mom. He can fly out from there when he’s ready to come back to Florida. After what happened today, I’m sure he can use some time with family.”

  “Couldn’t we all,” I thought.

  “Listen, Darby, about our flight,” I said. “I’m going to fly out by myself early in the morning.”

  “Why?” he asked. “We already have our tickets. We’ll be on our way home soon enough.”

  I shook my head. “I already called to get a flight out this evening, but there wasn’t anything available.”

  I grabbed a third slice of pizza. I was inhaling this stuff.

  Between bites, I told him, “Think about it. This psycho means business, and it’s deadly business. I’m his target, and he’s been with us every step of the way from the very first day in the restaurant. I don’t want to risk being on an airplane with him. I booked a flight out at six in the morning, so I’ll have to leave the hotel around four o’clock. I’ll have a cab pick me up at the side entrance, and I’ll be out of here and on my way before that nut job even knows I’m gone.”

  I contemplated one more slice of pizza when I was finished with this one, but decided against it.

  “As soon as I get home, I’ll talk with Detective Bentley and tell him everything I know, including what we know about Wicker Barnes, and that we think he’s responsible for Jerry’s death. He can surely put men at the airport to watch for him when he returns to Ohio.”

  “I don’t like that you’ll be traveling alone,” he said, frowning.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said. “Besides, after everything that’s gone wrong here, I can’t imagine anything on the airplane could be worse than this.”

  “Are you already packed?” he asked.

  “Oh my gosh! I almost forgot. I don’t have room for everything I bought.” I looked at him with a hopeful look and asked, “Do you have any extra room for some shoeboxes?”

  “Take my suitcase,” he said with a laugh. He pulled the empty case out from his closet and set it by my door. “I’ll put as much as I can in my carry-on, and I’ll have Johnny bring another small bag for me for the rest. We’ll work it out.”

  “Thank you,” I said. I gave him a hug and suddenly felt very melancholy. “You’re a good friend. You’re my best friend.” I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. “I’m sorry I ruined your vacation.”

  “Susan.” He held me by both arms and looked into my eyes, “You didn’t ruin my vacation. None of this has been your fault.” He kissed me on my nose. “You’re my best friend, too.”

  “Thanks,” I said with a little sniffle. I turned to pick up his suitcase. “I want to call Mick and ask him about Wicker. I should do that now.” I started to close the door between our rooms. “I’m exhausted, and since I have to be up at four, I think I’m going to go to bed after I call.”

  “I’ll get up with you and help you with your luggage,” he said. “I want to be sure you get off ok.”

  “No, I can manage,” I told him. “I think I should be cautious and slip out alone. I’ll text you when I get on the airplane. At least that way, you’ll know I made it ok.”

  “That sounds good. I guess I’ll see you at home tomorrow,” he said.

  “Bring Johnny over around five o’clock,” I said. “If I’m not in jail, I’ll make Reuben sandwiches for us.”

  He smiled and nodded. I closed the door between our rooms. I finished packing and sat down on the bed. As usual, my heart began to race.

  Mick wasn’t expecting me to call. We had agreed to talk on Monday, so I could only hope he would be available and could take my call.

  He answered right away. “

  Susan,” he said softly. His voice had a quality to it that made me weak in the knees. It felt like I hadn’t heard it in ages.

  “Hi, Mick. How are you?” I tried to sound cheerful. I didn’t want him to pick up on the concern or the intense fatigue I felt.

  “I’m fantastic now that I hear your voice,” he said.

  I smiled. Did men get weak in their knees, too?

  “I don’t have a lot of time to talk, but I need to ask you about something. Or tell you about something.” I was probably sounding melodramatic, but I didn’t quite know how to approach the subject.

  “Ok. What’s up?” he asked. He sounded a little guarded.

  “There’s been a guy down here stalking Darby and me. His name is Wicker Barnes.” I paused for a moment. “And Mick, he’s involved over at the Marshall Community Theater.”

  “Stalking you? Are you sure?” he asked. “How do you know he’s with the theater?”

  “It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you about it when I get home, but for now, I need to ask you a favor.”

  “Ok, if I can,” he said.

  “Could you find out if Jenny knows Wicker? Wicker Barnes. And does she know why he’s in Florida right now? This guy is definitely unbalanced.” I paused again, unsure of how much I wanted to tell him. “He’s flattened the tires on our car twice.”

  “Are you sure it was him?” he asked.

  “Oh, we’re sure. But Mick, find out if this is the guy she’s been seeing. I know you might not want to do that, but something is really wrong here, and anything you can find out would help. He seems to have it out for me in particular.”

  “Has he hurt you? Has he touched you?” I could hear the alarm in his voice.

  “No, I’m not hurt, and he hasn’t touched me. But I think he could hurt me.” I had to cut this short before I started telling him more than I wanted him to know right now. “I’m leaving early in the morning, so I’ll be home tomorrow. I’m not anticipating any more problems while we’re here, but if you find out anything over the weekend, please let me know.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out, but be careful.” He was quiet for a moment before saying, “I can’t wait to see you again. Is Monday still ok?”

  I smiled and said, “Monday will be wonderful.”

  I climbed into bed and went over the day’s events in my mind. I had nearly lost my life today, but I didn’t feel any anxiety over the horrific situation. It was all so surreal when it was happening, and it seemed so far away now. Maybe in a year, this would be one of those things Darby and I would laugh over. Maybe.

  I settled down deeper into the pillows. Right now, all I cared about was that I would be home soon, and I would be home with Mick.