Read Sweet Fall Page 3

  “So where’s Ally and Molls?” I asked. Ally, the prettiest girl I’d ever seen, courtesy of her Spanish mother’s Latino exotic looks, and Molly, our British transfer genius who had just arrived here at UA a few months back to get her Masters. She was beautiful underneath her mass of brown hair and thick geek glasses. And Molly, the most private girl I knew, had managed to capture the attention of the most popular guy on campus—Rome “Bullet” Prince, Ally’s cousin and star quarterback for the Tide.

  “Studying, I think?” Cass finally answered.

  Cass shifted in her seat and, glancing at the slightly ajar door, leaned forward. “What the hell’s up with Molls and Rome?”

  “I don’t know. Never known the guy to care for anyone but his friends, and then Molls arrives and suddenly he’s always watching her, trying to talk to her.”

  “He’s sure got folks talking.”

  “Has Molls said anything else about it to you?” I asked.

  Cass hit me with her yeah-right expression. “Nah, darlin’. You know that chick’s not into sharing her feelings. But, fuck, Rome Prince! What I wouldn’t give to be rammed from behind by that dude!”

  My eyes darted to movement at the door. “Hey, Molls! Hey, Ally!”

  Molly timidly entered the room, pushing her thick black glasses up on her nose. Ally followed behind, scowling at Cass in reprimand.

  “What are you talking about? I heard my name mentioned,” Molly asked warily.

  I swallowed and snapped my gaze to Cass, who was just casually lounging back on the loveseat.

  “Erm…” I mumbled, thankful my white makeup covered the red blush of my embarrassment.

  Cass rolled her eyes. “We were talking about you getting all dripping wet for Rome Prince! Mr. Turn-any-pussy-into-a-faucet!”

  Ally made a gagging sound. “Cass! He’s my cousin! Jesus Christ! The guy’s like my damn brother!”

  Molly’s brown eyes were huge behind the lenses of her glasses, and she sputtered, “Bloody hell, Cass! Could you be any more crude!”

  Cass winked. “Okay, we’re talking about how Bullet Prince’s got a big rock-hard boner for you.” She looked at Molls. “That better for her majesty?”

  Molly was now bright red, and Ally put an arm around her shoulders. “Nothing’s happening between us,” Molly muttered. Even Ally looked like she didn’t believe that excuse of a statement.

  “Bullshit!” Cass spat out.

  Molly dropped her books on my dresser and her hands hit her hips. “Cass, enough!”

  Cass shrugged. “Whatever, Molls. You’ll be riding that bullet train in no time; you mark my words.”

  Molly sighed and gripped the bridge of her nose. “Why do I bother?” she whispered.

  “So now I’m with my hunky cowboy JD, Molls is sooo gonna be boning Bullet, Ally, well, she’s just too beautiful to remain single for long, so that only leaves you, Sexy Lexi, my little goth princess,” Cass said, leaning forward on the seat.

  Molly and Ally walked over and sat beside me. Molly stared at the wooden floor. Cass tended to induce that shell-shocked demeanor in our timid English friend.

  “I don’t think so, Cass. Not into the boy thing, thanks,” I assured.

  Cass nodded and pursed her lips. “Ahh… You’re into pootang, not pork swords. The makeup, the weird clothes, the metal music, it finally makes sense.”


  “No, Lex, I get it. I’ve seen you checking out my rack. It’s cool. There’ll be some pussy we can hook you up with. I know, we’ll start with the ladies soccer team. Those bitches love—”

  “Cass! I’m not a lesbian! Just stop!”

  “Okay, calm down, girl! Ain’t no shame in licking clits.”

  “Good Lord! Molly, Ally, can you get through to her!” I said, clearly exasperated beyond measure.

  Molly laid her hand on my back, causing me to stop breathing and clench my teeth. I hated my back being touched.

  Molly faced Cass. “I think she is simply saying she is not ready for a boyfriend yet, Cass. Leave her be. It’s none of our business.”

  Cass was suddenly serious. “Why, Lex? You’ve never had a guy in the entire time I’ve known you. What’s going on?”

  My heart set off thundering in my chest and my palms began to sweat. Molly’s hand froze on my back, and I knew she’d felt my tense reaction. At least she was the one person who was more private that me; she wouldn’t say anything.

