Read Surrender Page 20

  I scowl at him. “Stop acting like he makes me a delicate flower.” I grab the blueprint and we get to work, but the interesting part in going over the details with Kayden is the absence of even one flashback. It’s just . . . odd.

  I’m still thinking this when we fall into bed, my back to Kayden’s front, his body wrapped tightly around mine. If there’s still some big emotional explosion waiting to erupt in my mind, keeping me from finding the necklace, why did talking about Neuville’s house, where most of my hell happened, not trigger a single image of those things?

  On Friday we’re back in the War Room. Kayden is wrapping up details with Carlo, while I am back with Matteo, who is back to his normal, funny self, and I surmise that perhaps Kayden keeps him behind the computer for that very reason. By early afternoon Matteo and Carlo depart, and Sasha and Adriel join us in their place. The four of us take up residency at the table, our seats close, and begin reviewing the Paris plans, with Adriel and me playing devil’s advocate on each of three possible plans. Considering plans A and B require Sasha to make contact with Neuville, and use herself and the necklace she’ll claim to have as bait, I’m pleased to find Sasha her normal sassy, confident self.

  Finally we move to Plan C, the only one that requires entering Neuville’s home, and Sasha and I compare notes, talk through security, and generally work through any problems that could be encountered. And again, she’s driven, focused, and ready for this fight, and I’m pleased she is the one by Kayden’s side. And oddly again, I have no flashbacks during this recap of Neuville’s private space. Maybe the chocolate shop is the final answer. Maybe I’m done remembering things.

  We’ve just wrapped up for the night, all of us standing to depart, when Sasha suddenly looks at Kayden, leans on the table toward him, but doesn’t speak. I hold my breath, not sure what to expect, while Kayden seems to wait, giving her space to speak, which I admire in him, but he seems to decide she needs a firm nudge. “Say what you have to say, Hunter,” Kayden orders.

  “The other day—”

  “Is done.”

  She gives him a three-second stare and then nods, turning and leaving. Adriel and Kayden lock stares, and I watch that exchange, aware then that Adriel objects to Sasha being a part of this mission, but I do not think he’s spoken it aloud.

  “Say what you have to say, Second,” Kayden orders him.

  “Are you sure she can handle this?”

  “Yes,” I answer without hesitation, and when both men look at me, I focus on Kayden, deciding the things on my mind must be said. “And if you doubt her, she’ll doubt herself.” I look at Adriel. “The best thing you can do for her right now, as the man closest to her, is not to put doubts in her head. Just like I can’t tell Kayden to be careful every time he leaves here, or he’ll think about me, not his job. If you can’t do that, you need to back away from her. And you, Hawk, should tell her you chose her for the warrior she is. She’ll want to live up to it. I see it in her eyes.”

  Neither man reacts, though Kayden’s eyes warm with admiration I’m very pleased to see. Wordlessly, Adriel turns and exits the room, and then Kayden is standing in front of me, tall and broad, his body towering over mine. He cups my face and kisses me. “She needs to hear that I believe in her.”

  It’s not really a question, but I answer, “Yes. She does.”

  “Very well, Lady Hawk. Then she will.” He starts walking away and my lips curve as I realize his intentions, and as I have another moment to fall in love with him all over again. Yes, he will kill. Yes, he will destroy you if you betray him. But that is because he is loyal to the soul.

  I follow in his wake, eager to watch the events unfold.

  He is already at the stairs by the time I’m in the hallway, already down them when I reach the top step. I watch as he calls out to Sasha, then watch as she turns, her eyes going wide at his approach. And even at a distance as he speaks to her, I see her stand a little straighter, determination stiffening her spine. She is pleased. She is motivated, and they are now both safer.

  Kayden returns to me, his longish brown hair always just a little wild, his jaw a little shadowed while his faded jeans, biker boots, and fitted white T-shirt somehow read like an invitation for sex to me right now. I savor every step he takes until he stops in front of me and motions me down the hallway to our left.

  Curious about where we’re going, I fall into step with him, past the room where Enzo died, and farther. We stop exactly where the War Room is on the other side of the castle and enter what turns out to be a giant gym, complete with mats, punching bags, and equipment.

