Read Supernatural Page 36

  “Aye.” Anatolios was a little more talkative than Demetrius.

  “You must have good representation in your Senate.”


  Ghleanna slowed and stopped. She faced the two soldiers. “You do have representation? For the army? Older, ranking warriors who speak for you, ensure that you’re all fairly treated and compensated for risking your lives?”

  “The Empress’s rule is absolute, as Chancellor Kleitos has pointed out to the rank and file many, many times.”

  “Huh.” Ghleanna again headed toward her room. “That’s interesting.”

  Bram eased into the room, trying to be quiet since Ghleanna was asleep. He placed notes he’d made for the truce on the small desk against the wall and debated whether to go back to work or not.

  “Come to bed.”

  Startled, he turned. Ghleanna still had her eyes closed but she held her hand out to him.

  “I should—”

  “If you say work, I’m going to get nasty. Bed. Now.” She opened one eye. “It’s not like we haven’t slept together before.”

  Bram sat at the edge of the bed and removed his boots. “At least this time your brothers won’t be storming in to wake us up and calling us whores.” He dropped the last boot and asked, “Or will they?”

  “Not that I’m aware.” She moved over and Bram got into the bed fully clothed. Ghleanna didn’t complain, for which he was grateful. He knew he couldn’t handle being naked around a naked Ghleanna. Not right now.

  “Should you be sleeping on your side?” he asked. “And why isn’t your arm tied down?”

  “Don’t harass me,” she barked back, sounding adorably cranky half-asleep. “The surgeon says I only need to wear it during the day. I think he fears I’ll start swinging a sword before I’m fully healed.” That was probably because Bram had told the surgeon she might do that and did he have a way to keep her from doing so. But Bram wouldn’t mention that. Why cause problems when there were none?

  “What if you flail wildly in your sleep? Then what?”

  “You’ll get hit in the face and my wound will be the least of your worries. Now can we both get some rest?”

  He relaxed on his side, facing Ghleanna. Her eyes were once again closed, her breathing even. She was asleep once more.

  Bram didn’t know how things would be once they left here. Once they were free again, heading to Alsandair to finish what they’d started. But Bram knew what he wanted. He wanted Ghleanna and, as Rhiannon had accurately guessed, he’d wanted her for a very long time. Whether Ghleanna felt the same or not, however, he really didn’t know.

  But when she reached out in her sleep and cupped his jaw in her hand, he felt a definite sense of hope.

  Chapter 11


  Bram opened his eyes and stared at the big shiny fruit held up before him. “Yes, it is.”

  “Plus bread and cheese. Hungry?”

  Bram sat up, but immediately frowned. “Why is the area around your wound bruised?”

  Ghleanna shrugged and bit into a big piece of bread.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing. Eat.”

  Bram glanced down at himself. “I’m . . . naked.”

  Ghleanna nodded, bit into a juicy piece of fruit.

  “And when did that happen?”

  “No idea.” She held out another piece of fruit. “Must say, though . . . I do like you naked.”

  He took the treat from her hand. “Thank you. For the fruit and the compliment.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They ate in silence for a while, Bram busy trying not to stare. Gods, she was beautiful.

  “Do you have much work to do today?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid so. I heard from Rhiannon.” When Ghleanna frowned, he added, “Something to do with her increasing powers. Which are, I must admit, becoming daunting.”

  “She’d been held back a lifetime because of her mother. She has much time to make up for.”

  “I guess.”

  “I wouldn’t worry. Rhiannon’s grandmother had that level of power and she managed it fine.”

  “And Bercelak’s there for balance. A rational thought in the chaos of Rhiannon’s mind.” Ghleanna raised a brow at that and Bram shrugged. “I’ve never doubted the good your brother brings to our young queen’s reign. I merely wish they wouldn’t stick me in the middle of whatever they like doing. It’s off-putting.”

  “Then you shouldn’t keep hugging her.”

