Read Survival, a YA Paranormal Romance (The Guardians of Vesturon Series, Book #1) Page 15

  “Maddie, are you telling me that you wish I had never taken you to the Healer? That you would rather spend your life unable to walk again, forever?”

  “I am saying that as a leader of an entire planet, the decisions you make must be based on the majority of your people, not just one person. You cannot let your heart rule your mind all the time.”

  He stood and faced her as he raked his hand through his hair. “You sound exactly like my father. I understand your point, but I will stand by what I did for you now and a hundred years from now. You are wrong about this. I did not make the decision hastily or haphazardly.” Rayn’s anger was surfacing. He wasn’t keen on having so many people telling him what he should or shouldn’t do.

  Rayn started pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do next when he decided that they needed to get away. He wanted to take Maddie to his favorite spot on the mountaintop that only his family visited. It was located about ten miles from the compound.

  He dashed into his closet and started gathering his gear. His backpack usually stayed packed, so the only things they needed were some food and water. He would have to add another small pack for Maddie. Maddie poked her head around the corner and wanted to know what was going on.

  “We’re leaving.”

  “What do you mean? Where are we going? We just got here,” she said.

  “Sharra! Sharra! Where are you?” Rayn rushed out to the staircase and bellowed. He looked at Maddie and said smiling, “Trust me...again, please.”

  “What’s going on?” Sharra inquired.

  “Can you lend Maddie some of your camping gear? Vesturion clothing, sleeping bag and pad?”

  “Okay,” Sharra replied.

  “Where are we going? I’m not going anywhere until you answer me. You are always so cryptic with me!” Maddie fumed!

  Rayn rushed to her and briefly embraced her explaining, “Forgive me. I am not used to answering to anyone. I am taking you up to one of our favorite spots on a mountain top about ten miles from here. Trust me, you will love it. Please go with Sharra so that she can give you some things to wear and Sharra, do not forget to give her some hiking boots.”

  “Come, Maddie and I will tell you about this place. Rayn is right; you are going to love it. And I would also like to apologize for my rude behavior earlier. I did not intend to direct it at you. I was most upset with Rayn at the time.” Sharra said.

  “Not a problem. I understand and I guess this has been a bit unnerving for everyone.”

  Rayn gathered their supplies, and by the time he was ready, so was Maddie. They put their packs on and headed out.

  Rayn grabbed his shadar and entered their destination, and seconds later, they were there. He was awarded with a smile from Maddie that would have lit up a dark night. She was utterly radiant.

  Chapter 5

  “This place is unreal!” Maddie was awestruck by the vista.

  The sky was bright blue, and the air was crisp, hinting at a cool night ahead. But that was the usual for springtime.

  “That transfer thing wasn’t so bad this time either. Where are we, anyway?” she asked curiously.

  Rayn was pleased to see her reaction to this much loved place. “I knew you would love it up here. It’s my favorite place. That’s Balsam Mountain over there.” He pointed directly across from her.

  There was that telltale blue haze that was ever present, giving the scene that ethereal quality. Nearby, the sound of a creek gurgled and further in the distance, the thundering resonance of a waterfall could be heard.

  “Gawd, I love these mountains.” She inhaled deeply, enjoying the scents of the forest. “I never knew this place was here. I wonder how I missed it, as much time as I’ve spent up here.”

  “Yes, well, there is a good reason for that. We keep this property veiled. That is why no one is aware of it.”

  “Veiled?” she asked with a puzzled look.

  Every time Rayn spoke, he began to realize just how much he was going to have to share with Maddie. The little things that he took for granted she had no idea existed.

  “Yes, another form of tech we use. We can send out an energy wave that masks the appearance of this place, or anyplace we choose for that matter. For instance, our house and all the property around it are veiled. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it makes things invisible to an outsider. It changes the appearance of things; for instance, the landscape here would look like a place you wouldn’t want to be, maybe densely forested or impassable. We can even veil ourselves if we want.”

