Read Sweet Persuasion Page 6

Page 6


  “Oh God, was it more than a threesome?” Julie asked in sudden shock. “What would you call that anyway?”

  “A gang bang?” Serena interjected sarcastically.

  “It was just two,” Faith said in a strangled tone. “Good Lord, what do you think I am, a porn star wannabe?”

  Julie pounced. “Which two?”

  “Gray and Micah,” Faith mumbled.

  Serena looked at her friend with newfound admiration. Sweet, shy Faith Malone was clearly a chick in charge of her sexual destiny. Suddenly she felt good about her decision to plunge forward with her own desires, and it made her feel even better to have shared her plans with her friends. It made her feel not quite so alone.

  Julie made a forlorn noise and did an exaggerated frowny face. “I’m so freaking jealous. I could totally be down with a Connor and Nathan sandwich. ”

  Faith closed her eyes. “Julie, please. I don’t need images of you and my brother burned into my eyeballs. Let’s stop this conversation while we’re still in the realm of decency. ”

  “Decency,” Julie mimicked. “Who the hell wants decency? I want decadence. Hedonism. Clearly I need to be introduced to this Damon guy. ”

  Serena frowned. “You stay away from Damon. ”

  Julie glanced up at her in surprise. “Sheathe the claws, girlfriend. Are you staking a claim on Mr. GQ?”

  Serena’s cheeks tightened in embarrassment. What the hell was she thinking? And why did it irritate her that Julie would want to elbow in on Damon? It wasn’t like Damon was anything to Serena. He was just the conduit between her and whatever man she ended up with for her fantasy.

  Still, the idea of the way-too-pretty Julie batting those gorgeous brown eyes up at Damon made her want to search for sharp objects.

  “You can have him after he’s done what he needs to do for me,” Serena said. “Until then, why don’t you stop pretending you’re some shrinking violet and go after Nathan? You’re acting like you had a brain transplant, for God’s sake. ”

  Julie scowled but Faith nodded in agreement and nudged her as the guys headed in their direction.

  Poor Julie, she looked so hopeful as Nathan approached, but he and Connor were deep in conversation, and neither so much as looked in their direction as they walked by, equipment bags slung over their shoulders.

  Micah, on the other hand, was more than happy to stop and flirt. And he was a gorgeous specimen of a man. Serena had to admit that.

  “Hey, baby doll,” Micah called up to Faith.

  Armed with the new knowledge of Faith’s sexual escapades with Micah and Gray, Serena watched the interaction between the three with interest.

  To her surprise, they acted very naturally. Gray reached up for Faith as she stepped down the bleachers. She smiled and said hello to Micah but wrapped her arms around Gray’s neck as he lifted her down and kissed him with a heat that Serena could feel several feet away.

  Stop being such a jealous whore.

  Faith deserved to be happy and she deserved a man who worshipped the ground she walked on. Serena just wanted one too.

  Micah stared at Julie with undisguised interest in his gaze, but Julie was watching Nathan walk away with what could only be described as a kicked puppy look.

  Serena laughed and shook her head, which drew a curious glance from both Micah and Gray. She grinned mischievously and accepted Micah’s outstretched hand. He helped her down the last step, and she landed on the ground next to him, Gray and Faith.

  Julie wasn’t even looking at Micah’s offer of a hand as she snapped her gaze from Nathan’s retreating back and finally stepped off the bleachers to stand with the others.

  “Would you ladies like to join us at Cattleman’s for a drink?” Micah asked with a lazy smile.

  It was charming, that smile, but for some reason, Serena was having a hard time getting rid of Damon’s features. He was stuck in her mind and refused to budge.

  “Yes, let’s all go over. It’ll be fun,” Faith said as Gray tucked her against his side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “I’m going to head home,” Julie said glumly.

  Faith shook her head in exasperation, and she and Serena exchanged rolling eye glances as Julie walked away.

  “Was it something I said?” Micah asked as he tucked his unruly, dark hair behind his ear.

  Serena grinned and patted Micah affectionately on the arm. Hmm, nice arm too. “Nah, it wasn’t you. She’s pouting. ”

  “I love it when a woman pouts,” Micah said. “It’s such an opportunity to give them what they want. ”

  Faith laughed. “You should never admit that, Micah. ”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? I love pleasing women. ”

  “There is something to be said for pleasing a beautiful woman,” Gray murmured as he nuzzled Faith’s ear.

  “Oh, for the love of God,” Serena said in disgust. “Would you two cut it out?”

  Micah laughed and slid an arm around Serena’s shoulders. She settled in against his side and enjoyed the warmth and power that emanated from him. He smelled nice even with the sweat dampening his shirt.

  “Why don’t you and I ditch the lovebirds and go back to my place?” he asked with a wicked grin.

  Serena smiled. He was playful and sexy as hell, but for some reason, he just didn’t do it for her. Damn shame too because she just knew he’d be awesome in bed.

  She leaned in close and whispered next to his ear, “You couldn’t handle me, honey. ”

  His grip tightened around her as his body tensed against hers. He touched her cheek and turned her face up to meet his gaze.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, baby doll. ”

  She almost groaned. God, she needed to get laid in the worst way.

  “I also won’t be used as second best when the woman you really wanted took off on you. ”

  “What woman?” he asked innocently. “Is there any other woman here but you?”

  “Ahem,” Faith interrupted.

  “Hush, Faith, he’s about to stroke my ego,” Serena reprimanded.

  “I’d stroke more than that if you’d let me. ”

  Serena laughed and then moved even closer until her body was flush against his. Not embarrassed in the least, she slid her hand down his body until she boldly cupped his groin.

