Read Sweet Destruction Page 25

  “Mmm,” was the only answer I could manage.

  “Deeper?” he asked, his mouth moving to my jawline.

  “Yes,” I whispered breathlessly as waves rippled over me.

  I inhaled sharply and almost shot to my knees as he thrust two fingers into me, not holding back. He ran his other hand around to my spine, keeping me in place as he slid his fingers in and out of me, sending me soaring.

  I dropped my hand down to his abdomen, resting it on his stomach. He was sitting at an incline, his long legs spread out in the floorboard. It was just the right angle to give me room to reach his zipper. As his fingers moved in me, I lowered his zipper, careful to avoid touching the knife wound in his side.

  “Take me out,” he demanded, his mouth leaving mine so he could watch me.

  I pushed his jeans out of the way and wrapped my hand around his cock.

  “God, Sam,” he whispered, throwing his head back against the headrest and closing his eyes as I squeezed.

  A small smile lifted my lips as I watched pleasure cross his face. I loved that I had that much control of him. It was awe-inspiring.

  I was moving my hand up and down when I felt a drop of wetness appear on his tip. I started to run my thumb over it when Walker’s eyes snapped open. He grabbed the back of my head and tugged me toward him, his mouth going to mine. He became demanding and impatient, his lips forcing mine open to plunge his tongue inside.

  “Lift up,” he said dragging his mouth from mine.

  I couldn’t very well rise to my knees on the seat but I did the best I could. My head hit the cloth-covered roof and my left knee was pushing into the door handle but I somehow managed.

  As soon as I was off his lap, he pushed his jeans out of the way with hurried movements. When they were down around his knees, he reached for me, grasping my waist.

  “Tell me,” he ordered. “What do you want?”

  I only paused a second.

  “You inside me,” I said, barely able to speak.

  “We do this, Sam, you’re mine. Understand?” Walker said, his eyes holding something serious in them that I had never seen before.

  “I thought I was already yours,” I shot back, getting impatient.

  Walker voice took on a possessive edge. “You’ve always been mine, sweetheart, you just didn’t know it.”

  “Then take what is yours.”

  He grabbed the back of my head and tugged my lips down to meet his. His mouth was wild and burning. I felt his hardness nudge at my opening, spreading me wider to accommodate him. I squeezed my eyes tighter and tightened my fists in his shirt a second before he thrust up into my body, tearing through my barrier in one lunge.

  I tore my mouth from his and cried out, pain ripping through me.

  “Shit,” he murmured, taking control of my mouth again, swallowing my cries and holding me tight. “You okay?”

  I nodded then grimaced, my body invaded. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. His hardness stretched me an impossible amount, filling me completely. I wanted to push away from him, but I couldn’t do it.

  Pain raced across Walker’s face. “Damn, honey, I’m sorry. You’re just so incredibly tight.” His length pulsated in me but stayed still, letting me get used to the feeling him inside me. “I’ve got to start moving,” he grumbled, dipping his head down to my neck. “I have to.”

  Another cry escaped me when he pushed into me more. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled, pain ricocheting through me. It felt like he was splitting me in two. He was too wide and too big. The invasion, the size of him, scared me.

  I put my hands against his chest, stopping him. “It’s too much,” I said on a breath of air.

  He stopped kissing my neck and glanced up at me, his dark hair falling over his brow. “Just hold onto me, sweetheart. Let your body get used to me. I’ll be gentle this first time.”

  Oh, god.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up, sliding out of me halfway. With his hands on my hips, he glided me back down, sinking into me again. He did it a few more times. Slow. In and out. In and out, my wetness increasing. Then he reached between us and touched me. Raw craving built in me, the pain forgotten. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as he picked up speed, becoming rougher, plunging into me harder. My breasts rubbed against his chest, making the peaks sensitive. It only added to the heightening desire.

  “Damn,” he swore, moving faster, thrusting in and out of me.

  I threw my head back, letting my hair swing down and touch my bottom. He grabbed the rounded cheeks of my ass and started moving faster, grasping me tight and driving into me. I opened my eyes a slit to see his jaw clenched tight, his eyes fixated on the junction of our bodies.

