Read Super Born: Seduction of Being Page 27

  “I’ve got a connection with you. They’ve got a connection to no one. It’s something special between us… Do I have to show you again? I can go all night.” (At least I hoped I could.) After a moment I helped her up, and we stood together. I took her face in my hands and smiled. “I fantasized about this moment for weeks, but nothing I imagined felt anywhere near as good as this.”

  “How much farther to Dr. Jones’s place?” she asked, with a wicked smile on her face.

  “Just over there, maybe half a mile.”

  She wrapped her arms around me tightly, pressing me with a sharp, short kiss. “Let’s take the long way,” she said in a low animal tone that I had never heard before.

  “Yeah!” I shouted, as we shot up into the sky. The energy between us was even stronger than it had felt before—it started with a kiss, but then surrounded us from head to toe. Our glowing bodies were filled with feelings of excitement, strength, and the sexual ecstasy you feel just before orgasm, but it went on for minutes, not seconds. There was no need for actual genital entry, as in normal sex. Supersex was all full body and mental contact.

  Somehow, the erratic flying compounded our feeling of togetherness by creating a sense of wild abandon. My favorite was spiraling up into the sky with my body wrapped around her and our lips pressed together. It was incredibly sensuous, and it made me realize that I had never experienced oneness with another human before that night.

  And then came the orgasms…they seemed to go on forever. The pleasure seemed to merge us together with the heat from her body. They were exhausting, but motivated us to quickly recover, craving them again. I don’t think we were flying in a straight line…at all.


  Flying with Logan was totally liberating. Throwing off the walls I’d built,, and taking the risk to join another ended up giving me the strongest feeling of self imaginable. Ironically, giving into this feeling had put me more in control and feeling more secure than living behind a wall had ever done. Whether it lasted just another second or an entire lifetime, I let myself bath in that feeling. Giving in to this sensation meant surrendering, finally, to who I really was—to the seduction of being.

  He guided me to ecstasy, and that made me fly him higher in the spirals he loved, only to roll us both over into an orgasmic plunge toward the ground. We brought each other to life.


  I don’t want to say that Allie took the long way, exactly, but there were a lot of rooftops before we got to Jones’s apartment, and one of them looked like the Empire State Building in New York City, some 125 miles from Dr. Jones’ place. I vaguely remember people on an observation deck commenting and pointing at the sexy, luminous bubble of our bodies. I had no idea how many people along our route heard our moans and screams of ecstasy as we flew together in that glowing light, nor did I care. (Just a tip, this is the only way to fly.)

  After who knows how long we were in flying back toward Scranton, both drained and exhausted. It began affecting the way we flew—soon we were slowing, drifting and swaying like a drunk driver. Allie sighed and asked me which way to Jones’s apartment. My first reaction was to begin kissing her again, but she said, in a serious tone, “No really, we need to land.” Dejected, I pointed again and again until I saw his building and pointed one last time, “There, that’s it.”

  When we finally made a rough landing on Jones’s rooftop, it was my turn to be weak in the knees. Time had condensed into pleasure. I couldn’t tell you if we had been flying for minutes or hours, and you guessed it, nor did I care. We both sat panting, then I fell back and lay on the hard tar-covered pebbles of the roof. My pants were a mess, and I had lost all sense of purpose. She wasn’t much better off. Allie sat puffing, trying to straighten out the tangled chaos of her hair, and re-zip her jumpsuit. At first it was strange to see someone exhausted who could carried around jet planes, but then, when I remembered how she had become that way, I smiled a smile that would last me into the next century.

  Depleted as I was, I began crawling toward her. She smiled, but then dropped it and put out her hand. Unconvincingly, she puffed, “No, Jones, remember? We need to talk to Jones.”

  “Who the hell is this Jones fella? We have the stars,” I said, waving an arm up to the sky. “We have each other. Let’s go flying again.” I crept closer, dragging myself on forearms and elbows.

