Read Suspicions (The Battling McGuire Boys Book 3) Page 10

  Mark pushed her legs apart and slid his hips between her thighs, positioning himself at their juncture. He braced his arms, and then his mouth was moving down her neck. Licking and sucking and letting her feel the edge of his teeth in a sensual bite.

  Down, down he went, and when his mouth closed over her nipple, Ava hissed out a breath because it felt so good. She arched toward him, demanding more. Now that this moment was here, she wanted to take all he had to give. She intended to savor every single moment of pleasure.

  He kissed his way to her other breast. Light stubble coated his jaw, and it rasped lightly over her skin, heightening her sensitivity to him even more. He licked her nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth. Her hips jerked against him, a helpless reaction, and his long, thick arousal pressed to her core.

  Her panties were the only thing between them. She wanted those panties gone. She’d longed to feel him inside her for too long already, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. “Mark, now.”

  But he was kissing her stomach. Working his way down her body and caressing her with constant touches that were driving her to the very edge of reason.

  He moved his body, taking away that wonderful aroused flesh, and she cried out in frustration.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

  Then he was touching her through the thin fabric of her panties. Stroking her, but it wasn’t enough. Not even close. She needed him too much right then, and she heard herself demand, “More!”

  He bent and put his mouth on the panties.

  She nearly came off the bed. “Mark!”

  He jerked the panties down, and she heard the faint rip of the fabric. Then he was sliding his fingers against her sex and into her. She bit her lip because the feelings were so strong. But she didn’t want just to be touched by his hand. She wanted him—all of him.

  “So beautiful,” Mark whispered. “So perfect for me...”

  She was going crazy. “Don’t make me wait,” she told him. She’d waited long enough. “Now, Mark, now!”

  He pulled away from her, and she cried out in frustration, but he was just reaching for his jeans to grab his wallet. She realized he’d brought protection with him.

  Talk about being prepared. Another thing she adored about him.

  In seconds he was back. She parted her legs eagerly. He positioned his shaft at the entrance to her body, and his fingers threaded with hers. She stared into his eyes as he thrust deep.

  The pain was fast. A quick burn that was lost in the tide of pleasure, but Mark’s eyes went wide. “Ava?” Shock was there, and he tried to pull back.

  She wasn’t about to let him go. Ava locked her legs around his hips and arched toward him. He was filling her completely. She was on the edge of her release, and she just needed—

  He kissed her. Hot, deep, just the way she liked.

  Then he withdrew and thrust back into her. The bed seemed to shake beneath her. Again and again he thrust. Her head tipped back as the pleasure lashed through her. Ava’s release was so close. So—

  His hand pulled from hers. His fingers slid between their bodies and then he was stroking her, pushing right against the center of her need. He thrust and caressed and her climax rolled over her. Ava’s body shuddered as the waves seemed to consume her with so much pleasure that she lost her breath. She could only hang on to Mark and enjoy that wild, sweet ride. Her heartbeat was drumming in her ears, a thunderous rhythm, and her body was slick and sated beneath him.

  He was still moving within her, thrusting deeper, harder, and making aftershocks of pleasure course through Ava. Another thrust—

  His eyes seemed to go blind as he stared down at her. The darkness of his pupils spread, covering the blue of his gaze. He jerked within her, growled out her name as an expression of pure pleasure swept over his face.

  Her body shivered beneath his. He was all around her. Strong and warm. And when he slowly pulled out of her body, Ava whispered a protest because she didn’t want the pleasure to end.

  “I’ll be right back. Promise.”

  The mattress shifted when he rose and padded to the bathroom. Ava stretched, her muscles aching and her body feeling so incredibly good. Her eyes started to drift closed, and then she felt the soft, wet warmth of a cloth between her legs.

  “Was there something you wanted to tell me?” He moved the cloth, then eased back into bed with her.

  Exhaustion was pulling at Ava. She smiled and told him, “I want to make love with you again. Soon.” Because he’d sure been worth waiting for.

