Read Sweet Destruction Page 13

  Whatever she said worked. I watched as the guy stalked away, her swift dismissal turning his smirk into a frown.

  I smiled. God, she was a force to be reckoned with, one I wanted to battle until time stood still. She was the one woman who didn’t want me. To me, that was nothing but a challenge. I was used to getting what I wanted, even if I had to lie, cheat, or steal to get it, and I wanted her.

  I started for the kitchen, taking my time as I watched Sam through the crowd. She was alone and I was alone.

  It was time to play.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Where’s Lukas?”

  Great. I’d just gotten rid of one jerk. Now I had another asshole to deal with.

  I looked up, trying to focus on Walker. He was blurry for a second but then he came into focus.

  “Don’t know,” I said, leaning against the counter and pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. “Does it matter?” I took a sip of my rum and Coke, keeping my eyes on the people in the kitchen. Trying to avoid looking at Walker.

  He stepped closer, invading my space. The loud, drunk crowd and deafening dubstep music faded. It was suddenly just the two of us standing inches apart in a stranger’s kitchen.

  The alcohol must have been messing with my mind because I wanted to reach out and touch him. See if the solid wall of his chest was really all that solid.

  “How fucked up are you?” he asked, grabbing my chin and turning my face up to look into my eyes.

  I yanked my chin out of his grasp, giving him a nasty look. “Don’t touch me, Walker,” I snapped. He might be the hottest thing that walked the planet and I might be drunk but that didn’t mean I had to like him. Nothing was going to change the hate I felt for him. Not his touch. Not his body.


  “How many shots have you had?” Walker demanded, taking a step closer. His eyes took on a deadly look, one I chose to ignore.

  I shrugged, refusing to answer him. He could go to hell. I wasn’t going to answer his question and I sure wasn’t going to notice how good he smelled.


  “How many of those have you tossed back, Ross?” Walker asked again, pointing to the cup in my hand.

  “No idea,” I said, losing my patience. “Why do you care?”

  “I don’t. Just curious,” he answered, shrugging. He placed a foot on either side of mine, trapping me between his legs.

  I raised an eyebrow. Did he really think he could intimidate me? Ha. Just because my palms were starting to sweat and my heart was picking up speed didn’t mean anything. In fact the smell of him and the warmth radiating from his body only made his proximity all that much worse.

  I slammed my cup on the counter and shot upright, ready to take him on. “And what about you?” I asked. “I thought you were drinking. Where’s your bottle? You know, your other half?”

  His jaw tightened, letting me know I’d hit a nerve.

  “I’ve had a few,” he admitted, his voice so low it sent tremors through me. “But maybe I had a reason to drink.”

  That earned an eye roll from me.

  “You’re a drunk, Walker, just like our parents,” I said, pushing him a safe distance away with one finger. “You don’t need a reason to drink. You just need to be awake.”

  His eyes turned dark. “You really are fucked up, Sam,” he said, leaning closer despite my finger on his chest. “Because if you weren’t, that would have been a very, very stupid thing to say.”

  Fury emanated from him like the smell of whiskey on his breath. I wasn’t afraid. If anything, I was intrigued by how much more I could push him.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, sounding genuine, almost apologetic. But then the corner of my mouth lifted in a sarcastic half-smile and I went in for the kill. “So sorry.”

  His nostrils flared and I saw fire in his eyes.

  “No you’re not,” he said, placing his hands on the counter behind me. My smile wavered and my breath hitched as he caged me in, pressing me back.

  “Admit it, Sam, it’s just the two of us. Let’s get it out in the open right now. You hate me,” Walker said, glancing down my body then back up again.

  I swallowed hard, drowning in the feeling of him so close. His thighs rubbed against mine and his eyes drifted down again, taking his time, enjoying the view.

  “Say it,” he demanded again.

  “I hate you,” I whispered, my voice shaking.

  “Now that we got that out of the way—”

  His lips fell on mine.