  She smiled again, clearly tempted, but then sighed. “Remember? Almost being killed? Rebecca? The whole city after your ass?” I had put my hand on her thigh; she pushed it away. “There’ll be time later,” she said, and then, in a lower voice, she added, “Believe me.”

  “Fuck it,” I said, “I’ve got everything I need right here,” I said, kissing the back of her hand as I slid a hand over her inner thigh. “You can fly us anywhere. Let’s just get Paige and disappear. To hell with them all!” I said, waving broadly like a drunken man; no wait, I was a drunken man, high on the wild energy between us.

  Her look became serious. It was at that moment I realized the difference between her and me. She was a superhero, literally. She was super because she was strong physically and morally. But what made her a hero was choice. Without a free choice to do otherwise, there were no heroes. She could make millions with her powers, like Jennifer Lowe, or just take her daughter and disappear if she wanted to. Her life didn’t need to have any risks or concerns. But, instead, she stayed rooted in her hometown, risking her life and family to make the world a better place. Meanwhile, I just wanted her for myself and was ready to selfishly forget everything, everybody, now that we had found one another—but if you had been up there flying with her, you would understand.

  I dropped my head to the hard rooftop, sighed, and took a deep breath or two. “Okay, you win…but then we fly home.”


  When she began to follow me down the stairway off the rooftop, I stopped and held her back with my hand. “You’re my little secret from Jones. Let me see what he has to say before I bring you in.”

  She nodded. “Being anonymous works for me. I’ll wait here.”

  I started down the stairs, then stopped, and turned back toward her. She knew I wanted more of her; her face became stern, and she pointed down the stairs. “Go!”

  Chapter 33

  The Crash…

  Dr. Jones answered the door in Penn State pajamas and slippers. Obviously, I had awoken him, yet he appeared glad to see me. “Come in, my friend. So late, you must have news of the B.I.B.” Late? We must have been flying a lot longer than I’d thought.

  I suggested that he had better sit for this one. We proceeded to his tiny living room, and, after clearing stacks of papers, sat on outdated chairs. My silent drama and windblown over-orgasmed appearance must have made him wonder what had happened to me.

  “What is it that can’t wait until tomorrow?” he asked. “Somebody beat the crap out of you?”

  I told him the story of Rebecca coming to my apartment, all the men and vehicles tailing me, and then the attack by the recently deceased Carmine Camino and his men. I filled him in on Rebecca’s powers over machines and her ability to vaporize men. Then I explained that I had sent her into hiding, and I was now laying low. The entire time, he listened attentively and nodded. His dark little eyes began to glow from the thoughts swirling in his head.

  “Where is Rebecca now? We must protect her from Jennifer…and the B.I.B.—do you know her whereabouts?”

  “Rebecca’s in a little B&B up in the mountains.”

  “What little B.I.B. in the mountains? What is the B.I.B. doing up in the mountains? I was asking you about Rebecca. They are together now?”

  “No, Rebecca’s at a B&B. The B&B is in the mountains.”

  “Yes, I understand. What are they doing there together?

  “No, no. I sent Rebecca to a bed and breakfast.”

  “Yes, I understand. So how did the B.I.B. find her?”

  “She didn’t,” I said, becoming irritated.

  “Let’s start
at the beginning,” Jones said, sensing the lack of communication. “You sent Rebecca to a bed and breakfast to hide, yes?”


  “This bed and breakfast is in the mountains?” he asked.


  “Was the B.I.B. already there?” asked Jones, forking left.

  “No, it was just Rebecca at the B&B!”


  “No! I don’t know where the B.I.B. is. Rebecca is alone at the bed and breakfast.”

  “They don’t serve lunch or dinner?”

  I lowered my head, took a breath, and explained, while I pointed my finger with each word. “It’s a bed and breakfast, and has nothing to do with the B.I.B. I don’t know their menu, but Rebecca is there and safe.”

  “Alone! You sent her there alone?” he said, full of emotion.

  I lowered my eyes to the floor. “I’m useless, Doc. I proved I couldn’t protect her already. That’s why I came here. I was hoping you could help.”