  “Ava.” He said her name with a tenderness she hadn’t heard before. “Did I hurt you?”

  With her eyes closed, she shook her head.

  “ should’ve told me that you hadn’t...not before...”

  He sounded so flustered that she forced her eyes to lift. “What did it matter?”


  She smiled at him. “I wanted you, Mark. I didn’t ask who you’d been with before, and you didn’t ask me, either.”

  “You hadn’t been with anyone.”

  “Because I haven’t trusted anyone else, not the way I trust you.” That was the simple truth. She didn’t trust him just with her body. She trusted him with her heart. Did he even realize that?

  “You should have told me. I should have asked! I should have—”

  He looked so cute and confused. She kissed him. “It was wonderful.”

  His hand sank into her hair. “You were wonderful.”

  She pulled him down beside her. “Stay with me.” It just seemed natural to say those words to him. After the day they’d had—the night—she wanted to sleep with him.

  His arms curled around her. She could hear the drumming of his heart beneath her ear. That strong drumming was the last sound she heard before she slipped into her dreams.

  * * *

  MARK MONTGOMERY WAS spending the night with Ava.

  He hadn’t stayed at the hospital. He hadn’t returned to his ranch. He was with her.

  Fury surged within him. He’d told Mark that Ava was his. The fool should have listened.

  Mark had put up much more of a fight than he’d anticipated. He’d thought the guy would be so easy to take out, just like Gregory had been. Gregory had been so easy. The fool had been drunk, no match for him at all. Gregory had tried to fight—too late—but there had been no point.

  One blast of his gun, and he’d been done. Then all he’d needed to do was set the scene to make it look like a suicide. The cops hadn’t questioned Gregory’s death. Mark hadn’t questioned it.

  He figured everyone had just been glad the old man was dead.

  He stared out into the night, so quiet and still. Ava was behind the heavy gates and security at the McGuire ranch, but she couldn’t stay there forever. And Mark—he wouldn’t be at Ava’s side every moment. He would have to leave her sometime.

  There would be a moment when Ava wasn’t guarded. A moment when he could move in...

  Then she truly would be his.

  Mark won’t take you from me. No one will. Ava had finally come back home. He wasn’t going to lose her now.

  Chapter Seven

  When Ava opened her eyes, Mark was gone. She sat up quickly, her gaze flying around the room. She’d crashed, hard, and for the first time in longer than she could remember, she didn’t know if nightmares had haunted her.

  She couldn’t remember anything about her dreams.

  As she gazed around that room, the only thing she knew for certain was that... I’m alone.

  Swallowing, she rose from the bed and made her way toward the bathroom. She hurried into the shower, and a quick jerk of her wrist sent the hot water powering down on her. Ava put her head under the stream, letting the water soak her hair.

  Mark is gone.

  What had she expected? Honestly, Ava didn’t know. She hadn’t thought much past the passion of the moment with him. She’d just wanted to grab on to him, wanted to hold tight and see if reality would be any match for her fantasies.

  Reality had rocked. But she hadn’t thought about the morning after.

  A burst of cold air hit her, and Ava whirled around. The shower door had been opened and Mark—Mark was standing there, staring at her. He was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. His hair was tousled, and his eyes seemed to be eating her alive.

  The water kept pounding down on her. He kept staring at her. Yes, he definitely had the look of a starving man.

  Ava’s fingers flew out and turned off the rush of the water. The drip-drip-drip seemed incredibly loud in that moment. “I thought you’d gone.”

  A faint line appeared between his brows.

  She was so not sounding sophisticated and cool. But sophisticated and cool were incredibly hard to do when a woman was standing naked in the shower, dripping wet, and her lover was fully clothed in front of her.

  “I made you breakfast,” he said, his voice gruff.

  Her lips parted in surprise. He’d cooked for her? That was...nice.