  I gasped, everything in me coming alive. The kiss was gentle, not at all what I expected from a cold-hearted bastard like Walker. He sampled me, taking his time. Letting me get used to the feeling of him against me. His tenderness left me dizzy and confused. It went against everything he was and everything he represented.

  But it was just the beginning.

  He took a step closer and I wanted to cringe. His body brushed against mine, sending a spark of electricity through me. I was still reeling when he grasped the back of my head, capturing me. Ending all thoughts of bolting. His other hand went to my hip, keeping me still. I was now at his mercy and he knew it. That’s when things changed.

  He took control of the kiss, demanding more. There was a harsh need behind his lips and he was going to steal it from me like the criminal he was.

  A moan escaped me when he forced my lips apart, showing me what he wanted. His hands held me captive while he did it.

  I didn’t fight because I couldn’t. I wasn’t in my right mind. I was too busy enjoying things this man – the bane of my existence - was doing to me.

  My body hummed and blood rushed through my veins, heating to dangerous levels. I didn’t want Walker near me but I couldn’t push him away either. My hands hung limply at my sides, useless. But I itched to touch him, to see if the man I loathed was really inches from me, kissing me.

  I reached out, hesitant at first. My fingers touched his shirt then traveled upward. When I grabbed a handful of the material, his mouth grew more frantic, more demanding and urgent.

  I didn’t resist when he put his body firmly against mine. Both of his hands cradled my face, keeping me locked in place. He swiped his tongue into my mouth, a wet, warm invasion of him inside me.

  I gasped and grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him closer. He fell against me, pressing me back into the counter painfully. But it was okay. As long as he didn’t stop kissing me, everything was okay.

  His kiss deepening, his tongue plunging into my mouth again as the hardness underneath his zipper pressed into me. He wove his fingers through my hair with force and nudged my feet apart. I relented, needing him closer. With one step he was between my legs, nestled against me.


  Suddenly someone whistled nearby. It was like being drenched by a bucket of cold water. My body went stiff, my mind snapping awake. I was suddenly aware of people around us - laughing, talking, and having a good time. And here we were going at it like a couple of horny teenagers. Two people that didn’t even like each other.

  Walker pulled away first, breaking the kiss. I was still spiraling back down, returning to cruel reality.

  He stared down at me, his gaze intense. His mouth hard. My throat went dry. I wet my bottom lip, my tongue touching my lip ring.

  Walker watched it all, his eyes flaring. Without warning, his hand snapped out, grabbing my arm.

  “It would be very smart for you to walk away right now, Sam,” he said.

  I stiffened, shock rolling through me.

  “You first, asshole,” I said, challenging him. Trying to cover up my own anger and confusion.

  A sinister grin spread across Walker’s face, fire in his eyes. “Nah, don’t think I will. But I’ll have another taste while I’m here.”

  His mouth descended on mine again, hard and rough. There was no patience, no softness, no gentleness. There was just him taking and me giving.

  I moaned, letting his tongue push past my lips,
sliding against my lip ring. He grabbed my hips and yanked me toward him, knocking the breath from me. His hardness pushed into me. Needing me. Desiring me. Wanting inside me. He became frantic, running his hands up my ribcage, feeling the curves of my body. In seconds his hands were tangled in my hair and jerking my head back. Pulling his lips from mine, he looked down at me, his fist in my hair, his body against mine.

  He leaned over, his lips a mere inch from mine. “I wanted a taste but that’s it. Nothing else will ever happen,” he whispered. He dipped his head down again, his lips touching mine. “Never.”

  Abruptly, he let go of me as if I burned him. As if touching me hurt him. His hands left my hair, leaving me feeling lost and incomplete. I sucked in a quick breath, watching as a malicious smirk lifted his lips and his eyes took on an arrogant glint. He went from devilishly seductive to downright dangerous in seconds.

  “I really hate you,” I whispered, realizing it had all been a game. A trick. A way to get under my skin.

  Walker’s grin widened. “Feeling’s mutual, sweetheart.” Without another look, he strolled away, leaving me and looking cool and detached as he did it.