  “It’s not me!”

  Ghleanna laughed, bit into another fruit, and Bram noted, “You have your appetite back.”

  “Had I ever lost it?”

  “It was definitely diminished for a while there.” Ghleanna stared at him for a moment. “You were very worried about me, weren’t you?”

  “Sword through the chest,” he said. “That may be normal for your kin, but not mine.”

  “You and your lot—sit around drinking wine and discussing important things, I bet.”

  “You’d be wrong. We sit around, drink wine, and argue. A lot.”

  “Argue? You?”

  “Raised to argue. Both my parents are lawmakers, and no Dragon Law is created without much discussion, debate, and arguing. Sometimes a fist fight, but those are rare—and never very impressive. Almost sad.”

  Ghleanna shook her head. “And all your kind do it? Argue, I mean.”

  “My mother can find reason to argue about a grain of sand. And my father doesn’t think a meal is complete unless someone proclaims, ‘That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! Where’s your proof to that statement?’ I don’t mind so much now.” He sighed. “It was a little overwhelming, though, when I was only eight winters. My wings hadn’t even unfurled.”

  “Me and mine . . . we argue. But to back up your statement Cadwaladrs just need to be willing to take a claw to the face. Or a shield.”

  “Aye. I remember that.”

  Ghleanna blinked, frowning. “You were at our dinners?”

  There was a pause and then Bram demanded, “Was I entirely invisible to you?”

  “Well . . . not entirely.”

  Deciding it was time to get to work, Bram began to get up. But Ghleanna caught his arm, her laughter annoying him even more.

  “I’m teasing,” she said, pulling him back. “I swear.”

  “Isn’t it bad enough I assumed you’d always ignored me? Now I find out I was just invisible to you.”

  “That’s not true.” She put the tray of half-eaten food on the floor before taking his hands in hers. “I noticed you, Bram.”

  “Don’t lie.”

  “I’m not. But you were a bit younger than me.”

  “Only by half a century or so.”

  “And I thought you liked my sister.”


  “Yes. Maelona. Pretty, shy, insecure, scar-free Maelona. That Maelona.”

  And she sounded wonderfully jealous.

  “And you can stop smirking,” Ghleanna told him.

  “I’m not.”

  “Liar.” But he was an adorably cute liar. “Look, I just never thought—”

  “I was good enough?”

  Aghast, Ghleanna said, “That’s not true!”

  “It is.” Bram stretched out on his side. “All the Cadwaladrs are the same.”

  “All the same what?”

  “Snobs. You’re all snobs.”

  Ghleanna’s mouth fell open.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “We are snobs?”

  “Snobs. Big snobs. If one can’t handle a sword or an axe—not worthy.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “It is true. And what does your brother call me? The thinker? As if it’s a disease. An ailment I need to be cured of.”

  “You can’t listen to Bercelak. He’s a mean bastard and he treats everyone as if they have ailments in need of cure.”


  “We are not. We’re not of royal blood.”


  “We’re just poor warriors.”

  “Who are snobs. It’s all right, though.” He reached over and patted her hand. “You don’t know any better.”

  “You condescending—”

  “Now, now. No need to get nasty.” He smiled. “I like you despite your snobbery.”

  “Do you?”

  “You don’t know?” He caught her hand, held it. “Really?”

  “I know I’m not an easy She-dragon to . . . not fear.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Ghleanna. I’ve never been afraid of you. To be quite honest . . . I think you’re amazing. I always have. Since the first time you ignored me.”

  “I didn’t ignore you then.” She stretched out on her side, the two of them facing each other. “And I can assure you that I’m not ignoring you now.”

  Ghleanna bit her lip and asked, “So when do you have to work on your precious truce?”

  Bram reached for her, his hand slipping behind the back of her neck. “Not for days.”

  “Don’t you mean hours?”

