Read Suspicious Minds (Fate #3) Page 11

  Son. Of. A. Bitch!

  Lorenzo practically jumped out of his bed and paced furiously. He’d always known if he ever gave into the relationship thing again his experience with Linda would likely be cause for issues—tension. But he didn’t think it’d happen the first fucking night he’d gotten into one.

  “I was over her the moment I realized she’d cheated,” he said with acute certainty. “And you’re right: a rebound relationship is the first one you rush into to try and numb the pain of getting dumped or a bitter break up, which for me was both. The moment she chose to sleep with someone else she basically dumped me—she knew it’d be over. But I’d hardly call the way things happened between you and me rushing into anything. Sure today happened fast, but I met you months ago, and instead of rushing into anything, I’d been avoiding it at all costs. I can absolutely assure you that what I’m feeling for you has nothing to do with trying to get over her. I’m passionate about this because I know I won’t be able to deal with sharing you with any other guy especially an ex, in any way, and I just want to get this straight before I’m too far gone.”

  “Well, then we got it straight,” she said quickly. “Just so you know, even though I put up with a lot from Jay, I learned from my mistakes too. I’ve had a lot of time to grow and realize how weak and stupid I was with him. But I’m not that girl anymore. I won’t tolerate sharing either, so I’m glad to hear you’re over your ex. I know this should go without saying, but you don’t still talk to her, do you?”

  Lorenzo had to laugh. “Hell no! The night I found out what she’d done I told her she wasn’t allowed to say another fu—” He caught himself because he didn’t want her to think he still wasn’t over it.

  Because he was.

  It was just a subject he rarely spoke of anymore, so thinking about it now still brought out the seething anger. He’d likely never get over the pain and humiliation of being cheated on, but he didn’t want to, especially now that he was feeling so crazy about Liv. He could easily let his guard down for her, and he’d vowed he was never doing that again. So the anger helped keep him on his toes.

  “The night I found out,” he said again in a much calmer tone, “I knew I’d never want to speak to her again. And I never have.”

  He heard her exhale. “Look. I get it,” she said. “I’m sorry that you had to deal with something so traumatic in your life, and I totally understand why you’d feel so strongly about this. I wish there was more I could say to assure you that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Jay. I know it probably raises a flag and it’s hard to understand why I’d care about whom he’s engaged to even after all this time. The only way I can explain it is . . . Say you found out Vince had started dating your ex—was engaged to her. Hypothetically of course,” she added quickly. “If he weren’t already married, how weird would that be for you, regardless of the fact that you were over her or how long ago you and she had broken up? Margie and I were like sisters. He took my sister and best friend from me, Lorenzo. That’s what I’m most upset about. No matter how much time passes, as long as she’s with him, things will never be the same between her and me. She was my go-to person whenever I needed someone to talk to and the only one that ever knew about Jay and me being involved in that way.” She chuckled humorlessly. “Like I said before, I’ve often wondered if Margie wasn’t his rebound girl. If I were her, the one thing I’d probably be most worried about is that he might still have feelings for his ex. It’s the kind of thing I’d vent or need my best friend’s shoulder for, and how could she ever do that when his ex is her best friend? Nope, things will always be just too weird. And they’re getting married now, so you can be sure I’ll never have a relationship with him again.”

  “You don’t talk to her at all anymore?”

  “No. The last time I talked to her was the day I called to ask her about the engagement. She’s hardly made an effort to contact me since, and I’ve made zero to contact her.”

  Clearly, they’d both made their points. Lorenzo felt satisfied that he’d honed his stand on other men in her life enough that there couldn’t possibly be any question about how he felt about it. Not only would he stop harping on this, he really hoped this was the last time they’d have to discuss Jay. So when she changed the subject, he welcomed it.

  “So I’ve told you about my career. Tell me about yours,” she said, and he lay back down and got comfortable again. “Rose mentioned you own your own business too, but she didn’t say what kind. And I already knew you were in the military. She said you’re a pilot in the Air Force Reserves?” She made a growling noise that had Lorenzo laughing. “Seriously how the heck did I get so lucky? As if I didn’t already think you sexy enough.”

  “First off,” he said, still chuckling about her playfully explicit growl. “Yes, I’m in the Reserves, but I did serve a full six-year term and then decided not to re-enlist full-time when I went into business with my brother. He wanted to branch out his firearms training business, and it just felt like perfect timing.”

  He explained about the business and how it started out as just a shooting range that offered a few training classes a week. Now it was a full-blown firearms training institute with classes for people ranging from individuals who want to better their skills to groups of professionals. They worked with law enforcement, government employees, and security firms. Romero often sent his employees there to get trained.

  “We’re always busy and classes are scheduled seven days a week, but we have enough employees now,” he explained. “Many of the instructors are buddies we met in the military since Vince served in the military too. So my schedule’s pretty flexible.” Glad that he now had the most worrisome part of this whole deal squared away, he smiled. “We’ll work around your hours more than likely because, make no mistake about it, Liv, I plan on seeing you as much as possible starting tomorrow.”