  Catching me watching him, his eyes moved up to meet mine. Passion stared back at me, a raw animalistic power he was holding in check. I knew he was controlling himself for me and I didn’t like it.

  I wanted the Walker that I knew.

  I grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head toward me. He groaned and sat up, one arm wrapped around my waist. Moving up and down on his hardness, I kissed him, sliding my tongue into his mouth.

  His shaft glided in and out of me faster, slamming into me with need. I held back a whimper and drew his bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on it gently as he pounded into me. Suddenly, he went tense.

  “Condom,” he said against my lips, stilling.

  It took me a second to realize he was reaching behind me, searching the pocket of his jeans for his wallet. Unable to find it, he wrapped one of his hands around my waist and sat up straighter, keeping me on him. Leaning forward, he reached for his jeans again.

  Heat flared up my body as the position drove him deeper into me, rubbing against a sensitive spot. I moaned and moved my hips, needing to explore that feeling some more.

  “Goddamn, Sam, don’t move,” he rasped, finally finding the condom in his wallet.

  “I can’t help it,” I said, rocking my hips on him. “You feel so good in me.”

  He growled and grasped me to him, his mouth capturing mine again. His fingers were tight on my arms, a condom wrapper poking my skin from one of his hands.

  Leaving my mouth, he tore the wrapper open with his teeth like a starving animal after a meal. He dropped it on the floorboard then lifted me up, his hardness sliding from me.

  “Just give me a second. I can’t come in you,” he said, grabbing himself and rolling the condom down his length. When he had it in place, he eased back into me.

  I shuddered as his cock went deep. But it only lasted a minute. He was pulling out and plunging back into me, building speed. My lips parted, little breaths rushing in and out, as stars appeared in my vision. My body caught on fire, each inch of me threatening to burst apart.

  “Cole,” I whispered, feeling like I was falling.

  “I know,” he said hoarsely, reading my mind. “God, I know.” His hips jerked and pumped in powerful thrusts, moving faster and faster.

  I cried out as the orgasm hit me, shattering every fiber of my being. Reality burst and exploded in a rainbow of colors, leaving me in whimpers and cries.

  “That’s it, come for me,” Walker said, increasing his speed. “I’m almost there, baby. Almost fucking there.”

  He increased his speed, pulling out to plunge back into me, burying himself as deep as he could go. With one more thrust, he let out a primal growl and shuddered, his body shaking as he reached his own release. I could feel him pulsate deep within me, emptying into the condom, throbbing against my tightness as he came.

  We were both breathing deeply, sweaty and sticky. Walker laid his forehead against mine, his chest rising and falling quickly. For a few minutes, we held each other, our bodies floating down from the high.

  “You’re my new addiction,” Walker said, his voice a deep rumble in the quiet car. “I’m hooked.”

  “Then feed your habit,” I whispered, the words slipping out before I could stop them. “Love me

  Walker grew still, his hands tightening on my hips.

  Oh, hell. I squeezed my eyes closed, mortification coloring my cheeks. Why did I say that? Can’t I keep my mouth shut? Haven’t I learned my lesson? The little hint and mention of love that Walker had made earlier was just that – little words that meant nothing. When would I get it? Cole Walker didn’t love.

  “Look at me, Sam,” he said quietly, his voice serious.

  I opened my eyes, meeting his black ones.

  “You feel me deep inside you?” he asked.

  I nodded, a blush running up my neck.

  “This is me loving you. It’s the only way I know how.”

  I felt my heart rip in two, lying broken in my chest. The truth hit me. This was us – two people who didn’t know what it was like to love and be loved. One of us had watched a mother search for it in drugs and men, hoping someone would fill the gaping hole in her heart. The other had a dad that love had destroyed, leaving a weak, resentful man behind, addicted to booze and prone to violence.

  Walker and I were both lost, roaming this godforsaken world with nothing but each other and Bentley. Neither of us was capable of love. I wanted it and he didn’t. We couldn’t go back and refused to go forward.

