Read Survival, a YA Paranormal Romance (The Guardians of Vesturon Series, Book #1) Page 20

  Maddie couldn’t disguise her shock. “Does Sharra truly know how to drive one of these sports cars?”

  “Well, yes,” he said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Then realizing that most humans weren’t privileged enough to afford one of these, he added, “It is not that difficult really, and we all use the Speedsters over there,” he said, indicating a group of things that looked like motorcycles without wheels.

  “Speedsters?” Maddie was wondering if she could take all of this in.

  Rayn explained to her how the Speedsters worked and she did her best to try to understand. They were commonly used on Vesturon, and they hovered above the ground, like flying at extremely low altitudes. They went exceptionally fast, which made them great to move around town or anywhere else for that matter.

  Then there were the real motorcycles: the Ducati, the Hayabusa, the Aprilia, and the Ninja, which Rayn explained they loved to use. They handled much like Speedsters, but were more antiquated. These were not used on Vesturon either, which made them all the more fun for them to ride.

  “Most of these are Therron’s babies. I guess you might say we all like to go fast!”

  “Why would you even need something like this when you have your McFlurry machine? I mean, wouldn’t it be faster to use the McFlurry?”

  Rayn laughed at her description of the teleporting device.

  “Yes, that is true, but we derive great pleasure in driving these vehicles, especially since they are unavailable on Vesturon.”

  “Aren’t some of these rare and difficult to get?” Maddie asked.

  “Yes, but we have our connections.”

  Maddie continued to look around, while Rayn explained that Rykerian was the car mechanic. He was an expert and could disassemble and reassemble the engines better than anyone. It was his one true hobby. Surprisingly enough, Sharra was the fast driver. She was the one who was always on the hunt for the fastest car. Maddie wondered if Sharra would give her a driving lesson. She thought it would be fun to drive one of those.

  Reading her mind, Rayn said, “That would be something Sharra would love. She loves to play with her toys, and she would love to have someone to share these with.”

  “How do you go around unnoticed? These are cars are not exactly unobtrusive.”

  “Remember, we veil ourselves. It also helps to prevent us from getting speeding tickets.”

  “That’s totally cool!”

  “Care to go for a ride?” Rayn asked.

  “I’d love to,” she said excitedly.

  They hopped in the Reventon and headed down the mountain road. She felt like she was in a cockpit of a fighter jet. The buttery leather seats all but enfolded her, and their rich scent was like a heady perfume. The car was awesome, and Rayn drove it like a professional. He took the curves at extremely high speeds, but Maddie wasn’t a bit scared. Truthfully, she was having the time of her life. She rolled the windows down and loved the feel of the wind blowing her hair around. She was laughing and enjoying herself immensely when Rayn pulled off the side of the road and brought the car to a halt.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Hmm, I was a bit distracted, you might say. I had to stop so that I could enjoy the scenery.”

  Maddie looked at him, puzzled. He reached for her and cupped her face in his hand brushing her cheek with his thumb. Then he picked up a strand of her hair and let its silkiness slide through his fingers. “I could do this all day,” he said smiling, thinking she had never looked more radiant.

  “Rayn, can you teach me how to drive this car?” she wondered aloud.

  That took him by surprise. He didn’t take her for someone who would have the slightest interest in driving a sports car. But then again, who could blame her? Who wouldn’t want to drive one of these?

  “Of course. We must trade seats.”

  After the switch, he attempted to try to explain how to shift the gears while depressing the clutch and using the gas pedal, all at the same time.

  “Remember, the clutch has to be depressed in order for you to change gears. When you release the clutch, you need to give it some gas. Are you ready to try?”

  “Here goes nothing,” she replied.

  Maddie released the clutch and started to give it gas, and whump. She stalled out.

  “Do not worry; it takes a little time to get used to it. Try again.”

  An hour and a half and nearly a tankful of gas later, they had traveled about one hundred feet. Mercifully, throughout it all, Rayn had exhibited the patience of a saint, and it was then he realized he honestly loved her. Otherwise, he would have strangled her. She could not get the car to go. He tried and tried to instruct her, and she listened. Still, every time, the car would shudder and stall.

