Read Sweet Destruction Page 17

  I took another swig of my beer, trying to calm down.

  “Yo, man. Sam still here?”

  I lowered my beer and glanced over my shoulder. Bent was standing behind me. There were circles under his eyes and he looked exhausted. I knew he had pulled a double shift today. He worked his butt off at this club, closing down most nights then staying later to clean up. The tips were awesome and he made a killing. Too bad it wasn’t enough to satisfy him and keep him out of trouble.

  “Yeah,” I answered, pointing with my beer bottle to the dance floor. “I’m keeping my eye on her.”

  “Thanks. Have you seen my guys?”

  “Over there,” I indicated with a nod of my head. Two big guys were staring at Sam from the side of the dance floor, hunger and lust in their eyes. Rage rose in me. I could smell their interest from across the room and it pissed me off.

  Bent gave them a quick glance before turning back to me. “Hey, I thought you had a date?”

  “She found someone more interesting,” I said. Truth was that Mia had tried to get me to go home with her and the blonde. For a few minutes, I considered it. Two hot women? It would have taken my mind off Sam and eased my desire, but I couldn’t say yes. There was a little devil of a woman that needed watching.

  “Sorry, man,” Bent said. “Listen, I’ve got to go. Take care of my sister.”

  I saluted him with my longneck and watched as he raced to a different bar, this one even more packed than the others.

  I finished my beer in one swallow and turned back to the dance floor, scanning the crowd like I had done all night. It took me a minute but I finally found Lukas. He was dancing with some short chick, looking too interested in her amble chest. Fucker.

  Forgetting about him, I glanced over the amped-up dancers, looking for a black hair, red-lipped pixie of a woman.

  I couldn’t find her.

  My heart went into hyper drive. I glanced toward where the two thugs had stood, watching her, but they were gone. Feeling uneasy, I pushed my way out onto the dance floor. The crowd moved as one, bouncing up and down to whatever the hell the DJ was playing. The place was hot, crowded shoulder to shoulder with boys and girls high on the music or whatever was in their system.

  I almost knocked over a few people in an effort to get to where I had last seen Sam. My gaze moved over everyone, trying to distinguish one girl from another. With the strobes of light and mob of people, it was confusing. I pushed one guy out of the way, trying to see around him. I ignored his shout of anger and shot through the crowd, scanning everywhere.

  When I reached the last spot I had seen Sam, I stopped. Tension filled my body, tightening my muscles until I thought I would burst. I stood still, a statue in a mob of dancers. I was hyperaware of everyone around me, watching for trouble, hoping to see Sam. Where the fuck was she? Did those guys grab her, take her someplace private? Bentley said he didn’t trust them…

  I reached out and grabbed a fistful of Lukas’s collar when he danced by, jerking him to me.

  “Hey!” he shouted.

  “Where the fuck is Sam?” I roared over the music.

  His face went white. “I don’t know,” he said, slurring his words.

  I curled my lip. “You’re high,” I said with disgust, throwing him away from me.

  He almost fell, but caught himself. “So what? What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” he snarled, getting in my face.

  I rolled my eyes, knowing the kid didn’t have it in him to take a swing. The crowd gave us a wide berth, seeing an impending fight, but I didn’t need the room. All I needed was a foot to put Lukas on the ground.

  “Where’s Sam?” I asked through clenched teeth, trying to control my anger.

  “And I said, I don’t know,” Lukas hissed, poking me in the chest.

  I wanted so bad to put one of my fists in his face, but putting him in the ground wasn’t my purpose – Sam was.

  “We need to fucking find her,” I ground out, taking a step closer to Lukas and making him back away.

  “I don’t want you near her,” he said, poking me in the chest harder, his index finger digging into my muscles. “And she sure as hell doesn’t want to be around you, ex-con loser.”

  I stared at him, wishing I could fuck him up just one time. The monster in me wanted it. All it would take was one more word, one more push from him, and hell would be released on his ass.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  He rushed me, getting right in my face. His nose almost touched mine and I caught a whiff of whatever he had been smoking.