  “But the food’s going to have to wait,” he muttered and he stepped into the shower. She automatically glanced down and saw that he wasn’t fully dressed, after all. His feet were bare—

  He kissed her. Mark pushed her back against the tiled wall, and his mouth took hers. This wasn’t a getting-to-know-you sort of kiss. They were far, far past that stage. When his lips touched hers, she felt as if he were claiming her. Only fair—she definitely wanted to claim him. Her wet hands grabbed for his shirt, and she shoved it up and out of her way. She wanted to touch him, skin to skin. The press of his lips against hers had ignited a firestorm of desire within her.

  His hands were sliding over her body, caressing her breasts and stroking her aching nipples. Then down, down his hand went. She was slick from the shower, and he pushed his hand between the folds of her sex. Ava rose onto her tiptoes, gasping because his touch felt so good.

  Everything about Mark felt right.

  “Am I...hurting you?” He seemed to force out the words.

  She pressed a kiss to his neck. Bit him, then licked the skin. “Only if you stop...” Because the pleasure had risen so quickly.

  Her left hand jerked open the snap of his jeans.


  Good. because she wanted him, right then.

  A few moments later, he was lifting her up against that wall, holding her easily as he drove inside her. The wall was cold and hard behind her, and he was hot and strong before her. In her.

  He was lifting her up against him, then bringing her down, and every stroke, every move had her desire swelling even more. Her breath panted out, her heartbeat drummed like mad in her ears and her nails dug into his back.

  “I love the way you feel,” Mark whispered right before he kissed her again. “So you were made for me.”

  The release hit her. Even harder than before. Deeper, longer, and Ava tried to muffle the sound of her scream.

  Mark was with her. She felt his aroused flesh jerk within her, and the contractions of her inner muscles seemed to push him over the edge. But he didn’t muffle his cry. He roared her name, and then he held her so tight.

  So tight she wondered if he’d ever let her go.

  * * *

  BREAKFAST WAS A COLD, soggy mess. Not that it had been much better before he’d seen Ava in the shower and pretty much lost his mind. The eggs were runny, and the toast—well, maybe the toast was still edible. Maybe. And—

  “You didn’t have to cook for me.”

  Ava’s voice had him turning around. She stood just a few feet away. Fully dressed now—unfortunately—in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. She’d pulled her hair back into a ponytail, and her skin gleamed. She gave him a smile, one that showed her gorgeous dimples. “But thank you.”

  He smiled back at her. Ava just made him feel...good. “I don’t think you should thank me, not until you actually taste the food.”

  She laughed. He loved that light and sweet sound. Her laughter was far too rare, and just to hear it right then, he felt as if he’d won the lottery.

  Ava headed over to the little table. She sat down and actually reached for those runny eggs. He caught her wrist. “Don’t.” He sighed. “Baby, this stuff has to taste like garbage.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I’m pretty sure it does.”

  He stared into her eyes. The green was gleaming. Her cheeks were flushed a light pink and her full lips curved. She didn’t look like a woman who’d been beaten by life. She looked—perfect.

  “Ava—” he began.

  But there was a knock at the front door.

  “That’s probably Davis,” she said.

  Or Brodie. Either man equaled trouble. Because Ava’s neck was a little red from where his stubble had chaffed her. Her lips were swollen from his kiss, and it was going to be obvious to her brothers that Mark had not kept his hands off her.

  He wondered who would throw the first punch. He knew from past experience that Davis had a killer right hook.

  Ava rose and headed for the door. Mark followed her, and when the door opened, he braced himself. Sure enough, Davis was waiting on the threshold.

  Big surprise.

  Davis’s gaze—a harder green than Ava’s—raked over her. That glittering stare immediately turned on Mark, then narrowed.

  “Don’t,” Ava bit out when Davis opened his mouth to speak. “I’ve seen you with far too many lovers in your life, Davis. And I haven’t ever said a word about them. So don’t even think of launching into Mark right now.”

  Davis blinked.

