Read Survival Family Page 3

  By the end of the week the boys could sneak around an amateur and follow a simple trail. Arriving back at their vehicle the father gave James and Deb each a fifty dollar tip and told them he was really pleased with the week of training. The boys begged him to schedule another week soon.

  The next group arrived two days later for their two week outing. They were photographers and wanted a week of nature photographs. Bill took them out for two days and then gave them to James for the rest of the week. Deb had been tracking the wildlife and together they showed simple tracking and identification methods on how to located game. She helped them in set up their cameras to get the best shots day and night. Two days were spent near the top of the mountain for sunrise, sunset, and terrain photographs. The last two days were spent retrieving all the cameras and packing the rest of their gear down the mountain.

  The summer groups continued, all different but with similar desires. By early September Deb and James were exhausted. Then Bill told them he had booked the photographers back in early December for two weeks in the snow. In late November the kids packed up and went up the mountain to locate the freshest game trails and sites to photograph.

  The second night out Deb crawled in to James's sleeping bag claiming to be cold. Two days later, half way down the mountain, James stopped and proposed to Deb. She said that since she loved the mountain almost as much as she loved him, they would be married on the mountain near the caves where she first met him. He agreed.

  When they told her parents all Bill said was, it's about time. I'll fly your parents up for the wedding as soon as you set a date. Now, the photographers need to get a lot of good pictures because, the book they intend to publish will be a great advertisement for our business.

  Deb's mother then asked it James had given her a ring, and when she answered no she told them to get to town and get one after James called and told his parents.

  James's mother cried and then told him that she would ship his grandmothers wedding band to him so he could get it sized to fit Deb.

  Deb set the wedding date for January 1st.

  When the photographers arrived Deb asked them if they would take pictures of them on the mountain. Also if it would fit into their schedule to return to take their wedding pictures on the mountain. They agreed.

  * * *

  Chapter 8 Not Our plans

  What surprised everyone was the fact that Deb's mother got pregnant before she did.

  The second year the business thrived. James's parents moved into the new house James had built in the valley and helped run the campgrounds. At the beginning of the third year Bill didn't know how to act with a new son and then a month later twin granddaughters.

  Jesse visited from California and spent several days with Bill looking over the campgrounds and mountain. Finally he told Bill about his plans to start a private investigation company and his need for Bill's skills. He also wanted Bill to teach his employees basic tracking and survival skills in the woods. After all, not all investigative jobs were in cities. Also as an avid survivalist Jesse suggested to Bill that his property was a great area for a survivalist stronghold. The area should have some pretty good caverns to create a safe area from nuclear attack and remote enough to keep the people from the cities from mobbing them. He'd help him build an oversize bomb shelter if he'd assist in the agency and hold room for his family. After a handshake, Bill brought James and Deb in and Jesse outlined the verbal agreement. That summer two tough looking guys arrived and spent over a month with several survivalist groups on the mountain when not being privately trained by Bill and James.

  A cave exploring group arrived that fall and spent six weeks on the mountain. They'd found a cavern system from one of the caves that extended down to the valley. After mapping most of it they gave Bill the best locations to start building and the location for a short tunnel making access easier. Over the next few years Jesse and a friend from back east sent crews in. They worked on the cavern bomb shelter and general improvements to the campgrounds and hiking trails.

  Every year more men and women from the agency arrived for basic survivalist training until one year a group of women arrived. After two months on the mountain they handed James and Deb a paper giving them ten percent stock ownership in the Overview Private Investigation Corporation. Then the youngest, a mere teenager named Brenda, handed them ID's and told them they needed to take a PI course and then get licensed. Bill simply nodded and commented that he'd wondered when Jesse would draft them into his business.

  Brenda puffed up and stated, it wasn't Jesse's idea, it was mom's. She suggested plans for James and Deb and their children when they grow up. Plus there will be benefits and access to the network that they don't have now. By the way she also suggested a second honeymoon at her Biscuits for Breakfast, the company will pick up all expenses as soon as you're employees. After all you've never been to California, Alaska or any of the other states we have offices in.

  * * *

  The Mountain

  Chapter 1

  Scott was feeling hemmed during the board meeting by the demands being made. Finally having it up to his eyebrows he jumped up and told them flat out, “I never should have taken this company public. You guys are a major pain in the ass and want to pervert my original invention. I'll tell you what, for fifty million and one percent of each years profits I'll sell you the controlling shares and then you can run it into the ground.”

  “What's to prevent you from undercutting the company and trying to take control back from us?” demanded on the of the board members.

  Scott looked at him with and grinned, “I'm fed up with the back biting and political crap you guys consider normal. I'll write into the sales agreement that as long as I get at least a million a year I'll stay out of any business that is in direct competition with the invention that built this business.”

  The CFO then announced, “I'll have the company lawyers draw up and have a draft on your desk Monday. I make the motion we adjourn the meeting now.”