  “You can spend the rest of your life wishing you could get between her legs, Walker, but it’s never gonna happen,” Lukas said with a snide grin. “That’s my place and you don’t belong anywhere near it.”

  I knew he was drunk or high and I should have gone easy on him, but that’s when I lost it. The image of him or anyone else between Sam’s legs made that fragile hold I had on my control break and shatter. I became that red-eyed, rip-roaring monster that I hated.

  I grabbed the front of his shirt and shoved him through the crowd, knocking people out of the way. I didn’t care. I wanted to teach him who was boss.

  I slammed him against a wall, making his damn teeth snap close. The air was knocked from his lungs and his head snapped back, hitting the concrete wall with a thud. It didn’t knock him out but it proved a point - I could do some damage with just a twist of my wrist.

  I shoved him against the wall again and got right in his face, my arm across his windpipe.

  “Let’s get a few things straight right now, Lukas,” I said between clenched teeth. “First, don’t talk about Sam that way. She should mean more to you than just a piece of ass, even if you are fucking high. Second – and this is the most important one - I’ll kill anyone who tries to get between her legs, including you. Got it?”

  Lukas grinned, a drunk, I-smoked-too-much-weed smile. “And who’s gonna kill you, Walker? Because we all know that’s where you want to be.”

  His words left me cold because they were the truth.

  “Is that a threat?” I asked, twisting my fist in his shirt, pushing him harder against the cement wall.

  “Hell yeah, it is. A crystal-clear one.”

  The threat alone should have made me want to take a swing at him, but I didn’t have time to get in a down-and-dirty fight. There would be time for it later. I needed to find Sam. Now.

  I gave Lukas one of my own deadly smiles. “You don’t want to piss me off, Lukas. I’ve got a nasty temper when it comes to Sam. Don’t tempt me or I will unleash it on you.”

  I wrenched my hand out of his wrinkled shirt and let him go, giving him a small shove just for good measure. Turning, I left him behind and strolled away. Not having a care in the world if he came after me or not.


  I paused. Damn kid didn’t know when to stop. I turned back around. Lukas was walking toward me, his strides long and purposeful. The crowd gave us plenty of room, watching the show with interest.

  Lukas’s glassy eyes stared at me, unafraid. “I know you love her but we all know she’s better off with me so back the fuck off, Walker. You don’t have a chance in hell with her.”

  His words hit me like the sharpest arrow, sending pain through my chest. He was right, but I wasn’t going to let him know that.

  I backed away, smirking. “Who said anything about love? But I am an expert at hell.”

  Chapter Twenty


  I found Sam walking out of the bathroom, smacking her lips like she had just put on a new coat of lip-gloss. The sight of her glistening mouth sent my dick into hardville.

  I had just seen the two thugs that were stationed on her tail. They were canvassing the place, looking for her. They didn’t know but I’d moved through the crowd close to them, listening as they talked about getting her alone before someone named Tuan showed up. I had almost taken them out right then but decided I needed to find Sam instead.

sp; She didn’t see me standing in the shadows of the hallway. When she walked by, I reached out and grabbed her wrist, making her yelp in fright. Her hand automatically swung up, aiming for my face, but I caught it midair, inches from my cheek.

  “Walker! What the hell are you doing?” she asked, recognizing me.

  “It’s time to go home, sweetheart,” I said through clenched teeth. I hated what I was about to do – she looked too good to make mad - but I had promised Bent I would watch over her and I wanted her away from those goons too.

  “What?” she said in disbelief. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  I started to head back into the club, pulling Sam along with me. Her wrist felt small imprisoned in my grasp. I wanted her to fight me, maybe give me hell for touching her. She didn’t and that bothered me.

  We were a few feet from the entrance of the hallway when the two thugs appeared out in the crowd, their backs to us. They glanced left and right, scanning the mob of people, looking for Sam. My gut instinct was telling me to get Sam out of sight. I had learned to trust that feeling in juvie, having been sneaked up on and beaten more than once while behind bars.