  “As much as possible” turned out to mean every day. Ever since that day they decided to give it a shot, they hadn’t gone a day without seeing each other. Not that Olivia was complaining. But even after a couple weeks she still couldn’t wrap her mind around it. This was her life now. She’d wake and talk to him first thing in the morning. They’d text throughout their work days. Some days they’d talk on the phone in the middle of the day if their lunch breaks happened to coincide. Then after work he’d pick her up. They’d spend the better part of the evening hanging out with things getting pretty hot and heavy at his place, unless, of course, it was Monday and they’d head to Vince and Rose’s.

  Technically, Lorenzo had met two of her brothers at Uncle Janks’ burial, but he said he hadn’t realized they were related to her. This past Sunday she’d formally introduced him to all her siblings when she invited him over to a casual birthday barbeque they’d had for Emi. Since they were getting her a car in a few weeks, Emi had insisted no parties, but they’d still wanted to do something for their baby sister. So Isaiah broke out the barbeque, Olivia baked a cake, and Nathan and AJ had gotten her flowers.

  They all spent the day watching football. Her brothers and Lorenzo had hit it off right away. Olivia knew they would. What wasn’t there to love? The more she got to know him, the more she was coming to the conclusion that he was perfect in every way. Emi had already gushed earlier that week when Olivia had informed her she was now officially dating the eye candy in uniform they’d seen at the repast. He’d since explained his reason for being in uniform that day. He’d just gotten back from his monthly weekend duty with the reserves.

  Lorenzo and Olivia held off on moving past anything heavier than just the amazing make-out sessions they’d had so far—at his suggestion—which was a pretty incredible feat because she couldn’t deny what she felt from him when he kissed her. The torment he was feeling about not being able to go further was a living thing, yet it was as if he poured that torment into his kisses, making them so much more profound. It’d been just as much of a torment for her as i
t had been for him. Though she was trying to be a lady about it and not make that too obvious.

  His reasoning for wanting to hold off was because he said he wanted a do-over. He hated that their first time he’d been as he put it “such a dick about it.” Olivia insisted he shouldn’t beat himself up. They were both adults, and she’d gone into that night knowing full well what she was getting herself into. So aside from his hasty exit, it was pretty much what she’d been expecting.

  Still, Lorenzo was adamant that he wanted their new and official first time to be extra special. Olivia’s insides were complete mush now. Today was the day. As comfortable as she’d felt with Lorenzo, even from their first day formally “together,” and despite the fact that she’d already slept with him once, she was still a wreck. He’d told her this past week that he had something planned for them Sunday but didn’t elaborate. Last night all he’d told her was to bring an overnight bag and dress comfortably. “No, big heels.” He later added with a wicked smile, “Well, maybe you could bring some along for later in the evening when we get ready for bed.”

  She was just finishing getting ready and he’d be there to pick her up in a few when her phone dinged. Olivia stared at her phone for a moment when she saw who it was from before clicking on the envelope. Jay. This was the first time in over a month she’d heard from him since she stopped responding to him after her conversation with Margie about their engagement. Olivia hadn’t responded to the few texts she’d received from Margie either, but both had stopped texting her since, so she didn’t expect to hear from either again. She figured they both finally got that she was cutting all ties for good. Her mind was made up. Warily, she clicked on the envelope and read the single word.


  It made her frown. What the hell? Did he expect her to jump on it and respond all curiously or something? Without another thought, or maybe one or two annoyed ones regarding his head games, she closed out of her texts and put her phone down. Instead of responding, she went back to finishing up her makeup.

  The familiar sound of Lorenzo’s car engine made her smile, and she glanced out her window. Sure enough, just as punctual as always, Lorenzo pulled into the driveway, and she hurried out of her room and down the stairs. Her insides, as usual, were going wild with excitement, a feeling she didn’t think would ever lessen no matter how long she was with him.

  “Oh my,” he said with a huge smile as Olivia came to the door.

  “What?” She returned the big smile, feeling silly.

  “Do you own any clothes that don’t make you look good enough to eat?”

  She walked out and was instantly greeted by his arms around her waist and a kiss from heaven. All his kisses were like heaven. For someone who’d come off as so rough and unaffected that first time she met him, he was now proving to be exactly what Rose had said he was: one of the sweetest guys she’d ever met. She was so full of nervous excitement because, even though she’d already slept with him once, she knew this time was going to be so different.

  Last week when he’d spent the day at her place, her brothers had come home with a bouquet of dahlias for Emi and a bouquet of lilies for Olivia. Ever since then, Lorenzo had been bringing her a single lily every time he picked her up. Olivia had explained that day how her middle name was Lily and Emi’s middle name was Dahlia. Every time their Uncle Lou back home visited them, he brought them each a single dahlia and a single lily.

  “Uncle Lou always tried to be hard and cantankerous,” she’d told him, “but when it came to Emi and me, he was a big softy. My brothers know how much his gesture meant to us and how much we miss Uncle Lou, so they never get one of us flowers without getting the other one some too.”

  When Lorenzo had brought her the lily that first time, he made sure to mention he knew Emi attended night school during the week and wouldn’t be home but asked if she thought her sister would be upset that he hadn’t brought one for her. If so, he’d bring her a dahlia next time. Olivia assured him Emi wouldn’t be upset, and she still couldn’t get over what a different side she was seeing of him now.