  We were going nowhere.

  But at least we were going together.

  Chapter Twenty–Eight


  I pulled out of Sam reluctantly. Shit, I could stay in her forever, she was so tight and wet around me. I had almost came as soon as I sank into her.

  But I had slowed down for her sake. Fuck, I can’t believe I took her virginity in my car. My damned old, dirty Duster! It wasn’t the way I had wanted it to happen but Sam had given me no choice. Once she crawled into my lap and put her lips on mine¸ I was lost.

  I tossed the used condom out the window, suddenly hating the thing. It was the only time in my life I had wanted to come in a woman. There was just something about the idea of being bareback with Sam that had me wanting to grab her again and repeat what we just did.

  Instead I straightened my clothes and watched as she did the same. Jesus, she was beautiful. Her face was free of all makeup. Freckles danced across her cheekbones and nose – little dots of brown that I had stared at my whole life. Her lips were absent of the red lipstick. Gotta say that I loved the red but her bare, pink lips were sexy. Almost making me want to lean over and kiss her swollen mouth again.

  I cleared my throat and zipped up my jeans, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened. If someone had told me two years ago that I would be here right now, trying to recover from the fucking of a lifetime, the scent of Sam on my fingers and around my dick, I would have laughed in their face.

  And maybe knocked their teeth out just for saying fuck and Sam Ross in the same sentence. Maybe I should kick my own ass for saying that crap about loving her.

  I ran a hand over my face, feeling the pull of the cut in my side. I had been just so fucking mad when I saw those gang members eyeing her, hunger in their eyes. I just lost it. Sam was mine and I would kill to protect what was mine.

  I grimaced and sat up straighter, pushing the thought out of my mind.

  “Did I hurt you?” Sam asked, looking pointedly down where the cut was in my side.

  “No. I’ll be fine,” I said harshly, cursing myself as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I sounded like a grade A asshole. So what if I was a fuck ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy. Sam was different. I should treat her better.

  “I’m okay, Sam,” I said backtracking, trying for a gentler voice. Truth was I wasn’t okay. I was shaken to my core. I had a paper cut four inches long. My dick could go for another round. And I was a mess because I was afraid I might actually be falling for her.

  “I’ll drive,” I said, unlocking the car door and climbing out before she could argue. She could drive a stick just fine but the image of her driving my car, her hand wrapped around my gearshift like it belonged there, could knock me to my knees and make me beg her for anything and everything. There was just something about Sam driving a fast car that made me rock hard and want her even more.

  If that was even possible.

  I took quick strides around the bumper, keeping my eye on the area. I couldn’t believe we had sex in the back alley between a liquor store and piss-poor row houses. The thought made me sick. Sam deserved better. It just proved how wrong I was for her.

  I glanced up at the K Street Liquor sign. Damn. I needed a drink. The thirst had been there all night, ever since I had woke up to Bentley calling me, telling me he needed a ride home from jail.

  First thing he did was tell me to go get Sam. He was really messed up and wanted to make sure she was safe and with me. I don’t know what shit he was involved in but I didn’t argue. I drove straight to her house, fighting the craving for a shot every mile it took to get there.

  I forgot about the impulse to drink as soon as those guys cornered us. And the thirst took a backseat when Sam crawled into my lap, giving me something else I was addicted to.


  But now it was back. The craving. It clawed at my insides. My hands shook as I got behind the wheel. All I needed was to get Bent and get back home. Then I’d be surrounded by booze. I could drown my stupid mistakes in a bottle.

  That’s all I needed.

  I ran my gaze over Sam. Well, almost everything.


  “So you’re telling me that you just got off scot-free?” Sam asked Bent from the backseat.

  I glanced in the rearview mirror as we sped down the freeway. She was sitting in the back of my car, her sexy long legs taking up the space behind the passenger’s seat. I wanted to run my hands up and down them, maybe make them disappear under those things she called shorts.