  “Okay, I’m impressed,” I say, facing him.

  “Take your shoes off, and let’s go to the mats.”

  “What?” I ask. “Why? Do you have time for this now?”

  “What you said about not telling me to be careful got me thinking. We both need to know what the other one is capable of, what skills we each possess. We need to know that if the other one is in trouble alone, he or she can survive.”

  “You know I can fight, and I know—”

  He throws a punch that stops right in front of my face, but instinct has my hand covering his fist by the time it does. His gaze meets mine, a challenge in their depths. I throw a punch and he captures my fist as well. “Game on, Hawk,” I say.

  He inclines his chin and we drop our hands, take off our shoes, and go to the mats. “Let’s do this, Lady Hawk,” he says, and so it begins.

  An hour later, we’re lying in the middle of the mats, staring at the high ceiling, both of us breathing hard. Kayden says, “A guy walks into a bar, and you glimpse a shoulder holster—”

  “Wait. Is this a country song or a joke?”

  “It’s a situational exam,” he says. “Like what your dad gave you.”

  I roll over and climb on top of him, straddling his hips and pulling my shirt over my head. “I take his gun. That’s the answer.”

  His full, sexy lips, which I really want on mine right now, curve, and he turns me on my back, the heavy, delicious weight of him on top of me. “And I take the woman,” he says, his mouth closing down on mine, and I decide that combat training and this man are my Happily Ever After.

  Too soon, and not soon enough, Saturday has arrived. One day before D-day. I am ready for this to be over and I really don’t feel like making the shift to shopping from planning war. Maybe that’s why I’ve just taken yet another black T-shirt from a hanger and pulled it on. Wait. It’s the same black T-shirt. Maybe I do need a little shopping. Just not today. Actually, today is exactly when I need to go shopping.

  “Fuck you, Garner Neuville,” I bite out, yanking up my pant leg and strapping on the ankle holster Kayden had delivered yesterday, before sliding my new backup firearm inside. “I’m going to go shopping and enjoy it.”

  I pull down my pant leg, grab my boots, and sit down on the bench, just about to stand when Kayden appears, his faded jeans paired with a light blue Jaguar F-TYPE shirt, reflective of how much he loves his cars. The look on his face, however, is not love. “What’s wrong?”

  “Gallo is testing me. He wants to meet with me and Chief Donati.”

  “Wait,” I say, standing up, remembering Kayden’s worries that Gallo was still trouble. “I thought he took the deal. Did he back out? Is he here in Rome?”

  He rests a shoulder on the door frame. “He came home to pack up, but says before he leaves town he has information about The Jackals that both myself and Donati need to hear.”

  “And you think it’s one last attempt to come at you?”

  “Somehow, in some way, I assure you it is.”

  “When’s the meeting?”

  “Three hours from now. An interruption I really don’t need today.”

  “Is everything else still on track?”

  “Word is that Alessandro touched down in Paris. Carlo’s man met with Neuvil
le this morning and told him that not only had Alessandro stolen from him, but he’s in town and planning to steal the necklace right from underneath him. Everything is going as planned—at least on the Paris end of things.”

  “What does that mean? ‘At least on the Paris end of things’?”

  “Matteo caught wind of one of our guys doing a side deal with Alessandro. We’re headed there now to find out what it’s all about.”

  “Do you think it has something to do with what Gallo wants to talk about?”

  “That’s what we need to find out.” He reaches behind him and pulls a leather wallet from his back pocket, closing the small space between us and flipping it open to display several credit cards and a healthy stack of euros. “These cards have my name on them, but I cleared them at the bank for you. Once we get married, I’ll take you to the bank and get your name on everything.”

  “No, I don’t need that. I don’t need the cards.”

  “Of course you do. You’re going shopping and you need money.”

  “You already gave me a credit card.” I fold my arms in front of me. “I don’t want your money, Kayden.”

  “Why the hell not?” he says, sounding baffled. “You can enjoy spending it.”

  “I’m not going to spend your money.”