  “I’m the one who seduced him,” Ava continued, her voice tight with anger. She even moved, placing her body right beside Mark’s. “So back off.”

  Mark had to fight to keep the smile off face.

  A muscle jerked in Davis’s jaw. “There have not been that many lovers,” he muttered. Then he rubbed the back of his neck. “And you’re my kid sister!”

  “I’m a woman. And what happens between Mark and me...that’s our business.”

  “You’re the one shouting about seducing him!” Davis pointed out.

  Ava blushed, but she stood her ground. “And you’re the one acting like I’m still sixteen. I’m not.”

  Davis backed up. “I just wanted to make sure you were both okay this morning.”

  Mark was feeling pretty good. He’d woken up with Ava—that was a whole lot better than his usual routine...when he woke up, wishing she was close.

  “No alarms were triggered last night,” Davis continued. “So I don’t know if the guy just decided to lie low or if he’s biding his time for a reason. Now that the sun’s out, I want to head back to where you crashed and see if I can find any trace evidence the guy might have left behind. Maybe something we missed in the dark.”

  That sounded like a good idea to Mark.

  “Can you come and walk me through things?” Davis asked him. “Show me exactly where you were when he attacked?”

  Mark nodded. He wanted to walk through that area, too. He glanced over at Ava.

  “You can bet I’m coming,” she said quickly. “Let me just grab my bag and I’ll be ready.” Ava hurriedly backed away.

  Mark didn’t move from the doorway.

  Davis held his gaze. “Remember what I said before,” Davis murmured. “You hurt her...”

  “I won’t.” Hurting Ava wasn’t even a possibility for him. He’d kept his emotions locked down for so long. No one realized how he felt about Ava. He was just starting to understand the full depth of his emotions.
Ava mattered—plain and simple—more than anything.

  “I’m ready,” Ava’s voice was a little breathless. Her cheeks were flushed, and he had a quick flash of seeing her in that shower. The steam had been rising around her. Her delicate skin had been tinted pink. She’d been naked, her body wet, and she’d nearly brought him to his knees.

  Did she have any clue just how much power she wielded over him?

  Ava’s stare met his. “Are you ready?”

  To head back to the scene where someone had tried to kill him? Mark gave her a grim smile. “Always.” Because it was time to turn the tables on that guy. The stalker wasn’t going to keep hunting them. It was time for him to become prey.

  * * *

  MARK’S WRECKED SUV had been towed away. Ava stared at the broken glass that still littered the scene and at the smashed gate. A shiver slid over her. Mark had been so lucky to walk away.

  “He came to the vehicle while I was trapped inside,” Mark said as he stepped over shards of glass. “He was about to shoot me, but I managed to get out before he fired off another shot.”

  Ava’s eyes closed.

  “I ran to the woods, over there, because I was trying to get to shelter.”

  Ava opened her eyes, exhaled and followed the men to the trees.

  “I could hear another car coming—I thought it was Ava’s car,” Mark said, his voice deepening, “and I knew I had to act. He still had a gun, and I was afraid he’d shoot at her.”

  Mark had saved her again. She’d thought that she was racing to his rescue, but he’d been looking after her. Ava edged away from the men. They were searching the ground, scanning the area so carefully.

  “I knocked him down here,” Mark said. Ava was about ten feet away from him. “The gun flew out of his hand.”

  “Yeah, that’s where I found the weapon.” Davis hesitated. “Did you see where the guy ran off to?”

  “No, I was too busy trying to get to Ava. I’d heard the crash, and I didn’t know how badly she was hurt.” He turned toward her. “I just needed to get to her,” he said softly.

  Ava backed away, sliding closer to the line of trees and then—then she turned because she could hear the sound of a horse’s hooves pounding on the earth. Mark and Davis hurried toward her just as a stallion burst out of the trees. It was Mark’s horse, Legacy. And he was running fast—wild—heading straight toward her at a furious gallop.