  He got up and started to pace. “Yes, and it is a good thing you did, my friend…I have contacts with the security people at the university…and I have contacts in the government. We will get protection for her. We cannot let Jennifer Lowe go around eliminating all her competition. We must protect Rebecca and the B.I.B. before we try to deal with that bitch!” He paced by the window, then turned back to me. “What about the B.I.B.? Do you have any idea where in the mountains she is? We must protect her too.”

  I paused, first trying to decide if it was worth the effort to explain again that the B.I.B. wasn’t in the mountains at all, and that I didn’t know where she was—trying to look believable as I answered, knowing full well the B.I.B. was on the roof. Despite all my practice at it, I wasn’t a good liar, so I lowered by eyes. “No, I have no idea where she could be.”

  Jones closed in on me slowly. “Then what the hell are you doing here, my friend? Why aren’t you hiding with Rebecca? Why aren’t you safe, with everyone else up in the mountains?”

  I shook my head. “I just thought I should be here, see this thing through.”

  “Very honorable…very honorable, indeed,” he said, but I knew he could tell I was lying. He grabbed a pad of paper. “Write down the name and address of the bed and breakfast, and the phone number, if you have it. I can have men there by morning. She will be safe.”

  I wrote down the address, then pulled out my mobile phone and looked up the number to the B&B. When I was done, Jones grabbed my phone. “No more of this. They will trace your phone.” He walked to the desk, put down my phone, and returned with another mobile phone and charger he had taken from a drawer. “This is your phone now. We can communicate safely. Jennifer will never be able to trace this.”

  I took the phone and nodded a thank-you.

  “What about money? Are you okay there?” Jones asked.

  “I gave Rebecca everything I could get to before they hit us.”

  Jones threw me two piles of banded bills, and for the first time I wondered, Why does he always have so much cash on hand? “No credit cards, no touching your bank accounts, no checks, don’t go near your apartment—nothing until we have Jennifer under control. Understand?”

  I nodded sheepishly. “Getting her under control won’t be easy.”

  Jones’ eyes glowed. He held up a finger. “Oh, I have plans. I have big plans, you can be believing this,” he said.

  “Plans? What sort of plans?...Not another High definition Anal stimulator I hope.”

  “No, of course not. Think bigger. Think much bigger. Relax, everything is coming together. The plan is working.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I said, getting up to leave.

  Jones came up to me, put an arm around my shoulder, and escorted me to the door. “Don’t you be worrying. This is all good news. We are nearing the end. I will call you when we have Rebecca safe and secure. Let us hope the B.I.B. is safe in the mountains as well. Perhaps the B.I.B. will find the same B&B. But, for now, my friend, you are the bait. We must find her, to keep her safe.”

  I thanked him, but the conversation had heavily dampened my beer buzz and B.I.B. high. Concerned about the situation with Rebecca and Jennifer, yet slowly regaining my excitement to be back with the B.I.B. and the flight home, I returned to the roof. But Allie wasn’t in the stairway or on the roof anymore. I searched for her, then waited for her, then searched again. She was gone. I was alone again.

  My trip down the stairway from the rooftop was incredibly slow as I paused constantly and took small steps, unable to believe she had left. What was I, some sort of “one-night fly”? Then I worried that something had happened to her. From there, I began to worry about what was going to happen to me. Where would I go? The trip from such an incredible high to this messed-up feeling was quick and devastating.

  I pushed open the door of Jones’s apartment building and stepped out into the night. Compared to the image of I’d had flying with Allie, this vantage of Scranton was…not so good. Without knowing who was after me, I didn’t want to be in the streets for long, so I ambled down the street to a fleabag motel. No one would know me there, and I was sure cash payment would be eagerly accepted.

  I didn’t know it then, but my major question at that point would have been answered if I had just looked up at Jones’s apartment. On the ledge outside his window, the B.I.B. stood, or should I say hung or floated. She had listened to our entire conversation and remained still, listening to Jones though his open window.