  She smiled now, seeing that, like yesterday, he showed up holding both flowers for her and a single dahlia for Emi. Each time he brought a different color dahlia and a different type of lily. This time he had a gorgeous bouquet for Olivia, but she knew why he’d forgone the single flower. Lilies of the Valley were delicate clusters of tiny bell-like flowers. You couldn’t bring just one.

  “My favorite,” she said, taking the bouquet as he handed it to her.

  “Is it really?” he asked, smiling even bigger. “I told the lady I wanted an extra special lily today, and she said this was extraordinary.”

  “It is,” she said, smelling them.

  For now she’d keep to herself the fact that they were often used in bridal bouquets because she didn’t want him to think that, after just over three weeks of seeing each other, she was dropping some kind of absurd hint. She told him Emi was in the shower but that she’d leave her dahlia in the vase where she’d put yesterday’s dahlia right at the bottom of the staircase. “She’ll see it first thing when she comes down.”

  No amount of coaxing could get Lorenzo to admit what he had planned other than the obvious as they drove through Little Italy. Now she knew why he’d told her to wear comfortable shoes. They’d be spending at least part of their day meandering around getting a nice sugar high from all the Italian pastries and shaved ice. Then because just last week she’d mentioned one of her favorite restaurants was here in Little Italy, she knew she had that to anticipate as well. But beyond that, even during dinner, he still had her guessing.

  “When you asked me to pack an overnight bag, I thought maybe we were going somewhere far.” She sipped her wine then added quickly. “Not that I’m not enjoying this. I haven’t been to Little Italy in, gosh, over a year. I’d forgotten how much good food there is here, and being here with you,” she said, reaching across the table for his hand, “just made hanging out here that much better.”

  He smiled, taking a sip of his own wine. “Well, we’re not going out of town, but we’re not going back to my place either.”

  This surprised her, and she grinned, thinking about it. So far Lorenzo had been keeping tabs and not forgetting any of her favorite things. In fact, one time on the phone she’d teased him and asked if he’d been taking notes because he’d asked her specific questions back to back about her favorite this or that. She already knew she’d be getting Lilies of the Valley more often than any of the others.

  Her phone dinged for the second time since they’d been sitting there having dinner. Olivia felt her stomach tighten as his eyes fell on her phone. The first time he hadn’t asked anything about the text she was obviously ignoring, and thank God because it’d been Jay again. But this time she saw the tiniest arch in his brow as he glanced back at his food. “Anything important?”

  She picked up the phone casually, relieved that it wasn’t Jay again. “Umm,” she said as she read the text from Elton.

  I noticed you cancelled the appointment you had tomorrow afternoon. When did you reschedule it for?

  “No, not really,” she said, doing her best not to frown. “My boss.”

  Looking up, she saw Lorenzo was peering at her strangely and she knew why. “Your boss?”

  “I know it’s my business, but since I’m not done paying for the van, technically, the business is part his. So he still checks up on me on occasion.”

  She set the phone down but noticed Lorenzo was still eyeing her with that strange expression on his face. “Who’s he?”

  “Elton,” she clarified as offhandedly as possible. “He’s the owner of the school I trained at. He’s also who most of the alumni go through to get their mobile businesses started.”

  “So it’s a franchise?”

  “No.” She shook her head, reaching for another piece of bread. “We’re on our own and get to call our business what we want. Once we’ve paid him off, he gets no royalties or anything
like that. Nor does he have any say on how we conduct our business. But while we’re still paying off our loans, he’s technically like a boss to us. He collects his money by getting a fraction of all our sales. So I guess it might be more accurate to call him a silent partner until I’m done paying off my loan.”

  Lorenzo glanced at her phone then back at her. “Yet, he’s not so silent.”

  “Well, the business is part his. So he does inquire from time to time about the goings-on of it.” She shrugged. “He was just asking about the appointment I cancelled tomorrow and if it’s been rescheduled.”

  Olivia knew exactly why Elton was asking. He had zero concern about her cutting down on her sales. The longer it took to pay him off, the longer he had a hold on her. But this appointment was in La Jolla Heights, the area he was most likely to show up at to her appointments because his store and training academy were in that city. He’d probably planned on stopping by tomorrow and now wanted to know when she’d be rescheduling. Thankfully, the client didn’t have time the rest of the week. He’d told Olivia he’d call her back and let her know. Olivia had yet to hear from him, so she could honestly tell Elton she had no idea when she’d be at that particular client’s place again.

  Sharing the whole truth about Elton with Lorenzo however was not happening. Olivia had learned her lesson when she slipped and Nathan overheard her phone conversation with Margie way back. She’d been telling Margie about how Elton had offered her a significant discount on her tuition for her training, but the catch was she had to go out with him.

  At first, she thought her brother was livid because he was under the impression Elton was a much older guy. So Olivia had explained he wasn’t some old pervert; he was actually in his thirties. Still, Nathan had told Isaiah about it, and they both agreed the offer was shady and made her promise she would not take him up on it.