  “When I let a man take me, it’s going to be because he’s so hard for me he’s about to come in his pants,” she whispered close to Micah’s neck. “As flattering as your offer is, unless you’ve got some serious size issues in the dick department or you’re just talking to hear your head rattle, it’s clear to me I don’t do it for you. ”

  With that she pulled away, winked saucily in Faith’s direction, fluttered her fingers in a wave good-bye to her, Gray and Micah and then she sashayed off, leaving Micah there gaping like an idiot.

  “Damn it, I just fell in love,” Micah said in a loud voice to Faith and Gray.

  Serena laughed and kept walking.


  Damon stepped from the small crowd of people he’d been conversing with, nodded politely as he passed another couple on his way to the hall. He was usually content to make the rounds at The House and make sure his guests were happy, but instead Serena occupied his thoughts. He was eager to begin the process of turning the upper level into an auction house for Serena’s fantasy. His reality.

  As he started to duck into his office he saw Micah Hudson walk out of the common room and head for the exit.

  “Micah,” he called.

  Micah paused and turned around to look at Damon. “Hey, man. ”

  “You heading out so soon?” Damon gestured toward his office. “Want to have a drink?”

  There was a brief hesitation before Micah ambled forward. “As long as you have something decent. That pussy shit you drink is way too fine for my redneck taste buds. ”

  Damon cracked a grin. “Your taste buds could use some
refining. Leave it to me. ”

  He motioned inward, and he and Micah entered the office. Damon flicked the lights on and headed for the liquor cabinet while Micah slouched into one of the leather chairs near the desk.

  Micah fumbled in his pocket and took out a nearly empty package of cigarettes. He got up and leaned over Damon’s desk for the wooden ashtray that Damon kept more for decoration than for actual use and dragged it back toward him.

  “You mind?” Micah asked even as he put the end of the cigarette between his lips and flicked the lighter.

  Damon shrugged. “Your lungs. I take it you’ve had no luck quitting?”

  “I’m down to one or two a day,” Micah said with an air of indifference. “Pop nags me. I’ll quit. Eventually. ”

  “So why were you heading out so early?” Damon asked as he touched each of the tops of the bottles. Finally he settled on a very nice aged scotch. Way too sophisticated for Micah, but it gave Damon a reason to make fun of him.

  Micah grunted in response. He took the glass that Damon handed him and eyeballed it suspiciously. Before responding, he sniffed it cautiously and put his lips to the rim.

  Damon settled into a chair across from Micah. “So? How is it?”

  “Not bad,” Micah mumbled as he took another drag of his cigarette.

  Damon smiled. “And why were you checking out early? Hot date?”

  Micah snorted. “Like I’ve had one of those in a long time. ”

  “By choice, I’m sure,” Damon said.

  A shadow crossed over Micah’s face. “Yeah, man, by choice. ”

  Damon raised one brow but didn’t press the point. There were other things he wanted to discuss anyway. He watched Micah inhale, savoring the hit for a moment before exhaling a long plume of smoke. “So,” he said casually. “What do you know about Faith’s friend Serena James?”

  “Besides the fact that she’s hot?” Micah flicked his cigarette at the ashtray then took another swallow of the scotch.

  “Her hotness is a given. Any guy with eyes can ascertain that much,” Damon said dryly.

  “You interested?”

  “In a manner of speaking. ”

  “Not your type,” Micah said with a shake of his head.

  “What makes you say that?” Damon asked with only mild curiosity. “I think she might be exactly my type. ”

  “What do you know that I don’t know?” Micah asked. “You’ve got one of those smug, shit-eating grins. Serena . . . she’s hot. Infinitely hot. Strong willed and well, hot. I’ve flirted with her, and she’s given as good as she gets for sure. ”

  “Not to mention she’s driven, intelligent, motivated, honest and confident in her sexuality. ”

  “But not submissive,” Micah said. “Don’t go knocking on doors closed to you, man. Wasn’t once enough?”

  Damon smiled. “Do you know what sort of business Serena runs?”

  “Yeah, fantasy fulfillment, and not the fun kind. ”

  “Well, she wants her own fantasy fulfilled. So she came to me. ”

  Micah leaned forward in interest. He snubbed out his cigarette and fixed Damon with a keen stare. “Are we talking sexual fantasy here?”

  “She wants to be owned,” Damon said. “A slave. She wanted me to arrange for her to be sold in an auction at the house. ”

  “And of course you didn’t think of me,” Micah grumbled.

  “No one else will have her but me,” Damon said quietly.

  Micah studied him for a long moment. “Staking your claim, huh?”

  Damon nodded. “She intrigues me. I want her, and she wants what I can give her. I’m willing to see where it leads. ”

  Micah was already shaking his head. “I can’t believe you signed on for this. Not with the way you view role-playing. ”

  “Who says it has to be a role? I’ll give her the real thing—”

  “And she’ll give you fantasy,” Micah cut in.

  “Your concern is touching,” Damon said with amusement. “I have doubts that the woman I want exists, or if she does, I don’t have a prayer of finding her. For now I’ll take what I can get. ”

  Micah’s expression sobered. A spasm of grief flickered in his eyes before they became cold and unreadable. “She exists, Damon. There are women out there who crave what we can give them. Once you taste it, you can’t ever let go of it,” he said with a note of sadness in his voice.

  Damon studied him oddly, but Micah looked away and drained the last of the alcohol from his glass.

  “I hope it works out for you,” Micah finally said. “Serena seems to be a very passionate woman. Not someone I would have pegged as slave material, but she is indeed beautiful and spirited. I know you’ll take good care of her. ”

  “I plan to,” Damon murmured.

  “Am I invited to the auction?” Micah asked in sudden mischief.

  “Fuck off,” Damon said crudely. “You’d only outbid me and complicate the issue. ”