  “I just don’t, Cass. Let’s draw a line under that conversation, ’kay?”

  Cass sighed and threw up her hands but let it go when I moved to check out the time on my phone.

  Hell, I’m late!

  I jumped from the bed and grabbed for my purse.

  “You okay, darlin’?” Ally asked in concern, and I nodded with rote enthusiasm.

  “I-I-I got a practice I g-gotta get to,” I sputtered evasively and began searching around my room for my car keys. I actually had my session with Dr. Lund, my shrink, and lately, they were essential. My thoughts were skirting into dangerous territory.

  Ally’s eyebrows pulled down. “The cheer squad doesn’t have a practice tonight.” I froze, kept my back to my friends, and tried to come up with an excuse. I’d slipped up. Ally had only just quit the cheer squad to focus on her studies. She knew the schedule inside out.

  “I… I set up a private session with Lyle. We’re gonna work on our stunts. Talk to you guys soon.”

  As I exited the door, Cass gripped my hand. “You sure you’re okay, Lex? You’ve been real distracted lately. You’re not being yourself.”

  Painting on my biggest faux smile, I nodded my head and adopted my go-to fake cheery persona. “Of course I am, Cass. My life’s just crazy hectic right now. I’m good, sweetie. I promise.”

  With that, I fled out my door, dropping the act and becoming the real me for a little while.

  Chapter Four


  “And then this chick just dropped to her knees and ripped down my zipper—”

  “For fuck sake, Reece, shut you’re goddamn mouth!” Rome threw down the barbell he was lifting and just glared at Reece, the freshman second-string QB who’d started to follow us around like a needy fuckin’ puppy.

  “What? It’s not like you ain’t getting plenty ’a pussy, Bullet. Some of us are just happy with your castoffs. It was that redhead you screwed a few months back. The hot one with the huge rack.” He lifted his hands and motioned out from his chest.

  I shook my head at the kid. Rome was about ready to rip off his head.

  “Reece, man, go get two Gatorades, now,” I ordered. Shaking his head, the surfer-looking freshman hightailed it to the break room.

  Rome walked toward me, clenching his fists. “I’m gonna wind up killing that damn kid before the year’s out,” he said tightly.

  “He’s just young. You were like that once.”

  Rome then glared at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I was never that fuckin’ desperate,” he bit out. “I mean, fuck! Waiting for my slutty scraps?”

  Standing up, I slapped him on the back. “You never had to be like him. Born pussy magnet, even as kids. No doubt you’ll get drafted this year and go on to marry a damn supermodel.” A strange look crossed his face, but I ignored it. Whatever was eating him was his deal.

  My cell gave him a quick reprieve as it vibrated in the pocket of my training shorts. Pulling it out, I read the screen:

  Axel: On campus. At Denny Chimes. Got business. You around?

  My heart sank to my stomach.

  It can’t be. It can’t be him who’s dealing. He wouldn’t do it to me. Not Axel. The motherfucker had better not be doing this to me!

  “I gotta go,” I said to Rome and grabbed my towel, slinging it over my shoulder.

  “Need me to come with you?” Rome asked sadly.

  Stopping midstride, not looking back, I shook my head. “Nah, man, I’m good.”

  A hand gripped my arm, and I let out a frustrated sig
h and glanced over my shoulder. Rome was staring at me, concern in his eyes.

  “Carillo, don’t fuckin’ take on this shit on your own. I have your back. Axel isn’t screwing up your free ride here with the Tide. I’m not gonna let that shit happen. Not to you. Not now you’ve got this far.”

  Running my hand over my head, I pulled my arm back and backed away. “Rome, don’t. I’ll take care of it.”

  Before he had a chance to argue with me, I burst outta the door and into the warm night air. Casting a look around, I set to sprinting to the south side of the quad. Hell, I was flying, needing to stop my brother dealing on school ground.

  It took me less than two minutes to see movement from behind the Denny Chimes, the large tower in the quad, protected by the shade of trees. A tweaking-looking kid scurried past me, stuffing a small white packet into his cargo shorts. I kept my head down so he wouldn’t recognize me, but I saw what he’d just bought.


  Fuckin’ cocaine.

