Read Sweet Persuasion Page 11

Page 11


  “So, if we can direct the conversation back to me and my impending slavery,” Serena said.

  “By all means,” Julie said airily. “Don’t let my fantasies about being sandwiched between two hot men interrupt you. ”

  Serena looked at Faith. “Do you think I’m making a mistake by letting Damon fulfill my fantasy?”

  Faith pressed her lips together for a moment. “Honestly, no. I’m not sure you could ask for a better man. I’m surprised that he agreed, or offered I suppose I should say, since you didn’t exactly ask him, but I actually think he’s perfect for you. And it certainly helps that he’s so freaking hot. ”

  Serena watched as Julie sent her eyes toward the ceiling. “Green isn’t your color, Julie,” Serena teased.

  Julie sighed. “That’s me. Jealous bitch. ”

  “Why don’t we take Julie out for a drink?” Serena suggested. “Maybe we can get her laid in the process and then God knows her mood would improve. ”

  “I don’t think you were supposed to look so hopeful, Julie,” Faith said as she choked on her laughter.

  Serena discarded her towel, slid off the table and wrapped her robe around her body. “Well, come on then. Let’s get decent and go imbibe. Considering what I agreed to yesterday, I think I could use a drink or three. ”

  “Yeah, well, just promise me you’ll give me all the down and dirty details of your stint with slavery,” Julie said. “If I get really desperate, I’ll sign up to go a round with Mr. GQ. ”

  “I thought you wouldn’t sleep with guys who’d had sex with your friends?” Serena said with a raised eyebrow.

  “It was very uncharitable of you to remind me of that,” Julie huffed. “It would seem that between you and Faith and the bimbo that’s hovering around Nathan, all the hunks are accounted for. It’s damn sad when I’m actually contemplating leftovers. ”

  “For God’s sake, Julie, shut up,” Faith said. “I thought only men objected to sloppy seconds. ”

  “Honey, apparently your men don’t,” Julie said sweetly.

  “Okay girls, enough. Let’s go get drunk before the catfight starts,” Serena interjected.

  “Drunk and laid,” Julie said as she performed a mock toast.


  When Serena, Julie and Faith walked into Cattleman’s, Julie groaned and tried to turn around and walk back out.

  Sitting at one of the tables was Nathan and a blonde bombshell.

  Faith and Serena each grabbed an arm and hauled Julie forward. “Never let them see you run,” Serena advised. “Walk in here like you own the place, bodacious tatas and all. ”

  Julie glanced down at her chest and then glared across the room at Nathan. With a quick flick of her finger, she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt and arranged it so the barest hint of her lacy bra was bared. Serena had to admit, Julie had some pretty fantastic cleavage.

  An evil gleam entered Faith’s eyes. Sweet, innocent Faith suddenly looked like satanic, scary Faith. She tightened her grip on Julie’s arm then stared purposefully at Serena.

  “Come on, we’re going over there,” Faith announced.

  “What?” Julie all but screeched. She yanked her arm back, but Faith held tight.

  Between Serena and Faith, they dragged her across the floor toward Nathan’s table.

  “I’m going to kill you for this,” Julie hissed just before she pasted on a bright smile.

  Nathan looked up and smiled warmly. “Hello, ladies. ”

  His companion was not so pleased to see them.

  “Hi, Nathan,” Faith said sweetly. “Early day at work?”

  Nathan laughed. “Yeah, just don’t tell Pop. He and Connor are still at a job. ”

  His gaze flickered over Julie and then Serena, and Serena could swear she saw interest in his eyes, especially when he got a good look at Julie’s cleavage.

  Julie smiled, but it was one of those calculating smiles that should have told Serena she was in trouble.

  “Well, it was nice seeing you, Nathan. Call me and we’ll reschedule your massage. We’d stay and chat, but we’re heading over to the bar to discuss Serena’s upcoming auction,” Julie said.

  Faith coughed, and Serena closed her eyes and groaned silently.

  “Auction? What are you selling?” Nathan asked.

  Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it, Julie.

  “Herself,” Julie responded as if it were an everyday occurrence.

  Nathan’s eyebrows shot up, and he turned his gaze to Serena. Even the blonde bimbo looked surprised.

  “Well now, that’s an interesting auction,” Nathan drawled as amusement crept into his eyes. “Is it open to everyone?”

  “Julie’s been drinking,” Serena explained as she dug her fingers into Julie’s side. She could feel the heifer shaking with silent laughter. “It was nice seeing you, Nathan. And you . . . ” She glanced over at the blonde, who looked irritated that Nathan hadn’t introduced her.

  “Nice to see you ladies too,” Nathan said. “Faith, I’ll see you tomorrow. ”

  Julie fluttered her fingers then tossed her hair and followed after Faith toward the bar.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Serena hissed when they slid onto the bar stools.

  Julie laughed. “That’s what you get for hauling me over there. ”

  “Me? Hell, it wasn’t my idea,” Serena sputtered. “It was your sweet friend over there. ”

  “Yeah, well, I’ll get her back as soon as I come up with a way,” Julie said as she threw Faith a dark glance.

  “Well, he noticed your cleavage,” Faith said. “Though I’d think you’d want him to notice more than that. ”

  Julie rolled her eyes. “Oh boy, here we go. Faith’s going to give us the he should want you for yourself, not your attributes speech. Which is nice, but at the moment, I’ll take him noticing me any way it happens. I don’t want to marry the guy. I just want to wrap myself around him a couple of times. ”

  “She needs two drinks,” Serena said as she motioned for the bartender.

  “One for each hand,” Julie said with a grin.

  Faith turned around on her bar stool. “So why are we here again?”

  “To get Julie drunk,” Serena replied.

  “And laid,” Julie spoke up. “Don’t forget the most important part of the equation. ”

  Male laughter sounded behind them.