  “Ella, sweetheart.” He unfolds my arms and presses the wallet into my hands. “You’re marrying me. It’s our money.”

  “It’s our life, not our money.”

  “I told you. I have money and I’m going to make a lot more money. We’re going to make a lot more money. Enjoy it.”

  “But then you’ll think I’m with you for your money, and that would feel horrible.”

  “I thought you were with me for my body,” he teases.

  “Well, that’s true.” I grin.

  “All the more reason to spend a ridiculous amount of money on lingerie that I can look forward to when I get back Sunday night. The driver I lined up for your shopping trip should be here in the next forty-five minutes. A guy named Oliver. I’m thinking about moving him up in the ranks, so let me know what you think of him.” He kisses me. “I’ll call you after I find out what this is about, and we’ll figure out dinner.” He disappears into the bathroom, leaving me with his wallet, a smile on my face, and apparently an Italian named Oliver.

  Forty-five minutes later, I head downstairs to find Marabella and Giada waiting in the main foyer, both in long coats. Marabella wears a blue flowery dress under hers and Giada is in a daring emerald pantsuit.

  “Ella!” she greets me, saying something in Italian before rushing to hug me, her long brown hair teasing my cheek. “Do you know what I said to you?” she asks as Marabella and I share a quick smile.

  “I do not,” I confirm.

  “Then learn Italian. You’re in Italy.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say. “You’re right and I will.”

  “And do you have anything but black in your closet?” she asks. “I swear we bought you some colors.”

  “She only wears the black,” Marabella chimes in. “She ignores the colors.”

  We’re laughing when we step onto the porch to find a black sedan waiting, only to have Matteo step out of the driver’s door. “Should we go by my apartment now or later?” Giada asks. “I want you to see it, Ella.”

  “Let’s do it now,” I say, almost absently, rounding the car to meet Matteo while Giada and Marabella enter the near side.

  “Are you driving us?” I ask, noting the tan leather jacket that I’m certain is worn to camouflage a shoulder holster he doesn’t usually wear.

  “I am, indeed, your driver for the day.”

  “Where’s Oliver?” I ask.

  “I had to pull him. He has a contact I needed him put to use for another job.”

  “Isn’t this below your pay grade?”

  “Since Kayden handpicked Oliver, I wasn’t about to handpick wrong. Plus, I have an ulterior motive for joining you.”

  Now he has my attention. “Which is what?”

  “I need a birthday gift for a woman. I have no idea what to get her.”

  “Oh,” I say, the explanation seeming to explain much, but still not sitting exactly right. Yet not much will until Neuville is dead, I suspect. “I’m sure Giada will have ideas.”

  He opens my door for me and I slide inside, and unbidden, and perhaps because of the timing, Kayden’s words play in my head: If you face anyone who dares threaten you or one of our own, or even a civilian, you deliver the message that code requires.

  The car starts to move, and I answer that memory with a silent Without hesitation, before allowing myself to be drawn into the conversation. In only three minutes we’re at Giada’s apartment, which is small but adorable. It’s also well furnished, thanks to Adriel. We hang out there for a half hour, and Matteo confesses the name of his secret girlfriend, Abella, and everyone laughs at how close her name is to Marabella. After hearing how head over heels he is for her, I make a mental note to ask Kayden how The Underground handles such things. Whatever the case, we head out to the Spanish Steps shopping area, with a few jewelry stores for Matteo’s Abella on the “must do” list.

  Two hours later, Giada has spent a ton of money on things for her apartment, and we’ve just exited a jewelry store where Matteo has purchased a necklace for his new woman. I’m enjoying myself for the most part, but Kayden’s silence regarding his investigating a Hunter who met with Alessandro is weighing on me, and The Code keeps playing in my head. Loyalty and life first.

  “I’ll take the bags to the car,” Matteo offers.

  “Perfect,” Giada says. “I’m so glad you came.” She points at a store. “We’ll be in there. We still need to get Ella something not black to wear.”

  Matteo gives her a tiny nod, but just before he turns, I note this odd smile that has me frowning. My phone buzzes with a text and I reach for it, glancing down at the message.