  Coke on campus… Fuck! Coach had been right.

  “Austin, there you are, man. I was thinking you weren’t gonna show.”

  I flew forward, ready to tear my eldest brother a new asshole, when I caught someone walking out from the shadows.

  My heart skipped a motherfucking beat.


  No… no… no… no, no, no, no, no, no!


  “Hey, Austin!” Levi said, waving, and my stomach rolled to the point I felt sick. My baby brother came strutting forward, jeans and T-shirt too big for his teenage body and all the pockets weighed down with perfectly measured packets of snow. He was fairer than me and Axel, who, quite frankly, could pass for my twin. Levi was our baby brother… the damned innocent one. The one who still had a chance stay clear of the wrong side of the law.

  I knew he was working with the crew, of course. We all did as kids, but it was doing things like being a lookout back at the trailer park or counting out cash and collecting packages, but no fucker had mentioned he’d started dealing.

  I flicked my chin in greeting and, pulling him to my chest, met Axel’s eyes over his shoulder. Axel’s face dropped and he turned away. He knew I was pissed, but, knowing Axel, he didn’t give a shit.

  “Done good tonight, bro. Nearly got enough for Mamma’s next treatment,” Levi said, pride lacing his voice as he pulled back to look at me.

  Closing my eyes, I took a long, deep breath.

  “Austin?” Levi questioned, and I felt his eyes focused on me. “You good?”

  Opening my eyes, I pulled him close by gripping his two-sizes-too-big shirt. “When did you start dealing with the crew?” I hissed out, and Levi took a huge fuckin’ gulp, the blood draining from his face.

  Levi’s gray eyes darted back to Axel, who was walking toward another group of guys heading in our direction. Great. More frat boys looking for a fix, a fix from my fuckin’ doppelganger… at my school!

  Yanking Levi back, I placed us behind the protection of a tree, way outta sight. I couldn’t be seen dealing or even be associated with dealers, or my scholarship would be revoked on the spot. The dean was already suspicious. Hell, he never even wanted me in his school. It was Coach’s persistence and Rome Prince’s demands that had him caving in. He’d never wanted the boy with the rap sheet from the trailer park on the wrong side of the tracks.

  This shit would play right into his hands.

  Checking that we were hidden, I shook Levi, who was busy staring at the ground, by the collar. “Levi! When the hell did you get recruited to deal coke?” I hissed.

  “‘Bout a month ago,” he admitted reluctantly.

  “A month,” I stated in disbelief.

  A goddamn fuckin’ month.

  He nodded, and I gripped his head in my hands. “Fuck, Levi. Why? I told you never to go down that road. Do easy shit for the crew, that’s fine. But not this! You’re a born wide receiver like me, but you gotta get your grades, focus on school to get in here at UA. The crew, Lev, the motherfuckin’ crew! Gio won’t ever let you leave. Ain’t no way we’re both getting out!”

  Levi pulled back and rested his back against the tree, arms folded over his chest in defiance, a scowl firmly on his face. “Mamma’s getting worse, Aust. Medicare ain’t cutting it no more. We wanna keep her pain free, we need to pay for it. She needs a frame all the time now too. She hasn’t left the trailer in weeks. Can’t walk without shaking and falling to a heap on the floor.”

  Levi’s eyes filled with tears, and my throat clogged up tight at the sight. The kid was fourteen. four-fuckin’-teen. He shouldn’t be concerning himself with paying for medical bills, selling drugs, or taking care of Mamma.

  “And why the fuck has this been hidden from me?” I asked through gritted teeth, my jaw aching from the pressure.

  Levi dropped his head. “Mamma never wanted you to know. Said you had enough to worry about. And I knew you wouldn’t approve of me being in with the Heighters.”

  And hell if that didn’t make me feel like shit.

  “Look, Aust, we gotta make bank somehow. Axel ain’t making enough on his own no more, not now there’s a turf war with the Kings. He’s out all the damn time, trying to make more green. You’re here, trying to make the draft… That only leaves me. I gotta step up, take care of business, be the man of the house. I’m good. The brothers in the crew look out for me, especially Gio. They’re my famiglia, my brothers.”

  Christ, if his words didn’t cut right through me. Fuckin’ Gio looks out for no one but himself.