  He tugged her close, their lips almost touching. “No, Ghleanna, I mean days. Minimum. I’ve been waiting a very long time to—”

  “My Lord Bram?” a voice from outside the door said.

  Bram fell back on the bed. “This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening.”

  And that’s when that Lord Kleitos idiot opened the door without invitation. He grinned when he saw the pair naked and nearly entwined on the bed.

  “So very sorry to interrupt, my Lord, but the Empress asks for your immediate attendance.”


  Kleitos stood there, the silence in the room stretching, until he pushed, “Now, my Lord.”

  And that’s when Ghleanna charged off the bed and tackled the Fin into the far wall. She clasped her hand around his throat and squeezed. She felt water begin to pour from his skin and she warned, “I’ll snap your neck before you’ll have a chance to shift.”

  Kleitos settled back and Ghleanna explained, “Lord Bram will be along when he’s dressed and ready. You will no longer just walk into this room without invitation. And, if you can manage it, stop slithering around. I find it nauseating.”

  Ghleanna pulled Kleitos away from the wall and pushed him out the door and onto the walkway. “Now tell your Empress that Lord Bram will be there shortly.”

  She released him and Kleitos rubbed his neck, glaring at the two guards outside her door.

  “And you do nothing?” he demanded.

  Demetrius shrugged. “Our orders are quite specific, Chancellor—”

  “Never mind!”

  Kleitos stormed off and Ghleanna cracked her neck. “Slithering bastard,” she muttered, before heading back into her room.

  As she passed the two guards, Anatolios winked at her.

  Ghleanna closed the bedroom door, but the bed was empty. It wasn’t a large room, so she had no idea where Bram could have gone.

  Ghleanna walked around the bed, stopped, and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Bram the Merciful! Stop laughing and get off the floor. The Empress awaits!”

  Chapter 12

  Ghleanna had just finished pulling her shirt over her head when the bedroom door opened and the ruling monarch of the Fins walked through—without even a knock!

  Even Rhiannon didn’t do that.

  “Oh. I thought Bram would be here.”

  Helena knew damn well Bram wasn’t here because she’d been the one to order him to some ridiculous Senate meeting or whatever, but the royal wanted to play games. The kind of games many She-dragons played. She-dragons other than Ghleanna.

  “He’s in a Senate meeting, I think.”

  “That doesn’t start for another hour at least,” Helena stated.

  Then why did she order him to the Senate right away? Or was that demand simply Kleitos being a twat? Probably both.

  Fighting a sigh, “Perhaps the library then. But is there something I can do for you, my Lady?”

  “No, no. I just need to talk to him. Do you know which library?”

  Ghleanna dropped her boots on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed so she could tug them on with her free hand. Bram had insisted on tying her arm down before leaving her. “There’s more than one?”

  The Empress sighed and began to move about the room. “Are you enjoying your stay with us?”

  “I’m glad I’m healing. Glad I’m breathing. So I guess I’m enjoying it.”

  “I’m having most everyone stay in their human form. Just for you.”

  Ghleanna fell back on the bed and lifted her leg up in the air, the boot half on and half off. She struggled to tug the tight leather on while trying to have this ridiculous conversation.

  “That’s quite nice of you, my Lady. But it’s not necessary. I can hold me own in whatever form I’m in.”


  Once she had the boot on, Ghleanna sat up. She grinned, shrugged. “It’s a skill. I am a Cadwaladr after all . . . my Lady.”

  The Empress stepped closer. “So you and Bram . . . you’re very close?”

  “We are.”

  “But you have no claim on him, yes?”

  “No. I have no claim on him.” Ghleanna held the other boot in her hand and looked up at Helena. “But I haven’t had him tortured and beaten either, which kind of puts me in the lead . . . don’t you think, my Lady?”

  Those strange-colored eyes narrowed, that back straightened, “Excellent point. Then again my father doesn’t have an entire forest of books on his past conquests. My, my, you must be proud,” she sneered. “Being the daughter of Ailean the Slag.”