  I was left leaning against the counter, the stone edge cutting into me.

  What the hell just happened?

  My face was overheated. My heart was hammering out of control. Blood roared in my ears. I blinked with confusion, feeling ill. Holy hell. Holy hell. What had I just done? I glanced around the kitchen, suddenly feeling conscious. It was still crowded and loud – full of people trying to talk over the pounding bass. A couple of guys smirked at me knowingly. I reddened. The flush that had taken over my body sputtered out. Furious rage took its place.

  I’m going to kill Walker.

  I pushed away from the counter. I had to get out of there. People blocked my way, but I didn’t care. I shoved my way through.

  “Hey, I’ll take his place,” some guy snickered as I bumped into him.

  “Back off, asshole,” I snapped.

  He laughed and took a drink of his beer, turning back to his friends.

  I rushed from the room, full of rage. Who the hell did Walker think he was, kissing me that way? And why the hell had I let him? My face grew hot, remembering his hardness pressed into me. He could have had me in the bedroom, naked and willing, within seconds. The thought only made me angry. I shook my head with self-disgust. What had I become?

  I hurried through the living room, my eyes searching, glancing over everyone. Where was Walker? No, wait. Where was Lukas? That’s who I should be looking for. I needed to leave before I fell apart in front of these people.

  I’m not like my mom. I’m not like my mom. The words kept repeating themselves in my mind, reminding me that kissing Walker didn’t make me a slut. But despite repeating that mantra over and over, panic filled me. I took off down the hallway, running now. I ignored the crowd and the couples scattered here and there, kissing and rubbing their hands on each other. Seeing them only made me mad.

  At the end of the long hallway, I flipped around, searching franticly. Where. Is. He? The panic in me grew until I heard a familiar voice, coming from a few rooms down. I shot across the hallway as two people walked out of a dark bedroom. A tall brunette came out first, laughing and looking somewhat inebriated, but it was the man behind her I wanted to see.

  “Where’s Lukas?” I asked, stepping in front of Kace before he could get far.

  He glanced down at me, surprised. A second later he recovered and turned his attention to the blonde.

  “I’ll catch you later,” he said, a sexy smile on his face. “I promise.”

  I rolled my eyes. Men! I hated each and every one of them.

  “What can I do you for, Samantha?” Kace asked, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at me with interest.

  I caught the switch on his words and wanted to strangle him. I admit - Kace was gorgeous. Any girl with a heartbeat could see that. His eyes were a light, clear aqua that could shake you to your core. He had a killer smile, one that could make a woman squirm with desire, and his voice sounded like sex on overdrive. But I was immune to it. At least this second I was.

  “Lukas. Where the hell is Lukas?” I asked, gritting my teeth to keep from screaming in frustration.

  “Oh.” Kace shrugged, bored now. “He passed out in the game room about an hour ago. I think he took some---”

  I didn’t wait for him to finish. I turned and rushed down the hallway. It took me a few minutes but I found the game room near the back of the house. Lukas was passed out in a corner while some guys played pool a few feet away.

  I ran over to him, shaking his shoulder roughly. “Lukas, wake up. We’re going home.”

  He grumbled and swiped at my hand, saying something unintelligible.

  “Lukas, wake up,” I said again, shaking him.

  He peeled his eyes open. When he saw me a silly grin spread across his face. “Sam, I lost you. Where’d you go?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I said, resisting the urge to cover my nose from the smell of tequila on his breath. Instead I put a hand under his arm and pulled him to his feet.

  “God, you’re pretty. You know that?” he asked, slurring the words as he stood up.

  I didn’t answer. Instead I wrapped my arm around his waist, holding him steady. “Work with me, Lukas,” I said, trying not to crumble under his weight. Using all of my strength, I started walking toward the door, dragging Lukas along with me.

  We maneuvered through the crowd unsteadily, Lukas stumbling a few times. At the front door, he straggled and almost fell but I caught him, almost falling myself.