  “Sunshine, I am afraid we will have to resume our lesson another day. You’d best move over so that I can drive us home before we run out of gas. We are almost on empty now.” He had peeked at the gas gauge and was concerned to see that.

  “Dayam! I cannot believe I couldn’t get this thing to go. I didn’t think it would be this hard,” she groaned.

  “Er, it usually is not that difficult. Maybe we can get Sharra to teach you. She might be a better teacher than I.”

  “You think so?” she asked hopefully.

  Rayn nodded, but he honestly didn’t know if anyone would be able to teach her. She just couldn’t seem to be able to connect the dots, like her coordination was off kilter.

  Maddie disrupted his thoughts. “I hope this doesn’t turn out like dancing.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, his curiosity peaked.

  “Oh, I can’t dance. At all. My roommate would make fun of me all the time. I’m worse than bad on the dance floor. I mean ridiculously bad. My mother prayed every night that I would develop some sense of rhythm when I grew older, but I’m afraid I never did,” she openly confessed.

  “That does not compute, Maddie. You appear so graceful and elegant.”

  “Seriously? You need to get your eyes checked! I am not even the tiniest bit graceful. My body seems to want to go in two different directions. It’s true. I can show you if you want,” she said with a devilish grin.

  Rayn had gotten out of the car so they could switch sides again. Instead of getting back in, though, he helped Maddie out and turned up the music. “Show me.”

  Maddie started twisting and turning and shaking and bouncing, and she did this thing with her arms that was, well, quite odd. Rayn tried his best not to laugh, but before he could stop himself, he found himself caught up in uncontrollable laughter. Maddie just kept at it, doing something weird with her feet and legs too, kicking them out at odd angles. It was a wonder her ankles didn’t snap.

  In reality, she was enjoying the attention. She was not the least bit insulted because she knew she looked like a total dweeb.

  Quite frankly, Rayn had seen nothing like it in his many years.

  “Stop! This is atrocious!” Rayn was finally able to calm himself down. “Goodness, Maddie, you haven’t any rhythm. None at all. I simply do not understand how that can be!”

  “I told you so! I’m awful. I must admit I do get a bit carried away with it though. I actually like dancing, but it’s just too painful for anyone to have to watch. The bad thing is, if you think I stink at dancing, you ought to hear me sing.”

  “Your singing is worse than your dancing?” He truly couldn’t imagine anything that could rival the contortions he had just witnessed.

  “Awful, hideously awful. I totally suck. Wanna hear?”

  “No. Between your driving and dancing, I think I have had more than enough. I would like to do this though.” He took her in his arms, pulled her into him and gently kissed her. He pulled his lips away from hers and whispered, “Thankfully, your lack of coordination has not affected your ability to kiss!”

  They both hopped in the car, and Maddie turned up the radio even louder.

  Unfortunately for Rayn, “I Wanna Dance With Som
ebody” came on, and she started blasting out her very own rendition of it.

  Rayn was positively horrified. He fully expected his windshield to shatter at any moment.

  How is it possible that someone with the voice of an angel can sing so terribly, he thought?

  She was certainly a mystery to him, and he was glad of it. He could tell there would never be a dull moment with her around.

  Chapter 14

  By the time they returned home, the sun was sinking toward the horizon. They could smell the mouthwatering aromas coming out of the kitchen as they passed through. Zanna was hard at work getting dinner ready for them, and they realized they hadn’t eaten for some time. They went in search of the others to catch up with them before the big meal.

  Rayn and Maddie found the men in the billiard room, shooting a game of pool. They looked up and immediately came to attention.

  “How about some reintroductions?” Rayn asked, smiling. “The first time was a bit rough around the edges.”

  Each of them came forward and presented themselves to her. Therron came first and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  Then Rykerian stepped forward and Rayn said, “Maddie, this is my brother Rykerian. Rykerian…Maddie.”

  Rykerian took Maddie’s hand, bowed down and placed his lips upon it. “It is a great pleasure and honor to meet you, Maddie,” Rykerian stated.

