Read Surviving Raine Page 21

  She handed it to me, and I poured some of the water over my hand before I ran my palm up her leg. I could have poured it directly on her, but where was the fun in that? The color came back with the flow of water, smoothing out the dry skin even if it would only last a short time. After drenching her skin to make it wet and the hair easier to remove, I slowly guided the knife to her ankle and placed it against her skin with the sharpest side angled up.

  “Don’t move,” I murmured. “Moving would be bad.”

  “I won’t,” she whispered back, her words all breathy and running their way down to my cock. I shifted her foot a little to one side, so my cock wouldn’t end up smacking into her as I ran first my hand, then my blade up her skin. After the second swipe it left her skin smooth and soft behind the knife’s trail.

  I didn’t know how long it took; I only knew I loved every minute of it. When I was done with the second leg, I was really quite appreciative of how smooth her skin was without the hair and how much I wanted to run my hands over it, which I did.

  “Do you think your hands will help with any additional hair removal?” Raine teased.

  “I’m just making sure I didn’t miss any,” I insisted while I ran my hands up the back of her thighs for the third time.

  “I think you were very thorough,” Raine said. She pulled her leg back a little and out of my reach.

  “Spoilsport,” I grumbled, and Raine laughed. “How about the rest?”

  “The rest of what?”

  “Armpits?” I waggled my eyebrows at her.

  “You are crazy.” Raine shook her head. “I can’t believe I let you do my legs.”

  “I want to do the rest, too,” I said again.

  “That wouldn’t be so easy,” she said. “The sleeves are…in the way.”

  “I guess we’d have to move them, wouldn’t we?”

  “Move the sleeves?”

  “Take the fucking shirt off,” I said, moving a little closer and grabbing her waist. Raine laughed and tried to roll away from me, but I pulled her back and placed my lips against her neck and shoulder. “Take it off…I promise not to gawk.”

  “You are a terrible liar!” Raine screeched as I tickled her. “Just admit, for once, that you want to see my boobs!”

  I captured her mouth with mine again, kissing her and stroking my tongue over her lips. When I pulled back, I ran my nose over the line of her jaw until I reached her ear. I don’t know if it was shaving her, seeing her partially naked earlier in the day, or wanting her just because I was always a horny motherfucker. Whatever it was, I didn’t feel like trying to hide it any longer.

  “I want to see your boobs,” I whispered to her. “I want to touch them and taste them, and I don’t want to stop there. I want to make you come again.”

  “It’s about time you said so.” Raine’s soft voice reverberated in my head. Her fingers were in my hair, and she pulled my lips to hers. As she kissed me, I realized she hadn’t said no, and I wondered how good an idea it might be to push my luck. My cock was very, very interested in pushing my luck.

  My fingers coiled around the hem of the shirt and slowly started pulling it up. I went as slow as humanly possible, giving her every chance to stop me, but she didn’t. She let me keep going until I suddenly had to break away to pull it up over her head.

  They were completely symmetrical and round and soft and absolutely, stunningly, incredibly beautiful. Slightly lighter than her more-often-exposed skin, her breasts reminded me of cream. The darker nipples just screamed at me to suck on them, but all I could do was stare at them and lick my lips.

  “I don’t think you even know where armpits are,” Raine snickered. “You seem a little…focused.”

  “Fucking gorgeous,” I muttered, half to myself, half to her. Raine turned her head to the side, a slight smile spreading over her lips. She moved to cross her arms over her breasts, but there was no way I was going to stand for that, not now.

  Maybe never again.

  “I can’t shave you like that,” I told her, shaking my head. I pulled gently at her wrists and moved her arms up over her head, grasping both wrists in one hand while supporting her back with the other. I lay her down on the fronds near the fire with her arms up over her head. God, she was beautiful. My eyes never left her breasts, and it took all the self control I had not to bury my face between them.

  “You have to stop looking at them if you are still going to…um…shave me.”

  “Unfortunately, you are probably right. It may take some time for me to inspect my work when I’m done, though.”