  “Yep. Scot-free. Not even bail,” Bent said, interrupting my daydream. He was slouching down in the seat and looked like crap. There were circles under his eyes. Didn’t help that one of them was black and swollen. His hair was messy, the blonde strands looking like they hadn’t been washed in a day or two. His jeans were torn on one knee and his white button-down shirt had black smudges on it. But more than anything, he looked rattled, almost terrified.

  Jail could do that to you. I know.

  “So what exactly did you do to get arrested?” I asked, glancing at him quickly before focusing on the road again.

  Bentley avoided my question and I knew he would never answer it with Sam in the car. He was pissed that she had to see him this way. He had his own demons but Sam didn’t know what they were. Hell, I wasn’t sure I knew.

  I glanced in the rearview mirror again as I pulled up in front of her house. I wanted to take her home with me, plant her in my bed, and never let her leave, but I knew that she would balk at the idea so I didn’t even try. Plus, Bent would kill me if he knew what happened between Sam and me. I had no intentions of ever telling him either.

  Sam watched her house come into view with an emotionless expression on her face. She probably wanted to kill me but there was not much I could do about that. My plan was to go home and get stinking drunk with Bent. He looked like he needed it.

  “It’s late. Just come home with us, Sam,” Bent spoke up, suddenly coming alive as we pulled up to her trailer.

  “I gotta get up in a few hours and go to work. I’ll just sleep here,” she said. I could hear the hurt in her voice and it hit me in the gut, making my need for alcohol all that much worse.

  “’Kay,” Bent said, rubbing his forehead. I swear if he was coming down off a high, I would kick his ass from here to tomorrow. That’s one thing neither of us had ever done – drugs – and if he was messed up in them, I would never let him near Sam again. I didn’t want her around that shit.

  As soon as I pulled into her driveway, Sam opened her door without waiting for the car to stop. I ground my teeth. Did she really hate me that much? Was I really that fucking bad just because I said I couldn’t love her? Yeah, the monster in me whispered.

/>   I threw the gearshift into park and hopped out. “I’ll walk you in,” I said, ignoring the curious look Bent threw my way.

  Sam didn’t wait for me. She headed for the front door, her strides brisk. I walked behind her, enjoying the view of her perfect ass under the moonlight. An image of my hands holding it while my dick plunged deep into her crossed my mind. I grew hard and wanted nothing else but to follow her into her bedroom and waste away the next few hours between her legs. It was a good plan, but I had my doubts it would go over so well with her right now.

  A few feet from the door, I reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “What?” she snapped over her shoulder, not stopping.

  “Listen,” I said, peeking over at my car. Bentley had his head resting back against the seat back, his eyes closed. “I’m … I…” Dammit. I had never been so tongue-tied around a woman before. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Sam swung around, her black hair whipping across my chest. “Don’t give me any of your excuses, Walker. We had sex. So what? I don’t need a bunch of fake words oozing fake crap that guys say to girls after they fuck. I’m smarter than that. And I get it - you don’t love me and I don’t love you. We did the deed and can move on now. I say screw the whole idea of us. Saves us both a bunch of headaches.”

  Shit, why did that hurt so much? And why the hell did it send panic racing through me? I ground my teeth and tightened my fingers on her arm, hating that her words could affect me so much. With a hand around her forearm, I jerked her the rest of the way to the door, rage clouding my judgment.

  “Ouch! You’re hurting me!” Sam hissed, trying to pry my fingers off her.

  “Get over it, Ross. You just pissed me off.”

  I unlocked her front door with annoyed motions, cussing the screen door halfway hanging off the doorframe. Once I had the door unlocked, I hauled her inside. The trailer was dark, the smell of rotten wood and stale cigarettes making me angrier.

  “What the hell, Walker?” Sam screeched, trying to jerk out of my grasp.

  I grabbed both of her arms and swung her around, pushing her up against the inside wall. With an angry smack, I slammed the front door closed, plunging us into darkness. I could hear her breathing heavily and could almost see her breasts rising and falling under that ugly but sexy as hell sweatshirt.