  “That’s seriously cool! It makes sense too. It keeps intruders out, but also keeps humans from finding you.”

  “We’re not generally concerned about them finding us; it’s everything we have and use, such as our instruments and our tech.”

  “Can you give me a run down on well, everything Vesturion?”

  Rayn began with the simplest explanations. “Yes. We are not human, but we are human-ish.”

  He began with the differences. “We have certain Powers. For example, we have the Powers of Telepathy, Speed, Telekinesis, Obliteration, Tranquility and Command to name a few.” He explained about telepathy and how it works for them. He told her of their telekinetic and empathic abilities as well as how they had a profound calming influence on people. He explained how they could obliterate memories, which is what Rayn did to Maddie when he returned her to her world. He also elaborated on their superior strength, agility, speed, and mind control.

  “The Power of Command is our strongest talent but can also be our most dangerous if used improperly. Do you remember in the caves of the Nunne’ hi when I asked you questions and you would feel compelled to answer?”

  “Yeah, even if I didn’t want to, I would find myself spilling my guts to you.”

  “I was using the Power of Command. When done correctly it can be useful, but say for example I wanted you to do something physical that was against your will, it could be used to force you to do that. It can be a very dangerous weapon. Not everyone is gifted with that Power and for good reason.”

  “It sounds scary.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is. It is also painful because when it is used, every muscle in your body wants to get out of it, but it is helpless to do so. It is quite a terrible thing to experience.”

  “Have you ever used it that way?”

  “Yes, and my father was not happy about it. He was always very strict with us regarding its usage, and rightfully so.”

  “Are all the Powers like that?”

  “Oh no. You’ve felt Tranquility quite a bit. Whenever you were anxious, my touch would impart it to you.”

  “Yeah and it was awesome. What else?”

  “Obliteration, but your mind is almost too strong for it, which is most unusual. And then there is Speed, which is my favorite.”

  “How fast can you go?”

  “Very,” he said with mischief in his eye.

  “Will you show me?”

  “Yes, but not tonight. I want to take you for a ride during the day so you don’t become frightened.”

  “Can you move something for me?”

  She watched as their packs moved from one spot to another.

  “That’s crazy cool. What about physical appearances? Size, looks and all,” she wanted to know.

  Rayn thought for a moment. “Well, in a couple of hours, when it gets dark, you’re going to notice a big difference come over me.”

  Maddie’s eyes grew wide as saucers and she said, “Like what?”

  Rayn laughingly said, “When the sun sets I grow fur and horns!” he jokingly said. When he saw the expression on her face, he quickly added, “I am teasing you Maddie; but seriously, my eyes are going to change.”

  “Change? How?” His eyes were so lovely she couldn’t bear the thought of them changing.

  He smiled at her and said, “Oh, Maddie, my eyes pale in comparison to yours. But, Vesturions have excellent night vision, and when darkness falls, our pupils beco
me elliptical. I hope that does not frighten you.”

  “Did you hear me thinking about your eyes?”

  He nodded back to her smiling.

  “I am so going to have to get used to this mind reading stuff. It really throws me off.”

  She wondered what his eyes would look like, but then she said, “I mean, what’re weird looking eyes after you’ve traveled the galaxy in a McFlurry machine and had your severed spine fused? That should be a piece of cake, right? If I didn’t know better and hadn’t seen it all with my own eyes, I’d still be looking for the hidden camera!”

  A hidden camera! A McFlurry machine? The stodgy scientists on Vesturon would not be impressed with that explanation of a teleporting device! Rayn chuckled at her sense of humor.

  “Okay, another question. What language is that you speak sometimes? It’s very strange sounding. I can’t place it.”

  “No, you wouldn’t be able to. That is the Ancient Tongue of Vesturon. The Guardians learn to speak it for a variety of reasons, mostly to take their oaths and make pledges. The Ancient Tongue is only used in certain situations and at certain ceremonies. The Guardians are taught it at an early age. Most Vesturions are also taught it, but it’s not used much anymore.”