  Raine giggled, which brought me out of my tit-induced trance. I washed the knife off and doused her armpits in water. She gasped at the cold liquid, and then giggled, claiming I was tickling her. I didn’t really mind since the more she moved, the more her breasts moved along with her. She must have caught on to this fact and eventually calmed down so I could get to work.

  It didn’t take very long, and soon I had put my knife away and was just running the backs of my fingers over her now smooth skin, letting my fingers trail a little lower each time I traced over her. On the last pass, my hand moved all the way down her side and found the skin covering her hipbone just above the fabric of my boxer shorts on her body. I caressed it lightly with my fingertips before moving my hand both up and around the front. I moved slowly, giving her every chance to stop me if she wanted to, but she didn’t. She did grab onto my hair and raise her head to bring our lips together. My hand kept traveling around though, moving upwards and searching out skin I hadn’t touched before. When my hand reached the underside of her breast, I felt her fingers grip my hair a little tighter, but she didn’t pull away and she didn’t stop kissing me.

  The skin of her breast was incredibly soft, and my cock was in danger of busting right through the buttons of my shorts and maybe taking a little trip all on his own. I had the feeling he was already contacting “AAA” for a Triptik and probably trying to book a hotel in pussyland. He knew exactly where he wanted to be, and he also knew just how close his goal was. I had to stop this because if I didn’t…well, things were going to go in a certain direction very quickly, and I wasn’t so sure that was the best idea.

  “Raine,” I pulled back from her lips and found that I couldn’t actually break contact, so I moved over her chin and down her neck instead. “Raine, you have to stop.”

  “Why?” I heard her ask, and at the same time her hands started traveling down my bare shoulders to the small of my back. She gripped my skin tightly for a moment, and then one of her hands came around the other side, tracing my abdominal muscles.

  “Because if you don’t, I’m going to get to the point where I won’t be able to,” I warned. It was bullshit, of course. I could stop at anytime, but it was going to get to the point where it would be very uncomfortable to stop, and it would get to a point where I really, really didn’t want to stop. Unless I was going to get inside of her, then it really didn’t matter where we stopped. Fuck.

  “What if I don’t want you to stop?” Raine’s breath was hot against my ear, and she took my earlobe in her mouth, sucking on it and nibbling it with her teeth.

  “Holy fuck,” I growled. “Don’t do that…just…shit…”

  “You want me to stop?” she asked, innocently.

  “Fuck no,” I answered. “I don’t want you to stop, but you probably should anyway.”

  “Not unless you tell me to,” she said, and her hand dropped lower, past my abs. I could feel her finger following the narrow trail of hair on my stomach until it reached the top edge of my shorts and then started pushing inside.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. My tone was a lot lighter than the words themselves.

  “Number sixteen in the survival guide,” she replied with a shrug.

  “Number sixteen?”

  “Take steps to maintain morale.”

  Two of her fingers found their way into the top of my shorts. Another inch and she’d be touching the end
of my dick.

  “Don’t, Raine,” I said, placing my hand over hers. “Please, I can’t take it.”

  “Bastian, I want to,” she said. She wriggled out from below me, and I sat back as she rose up on her knees a little taller, so she was almost looking me in the eye. She pulled her hand out from under mine and placed it on the side of my face. “I want you, Bastian. Please.”

  Oh God, did she really just say please to me?

  “Raine, I don’t want to…” I stammered. I don’t want to what? Fuck her? I sure as hell did. I wanted to fuck her so bad it hurt, and not just because my dick was trapped in my shorts. What didn’t I want to do? Use her? Debase her? Reduce her to nothing but a place to shove my cock, like I did all the others? “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. You…mean more to me than just a…a…a quick fuck.”

  “Is that what this would be?”

  “Yes,” I said, though my throat was suddenly dry, and speaking was getting difficult. Then I heard what I had just said. “No! I mean…fuck, Raine! I don’t know what this is! I haven’t known what any of this has been since…since…”

  “Since when?”