  A few months ago, the Empress’s head would have been ripped off and thrown against the wall, but not only had Ghleanna had a sword shoved into her chest by an ex-lover— something that often changed one’s perspective on the little things—but with all this time on her claws she had been thinking a lot about Bram’s words to her right after they’d left her parents’ castle. Her father’s life, his past, was not her own.

  Not only that, but her father wrote books, was highly respected by the royal peacemaker, and had taught all his offspring to protect themselves in any given situation. Even Maelona had her skills. A whore Ailean may have been, but a loving, caring whore who adored his offspring and mate. Who adored Ghleanna. A daughter who’d refused to forgive him his past indiscretions. That is until now.

  Now she’d be damned if she’d let some little prissy tail make her feel shame over anything. Those days were over for her. Long over.

  “That’s very true, my Lady. Then again, according to what I’ve heard and my mother’s general satisfaction, I’m guessing Ailean the Wicked is an awesome—”

  “Yes,” the Empress cut in. “I see your point.” She also clearly saw that Ghleanna wouldn’t be goaded. “Why don’t I leave you to finish dressing.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  Helena walked out and Anatolios, who still had the watch, stuck his head in. “You all right?”

  “Aye. That one’s only as scary as you let her be.” Ghleanna held up her boot. “Could you help me with this?”

  Eight hours of absolutely nothing but more arguing. Not even effective arguing but just ridiculous arguing because the final say on any matter was Helena’s. Yet she sat back and enjoyed the angry arguing of her Elders, senators, and other sycophants. Bram didn’t know if any of these dragons was aware that Helena already had her mind made up, or if they knew but decided to argue for her amusement despite that.

  And, because she enjoyed spreading the misery around even more, she’d insisted on Bram being in attendance, even going so far as to track him down in the library where he was working diligently on her blasted truce.

  Finally, the Empress called a halt to the day’s discussion. “We’ll meet tomorrow to explore this further.”

  Bram stood and stretche
d his back. “Why do you let them think they have a say?” he had to ask, when the others had filed out. “Isn’t that just cruel?” And a waste of his bloody time.

  “Not cruel at all. It’s good to let your subjects think they have some control over their lives, otherwise they get a bit unruly. I loathe unruly, don’t you?”

  “Never thought much about it.” He began to organize his scrolls. “I’m going to see if I can get more work done. If you’ll excuse me, my Lady.”

  “Aren’t you going to thank me?” she asked.

  “Thank you?”

  “For being nice. I’ve insisted everyone be human for the time being. So your little Low Born won’t feel so tiny and insecure.” The Empress smiled. “Wasn’t that nice of me?”

  Huh. Bram just thought the Empress wanted to try on her overabundance of gowns. “Aye, Empress. Very . . . nice.”

  “I have to say you’re looking much better these days, Bram.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And you’ve really . . . come into your own.”

  Bram didn’t answer; he simply picked up his scrolls.

  “My Lord Bram?”

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “I was just thinking that since you’ll be here for a while, perhaps we can . . .” she reached out and stroked his arm.

  Before she could go on, Bram felt it was important to point out that, “If you think I’ve forgotten how I was tortured and beaten when I was here the first time . . . I haven’t.”

  Helena folded her arms over her chest, a little sneer on her lips. “Going to hold that against me, are you?”

  Bram decided retreat was his best option, so he headed back to the room he shared with Ghleanna.

  But before he could make his escape, the Empress tossed at him, “I’ve heard that your Low Born has gotten rather chummy with the other soldiers.”

  Bram stopped. He knew that Helena was a conniving, vicious sea-viper, but he couldn’t help the swell of jealousy he immediately felt.

  “The soldiers do seem to like her. I’m guessing she’s very friendly when you’re away.” The Empress eased around him, smiling sweetly. “I’m sure she’s more comfortable with them. Her own kind and all that.”