  Still irritated Scott got into his limo and told his driver to head for the best camping supply store in the city.

  His driver turned around and said, I know of a much better camping supply store, but it's an hour away. Do you want the glitzy shit they sell here or quality camping equipment?

  I want the real stuff, I'm getting out of the city for awhile. Also do you know any really good lawyers because I blew my top and told those assholes upstairs to buy me out.

  I'll think about it while we head out of town Sir.

  As they pulled up in front of a rundown looking converted supermarket two hours later the chauffeur simply stated, I'll take you in and introduce you to the manager who's a family friend. He'll take good care of you while I make a few calls.

  Scott felt like he was being interviewed by a reporter until the manager finally called one of his clerks over and gave him a list and told him to set everything up in display area two. He then told Scott, “He will have a complete outfit set up for you in about fifteen minutes. From what you told me, I guarantee you will like it. This setup is for short term camping like a week or two in the semi-wilderness. What I mean by that is area's that have civilized facilities within a mile or two. I'll also give you a list of contacts for resupply here in the states and Canada. I recommend that your next stop be at Colt's down the street. He will get started all the paperwork so you can pick up a firearm anywhere in the states. You will need training for one for self defense in the wilderness. If you decide to go hunting he can also arrange that training and pickup of weapons. Lets go and look at the camping gear.

  He was almost through at Colts when his phone rang. Noticing it was an out of state area code he answered.

  I received a call from a colleague that you needed a good contract lawyer that is not in anyone's pocket. I'm Dale Spartain presently located outside Nashville. I can be in your office Tuesday morning.

  Scott turned to Colt and asked, “Where around h
ere can I set up a meeting with someone from out of state?”

  Colt replied, “The Biscuits for Breakfast down the street gets a lot of business. I'll call Annie and set you up. How many days do you figure you'll need.”

  Into his phone he stated, “I'm selling a multi-million dollar corporation to the board of directors. The CFO will be using the company lawyers to write up the sales contract. Can you handle that and give me an estimate of how long.”

  Dale replied, “At least a week depending on how convoluted those lawyers are.”

  “OK.” replied Scott. “I'll make you reservations at Biscuits for Breakfast for a week starting Tuesday and we'll go from there.”

  “Good, now drop the rumor that you've hired an out of state law firm with local contacts. And by the way tell your chauffeur that I charge $1500 an hour and the corporation will pay my fee. He can spread the rumor so just smile when you get back to the office and enjoy the weekend. Tuesday morning we'll start having some fun. Monday morning you'll get a call from some young lawyer that I'll hire, so take him to lunch somewhere public where you can't be overheard, but where word will get back to your board of directors. He will put on the preliminary show. I think I'm going to have more fun than I've had in a few years.”

  “What do you mean by that Dale?”

  Dale's reply brought a smile to Scott's face. “I quit the rat race last year after making my second million. My small town law office doesn't give me the challenge I was used to, but it has its own perks. Got to go and tell my wife I'm taking a job in California. By the way was that Jesse Colt I heard in the background.”

  “Yes.” replied Scott.

  “Tell him Dale and Jane will need a setup for weekend camping with a guide and maybe a little hunting.”

  As Scott told Jesse the message he simply pulled his phone from his pocket and hit speed dial. “Allen, Dale and Jane need a full setup for weekend camping and possibly local hunting. Get the Fraser kid and let his old man know that I'll need his hunting lease next weekend so clear it out.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter 2

  Monday Scott's secretary announced he had a call, but the man on the line refused to give his name, just stated that Mr. Scott Lavey was expecting his contact.

  “Sir, I'll be in the city in an hour. Dale suggested we meet. Name the place and reserve an out of the way table large enough for me to spread out my paperwork.”

  Scott replied, “I hope you like BBQ. I'll be at Willard's Homestyle BBQ at 1 PM. Just tell the clerk that Scott sent you and what size table you want.”

  “No problem, I'll see you there Sir.”

  Not five minutes later the head of security knocked on Scott's door. “Sir, I just received a report that you received a call from someone and will be meeting them at Willard's. I would recommend security in that part of the city. That's a rough neighborhood.”

  “No problem, I have friends to watch my back down there. Please squelch that report. I have arrangements to make before my departure, so tell my secretary to come in as you leave.”

  “You wanted to see me, Sir.”

  “Yes, has the board delivered the draft contract yet. I'll need three copies. Now make sure I'm not disturbed for the next hour. Thanks.” Scott was really pissed. The board had even gotten their fingers into his private secretary. Then he picked up his phone and called his chauffeur. “I have a late lunch at 1 PM. It will be at Willard's Homestyle BBQ on the south side. I will also need about half an hour extra for another stop so what time do we need to leave?”

  “No later than 11:20 Sir. Will this be pleasure or business?”

  “This is a business meeting, so inform Sally and her friend.”

  “Yes Sir, I'll be out front at 11:15.”