  “Since I woke up and you were just…touching me.” There was a minute of quiet while Raine looked contemplative. She finally spoke.

  “After you had the seizures?”


  “You told me to stop.”

  “I just wanted you to stop crying,” I said. “You shouldn’t be crying for someone like me. I didn’t want you to stop touching me.”

  “You were telling me about the foster homes you were in,” she said softly. “You were crying, too. I couldn’t help it.”

  “I don’t remember that,” I admitted. “I…don’t usually do that. I don’t usually talk about all the shit in my life.”

  “You did the other night,” she reminded me.

  I nodded and turned away from her with the intent of just getting out of there before it became something I couldn’t handle. Again.

  “Bastian, there is nothing wrong with crying.”

  I laughed but didn’t find anything particularly funny.

  “Yeah, as a fighter, crying in the arena was definitely highly regarded.”

  “Stop that,” Raine said, her tone a little harsh. I looked back to her and narrowed my eyes, but she threw it right back at me. “There’s no one here for you to impress but me. I’m not impressed by your brawn or your macho ideals.”

  Raine placed the palms of her hands on either side of my face and turned my head to look into her eyes. I was overwhelmed by whatever I saw there – I still didn’t know what it was, I only knew I needed it.

  “Didn’t I just show you what a dick I am a little earlier?” I asked her. “I scared you because I wanted to try to see you naked. I’m an asshole, and I don’t even know why you let me touch you.”

  “You aren’t,” Raine said. I started to correct her, but she actually placed her hand over my lips. “I’ve been sleeping next to you for almost three weeks, Bastian. Do you know you talk in your sleep?”

  “I…what?” Holy shit. I had no idea I did that.

  “You talk in your sleep, and I know how often you have nightmares. I’ve heard you talk about some of the things that have happened to you.”

  “They’re just dreams,” I said quietly through her hand over my mouth. “They don’t mean anything.”

  “I’ve seen you, Bastian.” Raine’s voice was low, soft, and unmistakably confident. “I’ve seen you. Not who you pretend to be, not who you try to hide behind, not the drunken whore who uses booze and women to try to forget everything in his life. I’ve seen the real you. Please, Bastian. Please don’t hide him from me anymore.”

  “I don’t know how else to be,” I said. “If I could be…something…someone else…for you, I’d do it.”

  “I know you would,” she said, and her lips covered mine again as my hands found her hips and pulled her closer to me. I didn’t know if she was right, and I didn’t know if there was a difference between who she thought she saw and who I really was. I didn’t know if I could be different than I had always been, but right now she wanted me, and whoever I might have been before didn’t matter.

  “I want to be,” I mumbled against her mouth, the words just spilling out without any real, conscious thought behind them. “I want to be…for you…”

  “I know,” she murmured back.

  I wrapped my arms around her back and pushed myself up, so I was on my knees in front of her, just as she was on her knees facing me. I pulled our torsos together, feeling the warmth of her bare skin against my chest. My hands moved around to her sides and then slowly traveled upwards until I was cupping both of her breasts in my hands.

  Raine’s hands tangled in my hair, crushing my mouth to hers. This time, when I felt her palm against my stomach, I didn’t try to stop her. Her fingers loosened my belt and then pulled it easily from the loops of the shorts. There was a little tug at the buttons and then I felt the fabric loosen around my waist.

  I hissed when her fingers dipped into the hem of my shorts and stroked over me. I heard her sharp intake of breath and watched her eyes get wide when she ran her fingers all the way from tip to base and then tried to wrap her hand around me. Her fingers didn’t meet on the other side, and when she looked up to me with those big brown eyes, I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and give her a crooked, cocky smile.

  “Oh my…um….wow, Bastian.” Raine took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t know if that’s going to…um…fit.”

  I smirked and gave her a little shrug.

  “Only one way to find out,” I said matter-of-factly. I didn’t want to tell her that there had been several women too small for me to get completely inside of them. She already looked a little on edge, and worrying about it wasn’t going to change anything about our respective anatomies. “Raine…you don’t have to...”