  When he stood up to his full six and a half feet, Maddie couldn’t hide her surprise, as his looks startled her as much as his formal greeting. He was disturbingly beautiful. Impeccably attired in designer clothing, he could pass for a model in one of those men’s magazines. His pants were Dolce and Gabanna, and his cashmere sweater was Prada, as were his shoes. Where Rayn was dark haired, Rykerian was…well, his hair color simply defied words.

  It had hints of bronze, blond, copper and brown. Each strand looked as though it had been hand painted. It was impeccably styled, with the exception of his braid hanging over his shoulder. Now she understood the comment Rayn had made about how Rykerian despised the braid. It did not fit with the rest of his style.

  His eyes were almond shaped, cobalt blue and were nothing short of astounding. Intense sapphires with irises rimmed in indigo and fringed in bronze lashes, they were beyond words. Surely hearts were broken everywhere this man went.

  When Maddie noticed the corners of his mouth turn up, she knew he’d read her mind. A quick glance at Rayn confirmed her worst fears. They all had read her mind and knew what she thought of Rykerian!

  “You all are so not right! That is entirely not fair! I can’t keep anything to myself.”

  With a disarming grin, Rykerian said, “Rayn, I can see her temperament matches her hair.”

  “Maddie, do not distress yourself. Rykerian has that effect on everyone. And yes, you are correct, he has most certainly broken hearts all over this universe,” Rayn piped in, laughing. “Around here we usually call him Fifth Avenue or Rodeo Drive. Back on Vesturon, he is known as the Glamour Prince!”

  “I’ll certainly have to remember that. Forgive me my poor manners, Mr. Fifth Avenue, but it’s a pleasure, an embarrassing pleasure, to meet you as well.”

  She turned back to Rayn and punched him as hard as she could in the chest. Of course, that was like a gnat trying to take down a giant.

  “Ow! Whatever was that for?” he asked, grabbing her fist and pulling her into him.

  “For not warning me about his looks. What is it with you all?” she retorted.

  “It is through no fault of ours the looks that have been bestowed upon us. You will have to ask that of our parents,” Rykerian responded. “And it is simply Fifth Avenue, not ‘Mr.’ Fifth Avenue.”

  “Yeesh! Whatever. Am I to assume you’re Tesslar?” she said as she turned to the third person in the room.

  “That would be correct, my lady. It is with great pleasure and honor that I make your acquaintance, and I greatly look forward to having you as my sister.” He also bowed and kissed Maddie’s hand.

  Whoa...this one is truly Mr. Manners!

  “The pleasure and honor are mine Tesslar. And on a more serious note, I would like to thank each of you for, well, for coming to my rescue. I owe all of you in a major way.”

  Tesslar interrupted, “Never fear, sister. We will let you pay us back! We never forget a favor, especially one of that magnitude!”

  “Looks like we have another comedian in our midst. Rayn, why did you never tell me?” Maddie liked this family more and more every minute.

  “Because I try to forget it every day!” Rayn dryly commented.

  “Well, I can see why. And before you even try to read my mind, I’ll just tell you right now that yes, you are extremely handsome too, Tesslar, with your lovely hair and eyes, but that’s all I’m going to say. I can sense you’re a troublemaker, so I’ll have to watch myself around you.” Maddie was enjoying herself immensely, being the center of attention with these men.

  Tesslar was dark haired like Rayn but had Rykerian’s startlingly blue eyes. He was built similarly to Rayn, but slightly slimmer and not as well defined muscularly. He, like the others, was astonishingly handsome, and his smile lit up the room. He had a devilish appearance to him, as if any moment he would spring a trick on you. Maddie knew she would have to be on her guard with this one. His appearance was more like Therron’s than the others—a bit disheveled with a carelessness about him. The four of them would, without doubt, turn heads in any setting.

  “My lady, my handsome appearance is surely overshadowed by your incomparable beauty. With one word from your lovely lips, this gallant male would die happy at your feet.”