  As his chauffeur opened the door to a late model sedan he calmly said in a low voice, Sally is it a blue ford and her friend is driving a blue van. Both are ready for anything. This is a friends car and clean.

  The drive to the southeast part of the city took over an hour due to traffic. Twice Scott heard reports to his chauffeur that they were being followed.

  Then James announced, we'll be stopping at that pawn shop on the corner. Just wander around and tell the clerk that you're picking up a package for James.

  The bag was so heavy that Scott had to use both hands as he lifted it and place it in the trunk. As he opened the rear curbside door two police cruisers pulled up and they popped out with guns drawn. Scott put both hands up and James kept his on the steering wheel like the cops yelled. After being frisked they demanded to search the trunk.

  As James popped the trunk the young female clerk loudly announced, “Scott, you forgot your receipt.” The cops all froze and one turned with his gun toward the clerk.

  He demanded, “Whats in the bag girl.”

  She took two steps forward and handed him the receipt. Looking at it he handed it to the officer at the trunk and said, “Look and see if it's what's on the receipt, don't lift anything out where it can be seen from the street.” Turning to Scott he asked, “Do you have security since you are transporting something this valuable.”

  James calmly answered, “Yes, and I'm sure you are making them nervous. You may have noticed that all traffic has stopped since you pulled us out.

  Glancing back up the street there was a blue sedan parked in the middle of the street with its hood up. The woman standing beside the car had her hand inside the hood and the two men on the other side were each facing different directions. Looking at the other end of the street he saw a blue van with its side doors open. Only a woman was standing near it glancing around. Pedestrians had disappeared except for three men carrying long thin bags. With a low whistle he told the others, “I think we got a bad call guys. I recognize two of the guys, and they ain't cheap security. Lock everything up and lets get out of here. Scott, James, I'm sorry, but we got a call that there was a drug deal going down and your description was given. I sincerely hope we haven't jeopardized your shipment.

  James reached into the car and pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number. “We've been delayed and possibly compromised. Rendezvous at check point 2 with extra security and new vehicle.”

  The officer then asked, “Would you like an escort?”

  James answered, “No, you'd draw more attention to us. If you would just write us a parking citation or something like that and depart. If it looks like police harassment then any any extra attention to us may evaporate.”

  One police car pulled away while the officers from the car poked around inside the car and then stomped off like they were pissed off that they couldn't find anything.

  James said, “Lets go.” Arriving at 1:02 he pulled around to the side parking lot beside the blue sedan. Opening the trunk he tossed the bag into their trunk. They pulled out with the van following them. Two SUV's then pulled out of the parking lot behind them.

  Inside Scott and James got their order and then Scott asked where his contact was.

  The clerk hesitated and then said, I think he is at the corner table near the door. Scott sat down and James sat at the next table. Then a guy that looked like a biker sat down beside James and they started talking. Three more bikers took the other table and started talking.

  The lawyer looked at Scott and said, “I'm Bill Bendert, not a bad way to cover our conversation. Hope there are no lip readers around.”

  Scott laughed and passed a copy of the draft contract over. “My chauffeur made security arrangements. As you can see my companies lawyers are trying to screw me.”

  Don't worry, I checked before I accepted Dale's retainer. He's so far above me that I may have to move out of state just to find my next honest client. He was laughing when I called him and told him I would do the local legwork. When he quit laughing he simply stated that I would gain very useful experience. Now here is a rebuttal to the original draft.”

  Scott looked at the seven pages and then reached for his drink.

amn, I only gave him a brief outline of what I told the board, I never mentioned anything about the patents or retirement package.”

  “Oh don't worry, half the demands are negotiable and disposable. Dale claimed he was going to have some fun, but don't worry he'll do you right. When I checked him out I also checked his last public case. The company being sued hired two law firms and still lost it's ass to the small businessman he was representing.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter 3

  Tuesday morning Scott only spent five minutes in the board meeting. As he threw his counter offer on the table he said he had other business to attend to and started out. Halfway to the door he turned and told them that he'd like to be out of here within a week, but if they screwed with him, he'd stick around and give them hell.

  He stopped in his office, picked up his briefcase and the got on the elevator. After a nonstop trip through the lobby he saw James holding a door open to a SUV. Getting in he tossed his jacket and brief case into the back seat and said, “My doorman is holding a package for us and then lets head east.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter 4

  As they pulled into the Biscuits for Breakfast parking lot Colt walked up to the SUV and handed Scott a box. As Scott opened the box Colt said, “If you ain't armed in there they consider you a wimp or a tourist to fleece. Don't forget to always carry your permits!”

  Scott looked at the permits and official ID card in the box and said, “When did I get hired by the Overview Private Investigation Corporation?”

  With a chuckle Colt replied, “As soon as yo sell yo company, but you're on probation for six months and must pass an accredited PI course. I have offices in 13 states. States that I may add, all have excellent hunting.”