  With a frown, I pulled Sam to a stop and glanced down the long, dark hallway leading out of the club. We couldn’t leave through the front doors without the men seeing us. That left the back exit.

  “Come on,” I said to Sam, heading in that direction.

  She followed me, her wrist still in my hand. Closed doors were on either side of us, leading to places customers weren’t allowed. We passed the men’s room and the band’s green room. Two more doors and we would be at the door marked “Exit.” After that we would be alone and heading home together.

  God help me.

  There was hardly anyone in the hallway as we hurried. A bouncer on break. A bartender going for a smoke. The place was empty, the music muted.

  With a hand still wrapped around Sam’s wrist, I dug my phone out of my pocket as we headed for the exit. I wanted to let Bent know that we were headed home.

  “Cole,” Sam said in a soft voice, tugging me to a stop. I had never heard her say my name like that. It held no hate or loathing. No dislike or distrust. Just pure need.

  “Yeah?” I asked, turning to face her, sounding rougher than I wanted to.

  “Did you really mean it?”

  “What?” I asked, keeping my eye on the doorway leading into the club. Anything to not look at her.

  “What you said. That you wanted to be friends. Did you mean it?” she asked hoarsely, taking a step toward me. I tried not to notice, but when I felt her body so close to mine, I couldn’t resist glancing down at her. Her eyes were staring up at me, warmth in them, her full lips just begging for me to taste them again.

  I dropped her hand. Shit, did she know what the hell was she doing, asking that? Looking at me that way? We were in a dark hallway. She was standing inches from me. With one push I could have her in a room, the door locked, her panties down.

  “Yeah, friends,” I muttered, my gaze dropping down to her lips. “Kind of got a nice ring to it doesn’t it?”

  “Not really,” she said, taking another step closer. “What I really want to know is – did you mean it when you said you wanted me? That you wanted to fuck me?”

  A sheen of sweat formed on my upper lip. When had Sam learned to talk like that? It should be illegal, because I could get hooked on hearing her say ‘fuck me’ over and over. Night and day. But I had to get back under control. I had to get her hating me again. The only way I knew how was to aggravate the hell out of her.

  “When did you start believing everything a guy told you, Sam? I thought you were smarter than that?” I asked around a lopsided grin. “And besides, wanting to fuck you and liking you are two different things.”

  Hurt whipped into her eyes but in a split second it was gone. She stared at me, seeing deep inside of me where no one was allowed. The longer she stared, the more my grin slipped. Something wasn’t right. She should be mad at me. I started to move away but she surprised me.

  Her hand snapped out, her palm flat against my chest. With one shove, she pushed me back against the wall.

  “I’m calling your bluff, Walker. I think you want this.”

  She grabbed a fistful of my shirt and yanked, bringing my mouth down to hers. I didn’t resist; hell, I would be a fool to try. At first the kiss was rough, her mouth frantic against mine, but I wanted to take my time. I slowed the kiss down, forcing her to open to me. Taste me. Experience me. Give me what I wanted and what she needed.

  With the wall at my back, my body supported hers as she leaned into me. God, she felt good flush against my body. My dick was pressing against the zipper of my jeans, wanting Sam so badly I couldn’t think straight. I held her hip as I nudged my crotch against her. She spread her legs just a fraction and my dick hit her center, one a few layers of clothes separating us.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled against her mouth. I couldn’t help it. She felt perfect against me.

  I turned the knob of the closed door next to us. Fuck reason. I wanted Sam now.

  Without breaking the kiss, I dragged her into the room. It was a storage area of some kind. Boxes and crates were piled on top of each other, providing the perfect spot for a little privacy. We would be hidden from thugs or anyone else with prying eyes.

  The door closed behind us, plunging us into darkness. I pushed Sam back toward one of the crates. She wrapped her arms around my neck, locking herself against me like I might try to escape.

  Never, baby.