  “I want to,” she whispered. Her head tilted up, and her eyes met mine. I could see the desire inside of them – the lust – and something else. Something I hadn’t seen in any other woman before her. She pulled her hand back and pushed my shorts off my hips. They slid down my legs and landed in the sand quickly followed by my boxer shorts, which had previously been covering Raine from my sight. As soon as my shorts were on the ground, her fingers were coiled back around my dick. It would have been extremely distracting, except she was also now naked in front of me.

  I brought my hand up the outside of her thigh and then dragged it over her stomach, brushing the coarse hair I found before cupping her gently. I didn’t hesitate to reach between her legs, wanting to touch her so much it might have permanently maimed me somehow if I didn’t. As soon as my fingers ran over her, I could feel how wet she already was.

  “Jesus, Raine…”

  “What?” She sounded almost panicked, like maybe I had found something horrible.

  “You’re so wet, so ready…shit…I want to be in there so much.”

  My mouth found her neck, and I starting licking and sucking on it. The tip of my finger found her entrance, and I slowly pushed it up inside of her. She was so fucking tight I could barely get it in there, and when I realized how firmly she was going to grab my cock, I just about lost it completely. I placed my forehead against her shoulder and tried to slow down my breaths.

  “Fuck, Raine, you feel like a fucking virgin.”

  “I’m not,” she said softly, and for a minute I was really pissed off about that. I remembered the name she said – Andrew – and I wanted to get him into an arena so I could rip his fucking head off for touching her. Then I remembered he couldn’t even make her come; I was the only one who had done that to her, and I didn’t even need to touch her to do it.

  “He didn’t give you anything,” I growled harshly. “As far as I’m concerned, it didn’t fucking count. I’m going to make you scream when you come.”

  “Geez…Bastian.” Raine’s hand gripped my shaft a little harder, a
nd her fingers started stroking me up and down. It felt fucking fantastic, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted her warmth, her wetness – I wanted my cock surrounded by her, but I was going to have to get her ready for that.

  I moved the single finger I had inside of her all the way up, then brought it back down again while my thumb stroked over her clit. I curled my finger up and felt her legs begin to shake as I withdrew and then added a second finger. I kissed down over her shoulder and to her collarbones and then brought my other hand up to hold her breast as I finally sucked her nipple into my mouth.

  “Ohmygod!” Raine cried out, and her hand gripped my dick again.

  “Shit! Raine, if you do that again, I’m going to come all over you.”

  “I’m sorry!”

  “Don’t be,” I growled, nuzzling against her nipple with my lips. “It feels so good…your little hand trying to hold on to me.”

  “I still don’t know how you’re going to fit,” she whispered, stroking me slowly again.

  “I’m going to make you come,” I told her. “Then you are going to be so wet and ready for me, I’m going to just slide right into you.”

  Raine whimpered, and I released her breast from my lips but not my hand. My fingers twirled over her moistened nipple while my mouth went after the other one, tugging it gently with my teeth until Raine’s fingers were nearly pulling my hair out. I was glad she was grabbing my hair harder instead of my dick because if she did that one more time, I probably would leave a sticky mess all over her stomach.

  I had to stop thinking about that or it was definitely going to happen.

  My mouth and fingers worked her nipples, while my thumb worked her clit, and I even managed to get a third finger inside of her as she started to rock against my hand and moan. I glanced up to see her with her head thrown back and her neck exposed, looking so fucking gorgeous I could have just stared at her for hours. I curled my fingers and bit down on her nipple – not too hard, just enough to send a shockwave through her system.

  It worked, and she did scream my name, which just made me want to do it all over again. I pulled her hand away from my cock and lay her on her back before her legs gave out on her. She was breathing hard, and the rise and fall of her chest was cause enough for her tits to get more attention. I slipped my fingers out of her, slowly drawing them up and over her clit. I wanted to taste her, but my cock just couldn’t wait anymore.