  I leapt forward and slammed Levi by his chest against the rough bark. “They ain’t your famiglia, Lev. The cops come for you and they won’t do shit. I’m your famiglia. I’m your fuckin’ brother! I’m your blood! Io sono il tuo sangue!”

  Levi’s eyes widened at my pissed-off tone, and I ran my hand over my head, trying to breathe real slow. “Look, it’s not your responsibility, Levi. You’re the baby. You’re Mamma’s pride and joy, for fuck sake. Axe and me, she knows the fuck-ups we are. You. You’re her goddamn favorite. Make her proud! Fuck! Make her proud of one of us before it’s too late, please!”

  Nothing but silence stretched between us until Levi whispered, “She’s dying, Austin. I’m not gonna be no one’s favorite before too long. I won’t be making no one proud. I gotta be sure her last days aren’t spent in pain. I can’t bear looking at her screaming in agony for one more day. You’re not around. Axel’s never there. It kills me…”

  I set off to take him in my arms when Axel’s loud voice cut into the quiet. “Bitch, you better get to walking if you know what’s fuckin’ good for you!”

  “Shit!” I spat out, catching sight of the police’s Ford making its rounds in the distance, heading straight our way. The dean had bulked up the campus PD in the last few weeks.

  I poked my head around the tree, only to see Axel crowding some student up against the tower.

  Shit, shit, shit!

  The lights from the car were growing closer, and I had to get my asshole of a brother out of here. And Levi too. Last thing the kid needed was a record and a stint in juvie.

  Turning to Levi, I said. “Go. Get to Axel’s truck. I’ll get Axe.”

  His mouth moved to argue, but seeing I wasn’t about to take his shit, he hightailed it across the quad.

  Taking a deep breath, I ran out from behind the tree and straight to Axel. He still had the chick against the brick of the tower.

  “You haven’t seen shit, right? You’re not gonna mention what you saw tonight to no one. You hearing me, bitch? You need to keep your fuckin’ mouth shut!” he said through clenched teeth.

  “N-n-no… I promise… Please… just let me go… I’m begging you.” The chick’s voice was tiny and shaking with obvious fear.

  I had to stop Axel before he went too far. Hell, he wasn’t adding assault to his list of misdemeanors too.

  Walking behind Axel, I gripped his arms and wrenched him back. “Back the fuck off, Axe,” I ordered as Axel stum
bled back. Looking over Axel’s shoulder, a pair of huge green eyes glanced up at me, and I stilled.

  Hell. It was that cheerleader. The one I’d spoken to after the game.

  I tipped my head up to the sky. Someone up there really fuckin’ hates me.

  Axel was suddenly in my face. “The bitch saw too much. She needs to know she can’t talk. I gotta deal with this shit now! Can’t have no loose ends,” he hissed out, his hands fisted at his sides as the cheerleader seemed to sink her tiny body back even farther against the wall, eyes darting everywhere but on us. She was crying, for fuck sake. Her black makeup was all over her pale face.

  “She won’t.” I looked at the chick. “Will you?” I practically growled. She was frozen with fear. “Fuckin’ tell him!”

  More water filled her eyes and she began shaking her head. “I-I-I won’t.”

  Spinning Axel around by his arm, I said, “The cops are just about here. You need to split. I’ll make sure she doesn’t squeal.” Axel spit on the ground at her feet before pushing past me, but not before I grabbed his bicep again, my mouth at his ear. “You and me need to talk. You’ve fucked up, brother—Levi dealing for the crew, bringing this to my school, everything! I’m not gonna let this shit go.”

  Scoffing a laugh at my threat, Axel ripped his arm from my hand and marched off in the direction of the parking lot. I watched him go, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I wasn’t getting a good feeling about something. Like some big fuckin’ omen was following my brothers. It was obvious Axel was getting in deeper with the crew, moving up, getting in tighter with Gio, and by the looks of things, dragging Levi with him.

  Dragging him straight into hell.

  A shuffling sound from behind me pulled my attention.

  Shit. The chick. I’d almost forgotten about her.

  Just as I turned around, I caught her edging away, trying to make her escape. That is until she saw me watching and froze, like a damn deer caught in headlights. I had to sort this shit quick, protect my family. No matter the cost.