  I lifted her on top of the crate, never breaking our kiss. The position put her just where I needed her. I nudged her legs apart and moved between them, my hands going to the tiny buttons on the front of her dress. I started on the first one, my fingers too big for the damn things.

  She grabbed my belt buckle, surprising me. I prayed she would unbuckle it, but her fingers stayed still. I don’t know if she was scared or just nervous, but it was okay. We would both be naked soon. I would make sure of it.

  My mouth traveled down her throat, licking her skin and committing the taste to memory. I kissed her collarbone then nipped at it, hating that at one time it protruded from her body because of hunger.

  I forced the thought away and concentrated on the buttons of her dress, rushing to get them undone. I had unbuttoned half of them when I couldn’t stand it any longer.

  I kissed the top curve of her breast as soon as it was exposed. She was breathing hard and I was losing my mind. Forget the rest of the buttons, I had to have her now.

  “Sam, I want you to be inside you,” I said, my mouth moving lower on her breast. “Tell me it’s fucking okay.”

  She moaned with pleasure. I took that as a yes. I pushed her dress up her thighs, my fingers tight on her skin. As soon as the material was around her hips, I touched the edge of her panties and knew I was homeward bound. I slipped a finger under the soft silk and tugged, wanting them off. Pronto.

  “What the hell! You’re not supposed to be in here!”

  Sam gasped and I froze, my fingers still inside her panties. Hazy light shined into the room through the open doorway, cutting across the floor toward us. I reluctantly removed my fingers and pulled her dress down, gathering the edges to cover her. She watched me with wide eyes, both desire and fear in their depths.

  I ignored the feelings rushing through me and swung around, my body positioned in front of Sam to protect her.

  A big bouncer stood in the doorway, looking mean and dangerous. I didn’t care. I had taken out guys bigger than him. The devil in me wanted to tear into him for interrupting what was going to be my trip to heaven but I resisted. I grabbed Sam’s wrist and started for the door. She followed me as we hurried from the room, squeezing by the angry bouncer in the doorway.

  We emerged into the hallway again. It was only a short distance to the door marked “Exit” but I couldn’t get there fast enough. Sam and I had unfinished business that I was going to ta
ke care of. I let my fingers slip down to grasp her hand. I wasn’t one to hold hands with a girl but with Sam all my rules flew out the window. For right now … right here … she was mine.

  I opened up the exit door and was surprised to see a storm had moved in. Rain fell in sheets and thunder boomed across the sky. I paused on the threshold, Sam at my back, and stared out into the rain, trying to guesstimate our chances of making it to my car without becoming soaked.

  “Walker, wait!” Sam said, stopping me when I took a step forward.

  I turned to look down at her, desire flaring in my body when I saw her swollen, kissed lips begging for more.

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered.

  Here we go. Back to the start line. Back to her hating me and me being an ass despite what I wanted.

  “You have no choice,” I deadpanned. “You’re leaving.”

  I wanted her on her back, spread eagle for me, but more than anything, I wanted her safe. If I had to put my desire on hold to get it, I would.

  Sam opened her mouth to argue but I didn’t give her a chance. I dashed into the rain, my hand holding hers, dragging her with me.

  We both were soaked within seconds. My hair was plastered to my head and my shirt stuck to my body. The wetness against my chest felt good. It was the closest thing to a cold shower I could have until I got home.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Sam and almost stopped in my tracks. Her dress clung to her body, outlining her pert breasts and the space between her legs. Her slim waist was tiny, the thin material hugging it like it was holding on for dear life. Her black hair hung down in wet strands and her pale, flawless skin showcased every freckle dotting her cheeks and delicate nose. She made sexy look like a bag lady. The word sexy just didn’t do her justice. ‘Perfection’ wasn’t strong enough and ‘beautiful’ didn’t seem appropriate either. Sam was just everything in this world that was good.

  Another reason why my black-hearted soul shouldn’t touch her.

  I pushed aside the urge running through my body and ran across the parking lot, pulling her along with me. The rain fell harder, making the ground slippery as we raced to the car.