Read Surrender Page 5

Page 5

“Ms. Harlow, if you aren’t going to take this interview seriously, you may exit the way you came in,” Mr. Palazzo said in an irritated tone, snapping her back to the present.

“I’m sorry. I truly am. I do take this interview very seriously,” she quickly answered, hoping she hadn’t missed a question.

“I won’t repeat myself again – do you understand?” Before she could answer, he continued. “I asked if you’re available all hours. I don’t mean Monday through Friday. This job requires your availability to me seven days a week, night or day. There will be times I won’t need you for extended periods, and other times I’ll need you with me for several days straight. There may be travel involved. The bottom line is that you must have zero other commitments. If that doesn’t work for you, this interview is over. ”

Ari felt a lump in the back of her throat as she struggled to keep in the tears threatening to spring to her eyes. She finally gazed in his unusually colored eyes, getting her first solid look at them.

She’d heard about his type of eyes before, something called Heterochromia iridum, where two colors were present. His had a deep purple center around the pupil, which faded into a gorgeous midnight blue. They were mesmerizing – intriguing – capturing her gaze, even though they were narrowing intensely at her right then.

“I have no other commitments. I’m available,” she told him, inwardly crossing her fingers. She was committed to her mother, but with this money she wouldn’t have to worry about her mom’s care. She’d go see her when she had those down times he was speaking of. If she didn’t get in to see her mom for a month she’d be devastated but her mom would be in good hands, and most importantly, she wouldn’t notice since she was in a coma.

“What about your mother?” he asked, as if reading her mind, his gaze boring into hers. She was stunned by the question, leaving her silent for a couple of seconds too long.

“How do you know about my mom?”

“I know everything I need to know about you, Arianna,” he replied with a slight lifting of the corner of his mouth.

His expression was far too knowing and she immediately felt the urge to flee. Something wasn’t right, something that was telling her to get out while she still could. She was in over her head, she could feel it. All signs pointed to her jumping from the chair and rushing out his door. Loyalty to her mother kept her seated where she was.

“Yes. Of course,” she responded instead. “My mother is being well taken care of. She’s not even aware of who I am at this point. It won’t hurt her in the least if she doesn’t see me for long stretches of time. ”

He circled her again, causing her foot to twitch. When she was nervous, she did one of two things – tapped her foot, much to the annoyance of everyone around her, or bit on her thumbnail. She felt the urge to raise her hand, making contact with thumbnail and teeth, but mentally insisted she keep her hands folded in her lap.

“I can see that as a hindrance, but as she’s the only family member you have, I’ll let it slide for now. ”

Was this guy for real? He’d let it slide? Ari was taking in air through her nose in long deep pulls to keep her temper at bay. She needed the job, she kept reminding herself as she clenched her fingers tightly in her lap and locked her jaw to keep from spilling out the words she wanted to throw at him.

“Is something upsetting you, Ms. Harlow,” he asked, his voice smooth as molasses as he came back around and looked into her eyes again. She felt like he was analyzing her, breaking her down into parts, trying to decide if she was a waste of his time or not. She was sure that’s how he conducted all his business. It was most likely why he was where he was at in life, which was the top of the ladder, and why she was where she was at, the bottom.

That pure confidence, the ability to command control and conquer the universe oozed off of some people. Mr. Palazzo had that in spades. She’d give her soul for just a piece of his winning attitude and unyielding faith in himself.

“Everything’s fine, Mr. Palazzo,” she replied, proud of how smooth her voice sounded, especially since her nerves were fried.

“You intrigue me, Ms. Harlow. I don’t hesitate once I make a decision, and I’ve decided to hire you… temporarily. I can see your temper as causing a problem, but then again, meek has never been my style. Obedient… yes, but not meek. ”

Ari gaped at him as she tried to decipher what he was talking about. What did meek and obedient have to do with anything?