Read Swamp Victim Page 15

  Chapter 15

  Patrick and Staci cuddled up in the sleeping bag until 8:00 AM. After traveling across the country in little over a week, they were bone tired and decided to leave the tent up and stay another day. They liked the area and wanted to take a couple of short trips and just bum around without riding so far in one day. Flood’s Place wouldn’t open until later in the afternoon, and Oats was out walking around picking up trash when Patrick found him. Even though Patrick was in his middle twenties, he had the manners of a much younger person.

  Oats was impressed when Patrick approached him and politely said, “My friend and I certainly want to thank you for letting us pitch our tent here last night. We just love the swamp area around here and would like to take some short trips to see the sights. Do you think we could leave our tent here for another night?”

  “Well of course. No one will bother your tent, and you can stay as long as you want to right where you are. By the way, you are welcome to use my restrooms. Have you had anything to eat yet this morning?”

  “Well not really.”

  “Get you friend and come on inside. I have a pot of coffee on, and you can have a donut. I don’t usually make much more than that for breakfast.”

  Patrick thanked Oats, and the three of them sat at one of the bar tables and had breakfast. They talked about the trip for almost an hour. Oats was moved by the free spirit of the young couple and enjoyed their company. Oats had no children of his own, and never took an interest in anyone other than the rough and hell raising younger crowd that frequented his joint. He learned that the couple had met in a suburb of Los Angeles when they were in high school. They both loved music, and each of them played several instruments. Patrick had left the area for a short period after high school to take a job in Phoenix. It wasn’t long before he returned to Los Angeles to be with Staci and their relationship heated up even more than in high school. They were excited when Patrick bought a motorcycle. They went on short trips around Southern California every weekend and both of them enjoyed sleeping on the beach and in cheap hotels. Staci was planning to attend college but put her plans on hold, after Patrick suggested they take a trip across country on his motorcycle. Staci liked the short motorcycle trips, but at first was a little reluctant to commit to a long trip. Eventually, she agreed and they both set out for what they planned would be a three-month trip around the country.

  Even though Oats was an evil man in many ways, he was soft when it came to children and young people. Although he was in his 70s, he was in good health. Like many people, his age made him reflect back over his life’s accomplishments. His evil philosophy on life and his fellow man in general hadn’t mellowed much. But at times like this talking with the younger generation, he was sorry for some of the evil deeds he had perpetrated on minorities.

  In keeping with his temporary change of heart, he listened to the adventure of Staci and Patrick and was anxious to hear more. It was early in the next morning when he was sitting at the picnic table talking with Staci and realized he had to take care of several chores such as taking out the garbage, restocking the coolers, and cleaning the floor before opening up. He was surprised, when Staci said, “Patrick and I were going to take a ride around the area, but we can do that tomorrow. Why don’t you let us help you with your chores? I would like to do something for you for being so kind to us.”

  Oats couldn’t have been more delighted. He really didn’t need the help, but he liked having the couple around. For the next few days, Staci was up early working on the same chores. Oats didn’t have to do anything, which felt good to his ancient bones. Then Oats discussed the small house trailer he had in behind the bar and asked them if they would like to temporarily move into it.

  “It needs some fixing up, but it would be better than staying in a tent.”

  Staci was excited about the offer and said, “I will have to discuss it with Patrick, but it sounds like a great idea.”

  “Well young lady, you have spoiled me the last few days helping out around here. If you two decide to stay a while, I will let you live in the trailer and will give you a job helping me out, like you have been doing. You could also give me a hand in the bar if you don’t mind serving alcohol and putting up wih a few drunks from time to time.”