  Lukas took the opportunity to pull me closer, his hand on my waist. Lowering his head, he put his mouth next to my ear. “I like you too much … so that fucker Walker better stay away from you.”

  I gritted my teeth. Just hearing Walker’s name had an effect on me. My heart raced and my body came alive. I wanted him next to me, kissing and touching me again. I swore I would never let any man have so much control over my body, but I was afraid Walker did. The thought terrified me.

  But so did the feeling that I wanted to experience his touch again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Shit, what am I doing?

  I had my hand in my enemy’s hair, sampling Sam’s mouth like there was no tomorrow. My dick was hard and pressed up against her, begging for what it wanted. It felt like a sin, kissing her. It was headier than the rush I got from alcohol. Crazier than the thrill I got from racing. I felt out of control, desperate to have her. Willing to do anything to get her too. It scared the shit out of me so I let her go.

  It almost killed me, letting her go. Just like with an addiction, withdrawal was pure hell. It shook me to my core. Almost brought me to my knees. But with a few damaging words and a smile meant to hurt, I managed to play it cool and walk out of the kitchen, away from her.

  My stride was relaxed and unhurried. I didn’t turn around and wouldn’t let myself look back. I knew that she would be steaming fucking mad, and that’s exactly how I needed her. It was the only way I knew to distance myself. Feed the hate, choke the desire. There was no other choice.

  I reminded myself that I was the epic player - taking, taking, and taking. I owned the part tonight. I’d taken a little bit of her pride and shoved it to the ground. Removed her from her high horse, if only by a foot. It was a game after all. I’d been playing it for years. Tonight I’d done just what I had set out to do – put Sam in her place. Take her down a notch or two. Payback is a bitch and all that.

  But that didn’t mean it felt good.

  My mind screamed at me to turn around. To return to her. My body begged me to go back. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t be with her. I couldn’t touch her and hope for something else. I was who I was – a drunk with a criminal record and a messed-up past. She was who she was – beautiful, smart, sassy Sam. A part of my past. Another person who knew how much of a bastard I was and could be. We weren’t go
od together and we weren’t good apart. Two wrongs didn’t make a right and we were both wrong for each other. There would never be a right.

  I grabbed a bottle of Cuervo and a shot glass on my way out of the kitchen as I walked away from Sam. There was only one way to deal with kissing her and that was to get drunk.

  In the living room music blasted my eardrums. The smell of vomit, sex, and alcohol hovered in the room. People danced and pawed at each other, out of their minds on whatever their poison was. I leaned against a cold fireplace and unscrewed the Cuervo. Splashing the clear liquid into the glass, I felt my mouth water and my liver stand up and take notice.

  This is what I needed. A drink to relax me. To help me forget what a jackass I was. I needed it almost as much as I needed her. I tossed the drink back, feeling the burn of the alcohol as it slid down my throat. It only took a second for that familiar numbness to glide across my nerves. I poured another drink and smirked. If Sam could only see me now…

  The second drink felt smooth as silk going down. It was surprising how good tequila could taste when you wanted to just drown your problems. Now I needed something else…

  I looked around the room, seeking Leah. I needed her, someone hot and willing. She was just what I needed to forget Sam.

  Grabbing the bottle and glass, I pushed away from the fireplace and headed toward the stairs. The music wrapped around me, making me feel good. The taste of booze calmed me down, caging the animal in me. Bobbing my head to the music, I unscrewed the top on the bottle of tequila. Screw the glass. I took a big swig out of the bottle, my eyes focused straight ahead.

  That’s when I saw them.

  Lukas and Sam.

  They were standing close together near the front doorway. Luka’s arm was around Sam’s waist and he was leaning toward her, unsteady on his feet. She was curled close to his side, looking cozy next to him. I clenched my fist as she grasped a handful of his shirt, tucking herself into his body more.

  Seeing them together was like a knife to my heart. I didn’t expect to feel jealousy but I did. Shitloads of it. I didn’t know what I expected Sam to do when I walked away, but hugging on Lukas was not it.