  “Fuck me,” Julie muttered as she closed her eyes.

  Serena turned around to see Gray Montgomery standing behind them, a wide grin on his face.

  “Interesting conversation. Am I interrupting?”

  “No,” Faith said.

  “Yes!” Julie exclaimed.

  Faith hopped off her bar stool and was immediately enfolded in Gray’s arms. Serena and Julie exchanged eye-rolling glances but they both knew they were being jealous bitches.

  “I take it you’ll be here awhile,” Gray said, amusement still heavy in his voice.

  Faith smiled. “Uh, yeah, we’re sorta plotting the demise of—”

  Julie held up her hand to cut Faith off. “Don’t you dare say his name, Faith, or I swear to God I’ll choke you with your own hair. ”

  Gray chuckled. “I don’t know whether to envy the bastard or feel sorry for him. ”

  He leaned down to kiss Faith again. “I’ll leave you to your girl talk. I’m meeting Micah and Nathan for a drink. I’ll see you at home later. ”

  His hands slid possessively over Faith’s body as he captured one last kiss, and Serena watched unashamedly. The chemistry between those two was tangible.

  “I think you’ll find Nathan otherwise occupied,” Julie said snidely.

  “Oh, you mean his client meeting?” Gray asked. “He’s finished now. ”

  Julie frowned and then she glared at Faith. “Client? The blonde chick is a client? Why didn’t you know she was a client, Faith?”

  Faith shrugged. “Contrary to
popular belief, I do not know everything that goes on at Malone and Sons. ”

  “Are all your clients so . . . clingy?” Julie asked Gray.

  Faith frowned at that and then looked up at Gray. “Yes, are they? You don’t have any business meetings with blonde bim bos, do you?”

  Gray laughed and touched a strand of Faith’s long blonde hair. “You’re the only blonde I have eyes for, baby. ” Then he leaned in for one more kiss. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  He drew away but then frowned at the drinks the bartender had set in front of the women. “Tell you what. I’ll hang around and drive you ladies home when you’re done. ”

  “Fine with me,” Julie said with a shrug. “I rode over with Serena. ”

  “I wasn’t planning on drinking anything,” Serena said as she smiled at Gray. “It was sweet of you to offer, but I can drive Julie home. ”

  “Yes, but now you can drink,” Faith said. “I’m sure Nathan and Micah wouldn’t mind helping to get our cars where they need to go. ”

  Serena almost laughed at how transparent Faith was being.

  “Okay, sounds like a plan to me,” Serena said. “Drink up, girls. ”

  Several drinks later, the three women were laughing, though for the life of her, Serena couldn’t figure out what they were laughing about. Julie was doing an imitation of Nathan’s blonde chick offering to do his massage while Faith tried in vain to get her to lower her voice.

  “Do you think they know we’re talking about them?” Julie asked as she leaned in and yanked a thumb over her shoulder to where Gray, Micah and Nathan sat several tables away.

  “They probably have a good idea,” Serena said dryly. “You aren’t exactly the poster child for discretion. ”

  Julie shrugged. “Oh well, fuck him. ”

  “You’re trying, remember?” Faith said as she stifled her laughter.

  “Not anymore,” Julie announced as she drained the last of her drink. “If he doesn’t appreciate me and my massages, then I’ll find someone else who will. ”

  “Atta girl,” Serena said.

  “Oh, Serena, don’t look now, but Damon just walked in,” Faith whispered.

  Julie whirled around in her seat and promptly sucked in her breath. “That’s Mr. GQ? Damn, he’s . . . nice. Very nice, Serena. I think I might be rethinking my whole stance on submis sives and slaves. ”

  “Turn around and put your tongue back in your mouth,” Serena said. “You’re getting drool on my shirt. ”

  “He’s coming this way,” Julie reported as she swiveled in her chair.

  Serena’s heart beat just a little faster, and she looked to Faith for confirmation. Faith nodded just before she turned and smiled.

  “Damon, such a surprise to see you here,” Faith said as Damon approached.

  Finally Serena turned calmly on her stool to see Damon standing a mere foot away. He was wearing jeans again and a T-shirt. Even casually dressed, though, he positively oozed raw sexuality. And confidence. He stood there like he belonged, as though there were no question that he would be welcomed.

  “Quite a surprise,” Serena agreed. “Came to mingle with us barbarians?”

  Damon chuckled. “Some of my favorite barbarians hang out here, but actually, I was looking for you. Your assistant said I might find you here. ”

  “And here I am. ”

  “Don’t mind us,” Julie muttered. “We can take our drunken carcasses elsewhere. ”

  “Not at all,” Damon said smoothly. “Can I buy you ladies your next drink? I didn’t realize I would be interrupting girls’ night out. ”

  Julie motioned for Faith to move down a bar stool and then Julie hopped up and took the seat that Faith vacated. “Have a seat,” she offered Damon. “If you’re buying drinks, the least you can do is get comfortable. ”

  “Damon, you’ve obviously met Faith, but this is our friend Julie Stanford. Julie, this is Damon Roche. ”

  Julie put her hand out, and Serena silently prayed that Julie would keep her mouth shut about auctions and slavery.

  “Very nice to meet you, Damon. I’ve heard so much about you. ”

  “The pleasure is mine, Julie,” he said as he took her hand in his.

  Then he turned to Serena. “Do you mind if I sit?”

  “Not at all,” she said as she motioned to the stool. “Was there something you needed? Not that I mind you looking me up here,” she hurried to add, “but was there something in particular you wanted?”

  “You,” he said simply.

  Serena swallowed then swallowed again when the knot in her throat wouldn’t disappear.

  “If you don’t already have dinner plans, I thought we could eat together and discuss . . . ”

  He went silent, but his meaning was clear.