  After getting my room key from a nearly toothless man, I bought a soda and went up a flight to my lavish room. The ice bucket looked nasty, so I unwrapped a glass and proceeded to the ice machine, mournfully humming down the hall, and filled the glass. I returned to my room, locked the door, and crashed onto the board-like bed, my head full of troubles and uncertainty.

  My beer high was turning into a hangover. My balls felt like raisins, my fluids gone as if vacuumed away. Despite my worries, I dropped off to sleep before I even had time to turn on the TV, while my icy soda bubbled and fizzed, dying a slow death beside the bed, untouched.

  Chapter 34

  … And the Burn

  To say I slept late would be to minimize late. It was well into the afternoon when I awoke, refreshed and totally oblivious to the events of the night before or my current predicament. I felt a smile on my face. My little man was refreshed too, and greeted me with an eager, How ya doing?

  I showered to the sound of groaning pipes and pissing water pressure, cut myself twice with the high-quality razor supplied free by the fleabag, and left in search of food.

  For some reason, I was freakin’ starving. Luckily for me there was a small diner nearby. It may have been my hunger, but every morsel I ordered tasted just great. I ate like a starving man; no, wait, I was a starving man. I was attacking some burgers and fries after putting down a breakfast plate of eggs, bacon, and toast when Jones’s phone rang, and all my good feelings came crashing down. “Hello?” I said, disguising my voice a bit, for who knows what reason.

  “My friend, I have bad news, oh so bad,” Jones said in panic.

  I paused, not ready for bad news, and grunted a response.

  “When the security men reached the B&B, they did not find Rebecca. Her room was disturbed, and she was gone. The operators of the B&B said she left with two men in a dark SUV.”

  I swallowed hard, but was relieved that the news was not about Allie. “Is that it?”

  “No, there was a note. It is addressed to you, my friend, and reads: If you want to ever see Rebecca again, you will meet me on top of the Bank Towers Building at ten o’clock tonight. Bring with you the B.I.B. and no one else. Bring anyone else, and I cannot guarantee your safety. And she signs it, Your friend Jennifer, the sarcastic bitch!”

  I sighed and suddenly the taste of all the food I’d had eaten…not so good.

  “My friend, can you do this? Can you bring the B.I.B.? Should we risk her for Rebecca? This is a puzzlement…I can cont
act the security people…”

  “No!” I said. “No offense, but your security people suck. You didn’t see those mobsters dissolve like I did. And that was Rebecca; who knows what Jennifer can do.” I was remembering the pen she had melted, and imagining it being me melting slowly into the tabletop.

  “Then what to do? What to do?” he asked in near panic. “You are going to meet her, right?”

  “I’ll call you back,” I said. I turned off the phone, tossed it on the table, and brushed back my hair with both hands, ending with my elbows on the table.

  The image of Rebecca scared and afraid sent a dagger sliding into me. A second dagger followed when I was confronted by the fact that she was depending on me to keep her safe. Having been the one who sent her to the B&B in the first place planted a third dagger directly in my heart.

  “What to do, indeed.”

  It was my waitress’ lucky day, as I threw down twice the amount of my bill on the table and left. It was easy to throw around Jones’s money. But then I went back and retrieved a five. Heck, I hadn’t completely changed.

  On the way back to my room, I spotted a place to buy some clothes and toiletries before returning to lick my wounds in my luxury hotel room, feeling useless yet responsible.

  When I opened the door, I dropped my bags with my eyes downcast, just like my thoughts. But then the rollercoaster took another turn.

  The B.I.B. was sitting on the bed, her back to the headboard. “How’s the room service here?” she asked.

  My heart leapt to life and a smile high-jumped onto my face. In a second, I was bouncing onto the bed like a six-year-old. “Where did you go last night? I looked everywhere. And why didn’t you join me later?”

  She shook her head, and said, “Even a woman with superpowers needs a little rest…I do have a daughter, you know.” Then she stared at her feet and added, in a quiet tone, “Flying with you wore me out…in a good way.”

  “I thought you were gone,” I saidThen I sat next to her against the headboard. My quiet gave me away.

  “What is it? What happened? You look like someone punched you in the gut.”