  “Oh, for the love of God, stop. You are killing me,” Maddie grabbed her sides, laughter bubbling out of her. “You all are so full of it. Rayn, you should have told me to wear my boots.”

  That comment brought out a room full of puzzled expressions.

  “What does that mean? ‘Full of it?’ And why would you need boots?”

  “You know, the you-know-what is getting deep in here. Get it?”


  Their looks demanded an explanation. After several attempts, Maddie gave up and said, “It’s a human expression.”

  “Ahh,” they all said.

  Rayn, Therron, and Rykerian were all leaning against the pool table, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles with their arms crossed over their muscled chests. They looked perfectly at ease, but their presence was unusually impressive. Maddie could see her roommates now--they’d all be drooling at this site.

  Tesslar continued with his banter, “We are thrilled our brother has chosen his female so wisely, one who is quick of wit, yet fiery of spirit. And we too, are eager for your mating, so our dear Rayn will quit wearing out all the rugs in our humble abode!”

  The thunderous laughter that erupted nearly shook the stone walls.

  All the brothers gathered around Rayn, slapping him on the back. Although Maddie was shocked by this comment, she found it difficult to keep a straight face. She’d never had any siblings, so this was a fascinating new experience for her.

  She looked up to see Rykerian watching her with an odd expression on his face. He realized she had caught it and quickly glanced away. She could have sworn he actually blushed. It puzzled her for a minute, but she didn’t have time to think much about it because, at that moment, Sharra decided to make her entry.

  Maddie looked at Sharra and the other siblings. She could see the resemblance in each of them. Though they each looked different, they all shared common characteristics: eye color, hair color, height, facial features; and every one of them was unimaginably beautiful.

  Sharra was no exception. Tall, like her brothers, she was every bit as commanding as they were. Her eyes were sparkling sapphire blue like Rykerian’s, and her hair was a satiny curtain of midnight black that hung past her waist. Her beauty was extraordinary. She had high cheekbones and a perfectly straight nose, delicately arched brows and huge almond shaped
eyes that were surrounded by lush black lashes. When she smiled, she revealed a perfect set of startlingly white teeth. She was slender but exuded a strength that couldn’t be mistaken. This girl was not someone to be taken lightly.

  Maddie caught Rayn looking her way, and the corners of his lips turned up. Her first thought was how handsome he was, with his beautiful eyes, hair and that body—no, not just handsome. He was drop-dead gorgeous. He was in the midst of this stunning family, but he somehow rose above every one of them. The room was saturated with his presence and he left no doubt about who the leader was here.

  When his face beamed back at her, she knew he had read her mind. She winked at him, and he let out a bark of laughter. He ambled to over to Maddie and placed his arm around her.

  “Hello, my sister,” Rayn said to Sharra.

  “Hello, and hello again, Maddie. I am glad the clothing worked so well for you. What is happening down here?”

  Maddie replied, “Oh, I am being entertained by your brothers. Some of them think they are comedians.”

  “Oh, yes, but do not let them fool you. They are only funny unto themselves,” Sharra informed her.

  “No worries there. Already got that figured out.”

  Sharra looked at Rayn and noticed the smug expression he was wearing. “Why, Rayn, it appears you are resembling the animal that ate the bird,” Sharra said.

  Everyone looked at her with puzzled expressions. “What I meant was, you look to be as if you swallowed a bird.”

  Maddie looked at Rayn, and Rayn shrugged.

  Tesslar interjected, “Sharra, what on Vesturon are you talking about?”

  “Well, you know, it is a human saying.”

  “No, we don’t know. Maybe Maddie can help.”

  “No clue,” Maddie said.

  “Well, what I meant was that Rayn is looking very proud of himself presently.”

  A giggle escaped from Maddie, because she had figured out where this was going. Everyone looked at her expectantly.

  “I think Sharra meant to say that Rayn looked like the cat that swallowed the canary!”

  “Yes, that is what I said,” Sharra agreed.

  Therron said, “No, that is not what you said. Sharra, you must stop trying to use human slang. It does not work, and we never know what you are trying to say.”