  “Why does everyone refer to you as ‘my liege’?”

  “Because I am the Firstborn. It is much like a royal family on Earth. You could say my father is equivalent to a king, so therefore, I will be a king one day. It is not something with which you need to concern yourself.”

  “Seriously? A king?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Does that upset you?”

  “Overwhelms is a better description.”

  “Do not feel as such. There is no need.”

  “I’ll reserve judgment for now.”

  While they talked, they both grabbed their packs and started setting up camp. There was an area that was a perfect place to pitch their tent, and next to that was a fire ring. They worked together, almost as if they’ve done this a thousand times.

  “What’s up with these clothes Sharra lent me? She told me they would keep me warm, and I wouldn’t need a coat or jacket. What is this material? It’s so soft and comfortable too.”

  The clothing Maddie was wearing was weaved from fibers that had the tiniest of sensors in them. They could detect air and body temperature and would make adjustments accordingly. The sensors could be set at a certain temperature, say seventy-two degrees, and it would remain constant, keeping the wearer continuously comfortable, never too hot or cold. The fibers were also waterproof and windproof, insuring the wearer maximum comfort at all times.

  Maddie decided she was becoming very fond of all of this Vesturion technology.

  They finished setting up the tent, and Maddie laid out all of their sleeping gear inside—pads on the bottom for comfort and then their sleeping bags. Like the clothing, the bags were also extremely lightweight.

  I hope this will be warm enough for me tonight, she thought.

  Rayn put some pads outside for them to sit on and started collecting wood for the fire.

  “Why do you always dress like that?” Maddie inquired. Rayn was wearing his standard black shirt, pants, and boots minus the cape. “Does it signify something? And what are those things on your hands?”

  “Oh, yes. This is my uniform, the uniform of the Guardians. It is made from the same sensored fabric as what you are wearing, with one big difference. It has the added advantage of a substance that is a bit like Kevlar, but much lighter and much more effective.”

  “So you’re like bulletproof?” she wanted to know.

  “Precisely. You could fire any kind of weapon at me even at close range and it wouldn’t have the slightest effect on me other than slight bruising. It is also fire proof and heat resistant up to two thousand degrees. You might say it comes in handy sometimes.”

  “I might,” she snorted. “What about your hands?” Maddie reached for his hand, but he pulled it away before she could grab it.

  He held them up and started talking, “These are called shadars. They serve several purposes. They are my weapons known as my annihilator. They are also my scanner and teleporter. They respond only to my DNA so if they land in the wrong hands, no harm can be done. They also contain a tracking device so that I can be located from anywhere. If I were to die, or if something were to render me unconscious, my teleporter could automatically send me back to my home base that is encoded in here. That, of course can be changed at will.”

  “Oh my gosh, that is amazing. How do they work?”

  Rayn explained the basic functions of each and how they all worked. He told her his Annihilator was the most advanced form of portable weaponry in the universe. What he carried on his hands was more potent than a nuclear warhead. Maddie was stunned.

  “Do not concern yourself with this, we rarely have to use it, and when we do, it is discharged at a very low setting. Mind you, though, it doesn’t take much to annihilate a human.”

  He decided to give her a brief demonstration. He tilted his wrist, and a hologram appeared above his hand. He aimed it at a rock several feet away and said, “Annihilate.” The rock turned to dust.

  Maddie was impressed but frightened. “Holy crap. Remind me not to make you mad anymore. This takes weaponry to a whole new level.”

  He removed his shadars and set them in his pack saying, “I don’t think I’ll be needing these tonight.”

  They scouted the area for kindling and small pieces of wood so that they could start a fire. Rayn kept an ample supply of larger logs up there, so once they had it going, they would be able to burn it all night if they wanted. The mission was quickly accomplished. The wood was laid out, and in no time, a fire was crackling.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She nodded and said, “Not yet. How about you?”

  “I can wait. Come here, please.” She came toward him, and he took hold of her hand and pulled her down on his lap so that they faced each other. “Are you comfortable like this?” he asked.