  Kayden: You okay?

  Me: Yes. Is all well?

  Kayden: Weird situation. Will tell you about it later. Walking into meeting with Donati and Gallo. Are we still good for an early dinner?

  Me: Yes.

  Kayden: Talk soon, sweetheart.

  Feeling much better, I look up to find Giada looking at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Of course,” I say.

  “Not my feet,” Marabella says, and I glance up to find her motioning toward a bar, which means a coffee shop here. “I’ll be there. I need to sit.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask, giving her a critical inspection. “You look a little pale.”

  “Just old,” she says, giving me a tiny wink. “Nothing coffee won’t help me pretend isn’t true. Go shop.”

  Giada lights up and links her arm with mine, and I suddenly realize Marabella is just giving us some time alone. Glancing over my shoulder, Marabella and I share a look before I’m pulled along by Giada. “Did Kayden tell you about the coin?”

  “Yes. He was honored, and I was proud of you.”

  “I really am trying to make changes,” she says. “It feels a little weird being away from the castle, but it’s thrilling, too. I’m starting a life. I’m going to college. I’m going to do something for me.”

  “And I can’t wait to hear every detail.”

  She opens the door to the store. “Chanel,” she says. “You know you love it.”

  I laugh and we enter, and before long, the attendant and Giada have pretty much put half the store in a dressing room for me. The attendant, a woman in her fifties who barely speaks English, looks at me and I catch, “Would you like . . .” And the rest just has me blinking.

  Giada laughs. “You need to learn Italian,” she reminds me. She motions to some sort of back garden. “They serve champagne on the patio. She wanted to know if you’d like a glass.”

  “Oh. No. Thank you.
I prefer to stay sharp.”

  Giada laughs. “Tipsy is the best way to shop. You go home with more.”

  But your gun hand isn’t steady, I think.

  “Go,” Giada motions. “Go get in that dressing room and try stuff on. I want to see.”

  I go down the hallway and step into the dressing room. Slipping off my coat, I inspect the clothes waiting on me, not sure I even want to attempt to try all this stuff. Nevertheless, I sit down and take off my boots. “Ella,” Giada says at the door.


  “Matteo says Marabella wants him to drive her home. I need to make sure she’s just giving us time alone, and nothing is wrong.”

  “Yes,” I say. “Go see. Now I’m worried.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Remembering how pale Marabella looked, I don’t like this one bit, and I quickly pull my boots back on. That’s when something comes sliding under the door. I look down and my blood runs cold, because I know what I’m looking at. One of the missing pages from my journal. Adrenaline surges through me, but that person I become at times, that deep down is really me, kicks in. I unzip my purse and make sure Annie is handy, and with her in reach, then, and only then, do I bend down and open the folded piece of paper, sucking in air when the writing belongs to Garner Neuville:

  Bella. You should know I can get to you anywhere, anytime. And I can get to anyone you care about anywhere, anytime.

  My phone rings, and I know, with gut-wrenching certainty, that it will be him.

  I pull my cell from my coat pocket and glance at Unknown Number on the caller ID. Steeling myself to hear his voice, I whisper, “Fuck you,” to myself, but don’t speak into the phone.

  “No hello, Ella? What kind of greeting is that?”

  “What do you want, Neuville?”

  “You and the necklace. So here’s what’s going to happen. Listen carefully and do not speak. You’re going to exit the back door and Matteo will be waiting for you. Good man, by the way. Very corruptible. I love that about him. Leave the phone. We both know it can be tracked. If you make a phone call or send a text after we hang up, Kayden and Adriel will die. The two of them are sitting across from Gallo, who I have on payroll. For how much, you ask? I paid him six million dollars, one million more than Kayden offered him to go away, and he’s been instructed to shoot Kayden and Adriel should either of their cell phones ring. I’m thinking that Gallo hopes it rings, aren’t you? Oh, and sweet Marabella and Giada. It would be a shame to see them die today, wouldn’t it? If you call anyone, someone dies. You have sixty seconds to make it to the back door or someone dies.”