  Holy cow, are you kidding me? If I could stay like this forever, I would die a happy girl!

  “Er, yeah, I’m great.”

  He flashed her that dazzling smile of his.

  Oh my gawd, this guy is impossibly magnificent. I think my heart is definitely going to explode, she thought.

  “Are you okay?” Smiling, he placed his hand over her heart. “Your heart is beating wickedly fast.”

  He’s going to kill me. I am nearly incoherent from his touch that I can barely speak. I’m going to be the first girl ever to die of a heart attack. I can see it now…girl dies from heart attack, caused by sitting in drop-dead gorgeous dude’s lap!

  “‘Drop-dead gorgeous dude,’ huh?” he read her thoughts aloud. Then, he noticed the look on her face and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, but your thoughts were all but screaming at me. Are you okay Maddie?”


  “Maddie, please talk to me. Say something!” he begged, concern laced in his voice.

  Without thinking, Maddie blurted out, “Okay, how about this: I’m speechless, completely lost in your amazing green eyes, your...whew. Holy crap! You are, er, you take my breath away, and my heart is pounding because of you, only because of you. You are making it do that.”

  Sweet baby bunnies! Did I just say that out loud? What the hell is wrong with me?

  She took the heel of her hand and slapped it against her forehead.

  Use your head, Maddie! Gah, I’m so freakin’ embarrassed! Oh, for the love of God, what am I thinking?

  Rayn took her hands in his. “Maddie, please don’t be embarrassed,” he pleaded. “Believe me, you have the same effect on me.” Talk about an ego trip. Rayn was in heaven.

  “Oh, this is craptastic. I totally blanked on that; you can read my flippin’ thoughts. You know exactly what I’ve been thinking.”

  She exploded off his lap and dove head first into their tent, her cheeks burning from
embarrassment. She was mortified and knew any moment she would die.

  Rayn scratched his head and rubbed his jaw back and forth. What should he do now? How should he handle this one? He wanted to shout with laughter; the whole thing was so hilarious. But he didn’t want to embarrass her further. Truth of it all, he was flattered and exceedingly ecstatic that she was thinking those thoughts. If she could read his mind, she would know that he wanted more than anything to bury his face in her hair, kiss her sweet lips until she was senseless, drown in those topaz eyes, and feel her body underneath him. Of course the latter was strictly forbidden, but thoughts of that would not cease.

  He started to chuckle, softly at first, and then he just couldn’t hold it back any longer. Deep rumbles of laughter exploded from within, and he couldn’t control it. The harder he tried to stop, the funnier it became.

  Maddie lay in the tent with the sleeping bag pulled over her head. Suddenly, she heard his booming laughter and decided she would never ever come out of that tent again. She just couldn’t face him.

  How awkward! Has anyone ever died of embarrassment?

  Unexpectedly, the sleeping bag was yanked out of her hands, and Rayn was lying in its place. He placed his hands on either side of her head, leaned in closely and said in a husky voice, “I am so very sorry I laughed at you, but the whole thing was quite amusing. Forgive me, Maddie. I do not want you to be embarrassed. I feel exactly as you do, only I guarantee my thoughts are a little more explicit and they should not be. It is simply not proper. But you do things to me that, let me just say that I am completely, positively crazy over you. Every time I am near you, I find myself wanting to reach out and take you in my arms, run my fingers through your lovely hair, put my face in it, and breathe as if my life depended on it.”

  He bent his head down to where her hair had fallen across the pillows and buried his face in it, inhaling deeply. When he lifted his head, he looked into those beautiful amber eyes of hers and said, “You are sheer heaven to me, and you are not the only one who feels these things, Maddie. Your scent intoxicates me, and I am positively lost in you.”

  Chapter 6

  Maddie, left breathless by his words, found herself suddenly reaching for his face and pulling it toward hers. She placed her lips on his and softly kissed him like she’d never kissed anyone.